N.S.  Leskov and his “Lefty”
A few words about N.S. Leskov Nikolai Semenovich Leskov is wonderful; This...
Appearance. Speech. “23 years old, average height, clean face, beard...
I. S. Turgenev spent his childhood in the Oryol region. A nobleman by birth...
The image and characteristics of Vladimir Dubrovsky in the novel “Dubrovsky” by Pushkin: description of appearance and character
Article menu: Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" is considered the most...
The character of Vladimir Dubrovsky in story A
In the story “Dubrovsky”, which was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the main...
Summary of the story
Among the masterpieces of Russian literature, creativity occupies a special place...
Leo Tolstoy wrote “After the Ball” in 1903, but for the first time it...
Open lesson on literature on the topic:
Lesson objectives: To show the talent, versatility of the writer’s personality....
"Bezhin Meadow" is a story by I. S. Turgenev, included in the collection "Notes...
Characteristics of the elder Dubrovsky
February 24, 2014 The novel “Dubrovsky” is one of the most interesting prose...
The character of Vladimir Dubrovsky: description of the hero and analysis of the story
Vladimir Dubrovsky is the main character of Pushkin's famous story. His image...
Larisa Ogudalova and Katerina Kabanova: comparison experience
Katerina and Larisa Ogudalova are the main characters of two famous plays by A. N....
I.S.  Turgenev
Story by I.S. Turgenev “Biryuk” is included in the collection of stories “Notes...
Moral analysis of the work of L
It is widely known that L. N. Tolstoy was not only an outstanding writer, but also...
15 facts about Griboyedov
In January, literature lovers celebrated the 220th birthday of the great...