When to transfer a child to another school. Transferring a child to another school - procedure and necessary documents

Parents who for some reason decide to transfer their child to another school have many questions: which school to choose, what documents to provide, etc.

You can transfer at any time of the school year. But in practice, parents do this mainly at the beginning or middle of the school year, and rarely at the end, they try to give the child the opportunity to complete his studies until the end of May.

According to the law in our country, for a student under the age of eighteen, education is compulsory and free. Moreover, parents of minor children have the right to choose a school.

What should parents do if they want to transfer their child to another school? First of all, take seriously the issue of choosing a suitable educational institution. Then find out if there are empty seats. If not, and not only at the school of your choice, but also in other acceptable options, then contact the education committee with a request to help find a suitable school. When you have decided on the school to which you want to transfer the child, write an application for expulsion in connection with the transfer to another school (and indicate which one). What if you move to another locality, enter the name of the city or town.

Within three days, the school must issue an order to expel the child with a mandatory record of which school he goes to (or to which locality he moves).

What documents do you need to receive at school? The student's personal file, a special extract from the class journal with the available grades, points obtained during the intermediate assessments. All these documents must be certified by the seal and signature of the class teacher or school principal.

They cannot refuse to issue a personal file, certificate and other documents. If this still happened, you can appeal the refusal to the prosecutor's office.

No more documents should be required from you at the school where you are transferring. If, nevertheless, there are additional requirements for the list of documents that will need to be provided, this should be reflected in the Charter of the school. But it is better, of course, to clarify in advance what documents are needed so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

The school to which the child was transferred issues an order for admission, and after that, within two working days, notifies the school from which the student was transferred in writing.

The proposal to enroll a student with a temporary order (in case he does not study well or behave) is illegal. A probationary period can exist only for an employee, but not for a student. There can be no probationary period for the trainee under any circumstances. And expulsion at the initiative of the school before the student reaches the age of 15 is unacceptable. After reaching the age of 15, expulsion is possible, but only in exceptional cases specified by law.

When can the school you have chosen for your child's further education refuse admission?

First, if there are no empty seats. And if they are, then they first accept children who are transferred to their place of residence. Such children should be accepted by everyone (who wants to). Denied due to lack of vacant places can only be students who do not live in the territory assigned to the school. Sometimes two or more schools are located near the house, and parents are sure that they are attached to all of them. This is an erroneous opinion. A child can be assigned at the place of residence to only one school (and not two or three). You can check this information on the website.

Secondly, if you have chosen to transfer an educational institution from in-depth study individual items and did not pass the competitive or individual selection. The school has every right in this case to preliminarily assess the level of knowledge of a newly enrolled student, since in profile classes the requirements are much higher than in general education. You understand that teachers have neither the opportunity nor the time to bring your child up to the level of knowledge that children already have in the class where you plan to transfer your child. And the class can't wait for you to pull yourself up to continue to master the school curriculum. You need to have such a level of knowledge in order to smoothly, without problems, join the learning process at a new school. So the child must pass entrance tests, testing, for which it is desirable to prepare in advance. If you transfer to elementary grades, then an interview is usually held with a teacher and a psychologist. But if it's a deep learning school foreign language, then be prepared to undergo the appropriate testing. A middle school student will most likely be offered testing in one (profile) or several subjects. But for high school students, passing certain exams is not excluded.

In case of a positive result of passing the individual selection and if there are free places, you will be accepted into the profile class. If the results do not meet the requirements of the school, you can try to transfer to that school at the next academic year, eliminating all knowledge gaps in the available time.

What to do if you are forced to live in another area of ​​the city (not by registration) - is that how the circumstances developed? The primary reason for transferring your child to the school of your choice is your application. It indicates the address of the student's residence. If you are asked to present documents confirming the fact of residence at the specified address, you can show the contract of employment.

What if the child is in 11th grade? Parents have the right to transfer their child to another school of their choice in any grade.

If both your child and his friend (girlfriend) are transferring to the same school and they would like to be in the same class. Is it possible? Yes, but it is necessary to agree on this with the school administration. Usually, if possible, school is coming towards the parents. The law only provides for the right of parents to choose a school, but not a class.

Is it possible to transfer a child to another school if he has an academic debt? Or do I need to fix the score first? By law, you can transfer at any time, and he will correct the debt by studying at a new place of residence.

The brain and psyche of the child are at the stage of development: during this period a large amount of information is received, skills are formed, knowledge and experience are acquired. That is why children are more acute than adults in need of stability. For an example, it is enough to remember how a kid asks to tell the same fairy tale every evening and constantly corrects if the parent has even slightly moved away from the original version.

Such behavior - defense mechanism of the child's psyche, which seeks at least at the end of the day to get a portion of something familiar. Because of this feature, changing a school or other team can become truly painful for a child. How to prevent this? In the article we will talk about how to act in such a situation.

What is the danger of changing the team

The transition to a new school or section inevitably entails a radical change in the situation: a new building, a different team of peers and teachers, the absence of old friends. This causes discomfort even in adults, and in children it is greatly enhanced due to the already mentioned features. If a child does not understand or reject the need to transfer to another educational institution, this may lead to:

  • isolation, sometimes to complete withdrawal "into yourself", if the boy or girl is prone to introversion;
  • aggression and accusations towards parents;
  • drop in academic performance;
  • apathy, loss of appetite, deterioration of well-being and even frequent and prolonged illnesses (psychosomatic mechanisms are triggered, that is, dissatisfaction at the psychological level leads to real bodily disorders);
  • severe depression, or vice versa, excessive and unnatural cheerfulness;
  • bad behavior, ignoring previously established rules (doing homework, returning from a walk at a certain time, doing housework, etc.).

The situation is most acutely experienced by young children and adolescents, since during these periods the psyche is in a state of transition to new level development and especially unstable. In some cases, obvious manifestations may be absent, but they will be noticeable to the observant parent in reducing the general background of the child's mood, some understatement in his conversation.

To reduce stress levels for children from a change of school and team, it is necessary to prepare them well for this and show patience.

Parent Actions

First of all, think about whether it is necessary to change the section or move to a new school. If the reason is the lack of “eliteness” of the former educational institution or dissatisfaction with the work of one of the teachers, it is worth looking for another way out of their situation. Of course, only if the child himself likes everything.

If, for objective reasons, a change of team cannot be avoided, the following should be done:

Explain to the child why and why it is necessary

Talk to him and gently and, most importantly, honestly tell about the reasons forcing you to do this. This should be done even if the children are still very small: just in this situation, you should pay a little more attention to the wording. Start this preparation in advance so that the child has time to get used to the idea of ​​changing the team.

It is important to mention this as a settled matter: this will avoid a situation where he cherishes the hope to the last that such a need will disappear, and then experiences disappointment when it does happen.

Talk about your own feelings

Do not be shy to share your experiences with the children, to note that the current situation is unpleasant for you, but it is necessary to survive it. This will allow the child to understand that moving him to a new place is not just your whim. In addition, having a frank conversation about feelings will help to get closer and face difficulties together.

Offer your help and support

However, it is also important not to overdo it in this matter: for example, you should not look for friends for the boy and be an intermediary when he meets his peers. It would rather add to the awkwardness of his position. Such steps should be taken only after consultation with the children themselves.

Find positive moments

Try to look at the situation from a different angle and share it with your child. You can do a joint search for the advantages of moving to another team: expanding the circle of acquaintances; a good friend who visits the same House of Creativity; a shorter road to the educational institution and the release of time for more important and interesting things; closeness new school to the cinema, which you can look into after classes, etc.

Keep in touch with old friends

It is very important for children to keep in touch with old good acquaintances. Of course, over time, friends will be found in a new place, but this will not happen immediately. Most likely, at first the child will feel very uncomfortable. Especially if the new team with its connections has been formed for a long time.

It is recommended to allocate funds for telephone calls and even trips if friends are staying in another city. This will show the child that the parents do not want to deprive him of his previous acquaintances and care about his well-being in every sense.

Changing schools and teams is almost always stressful for both children and adults. However, joint efforts, patience and understanding can make this situation painless and even pleasant, as it will allow you to see new horizons and get even closer to parents with their child.

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All parents want to have a legitimate reason to be proud of their offspring. School achievements of children are actively discussed in the family circle, among acquaintances and colleagues. The reason for this is simple. Children are our future, which parents, with varying degrees of purposefulness, nurture in the present. Of course, everyone would like the road to this secure and happy future to be straight and short. But the river of life rarely flows smoothly, and situations often arise when it is necessary to think about how to transfer a child to another school.

Typical reasons for transfer

  1. Family relocation to another area, city or even country for professional or personal reasons.
  2. Relationship problems: serious conflicts with peers or, worse, with teachers.
  3. The expectations and ambitions of parents are much higher or markedly lower than school program and teaching staff.
  4. Threat to the reputation of the child, deterioration of his social prospects (registration of a minor, the influence of a bad company).

Of course, a caring parent will make every effort to ensure that school life his child was successful and happy.

So, certain circumstances force you to change schools. How to transfer a child to another school as quickly and without problems as possible? It depends on parental settings and specific conditions. Of course, you need to take into account the desire of the child and at the same time you should not rely only on his opinion. He does not like changes, they scare him, this is a property of human nature.

Determine the criteria for choosing a new school

  1. List the important criteria for a new school to meet. This is the location, reputation and prestige, specialization, material and technical base, the number of students in the class, cooperation with universities, a specific program, transport accessibility, the social composition of students, regular material contributions from parents, the load on lessons and homework, the availability of electives and special courses , feedback about teachers and more. How younger child the more important the proximity to home and the presence of a friendly teacher.
  2. These criteria should be weighted on any convenient scale. It is more customary to use a five-point grading system. For example, transport accessibility is important for someone, then this criterion receives a "5", the social composition is also important - by "4", all other criteria pass with the lowest scores. This step is called ranking.
  3. Further, all criteria must be arranged in descending order of importance. Anything after the top seven points can be cut off as unimportant. The most important is concentrated, as a rule, in the first 2-3 paragraphs. Ideally, a transfer to another school should solve several problems at once.

Looking for information about the school

Collect as much reliable information as possible. Use the Internet, reference books, consult with friends and colleagues, visit exhibitions, study ratings. To each selected interesting educational institution you need to assign points for important criteria. And as a result, calculate the final score for each school. So chosen best school for a son or daughter.

School visit

Prepare to go to school. Please check the availability of seats in the desired class in advance. Arrange a visit through the secretary. And see everything with your own eyes. Come a little early and walk around the school. Analyze its size appearance, well-groomed school grounds. If possible, observe the children - what and how they say. Inside the building, with a tenacious glance, evaluate the design, cleanliness and order, be sure to take a look at the stands and showcases. You will be able to understand the degree of activity of the school, what competitions and olympiads it sends its students to. If this is normal secondary school, most likely, there will be a meeting with the director and class teacher. They will look at you, parents and student, assessing something like this: how sane mom and dad are, and what problems the child will create. Students will be asked questions about their favorite subjects and hobbies. At such "brides" you need to show maximum friendliness and convince the administration of your trustworthiness and diligence.

Transfer to the gymnasium

How to transfer to another school if it is a specialized gymnasium? As a rule, entrance selection in gymnasiums and lyceums is more strict, and one conversation with the leadership is not enough. The exception will be the winner of the Olympiads of district or city significance. An extract from the school diary will be scrupulously studied under a magnifying glass, and the applicant will be asked to take a test. The results will be decisive. If they are not brilliant, the gymnasium may offer to try next year.

How do I transfer my child to another elite level school? Such a problem does not arise so often, if only because there are much fewer such establishments than ordinary ones. The focus is on the impeccable reputation of the school and financial conditions.

You are denied

If you are refused due to the fact that there are no places, there is a possibility of slyness: an excellent student will be gladly taken to any, even an overcrowded class. Stock up on additional documents. A good reference from a former class teacher will be useful. A portfolio with works that illustrate the student's creative, social or scientific activity will help create the right impression. Consider whether you can exercise your right to benefits.

How to choose a school that will be better than the previous one? After visiting different schools, systematize your impressions, weigh the pros and cons, clarify the child's opinion.

Required Documents

Now it's time to transfer to another school. The following documents are required for this. The first step is to write an application for admission to a new school. Most often, copies of the passport or birth certificate of the child and copies of the parents' passports are attached to it. If the new school gives the green light, the secretariat prints a certificate on the student's enrollment form. With this paper, you need to contact the administration of the former school. Within a certain time, they form a package of official papers for your child. There are two main documents: a personal file and a medical card. The personal file contains marks for the subjects passed for all academic years (along with quarterly grades), the medical card contains lists of chronic and past diseases and vaccinations. This kit must be transferred to the new school, and within 2-3 days an order will be issued to enroll the child in the class.

How to transfer a child to another school if it is in another city or country? It is worth noting that in this case, the parents will not have a certificate of enrollment, so the director should be warned in advance so that the administration has time to do Required documents by the time you leave.

We help the child to adapt

All children are different, each in its own way reacts to a change in the environment. Someone needs an hour to get close to classmates, someone a month, someone a year. It is in the power of parents to facilitate the adaptation period for their offspring. A few simple but effective adaptation tips.

  1. Follow the daily routine as much as possible. In a well-organized rhythm of work and rest, there are fewer reasons for anxiety and anxiety.
  2. Watch your nutrition. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid long breaks in eating. Pamper your child with what he likes (new school is not the time for fasting).
  3. Talk to the class teacher first, tell him about your "treasure". Mention the merits willingly, the shortcomings - casually. If possible, at the first meeting sign up for parental committee or offer him your help. This way you will be closer to the teacher, parents and the problems of the class as a whole.
  4. Help with lessons if needed. In a new school, the requirements and program may differ for better or for worse. Check your diary daily, paper or electronic.
  5. Try to listen and hear your child. Ask about what's going on in class.
  6. Sign up your offspring for an elective or school section of interest.
  7. Send the child for a walk in the yard. This is a great place for dating and brainwashing.

New school - new opportunities

Every day the world becomes more mobile and interesting. For most kids, moving to another school will be a wonderful opportunity to gain new experiences, change their attitude towards learning, and make friends for life.

In the summer months, in many families, the issue of transferring a child to another school becomes relevant. In this article, we will look at the cases in which a student can be transferred to another school.

At the legislative level this question regulates the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014 No. 177, according to which the Procedure Procedure is approved.

Reasons for transferring a child to another school

According to paragraph 1 of the Order, the reason for transferring a child to another school for study may be:

1. The initiative of the parents (legal representatives) of a minor child

2. The initiative of the student who has reached the age of majority

3. When the parent institution went out of business

  • suspension or revocation of an organization's license
  • suspension or deprivation state accreditation licenses for the relevant educational program or when the state accreditation for the relevant educational program has expired

To transfer a child to another school, you have to go through two stages: first, expulsion from one educational institution and then translate to another. You have the right to transfer the child to any general education school of your choice, but do not forget that this will be possible if the school has free places, taking into account the priority enrollment of citizens living in the territory assigned to a particular school. This is stated in clause 4 of the Procedure approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32.

Host School Confirmation

The next item is a request to the administration of the selected new school to confirm the fact that it will accept the child for education.

To avoid possible difficulties that are associated with the transfer of a student to a new educational institution, before expelling the child from the previous school, arrange an appointment with the head of the host school. In order to confirm this point, for example, you can receive a letter about the possibility of accepting a child for education after he is expelled from the previous school with the seal of the institution and the signature of the director.

Applying for a school dropout

The application can be submitted by the student himself, who has already reached the age of majority, or by the parents (legal representatives) of the student who is under 18 years old. The application is written in the name of the director of the school in which the child is studying. It should contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the student
  2. Class and profile of study, if any
  3. Date of Birth
  4. The name of the school that accepts the student. If the family moves to another place, only the settlement, the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated

Important! In addition to the application, the school may require a document confirming the fact that the student has been accepted to another school. In this situation, you can submit a letter signed by the director of another school institution in which they confirmed their readiness to accept the child to study in this school. Based on this application, the school from which the child is expelled, within 3 days, will have to issue an administrative act on the expulsion of the student in the order of transfer, indicating the school that accepts him for further education (see clause 7 of the Procedure).

What documents do you need to pick up when changing schools

It is necessary to pick up documents from the school from which the student is expelled (clause 7 of the Order). Among them:

  • Student's personal file
  • Papers that contain information about the student's progress in the current school year (required to request an extract from the class register with current grades and results intermediate certification)

Documents must be certified by the seal of the school and countersigned by its director (or a person authorized to exercise his functions).

What documents need to be submitted to the new school

A student who has reached the age of majority or the parents of a student who has not yet reached the age of majority should submit the following package of documents to the host school (according to clause 10 of the Procedure):

  • Application for enrollment of a student in a school that accepts a child in the order of transfer from a previous school. The paper is written in the name of the director of the school to which the child will be transferred
  • A package of documents that was received from the school from which the student was expelled
  • Originals of documents that a student who has reached the age of majority or a parent (legal representative) of a student who has not yet reached the age of majority

Important! According to paragraph 9, as a basis for enrolling a student in a host school in connection with the transfer of a child from a former school, the management is prohibited from requiring the provision of other documents.

Carefully study the order of the head of the school (the administrative act of the educational institution) that the child is accepted into the school.

The director of the school that accepts the child issues an administrative act within three working days after the application and a package of documents indicating the class and date of enrollment were accepted.

We want to transfer our child to another school, is it possible? Can a school refuse to accept a student during the school year? What is the transfer procedure? What is the deadline for issuing a personal file?

The right to choose a school

By law, parents of underage students have the right to choose an educational institution (clause 3). Circumstances can be different: a change of residence, relations in the team did not work out, the quality of education is not satisfactory, etc. Parents are concerned about the questions: is it possible to transfer during the school year and how to do it.

Is it possible to transfer to another school in the middle of the school year

You can transfer to another school at any time. Under current law, any school that a parent applies to does not have the right to refuse admission, unless there are no vacant places in the school. Priority should be given to children entering "at the place of residence". However, on the basis for those who do not enter by registration, there should also be no restrictions.

In what cases is it possible to refuse admission to school

Refusal to enroll in school is possible, firstly, if there are no free places in the school and, secondly, when entering a school with in-depth study of individual subjects or for specialized education, or to a school "implementing educational programs integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field physical culture and sports”, refusal is possible if the child does not pass during the individual selection.

The legislation gives educational organizations the right to carry out individual selection when admitting students to the level of basic and secondary education (from grade 5 to grade 11), when entering schools with in-depth study of individual subjects or for specialized education. The procedure for conducting such a selection should be established at the level of the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Educational organizations that implement educational programs integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports can also conduct a competition or individual selection. Such schools may assess the ability to engage in a particular sport, as well as require a certificate from the absence of contraindications to engage in the relevant sport. (clause 5.6)

What approved the procedure for transferring from school to school

The transfer procedure was approved "On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the transfer of students from one organization that carries out educational activities on educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education, to other organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of the appropriate level and focus":

5. In case of transfer of an adult student at his initiative or a minor student at the initiative of his parents (legal representatives), an adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student:

  • select the host organization;
  • apply to the selected organization with a request for availability, including using the Internet;
  • in the absence of vacancies in the chosen organization, they apply to the local authorities in the field of education of the corresponding municipal district, urban district to determine the host organization from among the municipal educational organizations;
  • apply to the source organization with a statement about the expulsion of the student in connection with the transfer to the host organization. An application for transfer can be sent in the form of an electronic document using the Internet.

6. In the application of an adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student on expulsion in the order of transfer to a host organization, the following shall be indicated:

a) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the student;

b) date of birth;

c) class and profile of education (if any);

d) name of the host organization. In case of moving to another locality, only the settlement, subject Russian Federation.

7. Based on the application of an adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student on expulsion by transfer, the source organization within three days issues an administrative act on the expulsion of the student by transfer, indicating the receiving organization.

8. The parent organization issues the following documents to the adult student or parents (legal representatives) of the minor student:

student's personal file;

documents containing information about the progress of the student in the current academic year (an extract from the class journal with current marks and the results of intermediate certification), certified by the seal of the original organization and the signature of its head (authorized person).

9. The requirement to provide other documents as a basis for enrolling students in the host organization in connection with the transfer from the source organization is not allowed.

10. The documents specified in paragraph 8 of this Procedure are submitted by an adult student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student to the host organization along with an application for enrolling the student in the specified organization in the order of transfer from the source organization and presenting the original document proving the identity of the adult student or parent ( legal representative) of a minor student.

11. The enrollment of the student in the host organization in the order of transfer is formalized by the administrative act of the head of the host organization (authorized person) within three working days after the receipt of the "application and documents specified in paragraph 8 of this Procedure, indicating the date of enrollment and class.

12. The host organization, when enrolling a student expelled from the source organization, within two working days from the date of issuance of the administrative act on the enrollment of the student in the transfer procedure, notifies the source organization in writing about the number and date of the administrative act on enrolling the student in the host organization.

Administrative liability for violation of the procedure for admission to an educational organization and liability for refusal to issue education documents

For unlawful refusal to issue documents on education and (or) qualifications, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine for officials in the amount of twenty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on the legal entities- from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles (clause 2)

Also, the school may be held administratively liable for violation of the procedure for admission to schools established by the legislation on education. educational organization. This violation shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles (clause 5 of article 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

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