Russian literature
Analysis of the story “Poor Liza” (N
Perhaps no one living in Moscow knows the surrounding area so well...
Dolgopolov Nikolay Mikhailovich
Among Soviet intelligence officers, Nikolai Kuznetsov occupies a special place. All of him...
Dmitry Ushakov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language,” work on which began in 1928,...
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev: biography, brief description of creativity
Fyodor Tyutchev is a famous Russian lyricist, poet-thinker, diplomat,...
The life and work of Marina Tsvetaeva
Tsvetaeva Slides: 21 Words: 426 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0 Marina Tsvetaeva. Feature article...
Biography of Marina Devyatova: creativity and personal life of the singer. What is Marina Devyatova doing now?
Marina Devyatova is a beautiful girl and a gifted personality, with...
Biography of Bertie King of England
Loving Edward VII Edward VII Portrait of King Edward VII...
Okudzhava Bulat: biography, personal life, creativity, memory
Bulat Okudzhava is known in our country as a poet and composer, as well as...
Vladimir Mayakovsky - biography, information, personal life
The famous and beloved futurist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky in Russia was born...
Who said it's easy to love?
Tushnova Veronika Tushnova Career: Poet Birth: Russia, 27.3.1915...
Key dates in the life and work of S
Skorokhodov M. V., Yusov N. G., Yushkin Yu. B. Chronological outline of life and...
Klyuev Nikolay Alekseevich
Klyuev Nikolai Alekseevich (1884-1937), Russian poet, representative of...
Prose writer Andreev Yuri Andreevich: biography, creativity, books and reviews
Founder and director of the educational and health center "Temple of Health"....
Analysis of the story “Poor Liza” (N
The literary movement of sentimentalism came to Russia from France at the end...