Brief history of school geographical education and methods of teaching geography in Russia. Analysis of school programs in geography School geography course

Principles and options for building a school geography course

In school geography, the leading ideas for building a course are principles that reflect modern tendencies development of geographical science and having a structural and methodological orientation.

The principle of integrity. It acts as a backbone factor that ensures the integrity of the course content when there are logical relationships between the content blocks of the course. A constructive correspondence is necessary both between school geographical courses, and between them and the integral educational system "Geography".

The basis of construction educational system can constitute a single system-forming ideas, such as an integrated approach, systemic organization and hierarchy of the geographic shell and natural complexes, territoriality, etc. They provide a consistent transition from the study of individual components of nature and natural complexes to the study of the problems of interaction "nature - society" at all hierarchical levels : from large regions to the local (local) level.

The principle of succession. The continuity of updating geographical education with existing school geography courses also provides for the need to establish a logical connection and continuity between concepts and content blocks (sections) of a geography course. It also requires the consistency of changes in the content of school geography with other academic subjects.

The basis for compiling different options for studying the course of geography should be the principle of correlation of the educational system "Geography" with educational standards, which implies the inclusion of the content presented in educational standards, in the form of a fundamental core of the content of general secondary geographical education.

The principle of interdisciplinarity. Emphasizes the integrative nature of the geographical content, the polymorphism of geographical knowledge, which integrates environmental, economic, social, local history knowledge. Thanks to this, the same problems, objects of material and spiritual culture, etc. can be considered from several perspectives. The course introduces interdisciplinary concepts that carry a value-normative load: natural conditions, natural resources, the environment, the relationship of man with nature, rational environmental management, the universal value of nature, population, economy, etc.

The principle of regionalization. Geography is the only subject that introduces students to the regional (territorial) approach. It acts here as a special method of scientific knowledge and an important tool for influencing socio-economic processes through regional policy. Contributes to a detailed examination of the regions of Russia and the world, the identification of their natural, social, economic, national and environmental features. The principle of regionalization is also embodied in the implementation of the local history approach as the best form of synthesis of cognitive and emotional components.

Concept development principle. It consists in the connection of theoretical and accessibility in school geography, which means the need to take into account the correspondence of the content studied by students, their age and psychological characteristics with the consistent development of leading geographical concepts throughout the study of geography.

The principle of combining science and fascination. It is based on the fundamental nature of knowledge related to the formation of a scientific picture of the world. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to form a clear and consistent hierarchical system of geographical knowledge, focused on the emotional-figurative study of geographical material.

The principle of problematicity and historicism. Allows us to understand the socio-cultural conditionality of scientific knowledge, patterns in the development of geographical knowledge about the essence of phenomena and processes, the history of the relationship between society and nature, the features of the strategy of modern sustainable development of society. The implementation of this principle involves consideration of the evolution of economic, social, environmental problems and the disclosure of ways to resolve them from the standpoint of universal and socially significant values.

cultural principle. Allows you to realize the goals of geographical education - the education of geographical and environmental culture as parts of a common culture. The basis of the principle is the system of values ​​of geographical education. The cultural principle makes it possible to consider the diversity of cultural worlds on planet Earth, to acquaint students with various traditions, the specifics of material and spiritual values ​​created by man.

value principle. It contributes to the formation of basic value orientations and the assimilation of personal priorities that are adequate to universal and socially significant values, the personal value-behavioral line of a student-citizen in the sphere of life, as well as the development of emotional and volitional reactions in relation to nature and society. The concept of "value" in the course of geography becomes a cross-cutting one, and the most important way of action for schoolchildren is evaluative skills, with the help of which they carry out their assessment, forecast, choice, make decisions and defend their position.

When constructing different variants of a geography course, it is necessary to take into account the principles that reflect the personality-oriented nature of education. The most significant are the following principles. personal principle. Allows students to learn new skills based on subjective experience, including the experience of previous learning. value orientations in relation to nature, society, to each other. The principle is implemented on the basis of taking into account the importance of educational activities and providing the student with the opportunity to choose the form of mastering the content, for example, using a diverse system of tasks. activity principle. It is considered in unity with the personal and helps to involve students in various activities, but taking into account the choice of ways to perform. The activity fixed in geographical images ensures the construction and use of reflection as a subjective activity, which is especially necessary when solving educational and practical tasks and various kinds of problem situations. Based on these principles, students develop environmentally meaningful behavior in Everyday life and a moral and value attitude to the environment is formed in their locality, region, country and the world as a whole, they are preparing to solve various socially oriented tasks.

Options for building a geography course can be different: the volume of content can vary and the sequence of studying content blocks can change; the basis for structuring the content can be formed by different system-forming ideas, etc. But the main thing should remain a compact holistic structure, focused on the principles of building a geography course and educational standards.

Let's bring example options for building a geography course. In the 5th and 6th grades, the study of geography begins with the geography course "Nature of the Earth and Man." Its main goal is to show the heterogeneity of the Earth in space and time. Regional knowledge about the integrity and differentiation of the nature of continents, large regions and countries, as well as about the features of life and economic activity of their inhabitants are given in the 7th grade in the regional study course "Continents, oceans, peoples, countries". And in the 8th and 9th grades, the basically comprehensive course "Geography of Russia" is the main course in the system of national geographical education. Its goal is to form a geographical image of their country in all its diversity. The interaction of nature, population and economy is considered on the basis of an integrated approach (with the transition to unified natural and economic regions). In the senior, profile, school in the 10th and 11th grades, a more complex course "Economic and social geography of the world" is provided, which summarizes all previous knowledge and gives knowledge and understanding of the geographical picture of the world, an understanding of the place and role of geography in modern science, the life of modern society, solving its problems. This course can be studied at the basic and profile, in-depth level.

Geography as a science appeared in ancient times, but only in the second half of the 17th century. geography as a subject was introduced in the schools of Western Europe. In the first half of the XVIII century. the teaching of geography in schools in most countries of Western Europe became universal. The beginning of the teaching of geography in Russia also dates back to this time. Until the 18th century in the parochial schools of Russia, the teaching of any subjects about nature was not conducted. The main textbooks were alphabets containing the alphabet, prayers, some fragmentary information about parts of the world, countries and cities. In church schools they taught counting, reading church books, writing, singing.

V early XVIII v. the active growth of crafts, the development of trade, industry, the expansion of the country's territory caused a need for literate people, including those with geographical knowledge. In addition, the rapid development of fundamental natural sciences had a significant impact on interest in geography. Earth exploration has become more reliant on natural Sciences, which made it possible to explain many geographical phenomena; Earth measurements and geographical maps became more accurate. The development of Russia, its industrial development was impossible without the use of geographical knowledge.

The first secular educational institutions in Russia that taught geography were School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, opened in 1701 in Moscow, E. Gluck's gymnasium in Moscow (1703), mining schools, ac 1915 and the Academy of the Marine Guard (Naval Academy). The content of the geography course in different educational institutions was of a different nature. Mathematical geography was mainly taught at the School of Mathematics and Navigation, the Naval Academy and some other educational institutions, and political issues were discussed at the E. Gluck Gymnasium.

In the first half of the XVIII century. under Peter I, theological seminaries were opened, which played the role of the main general education schools.

Both priests and secular persons came out of the seminary walls. In most educational institutions in Russia at that time, political geography was studied, which included descriptions of various countries of the world. Subsequently, before describing the states that constituted the main content of the geography course, some information from mathematical geography began to be given as an introduction. In the first half of the XVIII century. education in Russia was conducted with the help of translated publications, which were not always suitable for practice Russian school.

In Russian educational institutions, the Dutch textbook “Geography, or a Brief Description of the Earth’s Circle” (1710) translated into Russian, the German textbook by J. Gübner “A Brief Description of the Amphibian Circle” (1719) and “General Geography” by the Dutch scientist B. Varenius (1718) were used ). These textbooks contained a description of the Western European states, which was clearly not enough for the practice of the Russian school. Information about Russia was scarce and even erroneous. So, Peter I ordered from the geography of J. Hubner to throw out the chapter on Russia and compose again. In addition, the translated textbooks contained extensive lists of geographical names, facts and figures, which were proposed to memorize. In order to organize education, domestic textbooks were required that met the needs of that time and adapted to the age of the students.

And such works on geography appeared. Among them, the works of V.N. Tatishchev ("General geographical description of all Siberia", "Introduction to the historical and geographical description of the Great Russian Empire", etc.). In the 30-50s of the XVIII century. the first two Russian geographical atlases were published, a number of maps, the famous “Russian Atlas” by I.K. Kirillov (1745). In 1742, the first Russian geography textbook, Guide to Geography, was published (by an unknown author).

Second half of the 18th century associated with the transition of the Russian economy to commodity production, the strengthening of its positions on the seas, and the expansion of the European territory of Russia. The need for literate people leads to the appearance in 1786 of the "Charter of public schools in the Russian Empire." Under Catherine II, for the first time in Russia there was created a public education system. Public schools of two types were organized: small with two years and main with five years of education. TO late XVIII v. geography is included in the curriculum a number of public schools, with the main attention being paid to the study of the geography of Russia. The course of study in small schools was designed for two years and was limited to reading, writing, counting and studying the Law of God. The course of the main schools included geography, history, mechanics, physics and natural history. In the main schools, geography was studied in two senior classes: in the 3rd grade - an introduction to the geography of Europe, in the 4th - the geography of Russia and general geography (for two years). It is in the charter that the first methodological instructions are contained: on the collection of local material and its use in the classroom, a number of rules in accordance with which disciplines should be taught. Some methodological requirements were also given in textbooks on geography.

In 1773 the first Russian geographical dictionary was published. At the same time, the textbook of Russian geography by Khariton Chebotarev "Geographical and methodological description of the Russian Empire" (1776) was published. Unlike foreign textbooks, for the first time he gave more complete and accurate information about the geography of Russia. During this period, a lesson system of education is being introduced, students are recommended to be divided into classes, such visual aids as a globe, a small atlas with maps of states appear.

The emerging interest in geographical information was dictated by the requirements of practice. The development of industry, the growth of foreign trade, the development of new territories in the era of the reforms of Peter I determined the need for geographical knowledge and, as a result, the introduction of geography in the educational institutions of the country.

At this stage, the content domestic course geography concerned mainly information from mathematical geography and a brief description of the most important states. V further development economy, which required new sources of raw materials, intensified the teaching of geography in Russia.

From the second half of the XVIII century. happening in Russia the formation of methods of teaching geography, which, in particular, was expressed in the development of guidelines that were placed in the prefaces to textbooks. The main teaching methods were considered to be drawing objects from memory on a contour map and repeating them from a textbook, memorizing and showing them on a map. It should be noted the textbook by E.F. Zyablovsky, which, unlike the previous ones, contained reliable geographical information, although it was overloaded with nomenclature. E.F. Zyablovsky was also the author of "The Land Description of the Russian Empire" and "The General Land Description" - books that for three decades served as the main sources in compiling textbooks on geography.

The textbooks of K.P. Arseniev, which, compared to other textbooks of that time, contained more explanatory material. In his textbook "Inscription of statistics Russian state“For the first time, the territorial differentiation of Russia (“spaces”) was applied - the forerunner of the economic zoning of the country. Textbooks K.P. Arseniev contained more explanations than the textbooks of E.F. Zyablovsky and Western European textbooks of that time. They showed some connections between economy and nature, physical geography was more widely covered.

Of particular interest is the publication of the original textbook of geography for the cadet corps by I. Zavalishin, in which the material was presented in poetic form. According to the author, the best way to teach children “is to combine teaching with fun, and especially in a science that requires more memory than reason. Poems of every kind, arranged according to measure, are more likely to solidify than prose ... ".

An interesting methodological phenomenon of that time was the geographical "game", "travels on the map", "geographical forfeits" and other techniques were also offered.

The approval of geography as a subject in all secondary schools was secured school charter of 1804 In accordance with it, a statistics course was introduced in gymnasiums, which indicates the need for and interest in economic and geographical information. At the beginning of the XIX century. in Russia, seven-grade gymnasiums were introduced, in which geography was studied from the 3rd to the 7th grade.

Since the 30s of the XIX century. the general educational value of geography is declining, and teaching is transferred to the lower grades. The material of textbooks is reduced due to descriptions, lists of nomenclature are memorized.

In 1838, N. Sokolovsky and N. Grech prepared textbooks in which various interesting information was presented in one font, and material for memorization in another. Thus, an attempt is made to find methodological techniques that increase interest in geography.

In the textbook by F. Studitsky (1846), the teaching material is presented in the first person. In the "Notebook of lovers of geography" M.M. Timaeva (1853) focuses on the use of visual aids.

In the textbook "Elementary Foundations of Geography" S.I. Baranovsky, published in St. Petersburg in 1853, author great importance gives entertainment by offering to show images (drawings, drawings) of the objects being explained, to compare the unknown and the new with the known, gives examples related to the area where the students live. For this purpose, it is recommended to use artistic descriptions of nature, since the descriptions "fill the imagination with lively representations."

The underestimation of the role of geography in school education and the nomenclature nature of the course provoked fair criticism from the progressive people of that time. So, N.V. Gogol (who for some time worked as a geography teacher at the Nizhyn Gymnasium) protested against the dryness of teaching, calling the geography of that time "a lifeless, dry skeleton." The importance of geography for classical and real education, moral education of students was emphasized by N.I. Pirogov, while criticizing the unpreparedness of the gymnasium teachers and teaching methods. In the early 50s of the XIX century. in the gymnasiums, the number of weekly lessons was reduced, and thus geography in these years became a subject of secondary importance.

In the 60s of the XIX century. v public life In Russia, a pedagogical movement has intensified, expressing protest against scholasticism in schooling. Progressive educators insisted on expanding the teaching of geography in schools. In the second half of the XIX century. K.D. Ushinsky, emphasizing the importance and possibilities of school geography in the education and development of the thinking of students, suggested starting the study of geography from one's own locality. This is what contributed to the penetration into the Russian school homeland ideas Ya.A. Comenius and I. Pestalozzi.

K.D. Ushinsky called for increased attention to the study of the fatherland, connection with life, to reduce the cramming of nomenclature in geography lessons. It is significant that the textbooks of that time (by A. Obodovsky and Ya. Kuznetsov) differed from previous editions in their greater systematic and logical presentation. In the 60-70s of the XIX century. sets of educational maps and illustrations were distributed.

The motherland principle in teaching geography was taken up by the advanced teachers of that time. In 1862, a textbook by P.N. Belokha, including elements of homeland studies.

In one of the first domestic methodological works, Pedagogical Notes for Teachers (1864), D.D. Semenov developed the rhyme-novel direction in school geography. His pen also belonged to the textbook "Lessons of Geography", built on the basis of native studies. The author made extensive use of conversation, visual aids, the method of "traveling" around countries, note-taking of the content of lessons by schoolchildren, drawing maps and other teaching methods. He assigned a large role to the written presentations of students in geography, paying attention not only to the assimilation of the nomenclature of concepts, but also to the understanding of geographical patterns; widely used comparative method education (after schoolchildren mastered the issues of geography, he moved on to a statistical review of states, comparing them with each other and especially with Russia).

At the same time, the teaching of geography was dominated by constructive method learning - drawing maps from memory. Against this method of teaching in the 80-90s of the XIX century. A. Sokolov, E.Yu. Petri, G.N. Raevsky and other teachers who opposed him with the method of "reading cards". Reading the map, the student had to answer the questions: at what latitude and longitude, in what zone does the country lie, what seas and lands it is surrounded by, etc. Schoolchildren measured distances, lengths of rivers and ridges on a map, calculated areas, and then made more complex conclusions and generalizations about the country's climate, flora and fauna, and population density. In the methodological manuals of V.P. Budanova, S.A. Arzhanova emphasized the importance of picture descriptions in the lower grades and explanations of geographical phenomena in the older ones. Much attention was given comparative method geographical presentation. However, all these proposals have not received official support. Contemporaries noted the "Textbook of Geography" by the famous naturalist A.Ya. Gerd, distinguished by its bright and interesting content (parts 1-4, 1887-1889).

In the early 90s of the XIX century. elements of local history. Documents relating to that period testify to creative searches in the schools of Moscow, Vladimir, St. Petersburg, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod and other provinces. Instead of book studies, advanced teachers sought to introduce new methods into the school, which were based on a local history approach to learning, an active study of the surrounding life.

Generally late XIX v. significant research in geography. So, the doctrine of the soil was created by V.V. Dokuchaev, research was carried out in the field of geology, climatology, oceanography, geobotany, zoogeography. All this contributed to the development of not only geographical science, but also school geography. At the same time, after the implementation of the gymnasium reform, the number of hours devoted to its study was once again reduced.

Simultaneously with these changes, a course was introduced in comparative geography (the economic geography of Russia and the main foreign countries) and general geography in the 6th and 7th grades of real schools. However, the textbooks on this subject contained numerous information on political economy, commodity science, and there was little actual geographical material.

  • Zavalishin I. Abbreviated land description of the Russian state. Composition in verses. SPb., 1792. S. 1.

The symbol of our time is not technology, not Tesla, and not even Pokemon Go. The symbol of our time is the constant development of concepts. A conceptual approach is required for everything in the world, from a marketing plan to a government strategy. The education of the last decade is also painted in the colors of reforms and concepts.

They begin to create a concept when they realize that the system does not meet modern requirements. So, it's time to work on new solutions and tools for their implementation. If we talk about Russian educational reforms, concepts have already been developed for a number of disciplines (Russian language, literature, history, mathematics), and now the turn has come to geography.

The correspondent of the publishing group "DROFA" - "VENTANA-GRAF" talked with Mikhail Viktorovich about the situation unfolding around the teaching of geography. Let's read what the expert says about this concept - how efficient and adequate it is.

Mikhail Viktorovich Ryzhakov

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, editor-in-chief of the journal "Geography at School"

Geography as a country study is outdated long ago

The concept is a very important, necessary and responsible document. It is always based on deep Scan, reflection, forecast, project of the main directions of development in the future. Therefore, the concept of this level cannot be created "from scratch". Especially the concept of the development of geographical education in one of the largest countries in the world!

Why do I say "out of nowhere"? Over the past 20 years, at least two concepts have been developed and the concept of federal state educational standard in geography, which was recognized as the best at the All-Russian competition of standards.

The impression is that the authors of the text under discussion know nothing about it. Here we see the first and extremely serious methodological omission. Without a serious analysis made before you in the area you are interested in, nothing good can come of it. And you will be doomed to walk in circles, as the text under discussion demonstrates.

For the same reason, those problems that primarily determine the vectors of development of any school subject, and education in this area as a whole, remained outside the field of view of the authors. We are talking about the legal field that has changed, we are talking about scientific, geographical knowledge, which has long gone from the paradigm of “we study what is where”.

By the way, the term "constructive geography" will soon be forty years old, and we are all engaged in regional studies.

A completely new information environment has appeared, and even cooler - virtual reality. Many environmental problems and issues of geopolitics have become aggravated and are being perceived in a new way. The ideas of globalization are being met with increasing resistance, especially in large, sovereign nation-states. And many many others. Here it is necessary to look for the justification of the new concept, but we do not see anything of the kind.

Such an approach inevitably leads subsequently to professional decompetence, loss of professionalism. A person ceases to notice, simply does not see the negative results of his actions, he remains confident in his high qualifications. A person is not able, and often no longer wants to realize his mistakes due to his objectively low professionalism. It is terrible when this takes on a mass character, especially in areas that determine the very existence of the country, the state and its citizens.

The degradation of geography at school

... the system of geographical education and enlightenment that has developed in Russia over many years is currently in a state of degradation, which is manifested, in particular, in the constant decrease in the number of hours allocated for teaching geography in basic and high schools”

from the text of the draft concept

I share this opinion. But the decrease in the number of hours is not a cause, but a consequence. main reason is that in its current form, school geography is of little interest to anyone. Its educational value is constantly decreasing. It can be said that school geography is performing the tasks (functions) assigned to it worse and worse.

Of course, you ask, what are these functions? I would also ask, but the authors of the concept, it seems, did not even ask this question. Therefore, I will try to express a number of positions without claiming to be the ultimate truth.

It is necessary to go from the uniqueness of geographical knowledge, including school knowledge. Here we are definitely not mistaken:

The earth is the main and only object of geographical formation. And geography is the only subject that gives a holistic view of the Earth as celestial body and the planet of people. In all their variety of manifestations.

Geographical knowledge is a reliable basis for educating a zealous master of one's country and the entire planet as a common home for mankind. After that, you can form a range of goals and get a fairly complete picture of the possible structure and content of our subject.

Please note: in accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and new ones in the Federal State Educational Standard, the content of education is determined by the participants in the educational process independently. The decrease in hours for geography is primarily evidence that school administrators do not see much benefit from the study of this discipline. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that “competitors” have appeared and are rapidly developing in geography in the form of such subjects as social science, life safety, economics, ecology, within which many topics previously presented in the course of geography are studied. Examples are not required here, teachers are very well aware of this.

The same thing happens in the system higher education. Geography has already ceased to be a compulsory subject in entrance exams in economic universities and geofaculties.

It is quite possible that geography will soon leave pedagogical universities.

The fact is that in November last year, the All-Russian Conference was held in Moscow to discuss the results of projects for the modernization of teacher education, at which a new profile of training was seriously discussed and continues to be discussed: teacher of basic general education. Not a teacher of geography, physics, biology or chemistry, but a teacher of basic general education. One can only speculate what will happen to the respective faculties.

Cosmetic repairs are not enough here

If the authors of the concept claim that the existing system has degraded, then it is necessary to look for systemic solutions. And here we see another fundamental mistake, which is that they consider the existing structure of school geography to be unshakable and do not propose any changes in this direction, limiting themselves to only cosmetic measures on the scale of the subject.

At the same time, the authors do not even ask questions: are the courses that are in the school curriculum now necessary? Do they meet the needs of modern society? Are they being studied in the correct sequence, or should they be replaced by others?

But the current structure of the course was created more than half a century ago. It seems to me that it is long outdated. Indeed, why are country studies courses basically needed when there are a huge number of sources of information on this topic?

Maybe it's better to focus on explaining causes or effects? Teaching children to reflect, not memorize and relay?

About the number of hours

Among the main decisions for the implementation of the concept are the preservation of the number of hours in the subject of geography in the amount of 2 hours per week in each grade (from 6 to 9 grade) and the introduction of the course "Geography of the Native Land" for 8-9 grades for 1 hour per week in each class.

Today we live in new realities. The basic curriculum approved by federal level, canceled, the state no longer regulates the number of hours for academic subjects. There was only the maximum allowable teaching load.

If the developers of the concept address their wishes to school principals, then I repeat, few people want to spend precious school time to the study of a useless, in their opinion, subject.

If we turn to historical experience, then the largest amount of time for the study of geography (17 hours a week) was allocated in the USSR in the pre-war years. This is at least forty percent of the study time. At that time, the only source of information on geography was a textbook that opened a window to the world for children. After the war, our country opened up to the world more and more, and the world opened up to us. Human contacts developed rapidly. Let us recall, for example, the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow, the rapid development of television, etc.

People began to receive a huge amount of geographical information outside of school, naturally, the time allotted for studying the subject was also reduced. Finally, curricula and textbooks began to change fundamentally. Especially in connection with the transition to a new content of secondary education (seventies).

For the first time in history, regional geography courses received general sections that precede the study of countries and territories. This was the first serious attempt to organically fit the theory into the country context. Geography learned not only to describe, but also to explain objects and phenomena. The term "formation of concepts" for many years became the leading one in the methodology. But the course structure of the subject as a whole remained the same.

Although so far no one can explain why, for example, plate tectonics or climate patterns should be studied in grades 5-6, and not in high school.

You can enter geography as a required entrance test when applying for training in a number of specialties / areas of training, as suggested by the authors of the concept. Yes, it will be taught, but this will not make the subject interesting, informative, shaping the personality of the student. Let's not forget that geography has always been a powerful tool patriotic education. You just need to do it skillfully and a lot of hours are not required for this. Yes, and binding here will definitely not help.

I will share an interesting observation: when I was in school, geography was considered one of the easiest subjects. Preparation for it did not require much effort, there were no poor performers in this discipline. I think the reason for the preferences of today's ninth graders who choose the OGE in geography is understandable - it is easier to prepare for a geography exam than for any other. But I'm afraid that very soon the situation will change for the worse. The same age as my granddaughter, who is in the eighth grade in one of best schools Moscow, they say that this is a very complex subject, the material is overloaded, often incomprehensible even to good students, and teachers explain it in such a way that nothing becomes clearer.

I regard this phenomenon as very disturbing, because it is better to be easy and interesting than difficult and incomprehensible.


I would rewrite this concept and single out three major blocks in it: school and university geography and educational activities in this area. And in each block would indicate the direction of development.

As for the school course, cardinal changes in structure and content are required. In order to understand exactly what changes will be required, it is necessary to conduct serious research. I am convinced that if serious scientists, prominent professionals, and practical teachers are involved, then it is possible to prepare such a concept, and it will serve the current generation and future generations of geography teachers for a long time.

Explanatory note

Geography of Russia

Explanatory note

The geography course is built in accordance with the current basic curriculum and the draft Basic School Education Standard. It is designed to study geography in grades 5-9 for 306 hours (in grade 5 - 34 hours *, in grades 6-9 - 68 hours each year).

* The second half of the science course for the 5th grade (34 hours) is devoted to the history of the Earth and life on it. It belongs to the biology curriculum.

The school geography course includes the following sections:

1. How people studied the Earth and created a map. 34 hours (5th grade).

2. Geography. World of the Earth. 68 hours (6th grade).

3. Geography. Earth is the planet of people. 68 hours (7th grade).

4. Geography of Russia. 136 hours (grades 8–9).

The program has been compiled in accordance with the Educational Program "School 2100"*. Within the framework of this program, each school subject, including geography, with its goals, objectives and content of education should contribute to the formation of a functionally literate personality, i.e. a person who can actively use his knowledge, constantly learn and master new knowledge all his life.

* "School 2100". Educational program and ways of its implementation. Issue 3. - M .: Balass, 1999, p. 102–131.

Geography at school is a classic academic discipline that actively participates in the formation of a scientific picture of the world. Modern school geography is a unique school discipline. The uniqueness of its place and role lies in the fact that it represents both natural (physical geography) and social (social and economic geography) branches of knowledge. Moreover, the cartographic component of school geography brings it closer to the group of information and technical sciences. This is explained by the unique feature of the modern geography like science. None of the 1600 currently existing branches of knowledge has the peculiarity of relating to several blocks of sciences at once and integrating such diverse information and patterns.

Geography has long ceased to be a "land-descriptive" and "search-discovery" discipline. Despite this, still modern society, and in school geography it is often treated as a reference and encyclopedic field of knowledge. Such a view fundamentally contradicts the essence of modern geographical science. Its main goal at present is to study spatio-temporal relationships in natural and anthropogenic geographic systems from the local to the global level. Playing the role of a kind of bridge between natural and social sciences, geographers are actively involved in solving various natural-science, environmental and socio-economic problems of our time.

In accordance with the modern concept of school geographical education and the concept of geographical education within the framework of the Educational Program "School 2100", geography is an integral school subject of an ideological nature, which forms in students a comprehensive, systematic idea of ​​the Earth as a planet of people.

The main directions of development of students by means of the subject "Geography"

For many years, the main goal of school geographical education was to master the basics of geographical science. However, now, within the framework of the teaching hours allocated for geography and due to the lack of clear boundaries in modern geography, this task is practically impossible. Therefore, within the framework of the "School 2100" concept, the main goal of educational geography is to master the basics of geographical knowledge as a means of forming the student's personality. It is geography as an ideological interdisciplinary subject that should help students realize their place in the world and understand their close relationship with the natural and social environment. The study of geography is aimed at developing the student's personal responsibility for everything that happens in the world around us. School geography courses should help children adequately respond to the changes taking place around them and consciously engage in practical activities from the standpoint of modern geographical science. Ultimately, school geography is designed to help solve the problem of survival in modern world, and geographical thinking should become part of the public consciousness, which is largely formed during the period of schooling.

Determining the value of scientific and geographical knowledge in the formation of personality makes it possible to formulate the main educational goal of educational geography - the formation of a unified geographical picture of the modern world among schoolchildren, which at this stage of its development is characterized by the transition of the geographical shell to a new stage of its development, where the leading factor is the activity of mankind. The main educational goal of the course "Geography" should be considered the education of a citizen who is aware of his place in the Fatherland and in the world of the Earth.

In this regard, among the main tasks of school geography, it is proposed to include the formation of the ability to comprehensively consider the human habitat; and also to perceive the world not as a set of separate natural and social components, but in the form of natural-anthropogenic, or in other words natural-social systems, formed and developing according to certain laws. Necessary condition modern development of the student in the process of teaching geography should be the understanding that along with the laws of development of nature and society, there are laws of their interaction. The implementation of the goals of school geographical education requires the solution of a number of general educational tasks, including:

- formation of an idea of ​​the integrity of the surrounding world with its territorial diversity, of the complexity of the problems of interaction of a single system "nature - population - economy";

- development of systemic geographical thinking among schoolchildren;

- conscious mastery of vital geographical knowledge, skills and abilities (the scope of which is determined by the relevant federal standard) to prepare a graduate for survival and productive work in modern conditions;

- preparing students for creative activity, non-stereotypical solution of geographic problems and independent choice for this existing geographic tools (geographic maps and profiles, literary, video and electronic sources of geographic information, etc.).

Continuity in the content of primary and secondary schools

The course of the surrounding world "World and Man" served as the basis of natural science education in elementary school. It was aimed at forming a holistic picture of the world. The activity approach used in this course allows not only to get acquainted with the world around and find answers to the questions of interest to the child, but also to master the most important concepts and patterns that allow us to explain the structure of the world.

Here (p. 504) is a diagram of the system of the most important concepts, which was studied in elementary school as part of the course "World and Man". The concepts on which the high school geography course is based are highlighted.

Conditions for the successful implementation of content

The traditional mechanism for organizing educational activities is based on the assimilation by schoolchildren of the system basic concepts and does not meet the requirements modern school. New school assumes that the main result of training is the transformation of an individual picture of the world when it interacts with the scientific and geographical one. A feature of the modern learning process is the transition from traditional to personality-oriented learning, aimed at self-development and self-education of schoolchildren. Therefore, the basis for the study of geographical content can be the technology of organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren in the framework of student-centered learning.

The teacher's task in this case is to identify the student's selectivity to the content, type, form of educational material, his motivation, the flow of the process of self-realization, preferences for activities.

The basis for the organization of educational activities is the solution by students of a system of educational geographic tasks that create conditions for the development of an integrated style of thinking, contribute to spatial thinking in the temporal aspect, solve geographical problems, act in nature from the standpoint of environmental expediency; be able to work with geographical maps, reference books, conduct observations.

In this regard, the implementation of the goals of geographical education of schoolchildren involves the observance of the following conditions:

- structuring the educational material into semantic blocks and setting cognitive tasks for each of them, creating a cognitive need for schoolchildren;

- the creation of special educational and cognitive motives, since the real meaning of learning is determined for schoolchildren not by goals, but by motives, their attitude to the subject;

- setting a cognitive goal and learning objectives that, by their content, program the focus of students on the discovery, fixation and assimilation of a new mode of activity;

- setting a learning task is most often implemented by creating a problem situation "knowledge - ignorance";

- the method of learning activity is developed by the student independently in the process of solving educational problems, which is fundamentally different from traditional methodological techniques, which are set out in the form of ready-made rules, samples, algorithms in textbooks, are explained and fixed by the teacher.

6th grade (68 hours)


The program of this course is based on the mandatory minimum content of the basic general education in geography and the concept of developing education "School 2100", focused on mass school. At its core, "The World of the Earth" is a traditional basic course of elementary school geography with elements of a new structure and content basis for the modern geographical picture of the world.

The course "The World of the Earth" is a general earth science basis of school geography. At its core, this is a traditional course of elementary physical geography with elements of geoecology. This course is designed to help a sixth grader understand the world of the Earth, its uniqueness and richness, its connection with the emergence and development of the Universe, the inseparable unity of natural and anthropogenic geographical objects.

The main goal of the course "The World of the Earth" is the formation of a modern geographical picture of the world and modern geographical thinking. Special attention is given to the development of geographical culture - geographical language, cartographic skills, etc. It is important that the student understands why he needs knowledge about the world of the Earth, so that he can use it in life. Particular emphasis is placed on the worldview basis of geography, the active introduction of a systematic geographical approach to understanding the world around us, taking into account the age interests of sixth graders. Attention to natural phenomena and processes, as well as advice and recommendations on behavior in difficult situations associated with natural disasters, are designed to update the relevant geographical knowledge of schoolchildren.

In accordance with the principle of historicism, acquaintance with the development of scientific geographical ideas dates back to the ancient Greeks, when such concepts as "atmosphere", "hydrosphere", "lithosphere" were first introduced into geographical science. These and other geospheres of our planet, as well as the planet Earth itself, are considered from the standpoint of the origin and development of their constituent matter.

It is assumed that students involved in Educational program"School 2100", by the 6th grade already familiar with history geographical discoveries, with many geographical terms and concepts, with large geographical objects, with geographical maps and plans after mastering the propaedeutic course " The world: Our planet Earth (2nd grade) "(Author's team led by A.A. Vakhrushev) and the historical and cartographic part of the systematic course of school geography" 5th grade: How people discovered the Earth and created a map (34 hours) ".

For the first time in school geography, among the components of the world around us, in the most general terms, a special state of matter is considered - plasma, which modern children already know about (stellar matter, laser, not to mention lightning and auroras). When considering the world of water (the section on the hydrosphere), information about solid (crystalline) water is included in a separate and rather large section.

As the main cartographic aid for the course "The World of the Earth" it is supposed to use the most massive and familiar to geography teachers for the 6th grade, compiled and prepared for publication by the PKO "Cartography" (M., 1999).

Introduction (3 hours)

Geography is an ancient philosophical science. Who are geographers, what did they do before and what do they do now. The content and structure of modern geographical science. Natural (natural) and artificial (anthropogenic) geographical objects: bodies, processes and phenomena. The concept of geographic information systems (GIS) and monitoring. Sources of geographic information and work with them.

The concept of the elements of nature as the bricks of the universe and the allocation of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere by the ancient Greeks.

Practical work. Introducing students to the textbook, workbook and atlas for the 6th grade, as well as other sources of geographic information.

Section 1. Earth - a particle of space (8 hours)

The meaning of the word "space". The earth is a tiny part of the universe. Hypotheses of the origin of the Universe and the Earth. The device of the Universe: galaxies, stars, planets, comets and other space bodies. The concept of plasma as a special physical state of matter in stars. The earth is part solar system and Milky Way. The Earth globe is a model of our planet.

Space address of the Earth. Model of the universe of Ptolemy and N. Copernicus. Comparative sizes of the Earth and other bodies of the solar system. The impact of cosmic bodies on the world of the Earth.

Features of the position and movement of the Earth in space. The movements of the Earth in orbit and around the axis, their geographical consequences - the change of seasons, day and night, the phenomenon of a leap year. The concept of the rhythm of geographical processes and phenomena. Polar day and polar night. Orientation in space and time by the Sun, Moon and stars.

Geographical consequences of the interaction of the Earth with the Moon and the Sun. Causes of high and low tides, their geographical consequences and patterns of distribution. The value of knowledge about the ebb and flow. The impact of the Sun on the nature of the Earth.

The shape and size of the Earth, their geographical consequences. The contribution of Pythagoras and Eratosthenes to geography. Evidence for the sphericity and convexity of the Earth. The equatorial and polar radii of our planet, its surface area. Pole compression of the Earth is a consequence of its axial rotation. The geoid is the true figure of the earth.

Natural phenomena on Earth associated with space. Meteors, meteorites, cosmic dust, their geographical consequences and significance for the nature of the planet.

Practical work. Globe exercises. Tellurium and work with it.

Geographic study tours.

1. Excursion to the planetarium, observatory or evening lesson-observation of space bodies.

2. Development of practical skills of orienteering on the terrain by the Sun, Moon, stars.

3. Autumn local history excursion into nature: identification and observation of various geographical objects and phenomena, development of behavioral skills in nature, collection of rocks, minerals and artificial materials that make up the lithosphere.

Section 2. World of stone (12 hours)

Methods of study and composition of the earth's interior. Origin and age of the earth's firmament. The internal structure of the Earth: the earth's crust, mantle, core. Earth's magnetic field and its significance. Magnetic poles Earth. Compass and orientation with it.

The concept of "lithosphere". Lithospheric plates as a solid foundation for ancient and modern continents and oceans. The main lithospheric plates of the Earth, their location and movement. Minerals and rocks. Life of different types of rocks. The main groups of rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. Patterns of distribution of rocks on our planet.

The place and role of the world of stone for people. Minerals. The concept of artificial firmament and anthropogenic deposits. The use of rocks by man.

Continental and oceanic crust. The practical significance of knowledge about layers earth's crust. The structure of the earth's crust: sedimentary, granite and basalt layers. The concept of "relief", "landforms". Planetary landforms: protrusions of the continents and depressions of the oceans. Flat and mountainous terrain. Examples of major landforms and their location. The relationship of relief and internal structure earth's crust.

External and internal processes are the creators of the relief. Internal relief-forming processes: tectonic and volcanic. Energy sources of external and internal processes of relief formation.

External relief-forming processes: weathering and its varieties, the work of flowing waters, waves, glaciers, wind, gravity, living organisms. The practical significance of knowledge about the relief. Handmade relief.

The relief of the plains and mountains of land and the bottom of the oceans. Differences between plains and mountains in height and appearance. Relationship between plains and mountains. Geographic patterns of their distribution. Unique objects of the relief of our planet in height and area.

Natural phenomena in the lithosphere: earthquakes, seaquakes and volcanic eruptions, landslides and landslides. Their nature and distribution. Rules of conduct during earthquakes, in areas of landslides and landslides.

Practical work. 1. Analysis of a physical map in order to determine the severity of lithospheric plates in the relief, the ratio of flat and mountainous relief. 2. Finding objects of the lithosphere on a physical map, including those mentioned in the text of the textbook. 3. Drawing on the contour map of large and unique objects of the Earth's relief. 4. Work with a compass. 5. Determination of samples of the collection of rocks and minerals using determinants. 6. An experiment to determine the resistance of various rocks to heating and cooling. 7. Characteristics of the relief and rocks of their area.

Section 3. The world of water (14 hours)

The presence of water is a planetary feature of the Earth. Origin of water. Unique properties of water and their geographical implications. World water cycle. The concept of "hydrosphere". Unity and parts of the hydrosphere.

Practical work. Description of the features of the waters of their area.

Solid water.

Types of solid waters of the Earth. Snow is the most common crystal. Snow cover and its properties. The layered structure of the snow mass. Life of seasonal water crystals. Patterns of the geographical distribution of snow cover. Geographic consequences of snow cover. The impact of snow on the life and economic activity of people.

Ice on dry land. Glaciers: formation and types (mountain and cover, ancient and modern). Glacial deposits and landforms. underground ice: formation, properties, permafrost landforms and their distribution. The impact of ice on the economic activity of people.

Ice on the water. Freeze up. sea ​​ice. Icebergs: formation, properties, distribution on Earth. Naledi and their life. Freezing phenomenon. Man and ice on the water.

Natural disasters associated with snow and ice - collisions with icebergs, snow avalanches. Avalanche-prone areas and iceberg distribution areas. Fight against avalanches. Rules of conduct on the ice of reservoirs and when falling into an avalanche.

Practical work. Drawing on the contour map of the areas of distribution of geographical objects from solid water.

Geographic study tours. Winter local history excursion: Familiarization with the features of the winter nature of your area: studying the thickness and structure of the snow cover, its relief, the influence of winter conditions on the life of plants, animals, humans, etc. Practicing orientation skills on the ground.

liquid water.

Characteristics of terrestrial waters. The role of liquid water in nature and human life. Chemical weathering.

Practical work. 1. Analysis of the results of observations of changes in the state of water bodies in their area. 2. Description of the “journey” of a droplet through the large and small circulations from the reservoir closest to the school.

The world ocean is the basis of the hydrosphere. Parts of the oceans. Properties sea ​​water. Types of ocean water movement: waves and currents. water masses. Natural elements in the waters of the oceans.

Practical work. 1. Drawing on the contour map of the main geographical objects of the World Ocean. 2. Analysis of the physical map in order to determine the depths of the oceans and seas. 3. An imaginary journey through the oceans in a system of surface currents.

Land waters. Ground and surface waters. Types of groundwater. Karst. Types of surface waters. Rivers. Nutrition and regime of rivers. Floods on the rivers. Waters of lakes and swamps. Artificial reservoirs: canals and reservoirs. Protection of waters from pollution. Elements of land waters.

Rules of conduct during the onset of water elements.

Practical work. 1. Determination of the position of water bodies on the terrain plan. 2. Drawing on the contour map of the main objects of land waters. 3. Description of one of the rivers according to the plan. 4. Determination of the degree of pollution of the waters of their area and measures for their protection.

Section 4. World of Air (12 hours)

Atmospheric air and its movement. Problems of the origin of atmospheric air. Composition of air and its change with altitude. The concept of the atmosphere. Layers of the atmosphere. The role of the ozone layer for life on Earth.

Plasma in the atmosphere. The ionosphere is the plasma shell of the Earth. Lightning linear and ball. Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. Fires of Saint Elmo. Polar Lights. Ionized gases in the service of man.

Man and air. Natural and anthropogenic sources of air pollution. Comfortable living conditions.

Earth in the rays of the sun. Solar energy on Earth. Light in the atmosphere. Belts of illumination. Distribution of solar energy in the atmosphere and earth's surface. Heat atmospheric air. Differences in heating and changes in atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure and its measurement.

The concept of wind. Direction and strength of the wind. Breezes. Trade winds. Monsoons. Western winds. Introduction to meteorological instruments.

Practical work. 1. Drawing up diagrams of the composition of air and its temperature near the earth's surface and at heights. 2. Determining the height of a building using an aneroid barometer.

Air masses. Movement of air masses. atmospheric fronts. Vortices in the atmosphere. Cyclones and anticyclones. Tropical cyclones.

Water in the atmosphere. Air humidity (absolute and relative). Hygrometer. Clouds, their formation and types. Fog.

Atmospheric precipitation and their types. Distribution of precipitation on the earth's surface.

Weather and climate. Weather forecasting is the science of the weather and its prediction. Weather cards. Weather forecast. Sources of climate information.

Practical work. 1. Determination of the prevailing types of clouds during the week. 2. Making a weather forecast for the coming days.

Elements of the atmosphere. Thunderstorm and hail. Drought and frost. Ice and its formation.

Practical work. 1. Processing the results of weather observations. 2. Determination of climatic indicators of your area and their interpretation.

Section 5. The world of life (11 hours)

Birth of life. Theories of the origin and development of life on Earth: divine, cosmic, evolutionary.

The biosphere is the shell of life. The concept of "biosphere". The boundaries of the biosphere. The concept of "adaptation". living conditions. Life in the cycle of spheres. Systems "biosphere - atmosphere", "biosphere - hydrosphere", "biosphere - lithosphere".

Man and the biosphere. Human impact on the biosphere. Cycles in the biosphere. How the living assimilates and transmits energy. Producers, consumers, decomposers.

Life in the ocean. Distribution of life in the ocean with depth and geographic latitude. The system of living organisms in the ocean.

Life on dry land. Forest and grass communities and their types. The concept of "taiga", "broad-leaved forests", "moist tropical forests", "savannas", "steppe".

Life in extreme conditions. Problems of survival of people in the tundra, hot and cold deserts.

"Floors of life" in the mountains. The concepts of "latitudinal zonality" and "altitude zonality".

Elements of the biosphere. The idea of ​​natural phenomena and processes in the world of wildlife.

Section 6. The World of Geographical Systems (6 hours)

Geographic systems, their types and components. The geographic envelope is the largest geosystem of the planet. Artificial components of geographical complexes. The concepts of "habitat", "natural-anthropogenic complex (geosystem)".

Humanity on Earth. The concept of "population explosion". Placement of people on Earth.

Man and energy. Types and sources of energy in the geographical envelope. Transformation and use of energy. An idea of ​​the energy problems of mankind and ways to overcome them.

Soil is a system that connects inanimate and living nature. Basic properties of soils. Soils natural and artificial. The concept of soil erosion and the fight against it.

Cities on the way to the future. The concepts of "rural area", "city". Ecological problems modern cities.

From the geographical shell to the sphere of the mind. The concept of "noosphere". The noosphere is a single system "humanity - environment".

Geographic study tours. 1. Identification of natural and artificial components of geographical complexes. 2. Description of the soil section of the area.

(Time reserve - 2 hours)

7th grade (68 hours)


Within the framework of the new concept, the course of the 7th grade opens the regional study block of school geography. The development of its content is based on the best traditions of school regional studies, laid down at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. domestic geographers. The revival and expansion of the country-geography basis of school geography is intended to serve to strengthen an integrated approach to the study of territorial natural-social systems, to develop schoolchildren's interest in studying geography.

Strengthening the country-geography basis of school geography has been tested by world practice and corresponds to the age characteristics of schoolchildren. In students of adolescence, psychologists note an increase in cognitive interest in natural phenomena and in the events of social life, the ability to reason on the basis of general premises, the desire for knowledge, and the expansion of the field of interest.

Through a comprehensive regional study, which combines the study of nature, population and its economic activities, students will learn to understand the reasons for the diversity of the nature of continents and oceans, large regions and individual countries, to understand people of a different culture, to realize their place in the life of the planet.

Regional knowledge will serve as a way for schoolchildren to view the world, allow them to see, understand and evaluate the complex system of interaction between people, territory and the natural environment.

The main goal of the course is to develop in schoolchildren a holistic view of the Earth as a planet of people, as well as regional knowledge about the integrity and differentiation of the nature of the continents, their large regions and individual countries, about the people who inhabit them, the features of life and economic activity in various natural conditions, i. e. the formation of a minimum of basic knowledge of a country-specific nature, necessary for every person of our era.

The main objectives of the course:

– to expand and specify ideas about the spatial heterogeneity of the Earth's surface at different levels of its differentiation (from planetary to local);

- create figurative representations of large regions of the continents and countries, highlighting the features of their nature, natural resources, and their use by the population;

- to strengthen the humanization, humanitarization and cultural orientation of the course content through the complex regional characteristics of regions and countries, in the center of which are a person, people, peoples of continents and countries, their way of life, material and spiritual culture, economic activity in specific natural conditions, both on land, and in the adjacent waters of the oceans;

- to promote the education of students in the spirit of respect for other peoples, in order to "learn to live together, developing knowledge about others, their history, traditions and ways of thinking", to understand people of a different culture;

– on the basis of a historical-geographical approach, reveal changes in the political map, environmental management practices, the process of growing environmental problems within the continents, oceans and individual countries; to form in schoolchildren an emotional and value attitude to the geographical environment;

- to continue the development of cartographic literacy of schoolchildren by working with maps of various content and scale (maps of continents, oceans, individual countries, city plans); study of ways of depicting geographical objects and phenomena used on these maps;

- to develop practical geographical skills to extract information from various sources of knowledge, to compile comprehensive country-specific descriptions and characteristics of the territory based on them.

The selection of the countries studied in the course is supposed to be carried out not only on the basis of their role in the development of world civilization, the size of the territory and population, not only taking into account the degree of reflection in their nature of the characteristics of large regions of the continents, but also taking into account the specifics of the ethnic composition of the population, the way of life of the peoples of the plains and mountainous countries, their economic activities and regional features of the interaction between man and nature.

Unlike the existing course "Geography of continents and oceans", the course "Earth - the planet of people" focuses on the consideration of the key features of the territory (the nature and population of the continents, the nature of the oceans and human economic activity in their water areas), and most importantly - individual countries ( their provision with natural resources, peculiarities of nature management, ethno-cultural characteristics of the population, main types of economic activity, environmental problems).

Structurally, the course consists of an introduction and five sections: "Peculiarities of the nature of the continents", "Development of the Earth by man", "Peculiarities of the nature of the oceans", "Continents and countries", "The Earth is our home".

Introduction (3 hours)

The surface of the planet Earth. The ratio of land to water on Earth. Continents and parts of the world. Land is the place of life and activity of people. Groups of continents: the continents of the Southern and the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, the continents of the Old and New Worlds. Features of the geographical location of each continent. The concept of "geographical location"; the influence of geographical location on the formation of the nature of the territory. Practical value these concepts in everyday life.

The geographical envelope is the environment of human life and activity. Spatial inhomogeneity of GO and its causes. Planetary differentiation of the geographic envelope: its largest parts are continents and oceans. Zonal and azonal natural complexes of the geographic envelope on land and in the ocean. Vertical zonality on land and in the ocean. The border areas of land and ocean are special territorial-aquatic complexes. Humanity is part of the geographic shell.

Sources of geographical knowledge. A variety of sources (travel diaries, reference books, dictionaries, aerospace images, etc.). A geographical map is the most important form of reflection of human knowledge about the Earth, a special source of geographical knowledge. The variety of geographical maps, their differences in coverage of the territory, scale, methods of construction, content. Ways of depicting objects and phenomena used on maps. Geographical descriptions, geographic characteristics.

Practical work. 1. Drawing up the simplest scheme "Division of civil defense into natural complexes." 2. Acquaintance with annotations of gazetteers and other sources of geographic information, self-compilation of annotations. 3. Grouping the maps of the textbook and the atlas according to various criteria. 4. Determination of the geographical position of objects (continents, islands, oceans, etc.) on the globe and map.

Section 1. Features of the nature of the continents (11 hours)

The relief of the continents. How the relief of the continents is formed. Continental drift hypothesis. Plates of the lithosphere. Platforms and folded belts. Map of the structure of the earth's crust. Seismic belts of the Earth. The practical significance of knowledge about the structure and development of the lithosphere.

Plains and mountains of the continents, patterns of their placement depending on the structure of the lithosphere and the movement of lithospheric plates. Common features in the structure of the relief of the continents; differences and their causes. relief-forming processes. Patterns of distribution of mineral deposits on the continents. Features of the relief of individual continents.

Climate and water. Patterns of distribution of air temperature, atmospheric pressure and precipitation on the continents. climate factors. Air masses and their types. Climate maps. Climatic zones and regions. Features of the climates of individual continents. Influence of climatic conditions on the distribution of the population. Human adaptation to the climatic features of the territory, means of protection from adverse effects.

General characteristics of the internal waters of the continents. Dependence of waters on relief and climate. Similarities and differences between the waters of the continents. Geography of "river civilizations".

Flora and fauna of the continents. Features of vegetation, soils and fauna of the Northern and Southern continents. The peculiarity of the organic world of each continent. Cultivated plants and domestic animals. The study of the centers of origin of cultivated plants N.I. Vavilov. The most favorable natural areas for human life.

Natural and anthropogenic landscapes. The degree of anthropogenic change in the nature of the continents. Reserves and National parks. Map of anthropogenic landscapes of the continents.

Practical work. 1. Description according to the relief plan of one of the continents. 2. Comparative characteristics of the relief of the two continents with the identification of the causes of similarities and differences. 3. Description of differences in the climate of one of the continents. 4. Assessment of the climatic conditions of the continents for the life of the population. 5. Compilation of a catalog of cultivated plants and domestic animals on the continents. 6. Drawing on the contour map of each continent areas of territories with anthropogenic landscapes.

Section 2. Features of the nature of the oceans and islands (3 hours)

The division of the oceans into parts.

The nature of the oceans. Features of the geographical position of each of the oceans. The main features of the topography of the ocean floor. Climate, water masses, main surface currents. Features of the organic world of each of the oceans. natural belts.

Economic activity of people in the oceans. Environmental problems and ways to solve them.

Practical work. 1. Drawing up a description of the nature of one of the oceans (optional). 2. Identification and reflection on contour map transport, commercial, raw material, recreational and other functions of the ocean (optional).

The nature of the islands. Island land, its geographical position. Types of islands by origin. The peculiarity of the nature of the largest islands. Island population. Environmental problems associated with economic activity on the islands.

Practical work. 1. Description of the features of the geographical position of one of the large islands; comparison of the geographical position of the two islands (optional). 2. Description of the atlas maps and other sources of information about the nature and population of one of the islands.

Section 3. Development of the land by man (4 hours)

Hypotheses of the appearance of man on Earth. The ancient homeland of man. Territories most ancient development. Proposed ways of human settlement on the continents. human races. Humanity is one and many.

The number of people on earth. The modern distribution of people by continents, climatic regions, natural zones, by distance from the oceans. Earth population density map. main areas of settlement. Old and New World. The way of life of people on the plains and in the mountains.

The concept of "ethnos". largest ethnic groups. Small nations. Map of the peoples of the world. Ethnic migrations. Diversity of cultures and ethnic groups. Formation of modern religions and their geography. Historical and cultural regions of the world.

Practical work. 1. Modeling on the contour map of the location of the largest ethnic groups and small peoples. 2. Designation on the contour map of the ways of settling the Indo-European peoples.

Section 4. Continents and countries (42 hours)

Ways of accumulation of regional knowledge. Typical structure of the geographical characteristics of the territory.

Country-specific characteristics are supposed to be compiled taking into account the following provisions. A brief description of the main features of the nature of the mainland and its population. The division of the continent into large regions. The composition of the territory and countries of the region. Geographic location of individual countries. The influence of geographical location on the nature of countries and the life of the population.

The main features of nature and natural wealth of the countries of the region. The combination of typical and special in natural conditions and natural wealth of the countries of the region. Influence on the nature and economic activity of the population of adjacent parts of the oceans. Reflection of natural conditions in the way of life of people.

Historical features of the settlement of the territory. The influence of nature on the formation of the spiritual and material culture of the peoples of the region. The main features of the population: language, religion, life (type of dwellings, national clothes, food, traditions of peoples, rituals, customs).

Historically developed types of economic activity on the use of natural resources of land and adjacent water areas. Modern types of economic activity. Cultivated plants and domestic animals.

Anthropogenic and cultural landscapes in the countries of the region. Environmental problems associated with nature management, lifestyle and the level of ecological culture of the population.

Large cities, their geographical position, layout, appearance.

Africa (7 h)

Features of the nature of the mainland. Population. The division of the continent into large regions. North African countries. Egypt. West and Central African countries. Nigeria. Congo (Kinshasa). East African countries. Ethiopia. Zambia. South African countries. SOUTH AFRICA.

Practical work. 1. Drafting of sailing routes off the coast of North Africa and travel across the Sahara. 2. Determination by maps of the natural wealth of the countries of Central Africa. 3. Identification of the characteristics of the racial and ethnic composition of the population of East African countries. 4. Determination of the main activities of the population of the countries of South Africa. 5. Establishing the features of the geographical location, layout and appearance of the most major cities African countries.

Australia and Oceania (4 hours)

Features of the nature of Australia. The population of Australia. Australian Union. Oceania: nature and people.

Practical work. 1. Comparative characteristics of nature, population and its economic activity of two regions of Australia (optional). 2. Description of the nature and population of one of the groups of islands in Oceania.

South America (5 hours)

Features of the nature of the mainland. population of the continent. Eastern countries of the mainland. Brazil. Argentina. Andean countries. Venezuela. Peru.

Practical work. 1. Description of natural features and natural wealth, differences in the composition of the population, in the features of its culture and life in Brazil (or Argentina). 2. Identification of the main types of economic activity of the population of the Andean countries. 3. Description of the geographical location of major cities of the countries of the continent.

Antarctica (2 hours)

Features of the nature of Antarctica. Human exploration of the Antarctic. International status of the mainland. Influence of Antarctica on the nature of the Earth. Peculiarities of human exploration of the "Southern" Ocean. Achievements of geographical science in the study of the southern polar region of the planet.

Practical work. 1. Determining the goals of studying the southern polar region of the Earth. 2. Drawing up a project for the use of the natural resources of the mainland in the future.

North America (6 hours)

Features of the nature of the mainland. Population.

Canada. United States of America. countries of Central America. Mexico. Cuba.

Practical work. 1. Establishment on maps of the main types of natural resources of Canada, the USA and Mexico. 2. Identification of the features of the distribution of the population within each country. 3. Description of the geographical location, layout and external appearance of the largest cities in these countries.

Eurasia (18h)

Features of the nature of Eurasia. Mainland population.

Northern European countries. Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. Western European countries. UK and Ireland; Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium; France, Austria, Switzerland.

Eastern European countries. Poland. Baltic countries. Danubian countries. Southern European countries. Spain and Portugal. Italy and the Balkan countries. Countries of Southwest Asia.

South Asian countries. India.

Countries of Central and East Asia. Mongolia. China. Japan.

Countries of Southeast Asia.

Practical work. 1. Compilation of a "catalog" of the peoples of Eurasia by language groups. 2. Description of the types of economic activities of the peoples of the Nordic countries associated with work in the ocean. 3. Comparative characteristics of Great Britain, France and Germany. 4. An imaginary journey through the countries of Eastern Europe. 5. Revealing the peculiarities of culture and life of the population of the countries of Southern Europe. 6. Grouping the countries of Southwest Asia according to various criteria. 7. Description of the geographical location of major cities in China, drawing them on a contour map. 8. Modeling on the contour map of the distribution of India's natural resources.

Section 5. Earth is our home (3 hours)

Nature is the basis of human life. Types of natural resources. The interaction of nature and man on the continents, in the oceans, individual countries. Changing nature on a planetary, regional and local scale. The problem of sustainable development of the natural environment.

The role of geographical science in rational use nature. Methods of geographical science: geographical descriptions, cartographic models in geographical research, comparative geographical method, statistical, historical and field methods. Aerospace and other remote methods.

Application of the latest research methods. The study of nature on Earth and beyond.

Practical work. 1. Modeling on the map of the main types of natural resources of the continents and oceans. 2. Modeling the position of the Earth's continents in different epochs of the planet's life and in the distant future. 3. Compilation of a description of the area in which the student spent summer holidays, comparing it with descriptions made by other students.

(Reserve study time - 2 hours)

8th–9th grades (136 hours)


In the structure of school geography courses, the leading place is occupied by the course "Geography of Russia", designed primarily to educate a patriot and citizen of one's country. However, no less, if not more, essential is the need for the ideological aspect of this course.

The main attention is paid to showing the manifestation of the laws of interaction between society and nature within Russia. At the present stage, this task is especially relevant: it is necessary to select factual material, bringing it into line with the requirements of today, which makes it possible to explain to students the need and essence of fundamental socio-economic transformations in Russia, to present all the diversity of the nature of our country not only as a powerful natural resource potential , but also a source of beauty and inspiration, of everything that exists, which forms the self-consciousness of the peoples inhabiting this territory.

Goals and objectives of the course. On the basis of specific geographical material, to form a system of principles and views of students in relation to the territory of their country as a natural habitat. The territory of the country should appear to schoolchildren, on the one hand, as a single social and natural system, on the other, a territorially diverse system of its regions.

The main object of study of the integral course of school geography in Russia is territorial social and natural systems, and the geographic environment acts as a link between the physical and socio-economic geography of Russia. A holistic perception of the territory of Russia is achieved by using systems approach to geographical objects and phenomena. The course "Geography of Russia" proposes to consider complex social and natural regions, geotechnical systems, and the modern territorial organization of society. The course "Geography of Russia", unified in content, consists of two interrelated parts: "Geography of Russia: a person and the geographical environment" (8th grade) and "Geography of Russia: geographical complexes and regions" (9th grade), which are allotted for studying two hours a week for two years.

In the 8th grade, a general geographical description of Russia is given - "Geography of Russia: a person and a geographical environment." This part of the course includes an "Introduction" and four sections: "Geography in Russia: past, present, future", "Geographic space of Russia", "Geographic environment and human activity", "Population and quality of the geographical environment".

In the 9th grade, the main attention is paid to the regional characteristics of Russia. The second part of the unified course - "Geography of Russia: Geographical Complexes and Regions" - consists of four sections: "Systems of the Geographical Environment and Economic Activities", "Geographic Regionalization of the Territory of Russia", "Regions of Russia", "Russia in the Modern World" and the block " Conclusion".

Part 1. Geography of Russia: man and geographical environment

(68 hours, 2 hours per week)

Introduction (2 hours)

Why is it necessary to study the geography of your country? A look at the world through the eyes of a geographer: geographical objects, phenomena and processes (natural, social, etc.).

Practical work. Making a drawing, preparing a message, compiling a story or writing an essay about an interesting geographical feature in Russia.

Section 1. Geography in Russia: past, present, future (3 hours)

Geography of Russia as a system of knowledge and a system of sciences. "Tree" of modern geography. Profession: geographer.

Development of geographical ideas and teachings in Russia. The contribution of Russian explorers and geographers to the development of geographical knowledge about the country, their names on the map of Russia. Russian geographical society. The role of geographical knowledge in solving the practical problems of society. Geography of Russia on the way to the future.

Practical work. 1. Acquaintance with educational, scientific and popular science sources of geographic information on Russia - literary, cartographic, computer and others. 2. Analysis of the table " Major events development of geographical knowledge in Russia" and the scheme "Tree" of modern geographical science". 3. Acquaintance with the origin of geographical names on the map of Russia.

Section 2. Geographical space of Russia (10 hours)

The “visiting card” of Russia as one of the largest states in the modern world: symbols, political and administrative structure, capital, population, area.

Territorial and economic space of Russia. Geographical aspects of the location, extent and size of the territory. Sea, land and air borders. border states.

Standard, maternity, summer time. Time zones in our country. The impact of time difference on the life of the population and the economy of the country.

The history of the formation of the geographical space of Russia: from Kievan Rus to the Moscow principality, expansion of the territory of the Moscow principality to the north, annexation of the eastern territories (the Volga region, Siberia, Far East), from the Russian Empire to the USSR, the collapse Soviet Union and the formation of a new geographical space of Russia.

Practical work. 1. Finding your location on the map of Russia. Determining on the map the remoteness of your settlement from various geographical objects (the nearest sea coast, state border, capital, etc.) and assessing the favorable geographical position.

Section 3. Geographical environment and human activities (45 hours)

Man and Geographical Environment (5 hours)

The concept of "geographical environment". Environment natural (natural) and anthropogenic (artificial). The role of the geographical environment in the formation and development of human society. Properties of the geographical environment: integrity, spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability.

Man and geographic environment. Man as a special biological and social species. Biological human needs and geographic environment. The geographical environment of the era of hunters and fishermen, the geographical environment of the era of farmers and pastoralists.

Ethnos and geographical environment. The concept of "ethnos". The ethnoi of the mountains and the ethnoi of the plains. Modern ethnic picture of Russia, language families, the religious composition of the population. Maps of languages, peoples and religions of Russia. Nature and culture of ethnic groups.

Natural conditions and resources. The concepts of "natural resources", "natural conditions". Classification of natural resources. Resources of matter, energy and information. The concept of "natural resource potential of the territory".

Human economic activity and geographic environment. The concept of "labor resources". Human potential is the most important resource for Russia's development. The concept of "nature management", types of nature management (rational, irrational). Economics as a tool for nature management. The concept of "industry". Branches of the production and non-production sphere. The main sectors of the economy.

Medium components (45 hours)

The concept of "components of the geographic environment".

Relief and bowels of Russia. The structure of the Russian part of the lithosphere. Basic tectonic structures and connection with the relief. Volcanic and seismic regions of Russia. The relief of the Russian shelf.

Geological chronology. Cartographic sources of geological information: geological and tectonic maps of Russia, geological profiles. The main stages of the geological development of the territory of Russia. Grade. Knowledge and development of Russian mineral resources. Methods for the study of bowels and relief.

The main external processes of relief formation. Water activities: river valleys, sea and lake shores, karst, erosion and its control. Permafrost and icy landforms, their origin, distribution and impact on people's livelihoods. Glacial landforms, their origin, distribution and impact on the economy (avalanches and their control). General patterns distribution of the plains and mountains of Russia.

Practical work. Establishing the dependence of landforms and mineral deposits on the structure of the earth's crust.

The climate of Russia. Airspace of Russia as an integral part of the Earth's atmosphere. Methods for studying weather and climate in Russia. Cartographic sources of meteorological information: synoptic and climatic maps, climatograms.

Climate-forming factors in Russia. Geographic latitude and continentality, properties of the underlying surface. Transformation of air masses.

Radiation factor: direct, scattered and total solar radiation and their distribution across the country. Distribution of light and heat energy, change in the length of day and night by the seasons of the year, during the day, by latitude and depending on the relief (absolute altitude, exposure and steepness of slopes).

Circulation factor: meridional and latitudinal (western transfer), monsoon and local circulation. Vertical circulation: cyclones and anticyclones, atmospheric fronts (warm and cold) in Russia.

Air masses in Russia: types, characteristics, movement. Climatic zoning: belts and regions.

Natural phenomena: droughts, downpours, hailstorms, hurricanes, dust storms and snowstorms, frosts.

Seasons of the year: features of the summer and winter seasons in Russia. Seasonality of the way of life of the population of Russia, its influence on the nature of traditional clothing, housing and food. Seasonality of economic activity in agriculture, transport, energy. Anthropogenic weather. The climate of the city. Agro-climatic resources of agriculture.

Practical work. 1. Determination of climate-forming factors of individual territories using atlas maps. 2. Comparative analysis of synoptic maps, explanation of the weather features of individual territories. 3. Assessment of the climate of individual territories for the life and economic activities of the population.

Russian waters. Waters of Russia: ground and underground as an integral part of the hydrosphere. Methods of hydrological research. Cartographic sources of hydrological information: hydrological maps, hydrographs of rivers, hydrological profiles.

Water bodies of the World Ocean and waters of the land surface in Russia: seas and parts of the oceans, rivers and canals, lakes and reservoirs. River basins and watersheds.

Life and work of rivers: power sources and regime, slope, fall, flow velocity, water content (flow rate and annual runoff), ice regime. Rivers of plains and mountains. River and sea transport: main ports, environmental problems. Pollution of land and ocean waters in Russia, environmental problems of waters and ways to solve them.

Practical work. 1. Explanation of the patterns of distribution of various types of water (rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, etc.). 2. Assessing the security water resources individual territories.

Living nature of Russia. The Russian part of the single biosphere of the planet. A look at biological objects through the eyes of a geographer. Cartographic sources of biological information: maps of distribution areas of the main species of animals and plants, geobotanical profiles.

Flora of Russia. Plant resources: natural and anthropogenic. The main branches of crop production and areas of distribution.

Animal world of Russia. Hunting and commercial resources of land and waters of Russia. Beekeeping and beekeeping. Fishing and fish farming.

The role of specially protected natural territories of Russia in maintaining and preserving the species diversity of the world of its wildlife. The concepts of "reserve", "monument of wildlife", "Red Book". Reserve business is a special national branch of the country's economy.

Practical work. Making a forecast of changes in the flora and fauna under the influence of economic activity using the example of your area.

Section 4. Population of Russia (6 hours)

Population of Russia. The population of Russia and its change. Birth, death, natural increase. Demographic indicators of the quality of life of the population: infant mortality and life expectancy. demographic crises. Reproduction of the population and its types.

Population migrations. The territorial mobility of the population is the result of the uneven quality of the geographic environment. Factors of external and internal migration, their impact on the economy and people's lives.

The composition of the population. Sex and age composition of the population: the ratio of male and female population, "female preponderance" in Russia, factors of population aging. Analysis of sex and age pyramids. Labor resources: composition and use, labor market, geography of unemployment.

The quality of life of the population. Economic development of the country and demographic indicators of the quality of life. Social Security and the main indicators of the quality of life: the lifestyle and health of the population, the level of education. Indicators of the quality of life of the population. Differences in the standard of living of the population of various regions of Russia.

Ecological state environment and quality of life of the population. Ecological and geographical situation in Russia and the need for a transition to sustainable development. The role of geography in problem solving.

Practical work. Determination of the main directions of migration of the population of Russia based on maps and materials of the current press.

Part 2. Geography of Russia: geographical complexes and regions

(68 hours, 2 hours per week)

Section 5. Geographical complexes (4 hours)

Systems of the geographical environment and economic activity. The concept of "geographical system" as a complex of interrelated components of the geographical environment. Natural and economic systems: natural and anthropogenic systems (agricultural, forestry, industrial). Diversity (classification) of geographic systems: territorial (PTK) and aquatic (PAK), zonal and azonal, basic and transitional, modern and relict. The concept of landscape. Natural and anthropogenic landscapes. Reserves and other specially protected territories of Russia as standards of natural geosystems: composition, location.

Soils and aquatic systems are special natural formations. Soil is a special geographical system. V.V. Dokuchaev is the founder of soil science. Properties, composition and structure of the soil. The concepts of "soil horizons", "fertility".

The main types of soils of the plains and mountains. Arable soils. Soil map. Soil resources are the property of Russia. Melioration and reclamation of soils. Artificial soils, hydroponics and greenhouses. Ecological problems of Russian soils.

Aquatic systems: natural and artificial. Natural aquatic complexes (PAC): shelf, lakes, rivers. General properties and distinctive features. Zonality and azonality of PAC. Interrelation of PAK components. Artificial aquatic systems - reservoirs, canals. Ecological problems.

Practical work. Determination of the mechanical composition of the soil.

Amphibious geographic systems. Bogs: origin and development, types, distribution. Swamp resources and their use. Solonchaks, salt licks, solod: origin and distribution. Ameliorative systems.

Zonal natural and economic systems. The doctrine of geographical zonality. V.V. Dokuchaev, L.S. Berg, A.A. Grigoriev and M.I. Budyko - the founders of the doctrine of landscapes. Features of life and management in zonal natural complexes. History of development natural areas on Russian territory.

Arctic deserts and tundras. Ice cover and permafrost, extreme climatic conditions (strong winds, polar night) are the most important deterrents for economic activity. Life and life of the peoples of the North: features of settlement, clothing and housing, reindeer breeding and crafts. Specially protected natural areas.

Forest-tundra and forest zones. Western and eastern, northern, middle and southern taiga: geographical differences, appearance and composition of tree species. Mixed and broad-leaved forests: appearance and composition of tree species.

The forest is a source of material and spiritual values ​​of the people. The role of forests in the history of the state. Traditional activities of the indigenous peoples of the taiga. The forest is the main wealth of Russia: the composition and distribution of forests, forest management, the main forestry regions of the country. Modern forest cover in Russia (map). The concepts of "forestry", "reforestation". Focal development and settlement. Timber industry in Russia: history, composition, location, largest enterprises. Ecological state of forests in Russia. Ecological problems of the forest zone. Specially protected natural areas.

Forest-steppes and steppes. Soils are the main natural wealth of the zone. Little snow, insufficient moisture, strong winds and dust storms are the natural elements of the steppe. Anthropogenic transformation of the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Development and settlement: the steppe of nomadic pastoralists and the steppe of farmers, the modern zone of continuous development, the main breadbasket of Russia. Environmental problems and ways to solve them. Anti-erosion, soil-protective, climatic and water-protective role of forest belts. Specially protected natural areas.

Deserts and semi-deserts. Extreme living conditions for animals and plants and adaptation. Life and way of life of indigenous peoples in extreme conditions. Rare settlement. Desertification is a consequence of economic activity. Water is the most valuable resource. Irrigation and rainfed agriculture. Specially protected natural areas.

Practical work. Making a forecast of changes in the nature of the zone (at the student's choice) as a result of economic activity.

Azonal natural and economic systems. Altitudinal zonality is the main geographical pattern in the mountains. The nature of altitudinal zonality depending on the location and height of the mountains. Altitude belts. Mosaic and complexity of geographical systems of mountains. Settlement of man in the mountains. Conditions of life and life of the mountain peoples. Economic activity in the vulnerable nature of the mountains. Specially protected natural areas.

Geographical systems created by man. The country's economy as an economic system (complex). Systems of material and non-material spheres of economy.

Intersectoral complexes (systems): a complex of branches of the primary sphere (agriculture and forestry); a complex of branches of the secondary sphere (KKM, military-industrial complex and mechanical engineering, electric power industry); a complex of industries of the tertiary and quaternary spheres (service sector, transport and communications, science, information and management). Maps of branches of economy. The concept of "territorial production complex" (TPK).

Settlement as a system. Population density map. Cities as systems: types of cities, urban lifestyle. Urbanization. Agglomerations are systems of cities. Rural settlements.

Section 6. Zoning of Russia (3 hours)

The concept of "zoning". Why is it necessary to allocate geographical areas on the territory of our country. History of zoning in Russia. Types of zoning. Zoning of nature, population and economy. Schemes of natural and socio-economic regions. Complex socio-natural areas. Regional maps and other sources of information.

Section 7. Geographical areas (40 hours)

The characteristics of the districts are given according to the following scheme:

1. Geographic location.

2. Natural features and geographical patterns.

3. History of development of nature and settlement of the territory.

4. Population (traditions, way of life) and labor resources.

5. The economy of the region and its geographical pattern.

6. Social, economic and geoecological problems of the region.

7. Internal differences and main centers.

european part of Russia

the East European Plain

European North

central Russia

Volga region

Ciscaucasia and Caucasus

The Ural region is the border between Europe and Asia

Asian part of Russia

Western Siberia

Central Siberia

Far East

Practical work. 1. Compilation of a comprehensive geographical characteristics of the area; identification of interregional differences. 2. Comparative characteristics of the regions. 3. Determination of trends in the economic development of areas of new development.

Section 8. Russia in the modern world (6 hours)

Conclusion (1 hour)

Geography Program Grades 5-9

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