The working hours of the class teacher according to the law. Job description of the class teacher of primary classes who switched to new fgos

Main responsibilities class teacher

General requirements for the volume and quality of the class teacher's work follow from the Labor Code (Labor Code) of the Russian Federation (Article 130), the RF Law "On Education", as well as the Charter and the concept of the school's activities of this Regulation on the class teacher.
1. Minimum work time, which the class teacher is obliged to devote to pupils during the week - 6 hours (30 percent of the teacher's rate).
2. Hour of the class teacher (" Classroom hour") is held once a week according to the schedule, about which an entry is made in the journal.
3. The number of educational activities - at least two cases per month, one of which can be school-wide.
4. The number of parents' meetings - at least one in a quarter.
5. The content, scope, technology and specific goals of activities with a specific class should be laid down in the plan educational work on the academic year.
6. Reports on the work done are provided to the administration at the end of the academic year according to the established schedule.
7. During holidays and summer hours, the school's working hours are established in accordance with an additional plan.
Note: any extra work class teacher, requiring a lot of effort and time (hiking, excursions, creative clubs, etc.), by agreement with the administration, can be paid separately.

Homeroom teacher rights

The class teacher has the right to:
1. To participate in the work of school structures of self-government: teachers' council, school council, trade union and other school bodies.
2. Take the initiative, make proposals for improving the school's activities.
3. Create our own educational systems and programs, creatively apply new methods, forms and methods of education, guided by the humane principle of "do no harm".
4. To defend their own honor and dignity in school government bodies.
5. To take part in the development of documents defining the system of material additional payments and incentives for different volumes and results of labor.

The class teacher does not have the right to:
1. To humiliate the pupil's personal dignity, to insult him by action or word.
2.Use mark ( school score) to punish the student.
3. To abuse the confidence of the child, to break the word given to the pupil.
4.Use the family (parents or relatives) to punish the child.
5. To discuss "behind the eyes" of your colleagues, to present them in an unfavorable light.

The class teacher should know

RF Law "On Education" (1992).
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1993).
- Pedagogy for children, age, social psychology.
- School hygiene.
- Pedagogical ethics.
- The theory and methodology of educational work.
- Fundamentals of labor legislation.

The class teacher must be able to

Communicate with children, encouraging children's activity, responsibility, giving own example activity and responsibility.
- See and formulate your educational goals.
- Make a plan for educational work in the classroom.
- Organize class activities, interaction of pupils; conduct an educational event: a conversation, a debate, an excursion, a hike, a cool evening
- Analyze your own activities and its results.
- Organize and hold a parent meeting.
- Use psychodiagnostic tests, questionnaires, questionnaires and use them correctly in educational work.

Note: all the above-mentioned knowledge and skills are the subject of study at the seminars of the Ministry of Education of the class teachers of the school.

Documentation and reporting

The homeroom teacher is responsible for maintaining the following documentation:
1. Cool magazine.
2. Plans for educational work with the classroom.
3. Personal files of students.
4. Maps of the development of the personality of the pupil.
5. Minutes of parents' meetings.
6. Student diaries.
7. Folders with the development of educational activities, with the results of social and psychological research in the classroom, with children's work, etc.

Job description class teacher


The main functions of the class teacher are:

1. Organizational and coordinating:

Establishing a connection between an educational institution and a family;

Interaction with subject teachers working in the classroom, other specialists of the general education institution;

Accounting and stimulating a variety of student activities, including in the system additional education children;

Individual, impact and interaction with each student and the class collective as a whole as subjects of this activity;

Record keeping (class journal, diaries, personal files of students, class teacher work plan, class teacher journal).

2. Communicative:

Regulation interpersonal relationships between learners;

Establishment of subject-subject relationship between teacher and student;

Promotion of an overall favorable psychological climate in the team;

Providing assistance to students in the formation of communicative qualities.

3. Analytical and predictive:

Studying the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development;

Determination of the state and prospects for the development of the classroom.

3. Job responsibilities

The class teacher fulfills the following job responsibilities:

3.1. plans classroom work for each academic year and each study quarter... The work plan is approved by the deputy director of the school for educational work no later than five days from the beginning of the planned period.

3.2. ensures the safe conduct of the educational process, promptly notifies the school administration of every accident, takes measures to provide first aid;

3.3. organizes the study by students of labor protection rules, traffic rules, behavior at home, on the water, etc., conducts instructions for students with mandatory registration in the class log or the training log;

3.4. forms the motivation for learning of each individual child, studying his age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests;

3.5. provides assistance to students in learning activities; identifies the reasons for low academic performance, organizes their elimination;

3.6 respects the rights and freedoms of students;

3.7. promotes the acquisition of additional education by students through the system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized at schools, institutions of additional education for children and at the place of residence;

3.8. creates conditions for the successful existence of a child in a general education school, promotes the versatile creative development of the individual, spiritual and moral formation;

3.9. together with self-government bodies of students conducts active propaganda healthy way life; conducts mass physical culture, sports and other events that contribute to strengthening the health of students in the classroom;

3.10. ensures the unity of the educational impact on the student of the family and school, works with parents; if necessary, connects the competent authorities to protect the rights of the child or provide financial aid, provides social protection children;

3.11. creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student in the class;

3.12. promotes the development of students' communication skills, helps the student to solve problems arising in communication with friends, teachers, parents;

3.13. carries out the study of the personality of each student in the classroom, his inclinations, interests, guides the self-education and self-development of the student's personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of his education;

3.14. analyzes the state and determines the prospects for the development of the classroom;

3.15. submits a written report on his activities to the deputy director of the school for educational work at the end of each academic quarter;

3.16. maintains the documentation of the class in accordance with the established procedure, controls the filling out of the diaries by the students and putting marks in them;

3.17. participates in the work of the pedagogical council of the school;

3.18. systematically attends school-wide events with the class;

3.19. systematically improves their professional qualifications; participates in the activities of methodological associations;

3.20. works according to the schedule drawn up by the school director;

3.21. organizes the duty of the class in the school according to the schedule approved by the director of the school;

3.22. observes ethical standards of behavior at school, in everyday life, in public places, corresponding to the social status of the teacher.

4. Rights

The class teacher has the right, within the limits of his competence:

4.1. receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

4.2. monitor the progress of each student;

4.3. monitor the attendance of classes by children;

4.5. coordinate and direct the work of the teachers of this class into a unified channel;

4.6. organize educational work with class students through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

4.7. to submit for consideration by the administration, the council of the educational institution, proposals agreed with the class staff;

4.8. invite parents (or substitutes) to talk;

4.9. in agreement with the administration of a general education institution, apply to the commission on minors' affairs, to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, to the commission and councils to assist the family in school at enterprises;

4.10. determine an individual mode of work with children based on a specific situation;

4.11. to conduct experimental work on the problems of education.

4.12. for a supplement to the official salary, bonuses and other measures of material and moral incentives;

4.13. participate in competitions, festivals and other events both personally and by his students;

4.14. for logistical and methodological support the educational process organized by him;

4.15. for support and assistance from the administration;

4.16. to improve qualifications and professional skills within the walls of the school and the system of additional professional education.

5. Responsibility

In accordance with the legislation Russian Federation the class teacher is responsible for:

5.1. for the life and health of students in the class during the events held by them, as well as for the violation of their rights and freedoms. 5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the school, legal orders of the school principal, local regulations, job duties established by the job description;

5.3 bears personal responsibility for improper fulfillment of anti-terrorist security requirements at school in accordance with applicable law.

5.4 for the use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, as well as committing any other immoral offense;

5.5 for causing damage to the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (failure) of their official duties, the class teacher is financially liable in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position

6.1. interacts with subject teachers, represents the interests of his pupils at the pedagogical council, includes their extracurricular work in subjects, a variety of subject circles, electives, participation in subject weeks, Olympiads, thematic evenings and other events;

6.2 together with a teacher-psychologist studies the individual characteristics of students, the process of adaptation and integration in micro and macro-society; coordinates the relationship between a psychologist and parents, helps to determine the choice of a profession on the basis of psychological and pedagogical research;

6.3. cooperates with teachers of additional education, promotes the inclusion of schoolchildren in various creative associations of interests (circles, sections, clubs) operating both at school and in institutions of additional education;

6.4. contributes to the inclusion of children in the activities of a children's public organization, cooperating with the social teacher of the school, organizing information about existing children's and youth public organizations and associations;

6.5. collaborates with librarians of the school in order to expand the circle
student reading;

6.6. organizes work to improve the pedagogical and psychological culture of parents through parenting meetings, joint activities

6.7. constantly takes care of the health of its pupils, using information received from medical workers.

Cyclogram of the class teacher's work.


1. Working with late students and finding out the reasons for the absence of students.

2. Organization of meals for students.

3. Organization of duty in the classroom.

4. Individual work with students.

5. Registration of the class teacher's journal.


1. Checking student diaries.

2. Conducting activities in the classroom (according to plan).

3. Working with parents (according to the situation).

4. Work with subject teachers (according to the situation).

Once a quarter

1. Design of a cool magazine based on the results of the quarter.

2. Participation in the work of class teachers.

3. Report on educational work for a quarter, correction of the educational work plan for a new quarter.

4. Conducting a parent meeting.

5. Conducting an open extracurricular activity.

Once a year

1. Registration of personal files of students.

2. Design of the magazine.

3. Analysis and drawing up of a class work plan.

4. Self-analysis of educational work for the year.

List of documentation and reporting of the class teacher.

1. Cool magazine.

2. Personal files of students.

3. Students' diaries.

4. Working programm class teacher.

5. Minutes of parents' meetings.

6. Student attendance log.

7. Journal of safety.

8. Diary of work with difficult children.

9. Outline plans for class hours.

10.Folders with the developments of the activities carried out, with the results socio-psychological research in the classroom, with children's work

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the class teacher.

1.2. The class teacher is appointed and dismissed by the headmaster. For the period of leave and temporary disability of a teacher, his duties may be assigned to a teacher of the corresponding profile. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the school director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation

1.3. The class teacher reports directly to the deputy director for educational work of the school and, if he implements the organization's program extracurricular activities class, deputy director for extracurricular work, and then - the director of the school.

1.4. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the administration and the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region and educational authorities at all levels on education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including the Internal Labor Regulations, orders and orders of the school director, this job description), an employment contract.

1.5. The class teacher should know:

1.5.1. Normative acts regulating the activities of the school and the teachers working in it;

1.5.2. Convention on the Rights of the Child;

1.5.3. Internal labor regulations;

1.5.4. Ethics of business and interpersonal communication;

1.5.5. Pedagogy, including the theory and methods of education;

1.5.6. General, age and social psychology;

1.5.7. Age physiology;

1.5.8. The methodology of organizing various types of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren: play, cognitive, labor (production), socially significant volunteer, leisure and entertainment, sports and recreation, tourism and local history, problem-value communication, artistic creativity;

1.5.9. Programs for organizing extracurricular activities of schoolchildren and the rules for their development;

1.5.10. Rules of safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2. Functions

The main activities of the class teacher are:

2.1. Creating an enabling environment for individual development and moral formation of the personality of students;

2.2. Forming a class team

3. Job responsibilities.

The class teacher fulfills the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Works with students in the assigned class

3.2. Carries out the study of the personality of each student in the class, his inclinations, interests;

3.3. Creates a favorable environment and moral and psychological climate for each student in the class;

3.4. Promotes the development of students' communication skills, helps the student to solve problems that arise in communicating with friends, teachers, parents;

3.5. Directs the self-education and self-development of the student's personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of his education;

3.6. Assists students in educational activities, identifies the reasons for low academic performance, organizes their elimination;

3.7. Promotes additional education through the system of circles, sections organized at school;

3.8. Updates the content of the life of the class team in accordance with the age-related interests of students and the requirements of society;

3.9. Respects the rights and freedoms of students;

3.10. Together with self-government bodies of students, it promotes a healthy lifestyle, conducts mass physical culture, sports and other events that contribute to strengthening the health of students;

3.11. Keeps the class documentation in the prescribed manner, controls the filling out of the diaries by the pupils and the marking of marks in them

3.12. Maintains constant contact with the parents of the students

3.13. She plans educational work in the classroom.

3.14. Introduces students to the possibilities of their participation in extracurricular activities organized by educational institution; stimulates self-determination of students in the class in this area school life, helps them in choosing the most acceptable types of extracurricular activities and forms of their participation in them.

3.15. Ensures the safe conduct of the educational process;

3.16. Promptly notifies the administration about each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;

3.17. Conducts instructing students on the safety of carrying out educational activities with mandatory registration in the class journal or the instruction log;

3.18. Organizes the study by students of the rules of behavior in everyday life, on the water, labor protection rules, traffic rules

3.19. Takes a direct part, together with the class, in school-wide extracurricular activities;

3.20. Collaborates with teachers of additional education working in the classroom, a school psychologist, a social teacher, a medical worker in order to coordinate their educational efforts and provide students with the necessary assistance in their studies.

3.21. Participates in the work of the pedagogical council of the school;

3.22. Undergoes periodic free medical examinations;

3.23. Observes ethical standards of behavior at school, in everyday life, in public places, corresponding to the social status of the teacher.

4. Rights

The class teacher has the right, within the limits of his competence:

4.1. Participate in the management of the school in the manner determined by the Charter of the school;

4.2. Give binding orders to students during classes and breaks related to the organization of classes and discipline;

4.3. Bring students to disciplinary responsibility for misconduct that disrupt the educational process, in the manner prescribed by the Rules on incentives and punishments;

4.4. To protect professional honor and dignity

4.5. Acquaintance with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them;

4.6. Protect their rights and interests independently or through representatives, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation related to a teacher's violation of professional ethics;

4.7. Freely choose and apply various teaching and upbringing methods, tutorials and materials, textbooks, methods of assessing students' knowledge;

4.8. Attend (in agreement with the teacher) classes with children of his class conducted by subject teachers, teachers of additional education, teachers of the extended day group, social teacher, school psychologist.

4.9. Independently choose the form of planning your work with the class; develop a program (or its individual modules) for organizing extracurricular activities of students in the class entrusted to him.

4.10. To be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification

4.11. To switch to a part-time working week, part-time working day in cases and in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

5. Responsibility

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment, without good reason, of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the School, legal orders of the school principal and other local regulations, official duties established by this instruction, including for not using the granted rights, the class teacher shall bear disciplinary responsibility in the manner determined labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.2. For the use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical or mental violence against the personality of the student, the class teacher may be dismissed from his post in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Dismissal for this act is not a disciplinary measure.

5.3. For the culpable infliction of damage on the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official powers, the class teacher bears material responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor or civil legislation.

6. Relationships by position.

6.1. Replaces temporarily absent class teachers in accordance with the established procedure;

6.2. With personal consent, the administration may be involved in the performance of work not related to direct official duties.

  • The class teacher is a school teacher who performs the functions of an organizer of children's life, aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing mutual understanding of students, their parents, teachers and other participants in the educational process.
  • The class teacher, as an administrative person, is appointed and dismissed by the order of the school director.
  • The activities of the class teachers are managed by the deputy head of the school / head of the educational department.
  • The main tasks and content of the class teacher.
    1. To contribute to the creation of a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student and conditions for the development of students' communicative culture skills.
    2. In accordance with the age-related interests of students and the requirements of the School Charter, to contribute to the renewal of the content of the life of the class. Participate in the creation of student self-government bodies.
    3. Participate in the implementation of the federal experimental program "School as a center for the integration of basic, additional and home education", projects "Children in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg in children", "School library-House of children's books", "Joint planning of student achievement", conduct experimental and methodical work on various problems of educational activities;
    4. Use a variety of techniques, methods and means of educational work, contributing to the expansion of interests and forms of cognition, awakening active research interests in children. Study the individual characteristics, interests of students and contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the development and moral formation of the child's personality.
  • Working hours of the class teacher.
    1. General rules for organizing the work of the school and teaching staff stem from the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation, set forth in Article 130.
    2. Class teacher hour (classroom hour) - once a week (forms of classroom time can be very diverse: thematic classroom hour, class meeting, preparation for general class or general school work, preparation for an excursion, summing up the results of the excursion, etc.).
    3. The number of educational activities - in accordance with the plan of educational work of the school.
    4. The number of parent-class meetings is in accordance with the school's educational work plan.
    5. During the holidays and summer time, the school's working hours are established according to an additional plan.
    6. In order to organize the work of class teachers and provide them with methodological assistance in their work, a methodological association is being created.
    7. The coordination of the activities of class teachers and control over their work is carried out by the deputy head of the school, the head of the educational unit.
  • The class teacher should be able to:
    1. communicate with children, encouraging children's activity, responsibility, setting their own example of efficiency and responsibility;
    2. see and shape their educational goals;
    3. draw up a plan for educational work in your own class;
    4. organize an educational event: a conversation, a debate, an excursion, a hike, a class evening, a class hour, etc.;
    5. organize and hold a parenting meeting;
    6. use psychological and diagnostic tests, questionnaires and use them correctly in educational work.
  • Job responsibilities
      Classroom teacher:
    1. keeps a journal of student progress (electronic and paper versions);
    2. monitors the design of class journals (electronic and paper versions) for all academic disciplines in accordance with educational and thematic planning;
    3. keeps personal files of students and monitors their registration;
    4. organizes the class team: distributes assignments, works with the class's asset, organizes collective creativity, forms the duties of the attendants;
    5. organizes duty in the classroom, school and other public premises;
    6. takes care of appearance students;
    7. works with student diaries, contacts with parents about student progress;
    8. creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests, broadening the horizons of students (participation in olympiads, contests, shows, quizzes, attending circles, optional classes, organizing excursions, trips to the theater, exhibitions, etc.);
    9. promotes a favorable microclimate in the classroom, forms the interpersonal relationships of students, corrects and regulates them;
    10. monitors the educational success of each student, noting successes and failures in order to provide timely assistance;
    11. assists students in the process of adapting to learning;
    12. promotes the participation of schoolchildren in city and international competitions, Olympiads in subjects ("Bear", "Kangaroo", etc.)
    13. takes care of the health of students, involves them in physical culture, sports activities;
    14. conducts thematic cool watch once a week, meetings, conversations with students;
    15. ensures the protection and protection of the rights of students, especially paying attention to "difficult" children;
    16. carries out career guidance work with students in grades 9-11, contributing to the independent and conscious choice of students of a further profession, taking into account their abilities and life plans;
    17. organizes and conducts parent-teacher meetings with a frequency of 1-2 times per trimester. Works with parents individually, involves parents in organizing extracurricular activities;
    18. bears personal responsibility for ensuring the protection of the life and health of children during extracurricular activities... Accompanies students on excursions and other extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
  • Documentation and reporting.
    1. Keeps a map of the child's individual development, taking into account his psychophysical capabilities, constantly increasing the level of the child's involvement in studying proccess, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of mastering the educational material (once a week, the IQR will be replenished with the work of students in all academic disciplines). Systematically stimulates the child's intellectual efforts. Creates conditions for increasing the child's self-confidence and fostering a certain independence of views.
    2. Every day he finds out the reason for the absence of students, promptly informing the school administration and parents about the absence of a student. Records the absence of the student in writing, indicating the reason for the absence in the appropriate journal and class journal. Creates conditions for the child's assimilation of the missed educational material.
    3. By the 01st day of the beginning of each trimester, he submits to the head teacher of the school a report on the results of research on the state of the socio-psychological microclimate in the children's group.
    4. Once per semester (December, April - high school, March -elementary School) organizes and conducts a presentation of children's achievements, involving parents of school students as external experts of the educational program and pedagogical partners of the school in the discussion of the results obtained.
    5. Until the 25th of the end of each trimester / half-year, collects quality characteristics class students from subject teachers, summarizes and submits an analytical report to the head teacher of the school.
    6. Forms a portfolio monthly together with students. Before the 1st of the beginning of each trimester, submit to the head teacher to review the student portfolio. At the end of the school year, at the final parent meeting, he gives out to parents of students a portfolio (creative and test papers students).
    7. Every year, until September 10, it issues to parents a "Student Progress Report" (for all academic disciplines) in order to develop uniform mechanisms for interaction between adults and children.
    8. Creates conditions for students to write compulsory essays: “How I see the school in the new academic year”, “My ideal teacher” - September; "The nursery of my future children", "My island Gdetotam" - October; "My achievements and the achievements of my classmates" - May. Until 25.09 and 25.05, the essays are handed over to the head teacher to analyze the state of the educational process of the school, to define tasks and ways to solve the identified problems.
    9. Twice a year (until December 05 and May 05), he prepares letters to parents about the achievements of children in educational activities... Letters are handed over to the head teacher of the school in order to clarify and supplement the information received about the students of the school for their subsequent sending to their parents.
    10. He is responsible for the timely execution of all sections of the class journal in accordance with the requirements for maintaining this kind of documents:
      • until September 05 fills in the pages of the class magazine: “ General information about students "," Health sheet "," Information about classes outside school hours ";
      • in the first week of each trimester conducts a safety briefing;
      • the day before the end of each trimester, puts the final grades on the "Student Summary" page;
      • before the 01 of the beginning of each trimester, checks for a progress record curriculum in the trimester, signed by the subject teacher;
      • before 28.05 checks in the journal for each subject the availability of final annual assessments;
      • until 01.06 fills in the personal files of students and submits for examination to the head teacher of the school.
    11. Monthly submits class magazines for checking by the head teacher of the school.
    12. Review and evaluate student journaling once a week.
    13. Once a week participates in operational meetings held by the head teacher of the school.
    14. Annually, until August 28, he submits plans for educational work for the coming academic year. Conducts educational work with students according to the plan approved by the school administration.
    15. By the 1st day of each month, he submits a report (in accordance with the form established at the school - a checklist) on the work done for the past month, with the simultaneous signing of an act of work performed for calculating wages.
    16. She is on duty at the school according to the schedule, organizing free time children during school breaks for the safety of life, health of children and their reasonable rest.
    17. In case of incapacity for work, promptly notify the School Administration.
    18. Creates conditions for passing the final certification for the basic course (9cl.) And high school(11kl.): Preparation of the necessary documentation for passing exams, solving organizational issues (promptly informs students and parents about the progress of final certification, is present during certification with students and provides them with moral support). Monitors the readiness of students to pass the final certification.
    19. Within the limits of professional competence, he works with parents. When conflict situation with the student or parents, immediately notify the School Administration to develop a joint optimal solution to the problem.
    20. The duties of the class teacher are an integral part of the contract with the NOU "Private general education schools"Unison".
    21. Job responsibilities can be changed by the school administration unilaterally. In this case, the class teacher must be notified one week before the changes take effect. Homeroom teacher rights. The class teacher has the right to:
    22. Participate in the work of school structures of self-government: teachers' council, school council and other public bodies of the school.
    23. Take the initiative, make suggestions on improving the school's activities, come up with business, constructive criticism.
    24. Get acquainted with the documentation of a general education institution.
    25. Receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children.
    26. Attend any lessons and activities conducted by subject teachers in the classroom (without the right to enter the class during the lesson without an emergency and make comments to the teacher during the lesson).
    27. Invite parents (persons replacing them) to the educational institution.
    28. To bring students to disciplinary responsibility for actions that violate the educational process, in the manner prescribed by the organizational documents of the general education institution.
    29. Encourage students in the manner prescribed by the school.
    30. Cooperate with specialists from social services, medical institutions, inspectorates for minors.
    31. Define (develop, create together with a psychologist, social workers, doctors) programs individual work with students and their parents.
    32. Improve your qualifications, attend seminars, courses.
  • The class teacher has no right to:
    1. To humiliate a pupil's personal dignity, insult him with an action or word, inventing nicknames, hanging labels, etc.
    2. Use the grade (school score) to punish the student.
    3. Abuse the child's trust, break the word given to the pupil, deliberately mislead him.
    4. Use family (parents or relatives) to punish the child.
    5. Discuss behind the eyes of your colleagues, present them in an unfavorable light, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire teaching staff.
  • The responsibility of the homeroom teacher.
    1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reason Of the Charter and other rules enshrined in the organizational documents of the school, legal orders of the director, official duties established by this instruction, the class teacher is disciplined in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
    2. For untimely and inaccurate execution, maintenance and storage of documents, as well as for their loss, the class teacher is responsible as provided for by the local documents of the school.
    3. The class teacher guilty of causing damage to the school in connection with the performance (non-performance) of his official duties shall be liable in the manner and within the limits established by the labor or civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4. The class teacher can be released from duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the use, including one-time, methods of mental or physical violence against the student's personality.
  • The class teacher should know:
    • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • documents of the Russian government and educational authorities on education issues;
    • The Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology and hygiene;
    • basics of pre-medical care;
    • fundamentals of civil legislation;
    • children's pedagogy;
    • developmental and social psychology;
    • psychology of relationships: individual and age characteristics of children;
    • age physiology;
    • school hygiene;
    • pedagogical ethics;
    • theory and methodology of educational work;
    • programs and textbooks;
    • teaching aids and their didactic possibilities;
    • fundamentals of labor legislation;
    • rules and regulations of labor protection;
    • safety precautions and fire protection.
  • The class teacher in his activities must take into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their life.

    Main function in the position of the class teacher - the protection of the child and the creation of conditions for the free development of his spiritual and physical strength.

    • 1. Organizational and coordinating:
      • - ensuring communication between the educational institution and the family;
      • - establishing contacts with parents (legal representatives)

    students, helping them in educating students (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, teacher of additional education);

    Conducting consultations, conversations with parents (legal representatives)


    • - interaction educators, as well as educational support personnel of a general educational institution;
    • - organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school collective;
    • - organization of educational work with students through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;
    • - stimulation and consideration of various activities of students, including in the system of additional education for children;
    • - interaction with each student and the class team as a whole;
    • - documentation management (class journal, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher).
    • 2. Communicative:
      • - regulation of interpersonal relations between students;
      • - establishing interaction between teachers and students;
      • - promoting an overall favorable psychological climate in the class team;
      • - assisting a teenager in the formation of communicative qualities.
    • 3. Analytical and predictive:
      • - study of the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development;
      • - determination of the state and development prospects of the class team.
    • 4. Control:
      • - control over the progress of each student;
      • - control over the attendance of training sessions by students.

    In accordance with his functions, the class teacher chooses the forms of work with students:

    Individual (conversation, consultation, exchange of views, rendering

    individual assistance, joint search for a solution to the problem, etc.);

    • - group ( creative groups, self-government bodies, etc.);
    • - collective (contests, performances, concerts, hikes, competitions, etc.).

    When choosing forms of work with students, it is advisable to be guided by the following:

    • - to determine the content and main types of activities in accordance with the tasks,
    • - take into account the principles of organizing the educational process, opportunities,

    interests and needs of students, external conditions;

    Ensure the integrity of the content, forms and methods of socially significant, creative activity students of the class.

    The class teacher is an administrative person. He has the right:

    • - receive information about the mental and physical health of children;
    • - monitor the progress of each student;
    • - control the attendance of training sessions by students;
    • - to coordinate the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist and social teacher);
    • - to organize educational work with class students through holding "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;
    • - to submit for consideration by the administration, council of a general educational institution proposals agreed with the class staff;
    • - invite parents (persons replacing them) to talk;
    • - in agreement with the administration of a general education institution, apply to the commission on minors' affairs, to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, to the commission and councils for promoting the family and school at enterprises;
    • - to receive help in organizing their activities from the teaching staff of a general educational institution;
    • - to determine an individual mode of work with students, based on a specific situation;
    • - to conduct experimental work on the problems of education;
    • - to refuse orders lying outside the boundaries of the content of his work.

    The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic (to develop an author's program in his subject, if he is also a subject teacher) and educational (to develop a program of educational work) activities.

    The performance of the class teacher can be assessed on the basis of two groups of criteria: performance criteria and performance criteria. The work of the class teacher can be considered effective, as a result of which in equally indicators for both groups of criteria are quite high.

    For pedagogically competent, successful and effective fulfillment of his duties, the class teacher needs to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children of a particular age, to be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activity, to own modern technologies education.

    The goal of teaching and upbringing that today's school and society sets for the class teacher should form in students as a result of activities qualities that will help him to take place in adult life in the future. Students need to develop these qualities , how:

    • 1. Interest in myself (Who am I? What am I? What do I want? What can I? What can I do for this?).
    • 2. Self-recognition of oneself as a person (the formation of adequate self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, self-success).
    • 3. Management of oneself (the ability to manage oneself consciously, and not mindlessly obey the order).
    • 4. Respect for other people's opinions (culture of communication, development of communication skills).
    • 5. Curiosity and involvement in activities.
    • 6. Emotional stability (development of positive emotions, the ability to manage them).
    • 7. Motivation of actions, deeds.