History test (grade 8) history test (grade 8) on the topic.

Arrange the events of the 19th century in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate the events in correct sequence in reply. 1) the issuance of a decree on "free cultivators" 2) the introduction of the labor of possessory peasants 3) the abolition of serfdom in Russia 4) the transfer by Alexander III of peasants to compulsory redemption 5) the introduction of "lesson years" Answer: 52134

Arrange in chronological order the foreign policy events involving Russia. Write down the numbers that represent historical events, in the correct sequence in response. 1) the conclusion of the Adrianople peace 2) the conclusion of the Russian-French alliance 3) the signing of the Treaty of Nystadt 4) the Unkar-Iskelissky union treaty 5) "Eternal peace" with Poland Answer: 53142

Which three of the following provisions characterize the process of development of education in Russia in the 1990s? 1) the opening of higher courses for women 2) the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 3) the opening of zemstvo schools 4) an increase in the number of parochial schools 5) the foundation of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens 6) the creation of educational programs and workers' schools Answer: 236

Which three of the events listed below relate to the Patriotic War of 1812? Corresponding figures and write them down in the table. 1) the assault on Izmail 2) the battles for Maloyaroslavets 3) the Peace of Tilsit 4) the fire of Moscow 5) the battle of Austerlitz 6) the council in Fili Answer: 246

What are the three public figures of the following were representatives of revolutionary populism? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) P. N. Tkachev 2) N. M. Muravyov 3) M. A. Bakunin 4) V. I. Ulyanov 5) P. L. Lavrov 6) P. I. Pestel Answer: 135

Which three of the following are characteristic of the views of the Slavophiles? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) the adoption of the constitution, the introduction of democratic freedoms 2) the originality of the history of Russia 3) the return to the Zemsky Sobors 4) the abolition of serfdom 5) the development of Russia according to the laws of world history 6) the need to establish bourgeois orders Answer: 234

Which three of the following provisions refer to P. I. Pestel's Russkaya Pravda? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) preservation of estate rights and privileges inviolability 2) the establishment of a constitutional monarchy 3) a unitary state 4) federal state 5) establishment of a republic 6) emancipation of serfs Answer: 356

Which three of the following events relate to the reign of Alexander I? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) preparation by M. M. Speransky of the "Introduction to the code of state laws" 2) the creation of the Unspoken Committee 3) the introduction of a jury 4) the Crimean War 5) the establishment of the State Duma 6) Russia's participation in the Continental Blockade Answer: 126

Which three of the following provisions characterize the period of "Arakcheevshchina"? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) cane discipline in the army 2) granting autonomy to universities 3) judicial reform, the introduction of a jury 4) the creation of military settlements 5) tightening censorship 6) expanding the rights of local self-government Answer: 145

Which three of the following events are related to the Patriotic War of 1812? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) Battle of Smolensk 2) Defense of Sevastopol 3) Battle of Maloyaroslavets 4) Battle of Chesma 5) Defense of Shipka 6) Tarutinsky march maneuver Answer: 136

Which three of the following events occurred on December 14, 1825? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table. 1) the oath of the Senate to Nicholas I 2) the performance of the Chernigov regiment 3) the palace coup, the death of Paul I 4) the accession of Alexander II 5) the execution of the square on Senate Square 6) the arrests of members of the Northern Society in St. Petersburg Answer: 156

What three statesmen held important government posts during the reign of Nicholas I? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) A. Kh. Benkendorf 4) E. F. Kankrin 2) P. D. Kiselev 5) K. P. Pobedonostsev 3) S. Yu. Witte 6) P. A. Stolypin Answer: 124

What are the three provisions related to domestic policy Alexander III? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) increasing the representation of the nobility in the zemstvos 2) granting autonomy to Poland 3) liquidating the world court 4) creating the Peasant and Noble Land Banks 5) granting autonomy to universities 6) developing constitutional projects on behalf of the emperor Answer: 134

Which of the following provisions related to the reign of Nicholas I? List three correct positions. Write your answer in numbers without spaces. 1) the introduction of recruitment into the army 2) the Bironovshchina 3) the establishment of the III department of the imperial office 4) the conduct of P.D. Kiselev reforms in the management of state peasants 5) publication of the Complete Collection of Laws Russian Empire» 6) Arakcheevshchina Answer: 345

Which three of the listed architectural monuments were built in the 19th century? Write down the appropriate numbers for your answer. 1) Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg 2) St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg 3) Moscow University 4) Pashkov House 5) Historical Museum 6) Smolny Monastery Cathedral Answer: 125

What three organizations were created by participants in the populist movement? Write down the appropriate numbers for your answer. 1) "Union of Prosperity" 2) "Narodnaya Volya" 3) "Union of Salvation" 4) "Black Repartition" 5) "Land and Freedom" 6) "Union of True and Faithful Sons of the Fatherland" Answer: 245

What territories were conquered by Russia in the second half of the 19th century? List three areas. Write your answer in numbers without spaces. 1) Khiva Khanate 2) Emirate of Bukhara 3) Kazan Khanate 4) Crimea 5) Kokand Khanate 6) Western Siberia Answer: 125

Select from the list of organizations whose programs contained Marxist ideas. Write your answer in numbers without spaces. 1) Russian Social Democratic Party 2) Narodnaya Volya 3) Constitutional Democratic Party 4) Land and Freedom 5) Emancipation of Labor group 6) Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class Answer: 156

Which three of the following phenomena belong to the first half of the 19th century? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) elected representative bodies of state power 2) absolute monarchy 3) political parties 4) censorship 5) freedom of speech 6) secret societies Answer: 246

Which three of the following statements characterize internal politics Alexander II? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) liberation of peasants from serfdom 2) strengthening of censorship 3) introduction of institutions of class representation 4) investigation of the Decembrists 5) support for the exit of peasants from the community 6) development of urban self-government Answer: 136

Choose from the list three measures related to the judicial reform of Emperor Alexander II. Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) the abolition of corporal punishment for peasants 2) the establishment of the independence of the investigation from the police 3) a special volost court for peasants 4) the introduction of the institution of "sworn attorneys" (lawyers) 5) the introduction of the prosecutor's office 6) the destruction of a special church court Answer: 345

Which three of the following provisions characterize the domestic policy of Russia in the 1880s? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) the growing role of reformers in the government 2) the curtailment of liberal reforms 3) the tightening of censorship 4) the strengthening of the principle of class in education 5) the growth of the peasant movement 6) the liberation of peasants from serfdom Answer: 234

Which three of the following provisions characterize the social movement in Russia in the 1860s and early 1890s? Write the corresponding numbers in the answer. 1) the leading role of raznochintsy 2) Slavophilism as a theoretical basis 3) Active participation women 4) growing interest in Marxism 5) transformation of revolutionary circles into political parties 6) non-participation of students in the political struggle Answer: 134

NAMES OF COMMANDERS A) P. I. Bagration B) M. D. Skobelev C) P. S. Nakhimov D) A. A. Brusilov WARS 1) The Crimean War. 2) Patriotic War of 1812. 3) Russian-Turkish war. 4) First World War gg. 5) Seven Years' War gg. Establish a correspondence between the names of military leaders and the wars in which they participated. Answer: 2314

REFORMS A) E.F. Kankrin’s monetary reform B) establishment of the first ministries B) establishment of the III branch of His Imperial Majesty’s Own Chancellery D) establishment of the State Council DATES 1) 1802 2) 1810 3) 1815 4) 1826 .5) Establish a correspondence between the reforms of the first half of the 19th century. and their dates. Answer: 5142

CULTURAL WORKERS A) V. O. Sherwood B) V. M. Vasnetsov C) AM Opekushin D) P. I. Tchaikovsky THEIR WORKS Moscow 4) the painting "Three Heroes" 5) the novel "Fathers and Sons" Establish a correspondence between cultural figures of the second half of the 19th century. and their works. Answer: 3412

POSITIONS 1) as a result of the revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat should be established 2) the goals set can be achieved through a military coup, which will prevent the “mob” from coming out 3) the power of power to the king, the power of opinion to the people 4) serfdom there is a benefit for Russia, corresponding to its traditional foundations 5) any government there is evil. PUBLIC FORCES, TRENDS A) Slavophiles B) Anarchists C) Decembrists D) Social Democrats Establish a correspondence between social forces, currents and the positions they defend. Answer: 3521

EVENTS A) adoption of the law on zemstvo chiefs B) zemstvo reform C) Berlin Congress D) accession of Alexander III DATES 1) 1856 2) 1864 3) 1878 4) 1881 5) 1889 Establish a correspondence between events in the second half of the nineteenth century. and their dates. Answer: 5234

WARS A) The Patriotic War of 1812 and the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army in the years. B) Russian-Iranian war B) Crimean War D) Russian-Turkish war RESULTS 1) gaining independence from Turkey by Serbia, Montenegro and Romania 2) annexation of the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates to Russia 3) annexation of the Kingdom of Poland to Russia 4) neutralization of the Black Sea 5) annexation of Crimea to Russia Establish a correspondence between the wars and their results. Answer: 3241

PARTICIPANTS OF THE PUBLIC MOVEMENT A) B. N. Chicherin B) K. S. Aksakov C) P. A. Kropotkin D) L. Martov (Yu. ) Slavophile 4) anarchist 5) Westernizer Match the names of the participants in the social movement of the 19th century. and their belonging to the currents of social thought. Answer: 5341

HISTORICAL LOGICITIES A) V. G. Belinsky B) N. I. Novikov C) P. I. Pestel D) N. M. Muravyov ACTIVITY 1) literary critic 2) the author of Russkaya Pravda, the program document of the Decembrists 3) the publisher of Trutnya, The Painter 4) the author of the Constitution, the program document of the Decembrists 5) the ideologist of Slavophilism Match the names of historical figures of the XVIII-XIX centuries. and their activities. Answer: 1324

CATEGORIES OF THE POPULATION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XIX C. A) serfs B) landed nobles C) Cossacks D) petty bourgeois RIGHTS, DUTIES 1) the duty to protect the borders of the state, to participate in hostilities 2) the right to engage in petty trade 3) the duty to work on corvee 4) the right to receive dues from peasants 5) the obligation to work on the lands belonging to the monasteries Establish a correspondence between the categories of the population in early XIX v. and their rights and obligations. Answer: 3412

REFORM A) the liquidation of the peasant community B) the creation of the "Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire" C) the project of attracting elected representatives from zemstvos to work in the State Council D) Financial reform HISTORICAL PERSON 1) M. M. Speransky 2) S. S. Uvarov 3) M. T. Loris-Melikov 4) P. A. Stolypin 5) S. Yu. Witte Establish a correspondence between the reforms and the historical figures with whom the reforms are associated. Answer: 4135

ACTIVITY A) Slavophilism B) liberal populism C) Westernism D) social democracy HISTORICAL PERSONS 1) G.V. Plekhanov, V.I. Granovsky, K. D. Kavelin 4) V. N. Figner, A. I. Zhelyabov 5) N. K. Mikhailovsky, V. G. Korolenko Establish a correspondence between the names of the currents of the social movement in Russia XIX v. and the names of their leaders. Answer: 2531

STAFF A) N. Kh. Bunge B) M. M. Speransky C) E. F. Kankrin D) P. D. Kiselev state peasants 4) the monetary reform of the years. 5) dissolution of the State Council Establish a correspondence between statesmen and historical events. Answer: 2143

SURNAME A) S. S. Uvarov B) D. A. Milyutin C) E. F. Kankrin D) M. D. Skobelev Head of the III Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery 5) Minister of Finance Establish a correspondence between the surnames historical figures and their activities. Answer: 2351

EMPERORS A) Alexander I B) Nicholas IB) Alexander II D) Alexander III LEGISLATIVE ACTS 1) Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy 2) Code of laws of the Russian Empire 3) Decree on "free cultivators" 4) Manifesto "On the improvement of the state order" 5) Regulations about peasants who emerged from serfdom Establish a correspondence between the names of emperors and legislative acts adopted during their reign. Answer: 3251

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the events of the 19th century. Find and write down a term that refers to another historical period. Free farmers, ministries, Decembrists, Bironovshchina, zemstvos, wine monopoly. Answer: Bironovism

Below is a list of terms and concepts. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the transformations of Alexander I. Find and write down a term that refers to a different historical period. Free cultivators, Unspoken committee, ministries, zemstvos, military settlements. Answer: land

Below is a list of the names of generals and naval commanders. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the 19th century. Find and write down a last name from a different historical period. Kutuzov, Bagration, Skobelev, Gurko, Nakhimov, Rokossovsky. Answer: Rokossovsky

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the reign. Alexander III. Find and write down a term that refers to a different historical period. Free cultivators, zemstvo chief, factory inspection, wine monopoly, Noble Bank, Russification of the outskirts. Answer: free farmers

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the 19th century. Find and write down a term that refers to a different historical period. Zemstvo reform, theory of small deeds, temporarily liable, commanders, policeman, Transsib. Answer: combos

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the events of the 19th century. Find and write down a term that refers to a different historical period. Gendarme, supreme officer, guardsman, female student, temporarily liable, honorary citizen. Answer: chief

Write the missing word. The association of the rulers of the leading European powers, created after the Napoleonic wars to maintain peace in Europe, strengthen the monarchical system and suppress revolutionary uprisings, was called _______. Answer: Holy Alliance

Write the name of the event shown on the map. Answer: 12 Look at the picture and complete the task. What judgments about the monument depicted in the photograph are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. 1) the monument was dedicated to the millennium of Russia 2) the monument was erected in Novgorod 3) Ivan the Terrible is one of the personalities of the monument 4) the monument was erected during the reign of Nicholas I 5) the author of the monument is O. Montferrand

What judgments about the events depicted in the picture are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) The painting depicts events related to the first half of the 19th century. 2) N.A. dedicated a poem to this railway. Nekrasov. 3) A.A. was appointed curator of the road construction. Arakcheev. 4) The picture shows the Trans-Siberian Railway. 5) The event depicted in the picture marked the beginning of the industrial revolution in Russia. Answer: 15

1. Write a name Russian emperor, who ruled during the war, during which the battle indicated in the diagram was carried out. Answer: ___________________________. 2. Write the name of the war during which the battle indicated in the diagram was carried out. Answer: ___________________________. 3. Write the year when the battle indicated in the diagram took place. Answer: ___________________________.

4. What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) Napoleon invaded Russia in the summer, crossing the border on the river. Neman 2) after the battle, the enemy troops of Russia managed to capture Moscow 3) the battle indicated on the diagram lasted more than a week 4) after the battle, the emperor of Russia was forced to make peace with Napoleon 5) Russian troops suffered during the battle big losses than Napoleon's army 6) commander in chief Russian army during the battle, reflected in the diagram, was M.B. Barclay de Tolly

What judgments about architectural structure shown in the photo are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) the building belongs to the beginning of the 20th century. 2) this building is located in Kiev 3) the main architectural style of the building is Empire 4) the architect who built this building was F.O. Shekhtel 5) commander M.I. was buried in it. Kutuzov Answer: 35

The first image - the building of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg - by A.D. Zakharov - Empire Second image - the Cathedral of the Smolny Monastery - by B. Rastrelli - baroque The third image - Peter and Paul Cathedral - by D. Trezzini - Peter the Great Baroque The fourth image - St. Isaac's Cathedral - author O. Montferan - classicism What judgments about the depicted picture are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) the picture was created in the first half of the 19th century. 2) the artist reflected the hard work of barge haulers 3) the plot was taken from ancient mythology 4) the author is V.G. Perov 5) the painting is an example of critical realism Answer: 25

Tasks 56-64: History: USE 2012: control and training materials with answers and comments / E.A. Gevurkova, Ya.V. Solovyov. – M.; SPb.: "Enlightenment", p. Gevurkova E.A. USE History. 25 standard options test items and preparation for the implementation of part (C) / E.A. Gevurkova, Ya.V. Solovyov. - M .: "Exam", p. USE - 2013: History: the most complete edition standard options jobs/ auto-stat. E.A. Gevurkova, Ya.V. Solovyov ..- M .: Astrel, - 254 p. Ryabtsev Yu.S. History of Russian culture. XVIII - XIX centuries. 8th class: a guide for students educational institutions. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, - 319 p. Presentation template:

8th grade

I option

Part 1


a. Decree on three-day corvee b. Decree on free cultivators

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to events, phenomena in the history of Russia in the first halfXIX century.

a. military settlements b. Decembrism c. multi-party system d. ministries d. Slavophiles e. philistines

3. The industrial revolution in Russia began during the reign

IIv. AlexandraINicholasI

a. "going to the people" b. performance at the Senate Square

v. creation of the RSDLP, mortal wounding of AlexanderIII.Grinevitsky

5. Which of the listed commanders did not take part in the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855.

a. V.A. Kornilov b. A.V. Suvorov c. P.S. Nakhimov, E.I. Totleben

6. Match




a. A.A. Ivanov

b. A.N. Voronikhin

v. I.P. Martos

7. Which of the following refers to the events of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.


9. Write the missing word

XIX century

Part 2

Attestation work in history

8th grade

II option

Part 1

1. What was one of the consequences of the compilation of M. M. Speransky "Introduction to the Code of State Laws"?

a. establishment of a secret committee b. limiting the emperor's power

v. creation of the State Council d. issuance of a decree on “free cultivators”

2. Below is a list geographical names. All of them, with the exception of one, are related to events. Patriotic War 1812.

a. Berezina b. Shevardino v. Fili, Izmail, Tarutino, Smolensk

3. Monetary reform of 1839-1843 was carried out under the guidance

a. M.M. Speransky b. P.D. Kiseleva v. S.S. Uvarov, E.F. Kankrina

4. Match

1. P.I. Pestel

a. People's Will

2. A.I. Zhelyabov

b. northern society

3. G.V. Plekhanov

v. Southern Society

4. N.M. Muravyov

Black redistribution

5. The North Caucasus became part of Russia during

a. Caucasian War b. Northern War c. Crimean War d. Russo-Turkish War

6. Match




a. B.I.Orlovsky

b. O.A. Kiprinsky

v. A.D. Zakharov

7. Which of the following does not apply to Alexander II

a. abolition of serfdom b. judicial reform c. cancellation of redemption payments d. zemstvo reform

8. What was one of the consequences of Alexander's Zemstvo counter-reform III

a. strengthening the position of the nobility in the zemstvos

b. division of voters in the choice of vowel zemstvo assemblies into three curia

v. complete exclusion of peasants from participation in zemstvo meetings d. abolition of zemstvo administrations

9. Write the missing word

The amount of money that the state that lost the war, under the terms of the peace treaty, pays to the winner.

10. Russian historian XIX century, author of the 29-volume work "History of Russia from ancient times"

a. S.M. Soloviev b. N.M. Przhevalsky c. P.N.Yablochkov D.I.Mendeleev

Part 2

11. Review the diagram and complete the task. Write the name of the settlement indicated on the diagram by the number "2".

12. Read the text. Which war ended with the signing of this peace treaty, when and where was it signed.

Russia returned the Kars fortress to Turkey in exchange for Sevastopol... The Black Sea was declared neutral... All countries pledged not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Ottoman Empire.

Attestation work in history

8th grade

I option

Part 1

1. Which of the following applies to the activities of Alexander I

a. Introduction of military settlements b. Judicial reform

v. Abolition of serfdom d. Introduction of zemstvo chiefs

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, do not relate to events, phenomena in the history of Russia.XIX century.

a. localism b. feeding in. multi-party system d. ministries e. archers f. kulaks

3. The industrial revolution in Russia ended during the reign

a. Elizabeth Petrovna b. CatherineIIv. AlexandraIINicholasI

4. Arrange historical events in chronological order.

a. "Activity of Land and Freedom" b. performance at the Senate Square

v. formation of the Northern Society d. mortal wound of AlexanderIII.Grinevitsky

5. Which of the listed commanders took part in the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855.

a. V.A. Kornilov b. A.V. Suvorov c. M.M.Golitsyn, A.Orlov

6. Match




a. I.E. Repin

b. K.I.Rossi

v. O.I. Bove

7. Which of the following does not apply to the events of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878?

a. battles near Shipka and Plevna b. Smolensk battle and Tarutinsky maneuver

v. battles at Cape Gangut and near the island of Grengam, the city of Chesmensky battle and the capture of the fortress of Izmail

8. Which of the following happened in the reign of Alexander III

a. Petrashevsky circle crushed b. created the "theory of official nationality"

v. Decree on “obliged peasants” issued d. Poll tax abolished

9. Write the missing word

External military intervention in the affairs of an independent state with the aim of forcibly changing its political system.

10. Outstanding traveler and ethnographer of the second half XIX century

a. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay b. A.M. Butlerov v. L.N. Tolstoy, I.N. Kramskoy

Part 2

11. Write the name of the emperor who ruled in the country that was the main enemy of Russia in the hostilities indicated on the map.

12. Read the text. Name the ideological and political doctrine, which is mentioned in the text. Name 2 representatives of this doctrine. Name the emperor who, in their opinion, took Russia away from her historical path.

denied, the introduction of European-style parliamentary institutions in our country ... called for the revival of Zemsky Sobors, called for rapprochement with the people. We talked about the exclusivity and originality of the historical path of Russia's development.

Test Keys:

Part 1

1 option 2 option

1 point

1 point

1 point

b, a, d, c

4 points

1 point

1-b, 2-c, 3-a

3 points

1 point

1 point


1 point

1 point

1 point

1 point

1 point

1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

4 points

1 point

1-c, 2-a, 3-b

3 points

1 point

1 point


1 point

1 point

Part 2

1 option

Content of the correct answer


11. Napoleon


1. Slavophilism;

2. A.S. Khomyakov, brothers Aksakov, Kirievsky, YF. Samarin, A.I. Koshelev;

3. PeterI

Maximum score

Option 2

Content of the correct answer


11. Borodino

12 .

1. Crimean war;


3. Paris

Maximum score

Total number of points - 20 points


From 11 to 13 points - grade "3"

From 14 to 17 points - score "4"

From 18 to 20 points - score "5"

The answers to tasks 1-19 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the answer boxes to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that represent historical events in the correct sequence.

1. first Kamchatka expedition Vitus Bering

2. discovery of America by X. Columbus

3. Discovery of Antarctica by an expedition led by Thaddeus Bellingshausen


Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to events (phenomena) of the 20th century.

1. tax in kind 2. Komsomol 3. Komsomol 4. Narodnaya Volya 5. Council of People's Commissars 6. Zhenotdel

Find and write down the ordinal number of the term related to another historical period.


Write down the term you are talking about.

The contradictions between Russia, on the one hand, and the European powers, Turkey, on the other hand, because of the influence on the Balkan Peninsula, because of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.


Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Set correspondence between fragments historical sources and them brief characteristics: for each fragment, indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics, indicated by numbers.

A) heal newest generation from a blind, thoughtless addiction to ... foreign, spreading in young minds a reasonable respect for the native ... to evaluate ... all the opposite elements of our civic education ... to look for this denominator in the triple concept of Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality - such is the goal, to which the Ministry of Public Education was approaching for ten years.

B) “Our first years, which passed in motionless savagery, left no trace in our mind and there is nothing in us personally inherent in us, on which our thought could rely; singled out by a strange will of fate from the general movement of mankind, we have not accepted the traditional ideas of the human race. And yet it is on them that the life of peoples is based; it is from these ideas that their future flows and their moral development occurs. If we want, like other civilized peoples, to have our own face, we must somehow repeat the whole upbringing of the human race in ourselves.”

1. The provisions of the essay formed part of the theory of official nationality supported by the authorities.

2. This essay was written by one of the Decembrists.

Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

Fragment AFragment B


Indicate which of the listed phenomena, facts, events are characteristic of the era of Catherine II.

1. Russia's entry into the Seven Years' War

2. Creation of the Supreme Privy Council

3. uprising led by E. Pugachev

4. Accession of the Crimean Khanate to the Russian Empire

5. secularization of church lands

6. abolition of the college system


Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a gap, choose the number of the element you want.

A) The designers of _____ became famous for creating new models of tanks.

B) Operations "Rail War" and "Concert" were carried out Soviet partisans in ____ year.

C) The battle for the Seelow Heights preceded the assault on the city of _____.

3. S.A. Lavochkin, A.N. Tupolev

4. Budapest

6. M.I. Koshkin, Zh.Ya. Kotin


Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Read an excerpt from a speech at a meeting of the State Duma and indicate the name of the author.

“Gentlemen of the State Duma. It is with a heavy feeling that I enter this podium today. You remember the circumstances under which the Duma met more than a year ago, on July 10, 1915. The Duma was under the impression of our military failures. She found the reason for these failures in the lack of military supplies and pointed out the reason for the lack in the behavior of Minister of War Sukhomlinov.

You remember that the country at that moment, under the impression of a formidable danger that had become obvious to everyone, demanded the unification of the people's forces and the creation of a ministry of persons whom the country could trust. And you remember that at that time from this chair even Minister Goremykin admitted "that the course of the war requires a huge, extraordinary upsurge of spirit and strength." You remember that the government then made concessions. The ministers, hated by society, were then removed before the convocation of the Duma. Sukhomlinov, whom the country considered a traitor, was removed (voice from the left: “He is”). And in response to the demands of the people's representatives, at a meeting on July 28, Polivanov announced to us, with general applause, as you remember, that a commission of inquiry had been created and a start had been made on bringing the former minister of war to trial.


Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap indicated by letters, select the number of the element you need.

Organization Year of foundation Leader
RSDLP (b)(V)IN AND. Lenin
(G)1902V.M. Chernov
Union October 17(D)(E)

1. A.I. Guchkov

3. Yu.O. Martov

4 Northern Secret Society

5. V.M. Chernov

7 Southern Secret Society

8. Party of Socialist Revolutionaries

9. N.M. Ants


Read an excerpt from the document.

“From the first minutes of his reign, it became clear that the new sovereign would act with the help of new people and in a completely new direction. The powerful favorites of Catherine lost all significance; previously humiliated by them ... now expressed the highest idea of ​​the essence of his power. Full of the best intentions, he strove with all his heart for the good of the state, but the lack of government skills prevented him from acting successfully. Dissatisfied with the control system, he could not find capable people to replace the previous administration. Desiring to establish order at court and in the administration, he loudly condemned and uprooted the old, but planted the new with such severity that it seemed to everyone bitterer than the old. Unpreparedness for business affected everything he did ..., and, combined with the unevenness of his character, imparted to all his measures the color of something random, painful and capricious.

Using the passage, select three correct statements from the list below.

1. The document describes Pavel I.

2. This emperor came to power as a result of a conspiracy.

3. Under this emperor, the Battle of Borodino took place.

4. This emperor limited corvée to three days a week.

5. At the end of his reign, this emperor foreign policy began rapprochement with Napoleon.

6. M. Speransky had a special influence on this emperor.

Review the diagram and complete tasks 13-16


Write the name of the Russian emperor who ruled during the war, the events of which are indicated on the diagram.


Write the name of the pass indicated on the map by the number "1".


Write down the name of the settlement, indicated on the diagram by the number "2", where a peace treaty was signed between the countries participating in the war.


What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. During the hostilities, the Russian troops besieged and captured the fortress of Izmail, indicated on the diagram by the number "3".

2. Simultaneously with the Balkan theater of operations (TVD), shown in the diagram and which was the main one, fighting went to the Caucasus.

3. The capture of Plevna by the enemy led to the prolongation of the war and the complication of Russia's position in the international arena.

4. Peace signed by the parties in locality, indicated on the diagram by the number "2", was not final, under pressure from Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, it was revised not in favor of Russia.

5. During the fighting, generals P.A. Rumyantsev, A.V. Suvorov, Admiral F.F. Ushakov.

6. After the war, shortcomings in the training of troops and their weapons were revealed, they were analyzed, resulting in a military reform carried out by General D.A. Milyutin.


For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

cultural monuments Specifications
A) Arch of the main headquarters1) A masterpiece of Russian wooden architecture
B) Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin on Red Square2) Built in 1818-1858. designed by architect O. Montferrand
C) Church of the Transfiguration on about. Kizhi3) The last major project of the architect D. Quarnega
D) Hagia Sophia in Novgorod4) In 1930, a new reinforced concrete building was erected, lined with natural stone - granite and labradorite; the competition for its construction was won by A.V. Shchusev.
5) Architect - K.I. Rossi, the creators of the sculptural decor - S.S. Pimenov and V.I. Demuth-Malinovsky.
6) The monument was founded on the site of the Vladychny Court and was built until about 1050.

Look at the picture and complete tasks 18-19


What statements about this coin are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered.

1. This coin was issued after the Caribbean Crisis.

2. The monument depicted on the coin was erected in memory of Battle of Stalingrad.

3. By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the number of ribbons on the coat of arms of the USSR depicted on the coin had decreased.

4. The war, in which the coin is dedicated to the anniversary of victory, began in the first decade of June.

5. The monument depicted on the coin was designed by the sculptor V.I. Mukhina.


Indicate the building built during the leadership of the USSR of the same statesman at which the coin was issued. In your answer, write down the number that this building is marked with.





Part 2.

First write down the task number (20, 21, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

"Decree No. 79


The Communist Party of the RSFSR, operating on the territory of the RSFSR and not duly registered, supported the so-called State Committee for the State of Emergency in the USSR, which carried out a coup d'état and forcibly removed the President of the USSR from office. In a number of regions of the RSFSR, with the direct participation of republican, territorial and regional bodies of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, emergency committees (commissions) were created, which is a gross violation of the USSR Law "On Public Associations".

The bodies of the Communist Party of the RSFSR in the republics, territories and regions repeatedly, contrary to the Constitution of the RSFSR, interfered in judicial activities, hindered the execution of the Decree of the President of the RSFSR "On the termination of the activities of the organizational structures of political parties and mass social movements in state bodies, institutions and organizations of the RSFSR”.

Based on the foregoing, I decide:

1. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR and the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR to investigate the facts of anti-constitutional activities of the organs of the Communist Party of the RSFSR. Submit relevant materials for consideration by the judicial authorities.

2. Until the final resolution in court of the issue of the unconstitutionality of the actions of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, suspend the activities of the bodies and organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR shall ensure the safety of the property and funds of the organs and organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR until a final decision is made by the judicial authorities.

4. The Central Bank of the RSFSR shall ensure the suspension until further notice of operations on spending funds from the accounts of bodies and organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

5. Propose to the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR to ensure supervision over the execution of this Decree.

6. This Decree comes into force from the moment of its signing.

President of the RSFSR


Show answer


1) 1990s;

2) Yeltsin B.N.;

3) "perestroika".

Indicate the decade in which this Decree of the President of the RSFSR was issued. Indicate the name of the President of the RSFSR who signed the decree. Specify the name of the period Soviet history, actually completed by the events on the basis of which this decree was issued.

Show answer

The following may be specified justification:

1) The Communist Party of the RSFSR is not registered in the manner prescribed by law;

2) The Communist Party of the RSFSR supported the activities of the State Emergency Committee;

3) The Communist Party of the RSFSR actually took part in the coup d'etat, creating in the regional structures the so-called. "emergency committees";

4) the organs of the Communist Party interfered in the affairs of the judiciary (answer option: the executive branch);

5) The party interfered with the execution of the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of July 20, 1991 "On the termination of the activities of the organizational structures of political parties and mass social movements in state bodies, institutions and organizations of the RSFSR."

Other justifications may be given.

What was the outcome of this decree? What are the reasons for such an outcome? List one outcome and two reasons.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) total, For example:

After the suspension of the party's activities by a new decree of the President of the RSFSR, the party's activities were already terminated;

The party later re-established itself as the KPRF;

Millions of communists have given up their party membership;

2) causes, For example:

The Communist Party was a serious opposition force to the President" of the RSFSR;

The President of the RSFSR believed that the party would not stop working on organizing resistance new government in the RSFSR;

The decree of the President of the RSFSR initially carried legal errors, so the Constitutional Court declared the decree illegal;

The party was restored as the Communist Party;

The party has lost influence in wide sections of society;

Many members of the party, who previously held leadership positions, in an effort to retain them for themselves, changed their “political coloring”.

The result can be formulated differently. Other reasons may be given.

Liberal reforms the beginning of the reign of Alexander I were largely associated with the activities of M.M. Speransky. but liberal projects were soon curtailed, and M.M. Speransky fell into disgrace. What caused the resignation of M.M. Speransky? Give at least three explanations.

Show answer

The following may be given explanations:

1) reform activity Alexander I was characterized by indecision, half-heartedness, inconsistency;

2) Alexander I was afraid to be too liberal in the eyes of the court aristocracy and the old nobility;

3) at M.M. Speransky and his liberal projects were not only supporters, but also principled political opponents, as well as envious people who considered the rise of Speransky and his influence on the emperor harmful to the state and the interests of the nobility.

Other explanations can be given

There are debatable problems in historical science, on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

"The domestic policy of Emperor Alexander I afterward was exclusively reactionary."

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support given point view, and two arguments by which to refute it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal:

Show answer

The correct response should contain the arguments:

1) in confirmation, For example:

Military settlements introduced;

- "liberal projects" remained on paper - they were not implemented:

The right of landowners to exile peasants "for presumptuous deeds" was confirmed; peasants were forbidden to complain about the cruelty of their masters;

Increased censorship;

2) in rebuttal, For example:

Approved the Constitution of the Kingdom (Kingdom) of Poland;

He developed a draft constitution for the entire Russian Empire (“draft of the “State Charter”);

Serfdom was abolished in Latvia and Estonia;

A project was being developed to abolish serfdom.

You need to write historical essay about ONE of the periods of Russian history:

1. 1425-1505;

2. 1825-1855;

- indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) related to a given period of history;

- name two historical figures whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge historical facts, to characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of a given period in the history of Russia;

- indicate at least two causal relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within a given period of history.

Using the knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia. In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to use historical terms, concepts related to this period.

Share your results or ask how to solve a particular problem. Be polite guys.

Option 1.

Mandatory part.

1 . Industrialization is: a) manual labor was replaced by a machine; b) machine labor was replaced by manual labor; c) machine labor was replaced by automatic labor

2 . The name of the "Iron Chancellor": a) Napoleon; b) Bismarck; c) Wilhelm I.

3 . The Triple Alliance on the eve of the First World War included the states: a) Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary; b) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy; c) Germany, Austria-Hungary, France.

4 . Upon accession to the throne, Alexander 1 promised to follow the political course: a) Peter I; b) Peter III; c) Catherine II; d) Paul I.

5 . The decree "on free cultivators" was adopted in: a) 1803; b) 1804; c) 1807; d) 1861.

6 . The peace of Tilsit was signed as a result of: a) the defeat of the Russian army near Austerlitz; b) defeat French army at the battle of Waterloo; c) Russia joining the continental blockade.

7 . Match the events and the countries in which these events occurred



1. China

A. The Opium Wars

2. India

B. Bombay and Calcutta - the largest industrial cities

3. Japan

B. 100 Days of Reforms

D. Meiji reforms

E. Taiping Rebellion

E. Founding of _______ National Congress in 1885

Additional part.


8. Plan a topic « The days of the Alexandrovs are a great start ... "(A.S. Pushkin)

Exercise: write the name of the emperor who ruled in the country that was the main enemy of Russia in the hostilities indicated on the map.


10. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap indicated by letters, select the number of the element you need.

historical figure




Russo-Swedish War 1808-1809

Russian acquisition of Finland and the Åland Islands


_________________ (V)

Smolensk battle

M.I. Kutuzov

Patriotic War of 1812


Missing items:

2) M.B. Barclay de Tolly

3) Patriotic War of 1812

4) Alexander I

5) Battle of Borodino

6) the village of Borodino

Test in history (for the first half of the year)

Option 2.

Mandatory part.

1 . Civil War- this is a war: a) between neighboring states; b) between non-neighboring states; c) between social groups (classes) in one state; d) as part of an association of belligerent countries.

2 . The name of the first and last emperor of France: a) Napoleon; b) Louis Philippe c) Louis Blanc.

3 . The Entente on the eve of the First World War included the states: a) Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary; b) Russia, Great Britain, France; c) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.

4 . Enter the wrong answer.

The members of the Private Committee included: a) P.A. Stroganov; b) N.N. Novosiltsev; c) A.A. Arakcheev; d) A.A. Czartoryski; e) V.P. Kochubey.

5 . The years of the reign of Alexander 1: a) 1777-1825; b) 1801-1825; c) 1800-1825; e) 1802-1825.

6 . Reform project M.M. Speransky was not implemented due to: a) his proposal on the division of power into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial; b) his proposals to grant political rights to the second estate of the "middle state"; c) his proposals to grant voting rights to the second estate of the “middle state”; d) all of the above is correct; e) There is no correct answer.

7 . Match the countries and events in which these events occurred



1. USA

A. Civil War 1861-1865

2. Latin America

B. In 1804, Haiti was proclaimed an independent state.

B. Land fever

G. Simon Bolivar led the struggle for independence

D. In 1803, she bought Louisiana from France

E. McCormick reaper

Additional part.


8 . Make a plan on the topic "Russia at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries."

9 . Review the diagram and complete the task.

Exercise: write the name of the emperor whose troops invaded Russia is shown in the diagram.

10 . Fill in the empty cells of the table using the data presented in the list below. For each cell marked with letters, select the number of the required element.

Missing items:

2) Smolensk

3) unsuccessful attempt encirclement and destruction of Napoleon's army

4) Fili village

5) the battle, the outcome of which forced Napoleon to retreat along the Old Smolensk road

6) the village of Borodino