Write history tests. Multimedia history tests

The collected works of V. I. Lenin were once in every library. In the USSR, there were five supplemented reprints, the very first in 20 volumes, the last in 55. In addition, collections and individual works were regularly published. Studied Lenin's legacy in all schools and universities.

The writer is engaged in literary work, and the commander leads the army during the war. It would seem, what do they have in common? Both writers and commanders need talent and diligence - without these qualities it is impossible to achieve success in these professions.

The philosophy of history is directed to comprehending the meaning of universal principles and uniqueness. historical path peoples and civilizations. Comprehending the history of mankind, thinkers are looking for the unity of all aspects of historical reality and the mission of Russia in the world process.

The origin and existence of civilization ancient egypt connected with the Nile - people settled in the river valley and cultivated fertile lands. The achievements of civilization were the invention of hieroglyphs and control systems, the birth of sciences, Agriculture and industry, the judiciary.

As the severity of laws in the USSR was mitigated by the non-obligation of their implementation, so low prices were leveled by the lack of goods. Memories of eternal shortages and queues were the first to be erased from memory, but the memory of cheap sausage and the most delicious ice cream continues to excite.

Knowledge of history allows us to understand by what laws the world develops. political, economic, social system formed as a result of long and complex processes. An objective description of the events of the past should be based on specific dates and have documentary evidence.

Soviet leaders enriched the language popular expressions. Many aphorisms seem funny, but there are also quite harmonious statements that have not lost their relevance. No one doubts that "less is better" and "art belongs to the people", although not everyone remembers the author.

Perestroika was a phenomenon that changed life not only in the Soviet Union, but also in the countries of the socialist camp. Society received social and political freedom, publicity and economic reform, but the USSR collapsed. The significance of perestroika is still ambiguously assessed.

If one can argue about other areas of the country's development, the question of the "rollback" of science after the USSR is practically not disputed. In the years Soviet power significant funds were invested in science, the number of research institutes was constantly growing, and this was reflected in the achievements.

The sources of the content of youth slang can be traced, but it is difficult to predict. This language differs from jargons by its wide distribution in a certain age group. Often slang is more expressive than the normative language, and this fully applies to the youth slang of the times of the USSR.

At various stages, the Soviet Union managed to go through the stages of a new type of state that aroused the sympathy of the working people of other countries, the people-liberator who defeated fascism, the builder of communism and the "evil empire". The chronology of events brings clarity to the pattern of processes.

Whoever Stalin really was - a dictator or the greatest political figure - we are unlikely to be able to objectively evaluate this person. This name is associated with victory in the war and repression, the development of the country and the Gulag. The biography of this person determined the originality of the personality.

Sections: History and social studies

Control work on the topic “Original Russia”

Option I (a = I)

a) Nestor

2. Specify the route of the trade route “From the Varangians to the Greeks”:

a) White Sea - r. Northern Dvina - r. Sukhona - Volga - Don - Sea of ​​Azov - Black Sea;

b) the Baltic Sea - r. Volkhov - lake. Ilmen - Black Sea;

c) Baltic Sea - Western Dvina - Dnieper - Black Sea.

3. What are the features of Christianity compared to paganism:

a) polytheism;

b) tritheism;

c) monotheism.

4. The chronicle reports the calling of the Varangians to control the Slavic tribes in:

a) 862;

b) 900;

c) 988.

5. The first unified Russian state had the name:

a) Novgorod Rus;

b) Kievan Rus;

c) Vladimir Rus.

6. The first Russian princely dynasty began from:

a) Sineus;

b) Truvor;

c) Rurik.

7. The first Russian prince was:

c) Svyatoslav.

8. Polyudie is:

a) Collection of tribute from vassal possessions;

b) Begging for alms from people;

c) Gathering people at the fair.

9. In 957, a magnificent embassy of Russia went to Constantinople to strengthen political and economic relations, headed by a prince (princess):

a) Igor;

b) Olga;

c) Svyatoslav.

10. Svyatoslav dies in:

11. The first strife in Russia occurred after death:

a) Izyaslav;

b) Yaropolk;

c) Svyatoslav.

12. The baptism of Russia took place in:

13. The first Russian saint was:

c) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.

14. Russkaya Pravda was first put into effect when:

a) Vladimir Monomakh;

b) Yaroslav the Wise;

c) Yuri Dolgoruky.

15. In the mid-50s. 11th century appeared in Russia:

a) Hagia Sophia

b) Church of the Savior;

c) Caves monastery.

16. According to Russkaya Pravda, the punishment for premeditated murder was:

but) the death penalty;

b) test by water and fire;

c) the imposition of fines (vira).

17. An patrimony is:

a) a land plot of a peasant;

b) lease of territory by an artisan;

c) land ownership transferred by the prince to his vassals.

18. Wealthy merchants leading foreign trade were called:

a) "Guests";

b) "Foreigners";

c) Outsiders.

19. The Slavic alphabet was called:

a) cursive;

b) Cyrillic;

c) letter.

20. Boyars were called:

a) junior combatants of the prince;

b) Senior combatants of the prince;

c) representatives of the clergy.

21. Lyubech Congress took place in:

22. Find a work written by Vladimir Monomakh:

a) “A word about the destruction of the Russian land”;

b) “Teaching children”;

c) "Nomocanon".

Questions (a = I)

  1. Name the Russian prince who tried to restore peace in Russia and prevent its disintegration into appanages.
  2. What is common between a slave, a servant, a purchase, a prisoner, a hireling?
  3. Whose portrait is this: “His face was red, his eyes were large, he was not very large in stature, but strong in body and strong.”
  4. To whom is the following phrase addressed: “Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order (i.e. management) in it. Come reign and rule over us."
  5. Who owns the new and strong system of the unity of Russia - the transfer of grand-princely power by seniority?
  6. What city is called the "mother of Russian cities"?
  7. From which document is the following phrase taken: “We are from the Russian family ... sent from Oleg, the Grand Duke of Russia, and from all who are under his hand - saints and grand dukes, and his great boyars ...”
  8. What unites the large boyars, rich merchants, archbishops.

Sample answers

For the test

1-a; 2-b; 3-in; 4-a; 5 B; 6-in; 7-b; 8-a; 9-b; 10-in; 11-in; 12-a; 13-in; 14-b; 15-in; 16-in; 17-in; 18-a; 19-b; 20-b; 21-in; 22-b.


  1. Vladimir Monomakh.
  2. All are dependent, not free people.
  3. Yaroslav the Wise.
  4. Varangians.
  5. Yaroslav the Wise.
  6. Kyiv.
  7. Treaty between Byzantium and Russia in 911.
  8. They are all urban aristocracy.

Evaluation criteria:

  • “5” - 28-30 correct answers;
  • “4” - 23-27 correct answers;
  • “3” - 15-22 correct answers;
  • “2” - less than 15 correct answers.

II option (a = II)

1. In what language were chronicles compiled in Kievan Rus:

a) in Latin

b) in Slavonic;

c) in Russian.

2. What did Russian merchants trade in?

a) fish, salt, furs, leather, honey, linen;

b) incense and spices, beads, wine;

c) weapons, horses, precious stones, fabrics.

3. Specify the main types of economic activity of the Slavs:

a) horticulture and winemaking;

b) agriculture;

c) animal husbandry.

4. In the IX century. Eastern Slavs were:

a) pagans

b) Christians;

c) Muslims.

5. What is the name of the theory of the origin of the Russian state?

a) Varangian;

b) Norman;

c) Indo-European.

6. In what year did Kyiv become the center of a single ancient Russian state?

7. What was the name of the meeting of free people - members of the community Eastern Slavs?

8. One of the reasons for the Russian-Byzantine war of 941 - 944. was:

a) non-payment of tribute by Byzantium;

b) a ban by the Russian prince on trade in Byzantium;

c) the abolition of benefits for Russian merchants.

9. Name the Slavic tribe that did not want to pay tribute to Kiev and constantly rebelled against Prince Igor.

a) meadow;

b) Drevlyane;

c) scream.

10. In what year was Princess Olga baptized?

11. Why is Svyatoslav called the “Alexander of Macedon” of Eastern Europe?

a) Because of the constant conflict with Byzantium;

b) Because of his campaigns and annexed lands;

c) Because of the unusual diplomacy of Svyatoslav.

12. In an effort to protect the southern borders of Russia from the constant raids of the Pechenegs, Vladimir undertook?

a) Construction of outposts with a light warning system;

b) Creation of border squads;

c) Construction of ditches around Russian cities.

13. What is one of the reasons why Vladimir chose Christianity to unite the Russian lands?

a) No obligation;

b) It could cleanse the soul, give an opportunity for rebirth and renewal of the personality, hope; for a happy life in eternity.

14. What is a vira?

a) the ransom given by grooms to the bride's family;

b) judicial duel;

c) court fee for killing or mutilating a person.

15. What event of the XI century shows the growth of the international prestige of Russia.

a) Payment of indemnity by Byzantium;

b) Russian conquest of Constantinople;

c) Marriage of a Byzantine princess and son Yaroslav.

16. Name the first monk of the Caves Monastery?

a) Illarion;

b) Anthony;

c) Theodosius.

17. Princely domain is:

a) Land belonging to the prince's combatants;

b) A complex of lands inhabited by people belonging directly to the head of state;

c) Church lands.

18. What tasks did the cities perform during the formation of the state, the development of Russia?

a) Place of gathering of troops to repulse the enemy;

b) Trade and craft centers;

c) Farmers association centers.

19. Tithing is:

a) a tenth of the princely income in favor of the church;

b) the name of the church lands;

c) monetary unit in Russia.

20. What decision was made by the princes at the Lyubech congress in 1097?

a) All Russian principalities should be united into a single state with the center in Kyiv;

b) Each prince retains the lands of their fathers;

c) Strong princes can take possession of other principalities.

21. What event happened in 1111?

a) the uprising of the peasants;

b) Crusade against the Polovtsians;

c) Russo-Byzantine war.

22. By the middle of the XII century, Russia split into:

a) 10 principalities;

b) 12 principalities;

c) 15 principalities.

Questions (a = II)

  1. Who owns the following characteristic: “Lacking physical strength, being lame, he was a brave warrior and fearlessly led the army into battle. Born in a pagan environment, he became a true Christian. He showed himself to be an exceptionally versatile person. He remained in history as a major urban planner. In honor of the victories over the enemies, he built the Golden Gate.
  2. List the main categories of the population of the period of "military democracy". Arrange them in descending order of wealth and power.
  3. Decide who, the Greek historian wrote: “Judgement was imprinted in their minds, not in laws ... they lead the same way of life, have the same morals, love freedom and cannot stand slavery, ... excellent wars ... Their greatest art is that they know how to hide in rivers underwater.”
  4. Decide who in question: “Rural estates and city yards of the secular and spiritual nobility were full of these people who performed many household chores and in the field. But still they were different from the slaves in the ancient world. They had some rights. Their murder was punishable by law.”
  5. Who is the next call for? “Prince! There is no sin in that for you: after all, they always, having sworn an oath, ruin the Russian land and shed Christian blood without ceasing?
  6. Determine who we are talking about: “During the collection of tribute in 945, the soldiers of this prince committed violence against the Drevlyans. Having collected tribute, the prince sent the main part of the squad and the convoy “go home”, and he himself, left with his “small squad”, decided to wander around the Drevlyansk lands in search of prey. The Drevlyans, led by their prince Mal, rebelled and killed the squad. The offender himself was captured and executed with a cruel death: he was tied to two bent trees, and then they were released.
  7. Whose next characteristic? “From the first steps of her reign, she showed herself as a resolute, imperious, far-sighted and stern ruler. She took revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of her husband. And she established for the local population the norms for paying tribute and the places where the tribute was to be brought. Dying, the princess bequeathed not to celebrate a pagan feast on her grave, but to bury her according to Christian custom.
  8. Who owns the following words: “I don’t like to sit in Kyiv, I want to live in Pereyaslavets on the Danube - there is the middle of my land, all the blessings flow there: from the Greek land - gold, drags (precious stones), wines, various fruits from the Czech Republic, from Hungary - silver and horses, and from Russia - fur and wax, honey and slaves.

What is "the apple of the eye"? Why was it good manners for a guest to knock on the door with their feet? What are "lyases" and why sharpen them? These and other interesting facts are waiting for you in the test!

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  • Russia has experienced many wars throughout its history. Test your knowledge of the great battles (sea and land) battles of the wars of past centuries.

    Over time, many concepts are forgotten, things that were once in every home go out of use. But history remembers all this.

    Russia's victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 is an expression of the inflexible will and boundless determination of the people who rose up in defense of the national independence of their Motherland.

    The 19th century was marked by the flourishing of Russian painting. The works of domestic artists of that era have a unique value and great weight in the world cultural heritage.

    Topic 1. Ancient Russia (IX - XIII centuries)

    1) On what territory was the Old Russian state created?

    On the territory of modern Ukraine.

    2) Who created the Old Russian state?

    Old Russian state in Eastern Europe, which arose in the last quarter of the 9th century. as a result of the unification under the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty of the two main centers of the Eastern Slavs - Novgorod and Kyiv, as well as the lands located along the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

    3) Which city became the capital Old Russian state?

    In 882 Prince Oleg captured Kyiv and made it the capital of the state.

    4) When did Russia adopt Christianity?

    Under Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich, he is also known as Vladimir the Saint, Vladimir the Great, in the history of the church - Vladimir the Baptist.

    6) What is the religious symbol of Christianity?

    7) What famous Orthodox churches were built in Ancient Russia?

    The Church of the Tithes, the three-domed St. Sophia Cathedral, the churches of St. Irina and the Great Martyr George, the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv.

    8) From which state did Russia become dependent in the 13th century?

    In the XIII century, Russia fell into dependence on the Golden Horde.

    Alexander Nevsky - Prince of Novgorod (1236-1240, 1241-1252 and 1257-1259), Grand Duke of Kyiv (1249-1263), Grand Duke of Vladimir (1252-1263), famous Russian commander, defender of the holy Russian Orthodox Church and land. He led the Novgorod army in the battle with the Swedes on the Neva River in 1240 and in Battle on the Ice with the Teutonic Knights in 1242. Holy noble prince who did not lose a single battle.

    Topic 2. Muscovy (XIV - XVII centuries)

    1) When did it happen?

    2) Who won the Battle of Kulikovo?

    In the Battle of Kulikovo, Russia won under the leadership of Dmitry Donskoy.

    3) Which city became the center of the unification of Russian lands?

    Moscow became the center of the unification of Russian lands.

    4) When did the Russian lands unite around Moscow?

    The middle of the XV century, the beginning of the unification of Russian lands around Moscow.

    5) In what year did the liberation of Russia from the Horde yoke (dependence) take place?

    In 1480.

    6) What name in history did Tsar Ivan IV receive?

    V. M. Vasnetsov. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, 1897.

    7) Conqueror of Siberia?

    Ermak T. - "Unknown by birth, famous in soul."

    8) What artist of the 15th century painted the famous Trinity icon?

    Andrei Rublev.

    Andrei Rublev is the most famous and revered master of the Moscow school of icon painting, book and monumental painting of the 15th century. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint.

    9) What is the name of the architectural monument-fortress in Moscow, which was built as a symbol of the formation of a single Moscow state?

    All Saints Bridge and the Kremlin at the end of the 17th century. Drawing by A. M. Vasnetsov

    10) In what century was the Time of Troubles in Russia?

    Turn of the XVI-XVII centuries.

    11) When Moscow was liberated from Polish army people's militia led by Minin and Pozharsky?

    Moscow was liberated in October 1612.

    12) What dynasty began to rule in Russia since 1613?

    Romanov dynasty.

    Section II. Russian Empire (XVIII-early XX centuries)

    Topic 3. Russia in the 18th century

    1) Who carried out reforms in Russia in early XVIII century?

    Posthumous romanticized portrait of Peter I.
    Painter Paul Delaroche (1838).

    2) What is the name of the city that became the capital of Russia in the era of Peter I?

    St. Petersburg.

    3) In which city was the first university in Russia established in the 18th century?

    In Moscow.

    4) Which Russian scientist played leading role in the creation of the first university in Russia?

    Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich

    5) When and under what Russian empress did the Crimean Peninsula become part of Russia?

    On April 8, 1783, Catherine II signed a manifesto on the "Accession of the Crimean Peninsula, Taman Island and the entire Kuban side under the Russian state."

    Catherine II Alekseevna - Empress and Autocrat of All Russia. She pursued a policy of enlightened absolutism.

    6) Who was A.V. Suvorov?

    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov - the great Russian commander, military theorist, strategist, national hero Russia.

    7) What monument is the symbol of the city of St. Petersburg?

    8) In which city is the largest museum in Russia - the Hermitage?

    St. Petersburg.

    Topic 4. Russia in the 19th century

    1) When was World War II?

    The Patriotic War was in 1812.

    2) What is the name of the biggest battle Patriotic War?

    battle of Borodino.

    3) Who won the Patriotic War?

    Russia won. Napoleon's army was almost completely destroyed.

    4) Who was the commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the war years?

    Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov - Russian commander and diplomat, Field Marshal General from the Golenishchev-Kutuzov family, commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812. First full cavalier Order of Saint George.

    Portrait of M.I. Kutuzov by R.M. Volkova

    5) Who are the Decembrists?

    Russian revolutionaries who raised an uprising in December 1825 against autocracy and serfdom.

    6) When Russia canceled serfdom?

    The abolition of serfdom took place in 1861.

    7) Under what Russian emperor was serfdom abolished?

    under Alexander II.

    - Emperor of All Russia. He carried out large-scale reforms. Abolished serfdom (manifesto of February 19, 1861). Under him, victory was won in the Russian-Turkish war (1877–1878). He died as a result of a terrorist act organized by the secret organization Narodnaya Volya.

    8) When did the joining take place Central Asia to Russia?

    In 1880.

    9) Who was A.S. Pushkin?

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, literary critic, translator, publicist, historian.

    10) What Russian scientist discovered in the second half of the nineteenth century periodic law chemical elements?

    Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is a Russian encyclopedic scientist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, oilman, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor at St. Petersburg University. Among the most famous discoveries- the periodic law of chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, inalienable for all natural science.

    11) Who was L.N. Tolstoy?

    Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Count, great Russian writer, thinker, known to the whole world, educator, publicist, religious thinker. Member of the defense of Sevastopol.

    12) Who was P.I. Tchaikovsky?

    Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - the great Russian composer, conductor, teacher, musical public figure, music journalist.

    13) Who was F.M. Dostoevsky?

    Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a great Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist. Dostoevsky is a classic of Russian literature and one of the world's best novelists.

    Topic 5. The Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century

    1) What were the main religions represented in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century?

    The main religions represented in Russia are Christianity (Orthodoxy predominates), as well as Islam and Buddhism.

    2) Representatives of which religion made up the majority of the population Russian Empire?

    Most The population is Orthodox.

    3) When did the First Russian Revolution take place?

    In 1905.

    4) What was the main result of the First Russian revolution?

    New state bodies were formed - the beginning of the development of parliamentarism; some limitation of autocracy; democratic freedoms were introduced, censorship was abolished, trade unions and legal political parties were allowed; the bourgeoisie had the opportunity to participate in political life country; the situation of workers has improved, wages have been raised, the working day has decreased to 9-10 hours; redemption payments of peasants were canceled, their freedom of movement was expanded; limited the power of zemstvo chiefs.

    5) Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party?

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Russian revolutionary, Soviet political and statesman, founder of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks), one of the main organizers and leaders October revolution 1917 in Russia, Chairman of the Council People's Commissars(government) of the RSFSR, creator of the first socialist state in world history.

    6) When was the first World War?

    7) Who was A.P. Chekhov?

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, playwright, classic of world literature.

    8) What was the name of the Russian scientist who invented the radio?

    Alexander Stepanovich Popov.

    9) What is the name of the theater in Moscow, famous all over the world for its performances of opera and ballet?

    Section III. History of the USSR

    Topic 6. History of the USSR before the Great Patriotic War

    1) What revolution took place in Russia in 1917?

    Great October Socialist Revolution.

    2) What was the name of the last Russian emperor?

    Nicholas II - Emperor of All Russia, Colonel. The reign of Nicholas II was marked by the economic development of Russia and at the same time the growth of socio-political contradictions in it, the revolutionary movement that resulted in the revolution of 1905-1907 and the February Revolution of 1917; the war with Japan, as well as Russia's participation in the military blocs of European powers and the First World War.

    Nicholas II abdicated the throne during February Revolution 1917 and was with his family under house arrest in the Tsarskoye Selo Palace. In the summer of 1917, by decision of the Provisional Government, he was sent into exile with his family to Tobolsk, and in the spring of 1918 he was moved by the Bolsheviks to Yekaterinburg, where in July 1918 he was shot with his family and close associates. Canonized (together with his wife and children) by the Russian Orthodox Church.

    3) Which party came to power in Russia in the autumn of 1917?

    The Bolshevik Party, headed by V.I. Lenin.

    4) What was the name of the state that was created in 1922 on the territory of the former Russian Empire?

    USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

    5) Under what leader of Russia was the church separated from the state, and the school from the church?

    under Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

    6) What was the name of the policy to create large-scale industry in the USSR?


    7) What was the name of the policy of creating collective farms in the countryside in the USSR?


    8) What was the most important achievement of the USSR in the field of education in the first half of the twentieth century?

    Elimination of illiteracy.

    Topic 7. USSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945)

    1) When was the Great Patriotic War?

    2) Which countries were allies of the USSR in the fight against Nazi Germany?

    The allies of the USSR were the USA, Great Britain, the Mongolian People's Republic, the Tuva People's Republic (countries anti-Hitler coalition).

    3) What was the name of the most important (turning) battle of the Great Patriotic War?

    Battle of Stalingrad.

    4) Who were G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Rokossovsky?

    Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov - four times Hero Soviet Union, holder of two Orders of Victory, many other Soviet and foreign orders and medals. During the Great Patriotic War, he successively served as chief General Staff, commander of the front, member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, Deputy Supreme Commander. In the post-war period, he served as Commander-in-Chief ground forces, commanded the Odessa, then the Ural military districts. After the death of I. V. Stalin, he became the first deputy minister of defense of the USSR.

    Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky - Soviet and Polish military leader, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945). Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Marshal of Poland (1949). The only marshal of the two countries in the history of the USSR. He commanded the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square in Moscow. One of the greatest commanders of World War II.

    5) Who won the Great Patriotic War?

    6) In what city soviet soldiers M. Egorov and M. Kantaria raised the banner of Victory in May 1945?

    In Berlin, Germany.

    7) How many Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War?

    27 million people.

    Victory Day.

    Topic 8. USSR in the post-war period (1945 - 1991)

    1) In what year and on the initiative of which Soviet leader was Crimea transferred from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR?

    2) Who was the chief designer of the first Soviet spaceships THE USSR?

    Korolev Sergei Pavlovich - Soviet scientist, designer and chief organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons of the USSR, the founder of practical astronautics. One of the largest figures of the 20th century in the field of space rocket and shipbuilding. On his initiative and under his leadership, the launch of the first artificial satellite Earth and the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin.

    3) What was the name of the first astronaut in the world?

    Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich - Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest distinctions of a number of states, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space.

    4) In what year Yu.A. Gagarin made the world's first flight into space?

    5) What is the name of the first female astronaut in the world?

    Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova - Soviet cosmonaut, the world's first female cosmonaut, major general (1995). Candidate of technical sciences, professor. The only woman in the world who made a space flight alone. The first woman in Russia with the rank of major general.

    6) What important international sporting event took place in Moscow in 1980?


    7) What was the name of M.S.'s reform policy? Gorbachev?


    8) Who was the president of the USSR?

    Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - Soviet and Russian state, political and public figure. Last general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU. The last Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, then the first Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The only President of the USSR. He has a number of awards and honorary titles, the most famous of which is the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize. Included in the list of 100 most studied personalities in history.

    9) How many Soviet republics were part of the USSR in the 1960s-1980s?

    15 republics.

    10) When did the collapse of the USSR occur?

    11) What organization was created after the collapse of the USSR by some former Soviet republics?

    CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States).

    12) Who was A.I. Solzhenitsyn?

    Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich - Russian writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure. Laureate Nobel Prize in Literature (1970). A dissident who for several decades (1960–1980s) actively opposed communist ideas, the political system of the USSR and the policies of its authorities.

    Section IV. Modern Russia

    Topic 9. Reforms in the Russian Federation in 1991-1999.

    1) When was the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia adopted?

    2) Who was the first president of Russia?

    3) What reforms did B.N. Yeltsin?

    Liberalization of foreign trade, reorganization of the tax system and other transformations that have radically changed economic situation in the country. The result of the reforms marked Russia's transition to a market economy.

    4) When was the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?

    5) Which state in its own way national composition is an the Russian Federation?


    6) What language is official language in Russia?

    Russian language.

    7) What city is the capital of Russia?

    8) What is the name of the main square of the capital of Russia?

    Topic 10. Russia in the 21st century

    1) In what years were the presidents of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev?

    V.V. Putin - from May 2, 2000 to May 7, 2008,
    May 7, 2012 to present;

    YES. Medvedev - from May 7, 2008 to May 7, 2012.

    2) Who is the current president of Russia?

    3) What new republic became part of Russia in 2014?

    4) Who is the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church?

    Patriarch Kirill (Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev).

    5) What is the name of one of the main organizations of Muslims in Russia?

    Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia (TsDUM of Russia).

    6) In what Russian city hosted the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014?

    Sochi, Russia.

    Block of cultural issues (Modern holidays in Russia)

    1) When in Russia they celebrate New Year?


    Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    International Women's Day.

    Russia Day.

    National Unity Day.

    Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    The presentation was made in the form of a quiz (9 questions) on the topic “Land and military reforms in Ancient Rome". 10 task - practical. The resource can be used at the stage of knowledge testing or when consolidating the material. The form of work can be both individual and frontal.

    Interactive history simulator Ancient Mesopotamia for 5th grade students. The resource is didactic material, a presentation made using the technological method "animated puzzles". The result of passing the test is the compilation of the picture "Gate of Ishtar" from puzzles.

    The game contributes to the formation of cognitive interest among schoolchildren and an increase in interest in the study of historical educational material.

    Target audience: for grade 5

    The work was added to the competition "Multimedia games, contests, quizzes, simulators for lessons and extracurricular activities." This crossword puzzle was created for an extracurricular event dedicated to the history and traditions of Maslenitsa.

    Maslenitsa is celebrated on the last week before the start of Lent. These days people see off the winter and prepare for fasting. The traditional attributes of the holiday are sleigh rides, wall-to-wall fights, visiting guests, as well as pancakes, flat cakes in Russia and dumplings and cheesecakes in Belarus and Ukraine. On the last day of Shrovetide - Forgiveness Sunday - people ask each other for forgiveness in order to start fasting with a pure soul.

    Coloring simulator for 6th grade students on general history on the theme "Back to the Middle Ages", made in the Microsoft Office Power Point program. The interactive test is used as part of an extra-curricular activity on the subject, and it is also possible to use the repetition of the topic “History of the Middle Ages” in a general lesson. The resource is intended for any teaching materials on the history of the Middle Ages.

    Purpose: to promote the formation of interest in the study of the subject.

    • identify the level of assimilation topics for students,
    • fostering interest in learning through play activities,
    • formation of test culture of students.

    Target audience: for grade 6

    History test " Ancient Greece” is presented in Microsoft Office Excel. The work is designed for students in grade 5 secondary school. The task is presented in the form of a test and contains 15 questions. Each question has 4 possible answers. The test consists of three sheets "instruction", "test", "results". When working with it, you need to “click” in the “answer” cell on the “test” sheet. A drill down will appear on the right to select an answer option. Each correct answer is worth two points. After passing the test, the result is displayed on the "results" sheet.

    Target audience: for grade 5

    History test "Egypt and The Ancient East” is presented in the Power Point program. The work is designed for students of the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. The task is presented in the form of 10 questions per ratio. When working with it, you need to “click” on the number of the selected answer: if the answer is correct, the number lights up “green”, if the wrong answer is selected, the number lights up “red”. Attempts can be repeated. The transition to the next task is carried out by the arrow below.

    Target audience: for grade 5

    The presented crossword puzzle is interactive and allows you to game form consolidate students' knowledge of history Russia XIX century by matching portraits historical figures, their names and roles in the history of the country.
    The crossword consists of 29 image questions and is based on the use of triggers and hyperlinks.
    When working with a crossword puzzle, a student can choose a task on their own, in random order, by clicking the left mouse button on the image.
    Slide 2 is the main working slide of the crossword puzzle. The portraits that frame the crossword puzzle are hyperlinks to their larger image (slides 3-31).
    Answer words (surnames of historical figures) appear when you click on the question number in the crossword grid. To display answers to questions number 12 (with horizontal and vertical placement of words), click on the first cell of the word.
    The crossword puzzle can be used to organize individual, frontal or group work when conducting a generalizing repetition on the history of Russia in the 19th century, extracurricular activities on Patriotic history as well as in preparing students for passing the exam by history.