I can't remember where I put the item. Prayer if you forgot where you put the thing

Have you ever forgotten something? Couldn't remember someone's name, password, any event or even a word? For sure, yes. But what did you do in such a situation? What they were doing? Let's talk about how to remember what you forgot.

We will offer you several not only simple, but also effective ways to solve this problem, and also tell you why such annoying misunderstandings happen to us. We will also touch on how to develop your memory and even attention.

Why do we forget certain things?

Before we talk about how to remember what we forgot, we will analyze the main reasons for our forgetfulness. There are quite a lot of options why we now and then forget any information, important or not. We will highlight the main ones.

The first, most common reason is insufficient concentration.

Remember how often you can't remember where you put your keys, phone, notepads, even things. In most cases, you forget where you put the thing if you are in a hurry somewhere or you are distracted, if you are in a hurry and think only about how not to be late, you feel bad, etc. That is, one of the reasons for forgetfulness is absent-mindedness.

The second reason, no less common, is that you consider the information not important or unnecessary. In this case, you do not want to remember it on a subconscious level. The reason may also be the complexity of the information itself.

The third option that we will highlight is poor memory. Agree, not all people can remember large amounts of information for a long time, whatever it may be. So, after some time, it will be erased from memory. It can also be noted here that over time, memory weakens, and a person increasingly begins to forget what he knew.

In order to memorize as much information as possible and not forget it, you need to constantly train your memory. How to do this, we will talk with you later.

In addition, it happens that we ourselves want to forget this or that incident, words, names, knowledge.

Remembering forgotten information

So, before talking about how to remember where you put the thing (and this is the most common of the problems), let's try to figure out how to remember any information that surrounds us.

How to remember forgotten information? For example, you studied the material for a year, then repeated it before passing the exam, but when the time came to answer, you completely forgot everything. What to do in such a situation? Try to remember. To do this, do the following.

First of all, remember exactly how you learned this material - sitting at a book, making notes, listening to the teacher. Try to reproduce this moment in your head as accurately as possible. In most cases, this technique helps to remember the forgotten.

Looking for a missing item

What to do if you forgot where you left the necessary and important thing? How do you remember exactly where you put it? Let's talk about how to remember where you put the thing.

First of all, try to remember where you usually put this item, where you leave it. For example, if they are keys, try to remember what you did after you opened the apartment door and went inside. If it is a phone, remember with whom and what you talked about on it, where exactly, and it is quite possible that soon you will understand where you put it.

Remembering passwords

What to do if you forgot your password? For example, we have had such a misfortune that we do not know how to remember the WiFi password. What to do?

In this case, you also need to properly strain your memory. First of all, remember what exactly you put on passwords - numbers, letters or words. Next, we try to remember which ciphers you often use. Try to sort out the most likely options. In addition, a fairly effective way is to remember what you were thinking at the moment when you registered, what you were doing. If you recall those minutes in your memory, then it is likely that you will remember him.

But what if you forgot and don't know how to remember your login? In this case, you just need to remember what you like, what or who you associate yourself with. Indeed, often the login is our nicknames, nicknames, what we call ourselves.

"Where did we meet?"

It happens that you see a person on the street and you can’t remember where you saw him. How to remember who it is and what is its name? How to remember a person, especially an unfamiliar one?

First of all, you need to strain your memory and try to remember exactly where you saw him. What places are associated with it? This will make it possible to remember exactly where you met him.

Next, we try to determine what associations you have with the name of this person. It happens that it is associated with a particular action, event, color, etc. In addition, you can enumerate all the letters of the alphabet. It is quite possible that in this way you will remember which of them the name of the person begins with, and then remember it completely.

We remember the past

The most necessary, but difficult skill is to remember the past. Quite often it happens that you want to recall some moment in your life - childhood or youth, to resurrect this or that event, celebration, meeting in your memory. How to act in such a case, how to remember the past?

First of all, try to evoke in your head at least distant images related to the event you need. Then start slowly pulling on each of the strings, remembering what happened before or after this episode, what exactly caused these or those actions, words.

It is immediately worth noting that it is far from always possible to recall the past in this way, especially what happened in childhood. In this case, you need to seek the help of a psychologist and undergo a hypnosis session. In this situation, this is the most effective way to reliably reproduce the events that occurred in memory.

Remember the forgotten word

It happens in our life and such that we forget this or that word. Just a couple of minutes ago it was spinning on our tongue, and now we cannot pronounce it. What to do in such a situation? Naturally, try to remember, although there are other options for solving this problem. So, let's talk about how to remember a word.

First of all, it can be replaced with a synonym. Of course, if the given word is a term or a name, then this option will not suit you. In this case, we are trying to collect our thoughts and try to remember at least part of it, the sound associations that this concept evokes in you.

Another option is to simply forget about this word, do not dwell on remembering it, and in a couple of minutes it will definitely appear in your head.

We train memory

So, we figured out how to remember what you forgot. Now let's talk about how we develop our memory.

Of course, the most important thing, so that there are no problems with remembering certain things, you should definitely train your memory. To do this, we recommend to your attention a few simple, but quite effective exercises.

Surely you have heard that nothing trains memory so well as memorizing poems or even passages of text. Be sure to try to memorize at least a couple of lines from a variety of books every day. At the same time, it is desirable to pay attention to large texts, completely memorizing them. So, taking any story, learn a paragraph every day, and do not forget to repeat what you have already learned.

The second simple exercise is to replay the events of the day in your head every night at night. So, going to bed, remember how your day began, then step by step approach the night. Alternatively, you can rewind events in reverse order. It will also be a good exercise for the brain.

And finally, one more exercise for the development of memory and attention. Surely you are often on the street - go to study, work, just walk. With such a pastime, you can also develop some qualities. To do this, it is enough just to memorize the numbers of passing cars and perform various mathematical operations on them. In this case, you will never have a question about how to remember your WiFi password or your login.


We all face such a problem as memory lapses. This is quite understandable, because we are far from always focused on obtaining this or that information, not always our brain can quickly remember this or that word, phrase, action, and we don’t want to remember some things at all.

In fact, remembering the forgotten is quite easy and simple, if you follow the recommendations we have given. In addition, if you need to restore rather serious and necessary events in your memory, you can always turn to the help of a specialist. As you can see, answer the question: "How to remember what you forgot?" - not so difficult.

Everyone has unforeseen situations when the necessary thing in the apartment suddenly disappears from its place. Most often it turns out to be keys, money, necessary records, an umbrella, gloves and other “little things”. It is especially unpleasant to realize this when the missing item is urgently needed: for example, the keys when leaving the house.

How to find a lost item? First of all, you should not fuss and panic, but try to think carefully about where you last saw the “lost”. If numerous searches of bags and bookshelves did not lead to a find, you should turn to esotericism for help. It is she who will help to find the "culprit" of the incident.

How to find a thing with a pendulum?

This is one of the most effective ways to find a lost thing in an apartment. The pendulum can be made either with your own hands (tie a small load to a thread or chain), or use an ordinary chain with a pendant.

First of all, you need to determine which answer of the pendulum will mean “yes” and which one will mean “no”. For example, you can use the following option:

  • the pendulum swung from left to right when answering: the answer is "Yes";
  • the pendulum swings from right to left when answering: the answer is "No."

After that, you need to use the pendulum in search of the "lost". Questions should be asked as follows:

  • Is this item in the house?
  • Is the item in the bedroom (room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.)?
  • Is it on a shelf (on the bed, under the pillow, under the closet)?

Thus, by asking leading questions to your pendulum, you can find any missing thing at home.

Brownie's pranks

If unexpected disappearances began to occur frequently, your brownie may be dissatisfied with the state of affairs in the house. Brownie - the keeper of the family hearth and helper to man. However, he can often show dissatisfaction with his household. Hiding little things is one of his favorite ways to point out a person to his mistakes. They say that with a strong discontent of the owner in a dream.

Why does the brownie do this to the owners? There are several good reasons, including:

  • frequent quarrels in the family, tense atmosphere;
  • too many guests come to the apartment;
  • the house is poorly cleaned;
  • Domovoi do not show signs of attention.

To appease the owner of the house, you need to pour milk into a saucer in the evening and put it overnight in any corner of the kitchen. In this case, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

"Susedushko, darling! Let's live in peace with you, we won't be naughty with things anymore!

Check the saucer of milk in the morning. If the amount of milk in it has decreased, it means that the brownie heard your request and accepted the offering. Now things will stop disappearing from their places.

There is another way to contact the brownie directly to find out if the house is missing. To do this, you need to go to the place where you last saw the "lost" and say out loud:

“Brownie, brownie, don’t joke like that with me! Play stealthily and bring it back!

Then exit the room. After a while, return to it. If the brownie heard and heeded your request, you will immediately understand where the lost item lies.

Numerology will help in your search

This method will help to open the subconscious, in the depths of which there is information about where the necessary thing was hidden. Numerology with the help of numbers will “pull out” the necessary data from the subconscious and help find the loss.

It is necessary to take paper and a pen and write down, without hesitation, any nine numbers (for example, 9, 22, 543, 78, 1). Then calculate the amount obtained by adding these numbers, and add 3 to it. The resulting number will tell you exactly where to look for the loss.

Deciphering the values

  1. This item was taken by a child.
  2. Search in the kitchen.
  3. Thing in the hallway.
  4. The object was taken out of the house by a stranger.
  5. In the pockets of clothes in the wardrobe.
  6. Inspect your shoes properly.
  7. Moved when cleaning, look in the same room.
  8. On one of the bookshelves.
  9. In the pocket of an old jacket.
  10. At the table.
  11. This item is not in the apartment.
  12. In the living room.
  13. In a trouser pocket.
  14. Item not available today.
  15. Under the bed.
  16. Ask other family members, they will give the right clue.
  17. among the documents.
  18. Look in the linen drawer.
  19. Dropped near the house.
  20. On the floor near the carpet.
  21. On the refrigerator.
  22. On one of the top shelves.
  23. In the closet with things.
  24. Can't be found today.
  25. The item was lost in the bag.
  26. The lost cannot be found in the apartment.
  27. In the car.
  28. The loss will not be found.
  29. It will be found by chance, for a while you need to forget about the subject.
  30. Under the sofa in the kitchen.
  31. In bathroom.
  32. In a shoe box in the hallway.
  33. In outerwear pocket.
  34. In the bathroom closet.
  35. In the kitchen next to the stove.
  36. Today, the search will not be successful.
  37. Near the pillow where you slept.
  38. Your child has.
  39. Look at the tool box.
  40. Under the wardrobe in the largest room.
  41. Near the washbasin.
  42. Forget about the loss, it will not be possible to find.
  43. In the car of relatives or friends.
  44. Look on the shelves in the apartment.
  45. Somebody stole.
  46. On the kitchen floor.
  47. Under the kitchen table.
  48. Suitcase or large bag.
  49. In the children's room among the toys.
  50. In the corner of one of the rooms.
  51. In the bathroom.
  52. Someone took it by mistake.
  53. There is no object in the house.
  54. Today the loss will not be found.
  55. Dropped on the street.
  56. Left the item behind.
  57. In the pantry.
  58. In the kitchen on the windowsill.
  59. Among the stock of products.
  60. They put it in the fridge by mistake.
  61. Under the baby bed.
  62. Not located in the apartment.
  63. Among the clothes that were recently worn on a visit.
  64. Stolen from home.
  65. The location will tell the child.
  66. On the floor in the bedroom.
  67. Between wall and closet.
  68. Between wall and bed.
  69. The search will turn up nothing.
  70. Look in the shower.
  71. Right under your feet.
  72. Close attention to the kitchen shelves.
  73. Not found today.
  74. Children's prank.
  75. Invite a friend to visit - he will help you find.
  76. Hole in jacket pocket, under lining.
  77. In the shoe closet.
  78. In a drawer.
  79. Where important documents are kept.
  80. Lost forever.
  81. Attention to the toilet room.
  82. Under the blanket.
  83. Look at the balcony.
  84. Wardrobe.

Rituals, prayers and conspiracies

Among the people, there are many effective means to cope with trouble and find a lost thing. They have been used for centuries and have always helped with unexpected losses.

Rituals and conspiracies known in magic, as well as prayers to some Orthodox saints, will help here.

"Look for your brother"

This method will tell you where to find the lost thing. For example, if the keys to the car are lost, you need to take any other keys (for example, from the apartment) and throw them up with the words “Look for your brother!”. In a few minutes, insight will come, and you will know exactly where to look for the lost.

This way you can find wedding rings, chains, keys, gloves, umbrellas, TV remotes and many other small items that are lost at home.

"Play, give it back!"

This ritual of searching for a lost thing is as follows. You need to take a clean cup and say: “Damn, damn it, play and give it back!” turn it over and place it rim-side down on the kitchen table. After some time, finding an object will not be difficult: it will catch your eye.

With the help of this real conspiracy, you turn directly to a petty evil spirit so that it does not play pranks and allows the loss to return to the owner. But there are people who are disgusted by such a way to quickly find the right thing. In this case, you should seek help from an Orthodox saint, for example, Saint Tryphon.

Prayer to the martyr Tryphon

Orthodox people turn to this saint with requests when it is necessary to be cured of illnesses and mental illnesses, as well as in case of loss of value. If you have lost the item you need and do not want to deal with petty demons, you should contact the patron saint directly with a prayer for help:

“Holy Martyr Tryphon, hear me, a sinner who honors your memory! Help me find my loss, I really need it! Take away the unclean power from me, drive the evil demons out of my house, deliver the evil ones from their tricks. Saint Tryphon, I beg you for help! Amen".

A sincere and pure prayer to this saint, coming from the heart, will certainly help to find what has disappeared and save you from such troubles in the future.

How to find an item in 5 minutes

This ritual is worth doing when a lost item needs to be found very quickly. To do this, you need to take a black thread and tie four legs of a kitchen chair with it.

Each leg must be tied three times and tightened on it with a triple knot. During the ritual, mentally imagine the item you need. Then exit the kitchen. In a minute, you will unexpectedly see the place in the apartment where you will find the loss.

How to find money and jewelry at home?

If money or jewelry begins to disappear in the apartment for no reason, and the family is not to blame for anything, this is a rather bad sign. Thus, the brownie warns you that you urgently need to change your lifestyle, otherwise trouble will happen. It is worth seriously listening to this sign of fate.

In order to find the missing money or precious jewelry, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • prepare a red rope;
  • wait for the sunset
  • sit in the corner of the room and tie small knots on a rope;
  • leave the rope with knots overnight in the corner;
  • in the morning before sunrise, begin to untie the knots;
  • when untying, say the following words: “My loss, find yourself! Show yourself in front of my eyes on this day! ”;
  • when all the knots are untied on the rope, it must be hidden in a dark place and not shown to anyone.

Thus, a rope with untied knots “replaces” lost objects, and the latter are joyfully discovered by their owners.

It is worth remembering that this method will only work once. With the repeated loss of money or jewelry in the house, he will no longer help.

What to do if you lost something on the street?

If you know for sure that you dropped a lost item somewhere on the street, but you can’t find it, there is one real way to help you, he will tell you the location of the “lost”.

To do this, before going to bed, draw an object that you dropped on the street, and put the paper with the pattern under the pillow. Before falling asleep, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

"Sleep, come, tell me where to find the loss!"

After these words, try to fall asleep immediately. In a dream, you will see a lost thing. With the help of hints, you will understand where and how to look for it:

  • in a dream, the object is in the hands of another person - the search is already useless;
  • loss in the water - look near the reservoir;
  • an object in a dream next to you - look for a "lost" right near the house;
  • a thing deep underground - the search will not lead to a result.

If things start to suddenly disappear in you, whether at home or on the street, this is a sign that disharmony, some kind of imbalance, is happening in your life. It is worth paying close attention to your own health, as well as the health of loved ones, as well as reconsider your goals and life principles.

Surely it happened to every person that he was looking for a thing around the house for a long time and could not find it. Here, it would seem, as soon as you held it in your hands, it lay just in front of you, and now it seems to have fallen through the ground. Or there are those cases when a long time ago you put a thing in a certain place, and now you are looking for it there and do not find it, but no one but you could take it. And as luck would have it, you need a certain item that you can't find just when you're in a hurry.

Superstitious people offer a variety of prayers or conspiracies in this regard. But scientists have long found a lot of psychological ways to remember where the little thing you need has disappeared. Today we will talk about those and those methods, and which one to apply - the choice is yours.

Psychological methods of finding things

  1. Return method

Let's start with the methods that psychologists advise us. Such methods are more popular, because there are not so many people left in the modern world who believe in the tricks of the brownie or believe that some indoor fairy will “play and give away” the thing. So, the first method can be called the return method. It is effective if the desired object has just been in front of your eyes or in your hands. In memory, you need to restore the entire route that you did around the house before the thing was lost. Follow your path down to the smallest detail, it is very important to reproduce it exactly. For example, if you looked in the mirror, put on slippers or sneezed, you need to do this, no matter how absurd it may look. If you were embarrassed by the latter, about “sneeze”, for example, don’t be surprised, what if your little thing was just weightless and flew away in front of your nose? Do not be afraid to seem strange in front of your roommates, if you can go all the way that you did earlier, the thing is sure to be found.

  1. Method of logical thinking

Did not help? We go further. The next method is the logical reasoning method. Here you should think about the characteristics of the subject, its purpose, application, and so on. Let's take another example. Any tube of toothpaste is unlikely to end up in the washing machine drum or on the shelf with vegetables. What is toothpaste for? To brush your teeth. Where do we usually brush our teeth? In the bathroom, or at least in the kitchen if the bathroom is occupied, right? Where do we put the tube next? In a glass with toothbrushes or on a shelf with other hygiene items. Next, we remember when we brushed our teeth for the last time, and if anything could distract us after this process. Perhaps the phone rang and together with the tube we went to another room and answered the call, after which we put it on the cabinet next to the phone. Such an example can be developed simply indefinitely, we hope you have caught its essence and such a scheme will help you in your search.

  1. Repeat Method

Quite unusual, but no less effective is the repetition method. To do this, you need to have a good idea of ​​the thing you are looking for. Imagine that just now the desired object is in your hands, feel its shape, color, perhaps smell. Do the manipulations with your hands that you could do with this thing. Let's say if it's scissors, imagine cutting what you intended. Now think carefully about where you could put this little thing after you have applied it. Where do you want to go now? Pay attention to this place and its surroundings, perhaps the thing is “hiding” there.

  1. lifting method

A similar method is applicable especially in cases where there is a slight mess in the house or if you are doing
repairs and looking for a little thing. This is the lifting method. In fact, it is quite simple and requires absolutely no effort or thought from you like the previous three methods. You need to remember where most often you had to find the item you were looking for. Go to this place and start looking for it under any other object. Most often, we cannot find any thing, not because we don’t know where we could put it, but because we cover it with another thing or accidentally put something on top of it, simply without paying attention. Look carefully under newspapers, napkins, pieces of cloth, under a tablecloth or at the base of a vase, it could be anywhere.

  1. distraction method

“If you want to hide a thing, put it in the most visible place,” a well-known saying tells us. But after all, we have never thought about its essence, and why it often happens that a thing lies simply “in front of our noses”, but we stubbornly do not see it and continue to search. It's all about our perception. What is the first thing we do when we think we have lost something? Of course, we imagine the desired object in all its smallest details. After that, our brain receives a “bell” that the thing has already been found and, as it were, autonomously from you, stops searching. What to do in this case? Use the distraction method. Even if you are in a hurry, but the previous methods still did not give a positive result, try to relax and be distracted by something else. Go to another room, turn on the TV, listen to music or have a snack, and only then return to the search with a more or less fresh mind.

  1. "book" way

A method close to folk, but it has little to do with magical power or inexplicable occurrences. They said that if you put an open book on a table in a room, it will attract an object that you have lost. But as it turned out a little later, the matter, of course, is not in the book itself. It's just that the brain focuses on a large object that lies in front of you and, moreover, is out of place and open. In this case, you involuntarily disperse your attention to this object, and the lost thing is found by itself.

It should be understood that all folk methods for finding things are based on the previous methods that we have already considered, just at the time when they were invented, people did not even think about the scientific prerequisites for their methods, adding various conspiracies to accompany them. However, you can also try this. We hope that our tips will help you find what you have lost, and even better - not to lose at all!

Surely it happened to everyone that the keys just held in their hands disappeared somewhere, and a book was suddenly lost within a small room, or favorite shoes that were waiting for their season mysteriously disappeared from the closet. How to find a lost item in such circumstances? Is it possible to facilitate your own searches, and what is the reason for such misunderstandings?

How to find the missing item?

A rational approach in serious matters is the most winning tactic. Therefore, in search of a missing thing, the main rule is to let go of panic and think about the situation soberly. It is necessary to analyze as clearly as possible the last moments when you saw or held the object you were looking for. What circumstances accompanied this moment? What did you do? What happened around?

If a thing is lost within the house, you can breathe a sigh of relief: sooner or later you will be able to find it, although sometimes the sooner the better. Searches can be guided by several principles. Examine the proposed areas for the location of the object, according to its belonging to them, or, on the contrary, rely on intuition. For example, relax and think about where you could put this thing purely mechanically, without controlling yourself. Most often, it is precisely such spontaneous actions that lead to the fact that the object is subsequently lost, and the memory does not want to explain exactly where this happened and how.

The whole problem is that a person is used to performing several actions at the same time. While the brain is processing the main task, such as talking on the phone, hands shift something from place to place mindlessly. Side effects are not tracked by consciousness, and as a result, they are rarely imprinted in memory. And in order to fish them out of the depths of the subconscious, one has to again perform a distracting maneuver.

If your item is lost outside the home, the probability of finding it is significantly reduced. This is especially true for valuable items: wallets, keys, etc. Even if a stranger accidentally sees them, there is no guarantee that he will honestly confess and give them away. However, it's worth a try. The most effective in this regard are posts on social networks that all friends and acquaintances can transfer to their page (make a repost), as a result of which more people will see them.

The text must indicate at least the approximate place and time of loss. If the locality is small, you can even make an announcement on the radio. It is also recommended to post an announcement in the alleged place of loss. In addition, “lost and found tables” are gaining popularity on social networks: communities in which they post messages about losses and finds. Maybe your city has something like that too.

How to find a lost item at home?

The easiest way that helps in finding the loss, of course, is general cleaning. True, it is worth noting that it must be carried out exactly in that part of the apartment where the object is expected to be found, because otherwise the search will drag on for several days. Moreover, for small elements, a thorough review of every corner, all papers folded into a common pile, etc., painstaking and lengthy actions, may be required. However, this doesn't always work either. How to be in such a situation?

Psychologists advise weakening attention from the task at hand if thoughts about it are spinning in the subconscious for too long. This reduces the chances of a successful completion of the case, because breaks are needed everywhere. And if we take into consideration the energy field of each object, then after a long impact on it with the power of thought, it begins to reflect all the promises, as a result of which it becomes simply impossible to detect the loss.

Therefore, during the search, it is imperative to take a break, be distracted for half an hour or an hour. In this state, when you are not preoccupied with the question of the location of a particular object, it is easiest to suddenly catch the right thought, which will tell you in which direction to search.

6 ways to find the thing you forgot where you put it

It happens that no analytical reasoning in the search for a particular subject helps. In such situations, it is not difficult to agree with the version of Domovoy's pranks. Whether he did it or not - and a few old search methods will not become superfluous. Suddenly, what you are looking for is really found?

  1. If the Brownie is really rowdy, he needs to be appeased: put a glass of milk with honey on the threshold, put any bun or cheesecake, a piece of cake or other sweetness. According to ancient beliefs, this spirit is very fond of flour and confectionery, especially if they are homemade. In extreme cases, even refined sugar or butter will do. After that, you need to clap your hands, looking around, and invite Domovoy to play with the thing, but then be sure to return it to its owners.
  2. Perhaps a harmless house spirit has nothing to do with the loss. Then you can try the following methods: tie a personal towel or handkerchief to the leg of the chair that you most often use, making exactly 1 knot for this. Then you need to be distracted by any other business: at least start cleaning, at least just turn on the movie. It is important to relax your attention, and after a break, start searching again. They should be more successful. The same effect can be achieved if you put upside down on the table a glass or a cup that you have the most active in the course.
  3. It is impossible to exclude the possibility that the thing was lost in a certain "spatial pocket" of your home. Then, to find it, it may take a little more effort than in previous cases. For example, a purple candle without any decor is purchased in a store, placed on the table in front of you in the evening and lit. Looking at her flame, you need to visualize the image of the lost thing: either she will “call” herself, or the candle will tell you the direction in which to look. It is worth focusing on which side the melted wax flows down.
  4. A method similar to the previous one also involves interaction with fire: broken dry twigs of wormwood, lavender and motherwort are poured into a copper bowl. Then the herbs are wetted with alcohol and set on fire. Walking around the apartment with a bowl in hand, fumigating all the corners and walls with smoke, you need to imagine the loss as clearly as possible, mentally invoking it. If the thing does not respond, it is worth going in the direction where the smoke will stretch. You can also pick up a ball and go around the house with it, constantly scrolling the thread in your fingers and feeling how it extends towards the lost thing.
  5. Quite effective is the search with a pendulum. To do this, you can use a ready-made device, and build it yourself by hanging any medium-sized load on a soft thread. As in the previous versions, holding the pendulum by the upper end, you need to go around the apartment with it, mentally calling out the loss. Where the load begins to actively rotate, there is a high probability of finding what you are looking for.
  6. The last method will require you to wait for some time, during which the thing itself should respond to energy impulses from your side. You need to take a thread whose length is equal to your height, then fold it 10 times, and tie knots on it in the amount of 3 pieces. at an equal distance from each other. This should be done in the evening, as the thread is removed under the pillow on which you sleep. And in the morning, you should resume the search, relying on the information received at night.

And if none of the methods discussed above could help you find the lost thing, let it go from you. Probably, something from above decided that you really do not need this item. After all, everything in life happens only according to the right scenario, even if at a particular moment it seems that this event is negative.