White terror. Atrocities A

The film "Admiral" went with us with a bang! The name of Admiral Kolchak in the media sounded loud and noisy. He is a handsome man, he is a talent, and an innovator, and a hero of wars, and an enviable lover ... Yes, there was a polar explorer admiral, there was an admiral - an innovator in the mine business, but there was also a failed commander of the Black Sea Fleet, an admiral - a punisher in the expanses of Siberia, a shameful hireling The Entente and the puppet in their hands. But the creators of the books, the film and the multi-part television movie are silent about this, as if they don’t know. Why did Kolchak turn from an enemy of the Bolsheviks into almost a hero of Russia?

In the spring of 1917, Vice Admiral Alexander Kolchak, commander of the Black Sea Fleet, threw off his epaulettes of tsarist times and put on new form just established by the Provisional Government of Russia. But this did not save him from the decision of the Sevastopol Soviet of Deputies to remove him from office. On June 6 of the same year, he was out of work, in July he left for America, from there to Japan.

Kolchak in the service of Britain

There he decided on the issue of admission to the service in the British Navy and in early January 1918 he went to the Mesopotamian front. But already from Singapore he was returned by the Intelligence Department of the British General Staff, he was sent to the exclusion zone of the Chinese East railway. The administration of the road was located there, the failed government of autonomous Siberia, the Cossacks of atamans Semyonov and Kalmykov, numerous White Guard officer detachments, who did not obey anyone and did not recognize anyone, fled there.

Kolchak was introduced to the board of the CER, appointed head of the security guards, and his task was to unite the disparate military formations and rush into Russia "occupied" by the Bolsheviks. As before, he sewed on the shoulder straps of the admiral, but he walked in boots, riding breeches and an army-cut jacket.

Nothing worked for Alexander Vasilievich, he did not complete the task. In early July 1918, with his beloved Anna Timiryova, he left for Japan, allegedly for negotiations with the Chief of the Japanese General Staff on joint actions. Kolchak lived in a small town, "corrected his health" in a resort town. But not for long.

Kolchak's life in Siberia

He was found by the English General A. Knox, who headed the Russian Department of the British War Office. Their meeting ended with Kolchak agreeing, with the help of England, to "recreate the Russian army in Siberia." The general happily reported to London: "... there is no doubt that Kolchak is the best Russian for the implementation of our goals in the Far East." Pay attention, reader, not to the goals of the Russian state, not to its people, but to their goals, English ones! Entente!

In mid-September, Kolchak, accompanied by General A. Knox and the French ambassador Regno, arrived in Vladivostok. By that time, Soviet power from the Volga to Pacific Ocean was overthrown by the Czechoslovak corps and local White Guard formations.

On October 14, Alexander Kolchak arrived in Omsk, he was immediately introduced into the government of P.V. Vologodsky as a military and naval minister.

On November 8, accompanied by an English battalion under the command of Colonel J. Ward, he went to the front, visited Yekaterinburg, near Ufa. On November 17, Kolchak returned to Omsk, and on the night of November 18, the military overthrew the power of the Directory, while, as the Socialist-Revolutionary D. Rakov wrote in his Parisian memoirs, a terrible orgy broke out on the banks of the Irtysh - the deputies were beaten with rifle butts, stabbed with bayonets, chopped with checkers.

Kolchak supreme ruler of Russia

Alexander Kolchak was proclaimed the Supreme Ruler of Russia and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, on the same day he was awarded the rank of Admiral. For a year and a half, this is the fourth time he changed his uniform!

Having overthrown the Soviet power, the white army unleashed unprecedented terror and mockery of the population. The people did not know the courts.

White dictatorship and obscurantism

The White Guards executed hundreds of people in Barnaul, they shot 50 people in the village of Karabinka in the Biysk district, 24 peasants in the village of Shadrino, 13 front-line soldiers in the village of Kornilovo ... , which could turn the victim's body into a piece of broken meat in a few blows.

Lieutenant Goldovich and Ataman Bessmertny, who were operating in Kamensky Uyezd, forced their victims to kneel before being shot to sing their own funeral, and girls and women were raped. The obstinate and recalcitrant were buried alive in the ground. Lieutenant Noskovsky was known for being able to kill several people with one shot.

Drunken "their nobles" led the leaders of the first Soviet power M.K. Tsaplin, I.V. Prisyagin, M.K. Kazakov and M.A. Fomin and executed without trial or investigation. Their bodies were never found, most likely they were chopped up with swords and thrown from the railway bridge to the Ob.

The brutal and senseless reprisals against people increased manifold with the coming to power of Kolchak, with the establishment of a military dictatorship by him. Only for the first half of 1919:

  • more than 25 thousand people were shot in the Yekaterinburg province,
  • in the Yenisei province, on the orders of General S.N. Rozanov, about 10 thousand people were shot,
  • 14 thousand people were flogged with whips, 12 thousand peasant farms were burned and plundered.
  • in two days - July 31 and August 1, 1919 - over 300 people were shot in the city of Kamen, even earlier - 48 people in the arrest house of the same city.

They created the police, but to establish order over what?

At the beginning of 1919, the government of Admiral Kolchak decided to create special police units in the provinces and regions of Siberia. The companies of the Altai detachment, together with the companies of the Blue Lancers regiment and the 3rd Barnaul regiment, scoured the entire province with punitive functions. They spared neither women nor the elderly, they knew neither pity nor compassion.

Kolchak. He is such a douche

Kolchak's victims in Novosibirsk, 1919

Excavations of the grave in which the victims of the Kolchak repressions of March 1919 were buried, Tomsk, 1920

Tomsk residents carry the bodies of the spread participants of the anti-Kolchak uprising

The funeral of the Red Guard brutally murdered by Kolchak

Novosobornaya Square on the day of the reburial of the victims of Kolchak on January 22, 1920

One young American officer sent to investigate the atrocities of Ivanov-Rynov was so shocked that, after finishing his report to Grevs, he exclaimed:

“For God's sake, General, don't send me on such orders again! Just a little more - and I would have tore off my uniform and would begin to save these unfortunate ones.

When Ivanov-Rynov faced the threat of popular indignation, the English commissioner, Sir Charles Elliot, hurried to Greves to express his concern for the fate of the Kolchak general.

For me, - General Grevs answered him fiercely, - let them bring this Ivanov-Rynov here and hang him on that telephone pole in front of my headquarters - not a single American will lift a finger to save him!

Ask yourself why during the Civil War the Red Army was able to defeat the well-armed and sponsored by the Western Powers White Army and troops 14 !! states that invaded Soviet Russia during the intervention?

But because the MOST of the Russian people, seeing the cruelty, baseness and venality of such “Kolchaks”, supported the Red Army.

victims of Kolchak and Kolchak's thugs

Such a touching series was filmed with public money about one of the main executioners of the Russian people of the times civil war the last century that just tears well up. And to the same touching, heartfelt, they tell us about this guardian of the Russian land. And trips through Baikal are held with memorial and prayer services. Well, just grace descends on the soul.

But for some reason, the inhabitants of the territories of Russia, where Kolchak and his comrades were heroic, have a different opinion. They remember how entire villages of Kolchak threw people still alive into the mines, and not only that.

By the way, why is the tsar father being honored in such a way on a par with priests and white officers? Didn't they blackmail the king from the throne? Didn't they plunge our country into bloodshed, betraying their people, their king? Didn't the priests joyfully restore the patriarchate immediately after their betrayal of the sovereign? Didn't the landowners and generals want power for themselves without the control of the emperor? Weren't they the ones who started organizing the civil war after the successful February coup organized by them? Didn't they hang the Russian peasant and shoot all over the country. It was only Wrangel, horrified by the death of the Russian people, who left the Crimea himself, all the others preferred to cut the Russian peasant until they themselves were reassured forever.

Yes, and remembering the Polovtsian princes by the names Gzak and Konchak, cited in the Tale of Igor's Campaign, the conclusion involuntarily suggests itself that Kolchak is related to them. Maybe that's why you shouldn't be surprised by the following?

By the way, it makes no sense to judge the dead, neither white nor red. But mistakes cannot be repeated. Only the living can make mistakes. Therefore, the lessons of history need to be known by heart.

In the spring of 1919, the first campaign of the Entente countries and the United States of America began against the Soviet Republic. The campaign was combined: it was carried out by the combined forces of the internal counter-revolution and the interventionists. The imperialists did not hope for their own troops - their soldiers did not want to fight against the workers and working peasants of Soviet Russia. Therefore, they relied on the unification of all the forces of the internal counter-revolution, recognizing the main arbiter of all affairs in Russia, Tsarist Admiral Kolchak A.V.

American, British and French millionaires took over the bulk of the supply of arms, ammunition, and uniforms to Kolchak. In the first half of 1919 alone, the United States sent more than 250,000 rifles and millions of cartridges to Kolchak. In total, in 1919, Kolchak received from the USA, England, France and Japan 700 thousand rifles, 3650 machine guns, 530 guns, 30 aircraft, 2 million pairs of boots, thousands of uniforms, equipment and underwear.

With the help of his foreign masters, by the spring of 1919, Kolchak managed to arm, clothe and shoe an army of almost 400,000.

Kolchak's offensive was supported from North Caucasus and south, Denikin's army, intending to join the Kolchak army in the Saratov region in order to jointly move to Moscow.

The White Poles advanced from the west along with the Petliura and White Guard troops. In the north and Turkestan, mixed detachments of Anglo-American and French interventionists and the army of the White Guard General Miller operated. From the northwest, supported by the White Finns and the English fleet, Yudenich advanced. Thus, all the forces of the counter-revolution and the interventionists went over to the offensive. Soviet Russia found itself again in the ring of advancing enemy hordes. Several fronts were created in the country. The main one was the Eastern Front. Here the fate of the country of the Soviets was decided.

On March 4, 1919, Kolchak launched an offensive against the Red Army along the entire Eastern Front for 2 thousand kilometers. He put up 145 thousand bayonets and sabers. The backbone of his army was the Siberian kulaks, the urban bourgeoisie and the prosperous Cossacks. In the rear of Kolchak there were about 150 thousand interventionist troops. They guarded the railways, helped to deal with the population.

The Entente kept Kolchak's army under its direct control. At the headquarters of the White Guards there were constantly military missions of the Entente powers. French general Zhanin was appointed commander-in-chief of all interventionist troops operating in Eastern Russia and in Siberia. The English General Knox was in charge of supplying Kolchak's army and forming new units for it.

The interventionists helped Kolchak develop an operational plan for the offensive and determined the main direction of the strike.

On the Perm-Glazov sector, the most powerful Siberian army of Kolchak operated under the command of General Gaida. The same army was to develop the offensive in the direction of Vyatka, Sarapul and unite with the troops of the interventionists operating in the North.

victims of the atrocities of Kolchak in Siberia. 1919

peasant hanged by Kolchak

From everywhere, from the territory of Udmurtia liberated from the enemy, information was received about the atrocities and arbitrariness of the White Guards. So, for example, at the Peskovsky plant, 45 people of Soviet workers, poor peasant workers, were tortured. They were subjected to the most cruel tortures: their ears, noses, lips were cut out, their bodies were pierced in many places with bayonets (Doc. Nos. 33, 36).

Women, old people and children were subjected to violence, flogging and torture. Property, livestock, harness were taken away. The horses that the Soviet government gave to the poor to maintain their economy were taken away by the Kolchak people and given to the former owners (doc. No. 47).

A young teacher in the village of Zura, Pyotr Smirnov, was brutally cut down with a White Guard saber because he met a White Guard in good clothes (Doc. No. 56).

In the village of Syam-Mozhge, the Kolchakites dealt with a 70-year-old old woman because she sympathized with the Soviet government (doc. No. 66).

In the village of N. Multan, Malmyzhsky district, on the square in front of the people's house, the corpse of the young communist Vlasov was buried in 1918. The Kolchakites drove the working peasants to the square, forced them to dig up the corpse and publicly mocked him: they hit him on the head with a log, squeezed his chest and, finally, putting a noose around his neck, tied the tarantass to the front and dragged it along the village street for a long time (doc. No. 66 ).

In the workers' settlements and cities, in the huts of the poor peasants of Udmurtia, a terrible groan arose from the atrocities and butchery of Kolchak. For example, during the two months of the bandits' stay in Votkinsk, 800 corpses were found in Ustinov Log alone, not counting those single victims in private apartments who were taken away to no one knows where. Kolchakites robbed and ruined National economy Udmurtia. It was reported from the Sarapulsky district that “after Kolchak, literally nothing was left anywhere ... After the Kolchak robberies in the county, the presence of horses decreased by 47 percent and cows by 85 percent ... In the Malmyzhsky county, in Vikharevskaya volost alone, the Kolchakists took 1,100 horses, 500 cows from the peasants , 2000 carts, 1300 sets of harness, thousands of poods of grain and dozens of households were completely plundered.

“After the capture of Yalutorovsk by the Whites (June 18, 1918), the former authorities were restored in it. A brutal persecution of all those who collaborated with the Soviets began. Arrests and executions became a mass phenomenon. The Whites killed a member of the Soviet of Demushkin, shot ten former prisoners of war (Czechs and Hungarians) who refused to serve them. According to the memoirs of Fyodor Plotnikov, a participant in the Civil War and a prisoner of the Kolchak torture chambers from April to July 1919, a table with chains and various devices for torture was installed in the basement of the prison. The tortured people were taken outside the Jewish cemetery (now the territory of the sanatorium orphanage) where they were shot. All this happened from June 1918. In May 1919, the Eastern Front of the Red Army went on the offensive. On August 7, 1919, Tyumen was liberated. Feeling the approach of the Reds, the Kolchakites perpetrated atrocious reprisals against their prisoners. On one of the August days of 1919, two large groups of prisoners were taken out of the prison. One group - 96 people - was shot in a birch forest (now the territory of a furniture factory), another, in the amount of 197 people, was hacked to death with swords across the Tobol River near Lake Gingiryai ... ".

From the certificate of the Deputy Director of the Yalutorovsk Museum Complex N.M. Shestakova:

“I consider myself obliged to say that my grandfather Yakov Alekseevich Ushakov, a veteran of the First World War, a Cavalier of St. George, was hacked to death by Kolchak drafts beyond Tobol. My grandmother was left with three young sons. My father was only 6 years old at that time ... And how many women throughout Russia did the Kolchakites make widows, and children - orphans, how many old people were left without son's care?

Therefore, the logical result (please note no torture, no bullying, just execution):

“We entered the cell to Kolchak and found him dressed - in a fur coat and a hat,” writes I.N. Bursak. It looked like he was expecting something. Chudnovsky read out to him the decision of the Revolutionary Committee. Kolchak exclaimed:

- How! Without trial?

Chudnovsky replied:

- Yes, Admiral, just like you and your henchmen shot thousands of our comrades.

Having risen to the second floor, we entered the cell to Pepelyaev. This one was also dressed. When Chudnovsky read out to him the decision of the revolutionary committee, Pepelyaev fell to his knees and, wallowing at his feet, begged not to be shot. He assured that, together with his brother, General Pepelyaev, he had long decided to rebel against Kolchak and go over to the side of the Red Army. I ordered him to get up and said: “You can’t die with dignity…

They again went down to Kolchak's cell, took him away and went to the office. The formalities are over.

By 4 o'clock in the morning we arrived at the bank of the Ushakovka River, a tributary of the Angara. Kolchak behaved calmly all the time, and Pepelyaev - this huge carcass - was in a fever.

Full moon, bright frosty night. Kolchak and Pepelyaev are standing on a hillock. Kolchak refuses my offer to blindfold. The platoon is lined up, rifles at the ready. Chudnovsky whispers to me:

- It's time.

I give the command:

- Platoon, on the enemies of the revolution - pl!

Both fall. We put the corpses on a sledge, bring them to the river and lower them into the hole. So the "supreme ruler of all Russia" Admiral Kolchak goes on his last voyage ... ".

(“The defeat of Kolchak”, military publishing house of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, M., 1969, pp. 279-280, circulation 50,000 copies).

In the Ekaterinburg province, one of the 12 provinces under Kolchak's control, at least 25 thousand people were shot under Kolchak, about 10% of the two million population were flogged. They flogged both men and women and children.

M. G. Aleksandrov, commissar of the Red Guard detachment in Tomsk. He was arrested by Kolchak, imprisoned in Tomsk prison. In mid-June 1919, he recalled, 11 workers were taken out of the cell at night. Nobody slept.

“The silence was broken by weak groans that came from the courtyard of the prison, prayers and curses were heard ... but after a while everything was quiet. In the morning, the criminals told us that the Cossacks who had been taken out were chopped with sabers and stabbed with bayonets in the back exercise yard, and then they loaded the carts and took them away somewhere.

Aleksandrov said that he was then sent to the Alexander Central near Irkutsk, and out of more than a thousand prisoners there, the Red Army released only 368 people in January 1920. In 1921-1923. Alexandrov worked in the county Cheka of the Tomsk region. RGASPI, f. 71, op. 15, d. 71, l. 83-102.

American General W. Graves recalled:

“The soldiers of Semenov and Kalmykov, being under the protection of Japanese troops, flooded the country like wild animals, killed and robbed the people, while the Japanese, if they wished, could stop these killings at any time. If at that time they asked what all these cruel murders were for, they usually received in response that the dead were Bolsheviks, and such an explanation, obviously, satisfied everyone. Events in Eastern Siberia were usually presented in the most gloomy colors, and human life there was not worth a penny.

Terrible murders were committed in Eastern Siberia, but they were not committed by the Bolsheviks, as was commonly thought. I won’t be mistaken if I say that in Eastern Siberia, for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were a hundred people killed by anti-Bolshevik elements.”

Graves doubted that it was possible to point to any country in the world during the last fifty years where murder could be carried out with such ease and with the least fear of responsibility, as in Siberia during the reign of Admiral Kolchak. Concluding his memoirs, Graves noted that the interventionists and the White Guards were doomed to defeat, since "the number of Bolsheviks in Siberia by the time of Kolchak had increased many times over in comparison with their number at the time of our arrival"

There is a board for Mannerheim in St. Petersburg, now there will be Kolchak ... Next - Hitler?

The opening of the memorial plaque to Admiral Alexander Kolchak, who led the White movement in the Civil War, will take place on September 24 ... The memorial plaque will be installed on the bay window of the building where Kolchak lived ... The text of the inscription is approved:

"In this house from 1906 to 1912 lived an outstanding Russian officer, scientist and researcher Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak."

I will not argue about his outstanding scientific achievements. But I read in the memoirs of General Denikin that Kolchak demanded (under pressure from Mackinder) that Denikin enter into an agreement with Petlyura (giving Ukraine to him) in order to defeat the Bolsheviks. For Denikin, the homeland turned out to be more important.

Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to whom he swore allegiance and kissed the cross!

Have you ever thought about why the fleets of the Entente in 1918 calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea?! After all, he was mined! In addition, in the confusion of the two revolutions of 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak's entry ticket for joining the British intelligence service was the surrender of all information about the location of minefields and barriers in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and he had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands!

From an article by Sergei Balmasov.

Recently, extraordinary excitement has been recorded in Russian society around the figure of one of the leaders of the White movement, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, in whose honor a memorial plaque was erected in St. Petersburg, and even monuments in Irkutsk and Omsk.
It is noteworthy that admirers of the figure of the admiral commemorate him exclusively as a fearless polar explorer, and especially exalted fans credit him with the terror that Kolchak carried out against the Reds in Siberia.
At the same time, Kolchak’s fans often reproach the Reds for allegedly “dispersing the Constituent Assembly” in January 1918. But if the Bolsheviks simply dispersed the Assembly, then the White Guards after that shot a number of its members who had nothing to do with the Bolsheviks .

On the night of December 22-23, 1918, a Bolshevik uprising took place in Kolchak-controlled Omsk. It may seem incredible, but it was carried out in the heart of white Siberia, filled with White Guards and troops of "allies" (primarily Czechoslovak, Serbian and British).
The rebels planned to simultaneously attack key facilities in Omsk, weapons depots, a prison and prisoner of war camps. After that, they expected to disrupt the railway communication, on which the supply of the White Guard troops at the front depended critically.
The command of the 5th Red Army, which was in close coordination with the underground in Omsk, was to take advantage of these successes and go on the counteroffensive. However, literally on the eve of the rebellion, white counterintelligence managed to arrest the leadership of one of the four city headquarters that led the uprising. The Bolshevik leaders, believing that the whites already knew all their plans, hastened to cancel the order to speak.
Only two of the four headquarters of the uprising managed to notify of this. Despite the expected success, subject to strict party discipline, the rebels turned back at the very last moment.

But the other two districts did not have time to warn. Fighting squads, consisting of workers and loaders, together with the propagandized soldiers of the Omsk garrison and the protection of the railway, without any problems captured the outskirts of Omsk - Kulomzino, where the Siberian Cossack hundred and the battalion of Czechoslovak troops were disarmed.
Then the rebels took the strategically important railway bridge across the Irtysh. The Bolsheviks also successfully operated in another Omsk region. Two companies of soldiers who rebelled there seized several facilities, including the city prison.
In addition to the Bolsheviks, there were also previously arrested representatives of the Constituent Assembly Committee, who were part of the anti-Soviet government of KOMUCH, which fought against the Bolsheviks on the Volga in the summer and autumn of 1918.
They were mostly Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries. However, their relationship did not work out with allies in the struggle. And in November - December 1918, representatives of the Constituent Assembly Committee, despite their loyal attitude to the authorities of Admiral Kolchak, were arrested without any charges and transported to the Omsk prison.
The Omsk Bolsheviks, who seized the prison on December 22-23, led the members of the Constituent Assembly out of their cells. They did not want to leave the prison, apparently fearing a provocation, but they were expelled from there by force.

On December 23, 1918, by order of the head of the Omsk garrison, Major General V.V. Brzhezovsky, calls were pasted around the city for the prisoners of the city prison released by the Bolsheviks to return to their cells. The defectors were threatened by a court-martial, which meant an imminent execution. As a result, almost all the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, including members of the Constituent Assembly, returned to prison voluntarily and ... were executed.
So, in his report No. 1722 dated December 30, 1918, the prosecutor of the Omsk Court of Justice A.A. Korshunov informs the Minister of Justice of the Kolchak government S.S. Starynkevich: “On December 26, on the opposite bank of the city of the Irtysh River, several corpses of the executed were found, among which were identified those taken from prison for presentation to the military field court - Fomin Nil Valerianovich, a prominent representative of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, a member of the Constituent Assembly, Bruderer and Barsov (also members of the Constituent assembly).

According to the anatomical examination, these people were beaten and tortured before being shot. So, for example, 13 wounds were found on the body of Fomin alone, including saber and bayonet wounds. According to their character, the doctors concluded that the killers tried to cut off his fingers and hands.
According to a further investigation, "from among the persons taken away at the request of the military authorities from the prison, Bruderer, Barsov, Devyatov, Kiriyenko and Mayevsky were brought by the commandant of the city of Omsk, and Sarov was taken by the police of the 5th district of the city of Omsk."
Then he continues: “According to A.A. Korshunov, the documents for the extradition of prisoners from prison were issued by Major General V.D. Ivanov, chairman of the military field court, from where they have not returned. duty adjutant of commandant Cherchenko and lieutenant of the detachment Krasilnikov Bartashevsky.
The first group of people taken from prison - Bachurin, Winter, E. Maevsky (Maisky, aka Gutovsky, then a well-known Menshevik in Russia, editor of the Chelyabinsk newspaper "Power of the People"), Rudenko, Fateev and Zharov - were taken to the military field court. ..

Of all the prisoners in the military field court, only the prisoners of the first group were tried, with the exception of Rudenko, who was not taken there (he was shot dead by the convoy while trying to escape along the road) and was already replaced by Markov, who also escaped from prison.
Of these prisoners, Bachurin, Zharov and Fateev were sentenced to death, Mayevsky - to indefinite hard labor, and in relation to Winter and Markov, the court-martial turned the case to further investigation ... However, all the defendants, except Winter, were shot . Thus, from this group, three were shot according to the verdict, and two - Maisky and Markov - despite it.
According to the prosecutor A.A. Korshunov, the main suspicions in the case of the murder of Mayevsky fell on Lieutenant Cherchenko (adjutant of commandant Lobov), who "knew Mayevsky well, since he received him after his arrest in Chelyabinsk. In addition, the same Cherchenko arrested Mayevsky on the morning of December 22 after the Bolsheviks released him and took him to the commandant's office.
According to Cherchenko's testimony, he also knew that Mayevsky was the editor of a newspaper that incited readers against the officers, and that during the mutiny some officers ... could disregard the verdict of the court and shoot Mayevsky and Loktev as Bolsheviks.
The last group of persons taken from prison: Fomin, Bruderer, Markovsky, Barsov, Sarov, Loktev, Lissau (all members of the Constituent Assembly) and von Meck (Mark Nikolayevich, a former officer of the Wild Native Division, who allegedly ended up in prison by mistake) was taken to the premises military field court, when the court has already adjourned the session".

Then the following happened: Lieutenant Bartashevsky, who delivered the arrested, ordered the convicts to be taken out of the courtroom in order to return them to prison. The arrested, despite the prohibition of the head of the convoy, continued to communicate with each other.
“Lieutenant Bartashevsky,” it follows from the document, “fearing that the arrested would conspire to escape, and also in view of the small number of convoys, decided to carry out the sentence of the court by taking the arrested to the Irtysh River ... Moreover, in the panic that arose among the escorted, they were shot not only those sentenced to death, but also the rest of those arrested.
This episode clearly characterizes the fighting spirit of the Kolchak military, who were frightened of unarmed people, many of whom were elderly and, with all their desire, could not resist them physically.
In the course of further investigation, the prosecutor of the Omsk Court of Justice A.A. Korshunov managed to find out that, “according to the normal procedure for the proceedings in the military field court, at the end of it, the chairman of the court had to order the convoy to take the convicts back to prison. From the testimony of his clerk, lieutenant Vedernikov, we can conclude that the chairman did not give such an order to anyone ".
It is worth mentioning in particular the procedure of the court-martial itself. Korshunov points out that “with regard to the trial of the above-mentioned six prisoners, the following circumstance should be noted: in the proceedings of the military field court, first of all, there are no testimonies to the court; then in the same proceedings there are acts of inquiry about only one Markov, while regarding the others tried with there is no material in the proceedings of the court against them five people."
So it is completely incomprehensible by virtue of what order the court began hearing the case, what exactly the defendants were accused of, and what this accusation, which is recorded in the verdict, is based on.

As prosecutor Korshunov writes, “according to Vedernikov, the staff officer for assignments at the headquarters of the head of the garrison, Lieutenant Colonel Sokolov, informed him that he, Vedernikov, had been appointed clerk of the military field court, saying: “The arrested will be brought to you, and you will try them. When Vedernikov objected that it is impossible to judge without an order for trial, Sokolov already strictly repeated: “You were told that the arrested will be brought to you for trial.”
Kolchak himself, in his order No. 81, on December 22, 1918, thanked the participants in the suppression of the speech and announced their reward and, among other things, said: "All those who took part in the riots or were involved in them should be brought to court-martial ..."

In other words, the Supreme Ruler actually sanctioned the massacre of all persons objectionable to the White Guards. This directive allowed people forcibly expelled from prison by the Bolsheviks to be considered involved in the riots, deal with them and at the same time hide from further persecution by the order of Kolchak himself.
By the way, White Guard sources indicate that in those days Kolchak suffered from pneumonia and was bedridden. That did not prevent him from ordering the executions.
Later, at four in the morning, Captain Rubtsov (the head of the non-commissioned officer school) arrived at the prison with a team of 30 people and verbally demanded the extradition of the prisoners Devyatrov (a well-known Socialist-Revolutionary, a member of the Constituent Assembly at that time in Russia) and Kiriyenko (a major leader of the Mensheviks, the Ural regional commissar , subordinate to the Ural anti-Soviet government). Rubtsov based his demand on the personal order of the Supreme Ruler.

At this time, a party of 44 arrested people arrived at the prison from military control (counterintelligence) under guard. By order of Rubtsov, this party was taken away. He remained in prison until he was informed by an officer that "his order had been carried out."
Further, according to Korshunov, "prisoners Kirienko and Devyatov were taken by the head of the non-commissioned officer school Rubtsov under the following circumstances: he ordered his subordinates - lieutenant Yadryshnikov, lieutenant Kononov and ensign Bobykin to take 30 soldiers and go to prison, where they should take 44 Bolsheviks , members of the "Sovdep", detained the night before, and shoot them.
The investigation established that the mentioned 44 members of the Bolshevik organization were sent to prison on the night of December 23 by the head of military control at the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (VGK), Colonel Zlobin, as persons subject to a court-martial (which, again, did not really take place).
They were sent with a package that included the cover paper of the Military Control at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command (intended for the head of the prison). In response to this, Rubtsov, calling himself the head of the prison, accepted the package (that is, having committed a crime - an actual forgery).
Some time after the removal of 44 prisoners from prison, along with Kiriyenko and Devyatov, officers subordinate to Rubtsov returned and reported that they had carried out his order.

The uncoordinated uprising was crushed by the end of December 23, 1918. Especially bloody events took place in the Kulomzino area. Having held out under artillery and machine-gun fire for almost a day, on the evening of December 23, the remnants of the rebels, armed with small arms, were captured. Even earlier, the uprising in Omsk itself was suppressed.
A huge role in this was played by the troops of the "allies" - the Czechoslovaks and the British. So, the British Colonel John Ward, having heard shooting in the city, took his battalion out into the street and personally took Kolchak's residence under guard, not entrusting this matter to the Serbs guarding him. This largely forced the hesitant soldiers of the Omsk garrison to refrain from speaking.
Only according to official data, then 170 people were sentenced to death by courts-martial, although, according to the British Colonel Ward, there were "thousands" of victims. It was in such an environment that prominent Russian politicians were killed "under the guise", the most famous of which was the Socialist-Revolutionary Nil Fomin.
The supreme ruler Kolchak understood the background of what happened: "... it was an act directed against me, committed by such circles that they began to accuse me of entering into an agreement with socialist groups. I believed that this was done to discredit my power in front of foreigners and in front of those circles that shortly before that expressed their support to me and promised help.

To investigate this story, a special Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry was created, headed by Senator A.K. Viskovaty, whose members managed to find and interrogate almost all ordinary performers. However, in reality, they were never able to get the testimony of any of the top commanders.
Kolchak himself attributed the inability of civilian lawyers to cope with armed criminals in uniform, who were also endowed with power, to the shortcomings of the Russian judicial system. However, there was no punishment for the perpetrators of extrajudicial executions.
Despite the fact that all the threads of organizing massacres led to the commander of the Siberian army, P.P. Ivanov-Rinov, as Kolchak's Ministers of Justice S.S. openly spoke about. Starynkevich and food I.I. Serebrennikov, he escaped with only a transfer from Omsk to the post of commander of the Amur Military District.

According to their version, General Ivanov-Rinov, being dissatisfied with the appearance of Kolchak in Siberia, who pushed him into secondary roles, could take advantage of the situation to simultaneously destroy persons objectionable to him and denigrate the admiral himself.
Be that as it may, Kolchak did not keep him in disgrace for long, and six months later, in May 1919, Ivanov-Rinov reappeared in Omsk, where he later began responsible work - preparing a counteroffensive against the Red troops and forming the Siberian Cossack Corps.
Subsequently, during the January interrogations of Kolchak by the Investigative Commission of the Political Center, the admiral withdrew responsibility for what happened, citing "ignorance." But when asked about the perpetrators of the murders (Bartashevsky, Rubtsov and Cherchenko), Kolchak was forced to admit that Colonel Kuznetsov, who was conducting the investigation, reported to him that they acted on his behalf.

Be that as it may, they did not bear any responsibility for such a blatant excess of authority. For example, Rubtsov continued for a long time to remain in the position of head of the Omsk non-commissioned officer school and shoot people objectionable and dangerous to the Kolchak regime. Among them in March - April 1919 were the organizers of the December uprising in Omsk A.E. Neibut, A.A. Maslennikov and P.A. Vavilov.
However, almost all the officers involved in the Omsk executions suffered retribution. One of the first to pay was Major General V.V. Brzhezovsky: in September 1919 he was killed in Semipalatinsk by rebellious soldiers.

On February 7, 1920, Kolchak was shot. And General Ivanov-Rinov, 10 years after the Omsk events, returned from emigration to the USSR, and then, according to some reports, he himself fell under repression.
The massacre of members of the Constituent Assembly (that is, a legitimate elected body, which at the beginning of 1918 was to determine the future of the country) from the point of view of the "allies" themselves made it almost impossible for them to further political recognition of the Kolchak government.
In their view, Kolchak was stained to the elbows with the blood of parliamentarians and could no longer claim the role of a unifier of forces who would enjoy the authority, respect and trust of the "allies". It was after this that the hard "watershed" finally passed between the White movement and the "allies", which the White Guards themselves and historians of the White movement later complained about as a "betrayal".

What times, such heroes. The phrase is already rather hackneyed, but has not lost its relevance. With the change of the socio-political system in Russia, new ideals are being imposed on our society. Fighting the Soviet consciousness in the minds of citizens, the authorities are trying in every possible way to denigrate the values ​​of socialist society.

One of the tools is an attempt to present as new heroes and role models those historical figures who were not at all popular in society and were staunch enemies of the Soviet regime.

This series of articles will be devoted to these individuals, as well as their "merits" to the fatherland. Let's start with the figure of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, the favorite of the current government. A true patriot and hero of his fatherland - this is how he was presented in the movie "Admiral". So anyway, Admiral Kolchak hero or enemy of Russia? Let's try to figure it out.

In order to answer the question posed above, it is necessary to take a closer look at the specific facts from the life and work of this "hero" " white movement"," The Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich(1873-1920), one of the main organizers of the counter-revolutionary movement in the Civil War in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. In 1916-1917. commanded the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral.

In 1918-1920. A. V. Kolchak- "The supreme ruler of the Russian state", who was actively supported by the Entente. The Kolchak regime was liquidated by the Red Army with the support of partisans in 1920. By the decree of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee, Kolchak was shot (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1975).

Such individuals are held in high esteem by the bourgeois authorities. Management Irkutsk region decided to contribute to the process of "humanizing" one of the main executioners of Russia during the Civil War, and in November 2004 a monument was erected to the rebellious admiral. And now a museum is being created in one of the cells of the pre-trial detention center in Irkutsk to perpetuate his memory. Local chiefs even organized a tourist route along Kolchak places.

In essence, the decision of the Irkutsk authorities is in the highest degree immoral. Why? First of all, because Kolchak has not yet been formally rehabilitated. In February 1998, the military prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Military District refused to recognize the admiral Kolchak victim of political repression. The basis for the refusal was the available evidence that, with the knowledge Kolchak the military counterintelligence under his control carried out mass executions of the civilian population, Red Army soldiers and their sympathizers. Government Kolchak encouraged the military with monetary rewards for the number of "heads" destroyed by them. Counterintelligence shot people even for having calloused hands. Since you are a worker, it means you are for the Reds, so you are subject to execution. In this way, Kolchak as having committed crimes against peace and humanity is not subject to rehabilitation.

Current defenders Kolchak extol him as an outstanding polar explorer and naval commander. The future admiral also took part in the Russo-Japanese War. (True, he did not win special laurels there, but he was captured by the Japanese). In 1916 Kolchak appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet with the rank of Vice Admiral.

No one can take these merits from him. What was, was. But the fact is that all their former merits Kolchak crossed out himself, becoming in 1918 a puppet of the Entente. Having received the position of “supreme ruler of Russia” from the hands of Western moneybags, the white admiral with an iron hand began to restore order in the territory entrusted to him, so much so that Siberia was washed with blood. Thousands of hanged, executed, tortured in prison Red Army soldiers, flogged village women, ruined children and burned villages - this is the calling card of the Omsk executioner, allegedly "giving himself all to Russia."

In a short reign Kolchak in Siberia, during the punitive operations of the White Guard troops and their allies, more than 40 thousand civilians were hanged, shot and burned alive and about 100 thousand were thrown into prison. In those days, it was the atrocities Kolchak guardsmen contributed to the fact that quite prosperous Siberian peasants took the side of Soviet power, having Kolchak fierce resistance, although at first the Bolsheviks in Siberia were not successful.

The book by A. Aldan-Semenov "Reds and Whites" contains a dialogue between the Minister of the Interior and the "supreme ruler". V. N. Pepelyaev reports Kolchak on the results of the investigation into peasant unrest in Cannes:

“- Your Excellency, on the Angara, the punishers hang people for no reason at all, Ataman Krasilnikov is especially mad.

- What is he doing?

— You announced an amnesty for the partisans. One hundred and thirty men came home from the taiga. Krasilnikov immediately hanged them all as Bolsheviks.

— It can't be.

“Excuse me, Your Excellency, but…”

— What else does Krasilnikov do?

“He shoots priests, village elders, gendarmes who honestly served us. "This pop has not changed yet, but he can change, therefore, the priest is better to hang." But other chieftains are no better. Annenkov, Kalmykov, Semenov, Baron Ungern. I can show you documents about the monstrous torture...

-Do not…".

Kolchak chose not to notice the atrocities of his guardsmen, none of whom were punished. None of them even received a reprimand. It is natural that Kolchak's chieftains, using the connivance of their leader, did such outrages against the civilian population, from which the hair of an ordinary person stood on end.


In 1919, the power of the leader of the operetta "Siberian Government", called the "supreme ruler of Russia", relied exclusively on the troops of the Western allies in the face of a motley Anglo-French-American-Japanese coalition. received from them Kolchak"humanitarian" assistance, for which he generously paid with Russian gold, stolen by him from the workers' and peasants' state.

The fact that Kolchak is a puppet of the moneybags of the West was known to the people from the very beginning. It is no coincidence that then they said about him: "English uniform, French epaulettes, Japanese tobacco - the ruler of Omsk."

Kolchak's life changed dramatically in February 1917. It was during this period of time that his true essence and poverty of spirit were fully manifested. However, judge for yourself.

A seemingly convinced monarchist, who took the oath to the king, betrayed this king as soon as he saw that the throne was swaying under him. Together with other generals and admirals, he signed a letter demanding the resignation of the tsar, and after learning about the revolution, he threw the golden dagger into the sea, but immediately took the oath to the Provisional Government.

But the Provisional Government either could not or did not want to offer the ambitious admiral a decent position. At the request of the indignant sailors, he had to be removed from command of the Black Sea Fleet. Then the Provisional Government, at the request of the United States on June 28, 1917, sent him to the United States as a mine specialist.

Arriving in the USA, Kolchak began to lead secret negotiations with representatives of the US and British governments about his transfer to serve in their military establishment or to the fleet.

The financial sharks of England decided that he would be extremely useful to them in Russia as the leader of the armed struggle against Soviet power. At the official suggestion of the British government Kolchak arrived at Far East and in the spring and summer of 1918, the British began to advance to the post of head of the anti-Soviet front.

Englishmen who bought and recruited Kolchak, believed that he would be the most "solid contender for power" and had a real chance of becoming the "supreme ruler of Russia", with whom it would be possible to deal with if the entire anti-Soviet campaign was successful.

In October 1918 Kolchak was sent by the British to Omsk as Minister of War of the Directory (democratic government of Siberia and the Urals). Dealing with local authorities Kolchak declared himself the "Supreme Ruler of Russia" with the support of the Entente.

TV and media called the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks in January 1918, which refused to recognize the decrees of Soviet power, a crime. But then the majority of the deputies did not submit to the Bolshevik government. Anti-Soviet deputies organized the Committee of Participants of the Constituent Assembly (Komuch), seized power with the support of the Czechoslovak Corps in the Volga region and the Urals, announced the creation of an independent republic and started a war with the Soviet government. The organizers of Komuch, that is, the deputies of the Constituent Assembly, were shot on Kolchak's orders without trial or investigation. If Lenin, who ordered the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, is called a usurper and a criminal, then whatever you want to call A. Kolchak who ordered the execution of these deputies?

The Entente gave Kolchak 1200 guns, a million rifles, thousands of machine guns, ammunition, aircraft, armored cars, uniforms for hundreds of thousands of people. Kolchak paid off with the third part of the gold reserves of Russia, where the rest of the gold and valuables are still not known for sure.

Kolchak generously thanked the interventionists. He gave the Americans the Lena River basin in concession, the Japanese - the mineral deposits of Transbaikalia, the British - the Northern Sea Route and the ores of Altai (and this is not counting the gold reserves). The British plundered Russia from all sides. In Arkhangelsk, furs were taken from warehouses and even dogs were taken out - Siberian Laikas.

How many tears have been shed by the current Western liberals about the sale of masterpieces from the Hermitage and other Russian museums in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century for the starving Volga region and the needs of the industrialization of the USSR! But none of them ever remembered the gold reserves of Russia, sent by Kolchak to fight Bolshevism. Moreover, it is considered a "merit" Kolchak, his contribution to the liberation of Russia from the yoke of Bolshevism.

side by side with Kolchak his White Czech friends raged in Siberia. A huge amount of gold and silver items, jewelry, paintings, carpets, furs and even purebred trotters were taken out in echelons ... ["Tankograd". No. 24. 2008].

Power Kolchak lasted two years and left a terrible memory of itself in Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region, Pokamye, Vyatka and other places. And when today the townsfolk, zombified by television, begin to admire Kolchak as a talented polar explorer, an experienced naval commander, a brave and highly educated person with an intelligent and expressive look, they forget about what the same Kolchak did, becoming the "supreme ruler of Russia."

A. Kolchak stands out among the leaders of the white movement in that he was defeated not so much by the Red Army, but by the general indignation of the population of Siberia! This is how Kolchak had to try so that in just two years the Siberians would hate him so much!

And there was something to hate. In the book by V. Zazubrin "Two Worlds", published in 1921, all the horrors of Kolchakism are presented by a man who experienced them on his own skin. In words, Kolchak promised people a paradise life: "I set my main goal ... the establishment of law and order, so that the people could ... choose their own form of government and realize the ideas of freedom ...".

But what he did not in words, but in deeds.

“... The village of Medvezhye. All the peasants were gathered for a prayer service in the square. Machine guns are aimed at the crowd. The bells are ringing. The priest reads prayers and longevity to Kolchak ...

Then the same priest gives the officer a long list of peasants - "Bolsheviks". At the church fence, 49 executed people are writhing in agony. All the other men and women of this village were flogged with ramrods and whips, all the girls were raped.

... Wild orgies of officers, where peasant women are being dragged; gallows, where children are hanged along with adults. Czechs, Poles, French, Romanians, Japanese are rampaging and raging. The feast of the winners is in full swing.

Gentlemen, the officers are driving the Russian cattle, Russian working cattle - back to the barn.


The army rolled like a fiery tornado Kolchak in Siberia and the Urals in 1918. A huge danger hung over the young Soviet Republic. All her forces were gathered into a fist and thrown into the fight against Kolchak, although at the same time Denikin was rushing towards Moscow from the south, and Yudenich from the north. If they managed to combine their forces and hit Moscow together, the Soviet government would have had a very hard time. But this did not happen for many reasons, including because each of the leaders of the white movement sought to appropriate all the glory of the winner.

The Bolshevik government took advantage of the ambition of the white leaders and went on the offensive. It began on the Eastern Front in the spring of 1919 with the strike of the Southern Group of Forces by M.V. Frunze. And before that, in the Southern Urals, in the rear of the whites, the famous raid of partisan detachments under the command of the Kashirin brothers, who were part of the group of troops of the member of the Revolutionary Military Council V.K. Blucher, was made.

In the summer of 1919, the Southern Group of Forces under the command of M.V. Frunze began an unstoppable advance to the east with fighting and approached Ufa in June. The legendary 25th division of V. I. Chapaev especially distinguished himself in these battles.

After the capture of Ufa and Perm, the road to Zlatoust and Chelyabinsk opened. It was here that the fate of the revolution was decided then. V. I. Lenin sent a telegram to the Eastern Front: "If we do not conquer the Urals before winter, then, I believe, the death of the revolution is inevitable."

Army Kolchak rolled to the east, practically without any serious resistance to the Red Army. Demoralized, panic-stricken, armed crowds of whites rolled uncontrollably towards Omsk. Siberian partisans beat them from the rear and from the fronts.

On November 14, 1919, the Reds took Omsk, capturing 30,000 prisoners and many trophies. But the cellars of the bank, where Russia's gold reserves were stored, were empty. Kolchak took his remains - 21442 pounds of gold with him.

Let's hope that this historical figure will not be rehabilitated, and the truth about the crimes and betrayal of Kolchak will not drown in the lies of bourgeois propaganda. Otherwise, this can be regarded as a real spit in the soul of the citizens of Russia and their history.

Other related materials:


Alexander 26.05.2011 08:22

The very existence of the current rotten government, under which this bastard was pulled out of musty chests, is already a spit in the soul of the victorious people in two bloody wars

Sergey-1 26.05.2011 09:40

Kolchak? Don't ask too much of a puppet.

Vasily, Gorky 26.05.2011 11:19

Yes, at least Vlasov is being rehabilitated.
"There will be a holiday on our street" - STALIN

Nicholas 26.05.2011 13:47

It is not surprising that so much attention was paid to the PR of this bourgeois film. It's amazing how you can make a hero out of such a non-human!

Nikolai Alexandrovich 26.05.2011 15:04

The glorification of Kolchak is a link in a long chain of falsifications of history, with the aim of discrediting Soviet power, denigrating the victories and achievements of a powerful state, and forming a negative perception among young people. Only the lazy, from the newborn democrats, will not openly “kick” and “bite” the destroyed state. Well, the most sophisticated do it gradually, not intrusively, in order to change the assessment of the past among the adult population, who often has access to only one - three television channels and, at best, one newspaper. But they were the most reading country!

who came in 26.05.2011 20:51

No matter how they praise their spirit and aspirations (for profit), the current ones running ahead of the locomotive (the power elite of Irkutsk), the fact will remain a fact. The overwhelming majority of the people then stood up for justice. In the most difficult conditions, the hordes of interventionists of 15 states of "civilized" Europe defeated. And did what it did. It is sad, of course, that the people of Irkutsk allowed this masterpiece unworthy of the city to be created. Actually, like the Saratovites, they did not oppose the hoisting of Stolypin. In truth, they don't know what they're doing.

Nick 27.05.2011 10:29

In Omsk, they are also going to perpetuate, put up a monument

anti-communist 29.05.2011 01:37

It is interesting to read both the article about Kolchak and the comments on it. All in the communist style: lumping together facts and fiction about enemies, hiding the crimes of the communists, and then publishing laudatory comments. Russia will not rise from its knees as long as the Communists and their heirs remain in power here.

Alexei 29.05.2011 02:43

Yes, mister anti-communist, you would be delighted if you read this in the article: “On November 14, 1919, the Reds took Omsk, captured 30 thousand prisoners and shot them all, loaded the meat into sealed wagons and sent it to Moscow and Petrograd, where Stalin fried from this meat shish kebab fed Lenin and Krupskaya! :))

N.T. 29.05.2011 04:31

Well, the Anti-Communist is just… it’s interesting that Russia still won’t rise from its knees…

hide 17.06.2011 20:09

The article does not carry any information load. Here are mixed facts and fictions, legends and simple rumors that existed among the people or that arose over time. No reliance on documents, except for quoting Kolchak and Pepelyaev, the origin of which is also very doubtful.

It's not about whether the hero is Admiral Kolchak or an anti-hero. The fact is that any statement requires the existence of facts. For example, this phrase:
"His remains - 21442 pounds of gold Kolchak took with him."
Where, excuse me, did you take it? To Irkutsk? He did not even reach Irkutsk - the "allies" betrayed him along the way. And what, where did he take the gold with him? Did he organize the treasury in prison? The facts that Kolchak plundered the royal treasury are doubtful. After the execution of the admiral, they did not find any foreign accounts (which many people like to talk about now), nor "houses and estates in Europe." Read the record of the inventory of the property that was in the car. Of the valuable - only orders, and a few decorations that belonged to Anna Timireva. And his family lived in poverty for a long time.

I am not writing this to make the Admiral a hero. Let everyone form their own opinion about this person. Just do not mix facts and fiction, and then introduce it to the people.

Pinocchio 21.07.2011 13:09

Recently I read a novel about Kolchak "The Admiral's Hour" (author - Mark Yudalevich). Recomend for everybody!

From the author's preface:
“In this novel, the times of Kolchakism in Siberia are recreated. For many decades, Russian Admiral Alexander Kolchak was portrayed in the press as a bloody executioner and unscrupulous servant of foreigners, a puppet in their hands. On the basis of archival materials and stories of contemporaries, I tried to show Kolchak as a tragic figure. Alexander Vasilyevich was not a politician and failed to understand the situation of those years, much less master it. But subjectively he was a brave and honest man. It is impossible to cross out his merits as a polar explorer and naval commander, a hero of the Russian-Japanese and World War I. It is impossible to be like those people who until recently accused anyone who said at least one kind word about Kolchak of idealizing this person, and now they zealously demand that monuments be erected to him in Omsk and Irkutsk ... "
(Mark Yudalevich. Admiral hour)

phoebus 21.07.2011 23:25

By the way, I agree with this preface.

Person 09.08.2011 23:08

It is very strange to read about the executioner-Kolchak, after 70 years of the Gulag and everything that we know about the Soviet regime, that selected human material was destroyed. Is Kolchak also to blame for this? Personality, of course, outstanding! And time will put everything in its place.

Citizen 20.09.2011 00:44

"selected human material."
Well, here it is - the rhetoric of anti-communists. Their cheloek is matreial…. well, that’s exactly what Kolchak reasoned when he sold out to the Entente and fought against his country. Well, he paid for it. There he is dear, freak.

Irenka 20.09.2011 20:36

And what, the existence of the Gulag automatically makes Kolchak an angel in the flesh? This makes no sense…
And it would also be worth thinking about where Russia would roll if the Whites managed to somehow miraculously take over? Well, leaving aside the fact that Russia would probably have been cut in half, but do you think that there would have been no repression?

Irenka 20.09.2011 20:38

And this sickening film about him is not only opportunistic to the point of disgrace, worse than any Soviet lubok, it is also completely devoid of artistic merit, as, indeed, all new Russian cinema. Why fill the screen with such rubbish is generally incomprehensible.

phoebus 24.09.2011 17:28

Yes, Kolchak was not sold to anyone. They spread this nonsense even under Stalin - and you won’t get rid of it already. That is, since we are talking about history, putting aside ideology for the time being, we are OBJECTIVELY speaking, then there is no evidence, except, of course, party archives, which have little confidence.

a-r 04.10.2011 12:55

Kolchak is an ambiguous figure. But honor to him and praise for the fact that he was one of the few who sought to pull Russia out of the cellars of the Cheka.

Zubkov Vladislav 21.12.2011 14:40

What are you people! I spent 3 years studying a historical figure like Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak. Don't listen to anyone or anything! After the death of Kolchak, the ideology in the country changed and the Bolsheviks were now writing history! Kolchak is a noble man! And he has never been involved in bloodthirsty cases! And those who think badly about him, just closed their eyes!!! Be smart and don't lose your head!!! for KOLCHAK and his ideology!!!

Evgeny Zabroda, historian 21.12.2011 14:48

I will study history not for 3 years, but for the rest of my life. And I read a lot of literature about Kolchak. Everything that is written in the article is the absolute truth. Kolchak is a traitor who sold himself to the West.

Sergei s. 08.01.2012 14:48

Only bastards and subhumans can erect monuments to this executioner! I read the diaries of his advisers assigned by the Entente, my hair stands on end! They tied people in pairs and put them on the rails under an armored train, managed to roll off the rails, which means they were lucky, no - the arms and legs and the head were in different directions, the officers had so much fun! .... Who do we make Heroes! Okay, A. Chapman, this is a harmless whore, but Executioner! It is terrible to live in such a state!

Your name 02.02.2012 16:54

Admiral kalchak))) bugaga!

Your name 24.02.2012 17:14

That's right, demolish the monuments to Lenin, Peter the Great, Stalin, Alexander 2.

Ivan 24.02.2012 17:21

To the count of the communists!! per White Russia

Ivan 24.02.2012 17:24

Mr. Zabroda, grandmother's tales do not belong to history

Valentina 02.04.2012 05:31

It was a civil war, the enemy beat the enemy, but did the communists massacre less peaceful people in this war? And in the 1920s and 1940s, who organized outrages without trial or investigation? History has shown that the communist system is no less rotten than those whom they scold. Why judge some executioners and praise others Lenin Stalin, gentlemen, communists are ridiculous!

Person 06.02.2013 04:04

At least three times less. In fact, six times. Denikin's commission to investigate the atrocities of the Bolsheviks set the figure at six thousand people. Can Denikin be called objective and disinterested? Something I doubt. And to remind you how much, for example, one ataman Krasnov ruined? Why, look at Denin himself.

Anna 11.02.2013 15:49

Admiral is a GREAT man who did not spare his life in the name of his Fatherland. If at least one of the “comrades” who spoke here read the real archival documents, studied the facts, then they would not write such nonsense, from which a more or less educated historian simply becomes ridiculous. It's time to learn history from documents, not Soviet textbooks.
In principle, I do not consider the article worthy of commentary, I would like to ask a person of what state of mind it was.

Athlete 21.09.2013 06:03

The entire white movement is a reaction to the rebellion of the Bolsheviks \ Jews \ in the capital, to the gangster dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, which was assembled on the basis of free democratic elections, where the Bolsheviks suffered a crushing defeat. The white movement had no other goals, except for the protection of the results and goals of the February Revolution. Kolchak was an active participant in this democratic white movement.

Che 03.02.2014 20:17

Kolchak was so outraged by the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly that he decided to shoot him. Kolchak defended the values ​​of the February Revolution so much that, at the numerous requests of the sailors, he was recalled abroad. Where is the logic, athlete? In general, it is now fashionable to glorify people who fought mercilessly, and not with the Bolsheviks, but with the labor Russian people. Nicholas 2 (only on January 9, 1905, peaceful demonstrators were killed, among whom there were more than one thousand women and children) Stolypin, who was associated by contemporaries with a tie and a wagon (arranged a merciless terror for rebellious peasants, who were hung on rafts and allowed down the river) , Kolchak (methods of dealing with civilians are comparable to fascist ones)

Victor Dorozhkin 18.11.2014 03:18

that's right, Lieutenant Zanin with a punitive detachment ran the show in our village and hanged the hard workers, and the rest managed to go to Shchetinkin

lotus 07.10.2015 02:21

You read about the fate of the admiral generals and marvel at all the great and beautiful) And who drove the peasants into a bestial state, who did not shield the soldiers for the people.

Gennady Stupnitsky 08.04.2016 06:59

About the king of the most terrible cruelty

Time will not smooth the edges of this abyss -
Remembers the people on the Chitinka River
About the king of the most terrible cruelty
Kolchak, beloved by everyone now.

Memory keeps what the Kolchakites did.
(Let the crosses dry up on the graves)
How the whole of Siberia shuddered with executions,
How the poles went along the backs.

He was considered a great friend in America
I also fell in love with England.
I already see how they fight in hysterics
New whites of troubled times.

I don't understand where you made the choice
V kindergarten Or maybe in the movies?
Began to be called all around white
Grandfathers were red for a long time.

Chapay 05.05.2017 22:10

How many remind grandfather Shchukar!

Sergei 04.07.2017 18:16

At a meeting in Paris on December 23, 1917, the Entente Plan was adopted and promulgated by US President Woodrow Wilson on the eve of 1918. The plan provided for the division of Russia into spheres of influence and was called the "Terms of the Convention."
It was after the adoption of this plan that Kolchak (precisely with a small letter), as a colonel of the British army, was sent to Siberia to implement it.
A. Kolchak in the letters of A. Timireva:
"December 30, 1917. I am accepted into the service of His Majesty the King of England"
Singapore, 16 March. (1918) Met by order of the British government to return immediately to China to work in Manchuria and Siberia. It found that it would be preferable to use me there in the form of allies and Russia over Mesopotamia.
I wonder why the interventionists were in the camp of noble "patriots"? Why did whites fight with foreign bastards shoulder to shoulder for the destruction of Russia? And the "vile" Bolsheviks saved our statehood?

Sergei 04.07.2017 18:27

The communists saved our country twice - in 1917 and in 1941. They rebuilt the economy twice from scratch. Twice overcame hunger, devastation. Twice withstood against the whole world and still remained rich enough, did not slide down to the level of third countries! (the United States also until 1944 helped the Nazis with materials, equipment, like us under Lend-Lease, through private firms). Twice saved our identity, our culture.
And what did the liberals do? compare the period from 1922 to 1941 and the period from 1985 (Gorbochev came to power) to the present day? Is there anything to be proud of?

Sergei 04.07.2017 18:44

Kolchak (white movement), Vlasov (service to the Third Reich) and Yeltsin (drunkard) have one flag.
Kolchak (white movement), Vlasov (service to the Third Reich) and Yeltsin are liberals and "democrats".
Kolchak (white movement), Vlasov (service to the Third Reich) and Yeltsin (drunkard) have one task - to dismember the Russian Empire, and, as the successor of the USSR.
Yeltsin succeeded ... now we clearly see the "zones of influence" (Georgia, Chechnya ... now Ukraine) ... Is it not enough for you? So who is this stalker? for me, he is an executioner and a traitor, just like Vlasov, like Bandera ...

Abdurakhman 29.09.2017 21:35

Kolchak is a corrupt skin, a mishandled Cossack, it was necessary to put him on trial and then there would be no disagreement now, Kolchak deserved the death penalty, period.

VILORA73 03.07.2018 18:29

Sergei, after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, the country was threatened with anarchy and anarchy. In this dangerous case for Russia, the great powers gathered and decided to divide the country into spheres of influence and by no means to conquer it. This is the true meaning of the so-called and slandered by the Bolsheviks of the Entente.

We went to power in order to hang, but we had to hang in order to come to power

The flow of articles and notes about the "good Tsar-father", the noble white movement and the red ghouls-murderers opposing them does not diminish. I'm not going to speak for one side or the other. I'll just give the facts. Just bare facts taken from open sources, and nothing more. The abdicated Tsar Nicholas II was arrested on March 2, 1917 by General Mikhail Alekseev, his chief of staff. The Tsarina and the family of Nicholas II were arrested on March 7 by General Lavr Kornilov, commander of the Petrograd Military District. Yes, yes, those same future heroes-founders of the white movement ...

The government of Lenin, which assumed responsibility for the country in November-17, offered the Romanov family to go to relatives - to London, but the English The Royal Family REFUSED them permission to move to England.

The overthrow of the tsar was welcomed by all of Russia. “Even close relatives of Nikolai put red bows on their chests,” writes historian Heinrich Ioffe. Grand Duke Mikhail, to whom Nicholas intended to transfer the crown, refused the throne. Russian Orthodox Church, having committed perjury to the church oath of allegiance, welcomed the news of the abdication of the king.

Russian officer. 57% of it was supported by the white movement, of which 14 thousand later switched to the red ones. 43% (75 thousand people) - immediately went for the Reds, that is, in the end - more than half of the officers supported the Soviet government.

The first few months after the October uprising in Petrograd and Moscow were not in vain called "the triumphal procession of Soviet power." Out of 84 provincial and other major cities only in 15 it was established as a result of armed struggle. “At the end of November, in all the cities of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia, the power of the Provisional Government no longer existed. It passed almost without any resistance into the hands of the Bolsheviks, Soviets were formed everywhere, ”says Major General Ivan Akulinin in his memoirs“ Orenburg Cossack army in the fight against the Bolsheviks 1917-1920. “Just at that time,” he writes further, “combat units — regiments and batteries — began to arrive in the Army from the Austro-Hungarian and Caucasian fronts, but it turned out to be absolutely impossible to count on their help: they didn’t even want to hear about the armed struggle against the Bolsheviks ".

Russian officers were divided in their sympathies ...

How, under such circumstances, did Soviet Russia suddenly find itself in the ring of fronts? And here's how: from the end of February - the beginning of March 1918, the imperialist powers of both coalitions fighting in the world war began a large-scale armed invasion of our territory.

On February 18, 1918, German and Austro-Hungarian troops (about 50 divisions) went on the offensive from the Baltic to the Black Sea. For two weeks they occupied vast areas.

On March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, but the Germans did not stop. Taking advantage of the agreement with the Central Rada (by that time already firmly established in Germany), they continued their offensive in Ukraine, on March 1 they overthrew Soviet power in Kiev and moved further east and south towards Kharkov, Poltava, Yekaterinoslav, Nikolaev, Kherson and Odessa .

On March 5, German troops under the command of Major General von der Goltz invaded Finland, where they soon overthrew the Finnish Soviet government. On April 18, German troops invaded the Crimea, and on April 30 they captured Sevastopol.

By mid-June, more than 15 thousand German troops with aviation and artillery were in Transcaucasia, including 10 thousand people in Poti and 5 thousand in Tiflis (Tbilisi).

Turkish troops have been operating in Transcaucasia since mid-February.

On March 9, 1918, an English landing entered Murmansk under the pretext ... of the need to protect warehouses of military equipment from the Germans.

On April 5, Japanese troops landed in Vladivostok, but already under the pretext ... of protecting Japanese citizens "from banditry" in this city.

May 25 - performance of the Czechoslovak Corps, whose echelons were located between Penza and Vladivostok.

It must be taken into account that the “whites” (generals Alekseev, Kornilov, Anton Denikin, Pyotr Wrangel, Admiral Alexander Kolchak), who played their role in the overthrow of the tsar, renounced the oath Russian Empire, but did not accept the new government, starting a struggle for their own rule in Russia.

Entente landing in Arkhangelsk, August 1918

In the south of Russia, where the "Russian Liberation Forces" were mainly active, the situation was veiled by the Russian form of the "White Movement". Ataman of the "Don Troops" Pyotr Krasnov, when he was pointed out to the "German orientation" and set as an example of Denikin's "volunteers", replied: "Yes, yes, gentlemen! The volunteer army is pure and infallible.

But it's me, the Don ataman, with my dirty hands I take German shells and cartridges, wash them in waves Quiet Don and cleanly hand over to the Volunteer Army! The whole shame of this case lies with me!

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich, so beloved " romantic hero"of the modern "intelligentsia." Kolchak, having violated the oath of the Russian Empire, was the first to Black Sea Fleet swore allegiance to the Provisional Government. Learning about October revolution, handed over to the British ambassador a request for admission to the British army. The ambassador, after consultations with London, handed Kolchak a direction to the Mesopotamian front. On the way there, in Singapore, he was overtaken by a telegram from the Russian envoy to China, Nikolai Kudashev, inviting him to Manchuria to form Russian military units.

Killed Bolshevik

So, by August 1918, the armed forces of the RSFSR were completely or almost completely opposed by foreign troops. “It would be a mistake to think that throughout this year we fought on the fronts for the cause of Russians hostile to the Bolsheviks. On the contrary, the Russian White Guards fought for OUR cause,” Winston Churchill later wrote.

White liberators or murderers and robbers? Doctor of Historical Sciences Heinrich Ioffe in the journal "Science and Life" No. 12 for 2004 - and this journal managed to last years to be marked by ardent anti-Sovietism - in an article about Denikin he writes: "A real revanchist Sabbath was going on in the territories liberated from the Reds. The old masters returned, arbitrariness, robberies, terrible Jewish pogroms reigned ...".

There are legends about the atrocities of Kolchak's troops. The number of those killed and tortured in Kolchak's dungeons could not be counted. Only in the Yekaterinburg province, about 25 thousand people were shot.
“Terrible murders were committed in Eastern Siberia, but they were not committed by the Bolsheviks, as they usually thought. I will not be mistaken if I say,” an eyewitness of those events, American General William Sidney Graves, later admitted, “that for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were 100 people, killed by anti-Bolshevik elements."

The "ideology" of the Whites in this matter was clearly expressed by General Kornilov:
“We went to power in order to hang, but it was necessary to hang in order to come to power” ...

Americans and Scots guard captured Red Army soldiers in Bereznik

The "allies" of the white movement - the British, French and other Japanese - exported everything: metal, coal, bread, machine tools and equipment, engines and furs. They stole civilian ships and steam locomotives. Until October 1918, the Germans exported from Ukraine alone 52,000 tons of grain and fodder, 34,000 tons of sugar, 45 million eggs, 53,000 horses and 39,000 head of cattle. There was a large-scale plunder of Russia.

And about the atrocities (no less bloody and massive - no one argues) of the Red Army and the Chekists, read in the writings of the democratic press. This text is intended solely to dispel the illusions of those who admire the romance and nobility of the "white knights of Russia." There was dirt, blood and suffering. Wars and revolutions cannot bring anything else...

"White Terror in Russia" is the title of a book by the famous historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences Pavel Golub. The documents and materials collected in it, stone on stone, do not leave from the widely circulating in the media mass media and publications on the historical theme of fiction and myths.

There was everything: from demonstrations of the power of the interventionists to the execution of Red Army soldiers by the Czechs

Let's start with statements about the cruelty and bloodthirstiness of the Bolsheviks, who, they say, destroyed their political opponents at the slightest opportunity. In fact, the leaders of the Bolshevik Party became firm and implacable towards them as they learned the hard way that decisive action was necessary. And at the beginning there was a certain gullibility and even carelessness. After all, in just four months, October triumphantly marched from region to region of a huge country, which became possible thanks to the support of the power of the Soviets by the overwhelming majority of the people. Hence the hope that its opponents themselves will realize the obvious. Many leaders of the counter-revolution, as can be seen from documentary materials - Generals Krasnov, Vladimir Marushevsky, Vasily Boldyrev, prominent politician Vladimir Purishkevich, ministers of the Provisional Government Alexei Nikitin, Kuzma Gvozdev, Semyon Maslov, and many others - were released on parole. word though their hostility new government was not in doubt.

These gentlemen broke their word by taking an active part in the armed struggle, in organizing provocations and sabotage against their people. The generosity shown in relation to the obvious enemies of the Soviet power turned into thousands and thousands of additional victims, the suffering and torment of hundreds of thousands of people who supported the revolutionary changes. And then the leaders of the Russian communists made the inevitable conclusions - they knew how to learn from their mistakes ...

Tomsk residents carry the bodies of the executed participants of the anti-Kolchak uprising

Having come to power, the Bolsheviks by no means banned the activities of their political opponents. They were not subjected to arrests, they were allowed to publish their own newspapers and magazines, hold rallies and marches, etc. The People's Socialists, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks continued their legal activities in the bodies of the new government, starting with the local Soviets and ending with the Central Executive Committee. And again, only after the transition of these parties to an open armed struggle against the new system, their factions were expelled from the Soviets by a decree of the Central Executive Committee of June 14, 1918. But even after that, the opposition parties continued to operate legally. Only those organizations or individuals who were caught in specific subversive actions were subjected to punishment.

Excavations of the grave in which the victims of the Kolchak repressions of March 1919 were buried, Tomsk, 1920

As shown in the book, it was the White Guards, who represented the interests of the overthrown exploiting classes, who initiated the civil war. And the impetus for it, as one of the leaders of the white movement Denikin admitted, was the rebellion of the Czechoslovak corps, largely caused and supported by the Western "friends" of Russia. Without the help of these “friends”, the leaders of the White Czechs, and then the White Guard generals, would never have achieved serious success. And the interventionists themselves actively participated both in operations against the Red Army and in terror against the insurgent people.

Kolchak's victims in Novosibirsk, 1919

The "civilized" Czechoslovak punishers dealt with their "Slav brothers" with fire and bayonet, literally erasing entire towns and villages from the face of the earth. In Yeniseisk alone, for example, more than 700 people were shot for sympathy for the Bolsheviks - almost a tenth of those who lived there. During the suppression of the uprising of the prisoners of the Alexander transit prison in September 1919, the Czechs shot them point-blank from machine guns and cannons. The massacre lasted three days, about 600 people died at the hands of the executioners. And there are many such examples.

Bolsheviks killed by the Czechs near Vladivostok

By the way, the foreign invaders actively contributed to the deployment of new concentration camps on Russian territory for those who opposed the occupation or sympathized with the Bolsheviks. The Provisional Government began to create concentration camps. This is an indisputable fact, which the whistleblowers of the "bloody atrocities" of the communists are also silent about. When French and British troops landed in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, one of their leaders, General Poole, on behalf of the allies, solemnly promised the northerners to ensure “the triumph of law and justice” in the occupied territory. However, almost immediately after these words, a concentration camp was organized on the island of Mudyug captured by the invaders. Here are the testimonies of those who happened to be there: “Several people died every night, and their corpses remained in the barracks until the morning. And in the morning a French sergeant appeared and gloatingly asked: “How many Bolsheviks are kaput today?” Of those imprisoned on the Mudyug, more than 50 percent lost their lives, many went crazy ... ".

American invader posing near the corpse of a murdered Bolshevik

After the departure of the Anglo-French interventionists, power in the North of Russia passed into the hands of the White Guard General Yevgeny Miller. He not only continued, but also intensified repression and terror, trying to stop the rapidly developing process of “Bolshevization of the masses”. Their most inhuman personification was the exile-convict prison in Iokanga, which one of the prisoners described as "the most brutal, sophisticated method of exterminating people by a slow, painful death." Here are excerpts from the memoirs of those who miraculously managed to survive in this hell: “The dead lay on the planks together with the living, and the living were no better than the dead: dirty, covered with scabs, in torn rags, decomposing alive, they represented a nightmarish picture.”

A Red Army prisoner at work, Arkhangelsk, 1919

By the time Yokangi was liberated from the whites, out of a thousand and a half prisoners, 576 people remained, of which 205 could no longer move.

The system of such concentration camps, as shown in the book, was deployed in Siberia and the Far East by Admiral Kolchak - perhaps the most cruel of all the White Guard rulers. They were created both on the basis of prisons and in those prisoner of war camps that were built by the Provisional Government. In more than 40 concentration camps, the regime drove almost a million (914,178) people who rejected the restoration of the pre-revolutionary order. To this must be added about 75 thousand more people languishing in white Siberia. More than 520,000 prisoners were taken by the regime into slave, almost unpaid labor at enterprises and in agriculture.

However, neither in Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago", nor in the writings of his followers Alexander Yakovlev, Dmitry Volkogonov and others, there is not a word about this monstrous archipelago. Although the same Solzhenitsyn begins his "Archipelago" with a civil war, depicting the "Red Terror". A classic example of lying by mere silence!

American Bolshevik hunters

In the anti-Soviet literature on the civil war, a lot and with anguish is written about the “barges of death”, which, they say, were used by the Bolsheviks to massacre the White Guard officers. Pavel Golub's book cites facts and documents showing that the "barges" and "death trains" began to be actively and massively used by the White Guards. When in the autumn of 1918 eastern front they began to suffer defeat from the Red Army, to Siberia, and then “barges” and “death trains” with prisoners of prisons and concentration camps stretched to the Far East.

Horror and death - that's what the White Guard generals carried to the people who rejected the pre-revolutionary regime. And this is by no means a publicistic exaggeration. Kolchak himself frankly wrote about the “vertical of control” he created: “The activity of the chiefs of district police, special forces, all kinds of commandants, heads of individual detachments is a complete crime.” It would be good to think about these words for those who today admire the “patriotism” and “selflessness” of the White movement, which, contrary to the Red Army, defended the interests of “Great Russia”.

Captured Red Army soldiers in Arkhangelsk

Well, as for the “Red Terror”, its dimensions were completely incomparable with the White Terror, and it was mostly of a reciprocal nature. This was recognized even by General Grevs, commander of the 10,000-strong American corps in Siberia.

And this was not only in Eastern Siberia. This was the case throughout Russia.
However, the frank confessions of the American general by no means relieve him of guilt for participating in the reprisals against the people who rejected the pre-revolutionary order. Terror against him was carried out by the joint efforts of foreign interventionists and white armies.

In total, there were more than a million interventionists on the territory of Russia - 280 thousand Austro-German bayonets and about 850 thousand English, American, French and Japanese. The joint attempt of the White Guard armies and their foreign allies to inflict a Russian “thermidor” cost the Russian people, even according to incomplete data, very dearly: about 8 million were killed, tortured in concentration camps, died from wounds, hunger and epidemics. The material losses of the country, according to experts, amounted to an astronomical figure - 50 billion gold rubles ...