Expression of the wise about talented people. Aphorisms and quotes about talent

this work- this is a reflection on the problem of giftedness of preschool children, how to treat children with extraordinary abilities, describes the experience of working with gifted children in Ulyanovsk region.The material was written for the collection of articles of the scientific-practical conference on the problem of gifted children.



“Gifted children are the hope and support of our Motherland”

Work place address:MBDOU No. 3 Kindergarten general developing species "Ryabinka", Inza city, Ulyanovsk region, st. Jan Latsis, 66.

“The talent given to us from birth is like a rough diamond. marvelous this transparent stone. But no matter how wonderful a diamond is, a diamond differs from it like heaven from earth. Only a society that does not spare material costs and labor for cutting such “diamonds” can count on placers of diamonds in their country” (J. Bruno)

The problem of children's giftedness has long been of concern to many scientists, teachers, and psychologists.High creative potential, which forms the basis of children's giftedness, often manifests itself already in preschool age. What is giftedness? This term means high level development of abilities significantly different from the average. A gifted child is usually distinguished by outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity: artistic, technical, communicative, sports. V.A. paid great attention to work with gifted children. Sukhomlinsky, his statements about the giftedness of children are the most relevant now in preschool pedagogy. I will cite some of them: “... The giftedness of a person is a small sprout that has barely hatched out of the ground and requires great attention. It is necessary to cherish and cherish, take care of him, give him everything necessary so that he grows and gives abundant fruit ... ", "Giftedness is revealed when it managed to manifest itself and gain a foothold.“There are invisible strings in the soul of every child. If you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautifully. These words of a wonderful, great Russian teacher should become key in modern education for those educators and teachers who identify gifted children and work with gifted children, support young talents and believe in children with extraordinary abilities. But a new teacher should have such a flair and tact, a teacher of a new generation whose standard is indicated by the “Professional standard of a teacher” / 2013 /:

“- work with gifted students;

- use special approaches to learning in order to include in the educational process all students: with special educational needs; gifted students;

- Possession of psychological and pedagogical technologies necessary for working with various students: gifted children. »

The main goal of working with gifted children was set by the President of Russia V.V. Putin in the "National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017":

“-Providing conditions for the identification and development of talented children and children with hidden giftedness, regardless of the sphere of giftedness ...”, measures are defined to search for and support talented children: “...Ensuring the regulatory and legal consolidation of special educational needs of gifted children; support and development of educational institutions specializing in working with gifted children.Creation of a national resource center for work with gifted children in order to ensure the development of methodology and methods for diagnosing, developing, training and psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children for use in public school and in specialized schools for gifted children. Creation of a system of special training and retraining of psychological and pedagogical personnel for working with gifted children, as well as for working with their parents (legal representatives). Providing information support for state policy to help talented children and youth. The new "Law on Education" / 2012 / states that education is available to every child in our country and he gets the right to further development and individualized education for gifted and capable children. In the "Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" / 2008 / the main task is: «… creating an educational environment that ensures the availability of quality education; creating a system for identifying and supporting gifted children and talented youth ... "

Our Ulyanovsk region does not remain aloof from the federal laws on attention to gifted children.National educational initiative "Our new school” draws attention to the fact that “... it is necessary to create a special support system for talented guys and common environment for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each

child, stimulating and identifying the achievements of gifted children. » The team of the Ulyanovsk Gymnasium No. 34 created the author's program "Gifted Children" and considers it their goal: «… the formation of the personality of a gifted student based on the positive aspects of his nature, natural inclinations and inclinations..” On behalf of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region and the Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region target program"Gifted children" for the period up to 2015. The Governor of our region S.I. Morozov noted that “ interesting and ambitious project we are working on is the creation in the Ulyanovsk region of an integral system for working with gifted children and youth at all levels of education; the balance of the main activities in the formation of interest in technical, natural sciences, research activities and professional orientation of children and youth is the children's scientific complex "DNA". This project is based on the experience of the scientific Center "Evrika" in Finland, other unique world children's scientific centers. This technique will allow creating a continuous system of the educational process: preschool education - general education - additional education - professional education professional education (practice) – professional realization..”In the Ulyanovsk region, the process of forming a unified system for identifying and supporting talented children and youth is underway.Resource support for work with talented children and youth in the Ulyanovsk region is assigned to:

to the regional scientific and methodological center work with gifted children;

- to the regional state budget educational institution additional education children "Palace of creativity of children and youth".

- Specialists of the center for work with gifted children have created a computer program - an electronic data bank "Gifted children of the Ulyanovsk region". Educational institutions of the Ulyanovsk region are conducting research work:CRR Kindergarten No. 178

"Cloud", CRR kindergarten No. 128 "Guselki",CRR Kindergarten No. 253 "Snow White", etc.

Federal standards of the second generation emphasize the activity approach in the educational process, i.e. the ability to be an author, creator, active creator of one's life, to be able to set a goal, look for ways to achieve it, to be capable of free choice and responsibility for it, to use one's abilities to the maximum. It is important to direct a gifted child not to receive a certain amount of knowledge, but to process it creatively, to cultivate the ability to think independently, based on the material received.In modern preschool education now a lot is changing, the teacher should also change - a preschooler, in my opinion, it is at the very first stage of education - preschool - it is necessary to identify bright, talented, extraordinary children with high rates in various types of children's activities, support and guide. Based on my experience in a preschool institution / more than 30 years / I want to express my opinion on the problem of gifted children, identifying such special, bright children and teaching them according to special programs for further development:

1.Educator preschool must have a pedagogical flair and pedagogical attentiveness in order to see the rudiments of giftedness in children.

2. It is obligatory to work in tandem with another educator in the upbringing and development of such children.

3. Conduct a huge, painstaking work with the parents of a gifted child, because in the family children receive tremendous support, attention and participation.

4. Never separate such children in the presence of other children.

5. It is necessary to develop an individual program for each gifted child, to include in this program all the specialists of a preschool institution: a psychologist, a nurse, an art teacher, a physical education instructor, etc.

6. Never load a child beyond what he can and can do, because the goal of the teacher is to gently and unobtrusively develop his talent.

7. In every possible way to support and encourage new ideas, new thoughts of a gifted child and help him to implement them.

Organization of work with gifted children is a complex pedagogical process. First of all, the teacher must be ready to work with such children, being aware of their characteristics and the difficulties that he may encounter.There are few truly gifted children, but they exist - and it is important for the educator to see the spark of giftedness in each child and kindle the flame of talent, try to reveal and support.

Early childhood education is an integral part general education modern man. And therefore a special mission is assigned to the kindergarten. His task is to reveal the potential of the child, given to him from birth, to educate the soul and character of a growing person. Today, the attention of many educators and psychologists is attracted by the question of giftedness, its nature, the possibilities of identifying and creating special educational programs for gifted children.


1. Belova E.S. "The giftedness of the baby: to reveal, understand, support" - M; 1998

2.Comprehensive program "Carpet" for the implementation of effective mechanisms for finding and supporting talented children and youth in the Ulyanovsk region for 2012-2015.

3. Matyushkin A.M. The concept of creative talent, 1989

4. National strategy of action for children for 2012-2017 approved. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 N 761)

5.About education in Russian Federation the Russian Federation the federal law On Education in the Russian Federation Adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012 Approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012

6. "Professional standard of a teacher", Bulletin of Education of Russia August 15,2013. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662.

7. Program "Gifted children" - 2009-2015 Department of Education of the Administration of Ulyanovsk Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 34".

Let's talk about talent...

IN learning activities gifted children are:

They want to achieve success in their studies and acquire knowledge without perceiving it as violence against themselves.

Capable of independent action due to previously acquired mental skills.

They are able to critically assess the surrounding reality and penetrate into the essence of things and phenomena.

Immersed in philosophical problems relating to issues of life and death, religion and the essence of the universe.

They are not satisfied with superficial explanations, even if they seem sufficient for their peers.

Constantly striving for self-improvement and trying to do everything well (perfectionism). Hence - the setting of inflated goals and difficult experiences in case of impossibility of achieving them.

They can fully concentrate attention and immerse themselves in the problem, suppressing any "interference".

They are able to record their experience and quickly apply it in an emergency situation.

The lesson is especially interesting for them when there is a search and research situation, improvisation and paradoxes.

They are able to highlight the main thing in the problem and in life, which is necessary at the moment for self-realization.

Better than their peers, they are able to reveal the relationship between phenomena and essence, use logical operations, systematize and classify material.

Acutely experience injustice in case of violation of moral norms and relations.

But, like any object of study, gifted children also have their drawbacks.

The negative aspects of gifted children are the following personality traits:

Egocentricity and inability to take the point of view of another person, especially if he is intellectually weaker.

Dislike for school training program boring and uninteresting.

Lagging behind in physical development compared to peers, as a gifted child prefers intellectual pursuits. Hence the inability to take part in collective sports games.

The lack of a culture of dialogue and the desire to finish the interlocutor's thought, since already from the first words he grasps the essence of the problem.

The desire to interrupt and correct the interlocutor during a conversation if he makes logical errors or incorrectly emphasizes words.

The desire to always be right in an argument due to the lack of conformity and the ability to compromise.

The desire to command peers - otherwise he gets bored with them.

All these not very attractive character traits of a gifted child, which are a continuation of his virtues, can cause hostility among peers and push them away from him: it is no secret that, being in regular school, a gifted student often annoys teachers by the fact that he either already knows everything, or asks so many questions that he draws the teacher's attention only to himself. As a result, the gifted student is isolated from the rest of the class. Transfer to a higher class on the basis of knowledge of the program leads to the breaking of friendships and the difficulties of establishing such ties in a new class. As a result, many gifted children feel like outcasts in school. The class-lesson system of teaching, being a good stimulus for average students, becomes a brake and a scourge for the gifted.

Therefore, it is necessary to work with a gifted child either according to individual program or send it to special school where gifted children like him study.

    Work according to an individual plan with large volumes of training tasks.

    Providing more autonomy.

    Requirement to complete a regular learning task in several alternatives

    Paying more attention to physical and moral development.

Mental talent based on a good memory does not always lead to its highest manifestation - creativity. There is evidence from psychological research, according to which a high level of intelligence is not always associated with the same high level of creativity. But it is this ability to be creative that attracts researchers the most. You can, it turns out, know a lot, but not be able to invent anything new and original.

The fact is that for learning activity, it is predominantly convergent thinking, aimed at finding a logically unique correct answer, that is more important, and divergent thinking, which assumes that several correct answers can be given to the same question, is important for creativity.

Figuratively speaking, template thinking is a search in the same direction, deepening the same hole, non-standard thinking is an attempt to dig a hole in another place. The reluctance to leave a half-dug hole is partly due to the fact that it is a pity for the effort spent on digging it. On the other hand, they keep obligations to society to follow the chosen path.

According to E. Bonet, there are four main principles of unconventional thinking. This:

    awareness of dominant ideas and the ability to abandon them;

    search for various alternative approaches to phenomena;

    release from the rigid control of stereotyped thinking;

    case use.

Creative development of your child. Tips from David Lewis

    Answer your child's questions patiently and honestly. Take your child's questions and statements seriously. Give your child a room or a corner exclusively for his affairs. Make a stand where the child can show their work.

    Do not scold the child for the mess on the table if it is related to his creative process. Show your child that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, i.e. as he is, and not for success and achievement.

    Entrust your child with feasible tasks and worries. Help him make his own plans and make decisions. Help him improve his performance.

    Take your child on trips to interesting places.

    Help your child communicate with children from different cultural backgrounds,

    Do not compare your child with others, while pointing out his shortcomings.

    Do not humiliate your child, do not let him feel that he is somehow worse than you.

    Teach your child to think for himself.

    Provide your child with books, games, and other things he needs for his favorite activities.

    Encourage your child to make up stories and fantasize. Do it with him.

    Encourage him to read regularly from an early age.

    Be attentive to his needs.

    Take time each day to be alone with your child.

    Include your child in a joint discussion of common family matters.

    Don't blame your child for mistakes.

    Praise any success.

    Teach him how to communicate with adults of all ages.

    Design hands-on experiments to help your child learn more.

    Do not forbid the child to play with all sorts of rubbish - this stimulates his imagination.

    Encourage your child to find problems and then solve them.

    Praise the child only for specific successes and deeds and do it sincerely.

    Be honest about how you feel about your child. Do not limit the range of topics discussed with the child. Give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them. Help your child become an individual.

    Help your child find TV and radio programs worth watching.

    Develop in your child a positive perception of his abilities.

    Encourage your child to be as independent as possible from adults.

    Trust your child's common sense and trust him. Never dismiss your child's failures by telling him "you can't do that either." Prefer to let your child do most of the work on his own, even if you are not sure of a positive end result.

    Keep a diary of your child's development and analyze the development process.

Problems of gifted children

1. Dislike for school. This attitude often comes from the fact that the curriculum is boring and uninteresting for gifted children. Behavioral problems may occur because syllabus does not match their abilities.

2. Gaming interests. Gifted children enjoy complex games and are not interested in those that their peers are fond of. As a result, a gifted child finds himself in isolation, withdraws into himself.

3. Conformity. Gifted children, while rejecting standard requirements, are not inclined to conformism, especially if these standards run counter to their interests.

4. Immersion in philosophical problems. It is common for gifted children to ponder over such phenomena as death, the afterlife, religious beliefs, and philosophical issues.

5. Discrepancy between physical, intellectual and social development. Gifted children often prefer to associate with older children. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for them to become leaders.

6. Striving for excellence. Gifted children are characterized by an inner need for perfection. Hence the feeling of dissatisfaction, their own inadequacy and low self-esteem.

7. Need for adult attention. Due to the desire for knowledge, gifted children often monopolize the attention of teachers, parents and other adults. This causes friction in relationships with other children. Often, gifted children are intolerant of children who are below them in intellectual development. They may alienate others with remarks of contempt or impatience.

8. Researchers show a higher sensitivity of gifted children to new situations, which leads to particular difficulties. Therefore, a teacher working with gifted children must be prepared for such work.

Qualities necessary for a teacher to work with gifted children

The teacher must:

    be kind and considerate;

    understand the peculiarities of the psychology of gifted children, feel their needs and interests;

    have a high level of intellectual development;

    have a wide range of interests and skills;

    have any other education besides teaching;

    be prepared to perform a variety of duties related to the education of gifted children;

    have a lively and active character;

    have a sense of humor (but without a penchant for sarcasm);

    be flexible, be ready to revise your views and constantly improve yourself;

    have a creative, perhaps unconventional, personal outlook;

    be in good health and vitality;

    have special postgraduate training in working with gifted children and be ready for further acquisition of special knowledge.

As practice shows, the most effective method of interaction between a teacher and a gifted child is individual lessons with an emphasis on his independent work with material. The subject teacher must:

    Make a lesson plan with the child, taking into account the subject of his self-education, inclinations (humanitarian, mathematical, natural sciences; musical, etc.), mental characteristics of the child

    Identify the topics of consultations on the most complex and confusing issues.

    Choose the form of the child's report on the subject (tests, questions, etc.) for certain periods of time.

    Give the child:

topic name,

plan study of the topic,

main questions,

concepts and terms that he must learn,

practical work,

list of necessary literature,

forms of control,

self-test tasks.

    To analyze the results of the work, draw up a table:


date and time of consultation

main issues under consideration

time of work with the topic according to the program

actual time spent

additional questions not covered by the program

outstanding questions

reasons for delays.

    The teacher needs to be friendly and sensitive, take into account the psychological characteristics of the child, encourage his creative and productive thinking, strive for a deep study of the chosen topic.

Parents are obligated to strive to develop the following personal qualities in their children:

    Self-worth based confidence

    Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of oneself and others

    Intellectual curiosity and willingness to take exploratory risk

    Respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience and spiritual courage.

    The habit of relying on one's own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one's actions.

    Ability to help find mutual language and joy in interacting with people of all ages, races, socioeconomic and educational levels.

    Parents will create excellent conditions for the development of these qualities if they demonstrate by their own behavior that:

They value what they want to instill in the child morally, socially or intellectually.

They accurately calculate the moment and degree of response to the needs of the child. If a child asks a sex-related question, the parents respond by offering only slightly more information than the question specifies.

They rely on their own strength and allow the child to look for a way out of the current situation, to solve every problem that he can do; even if they themselves can do everything faster and better.

They practically do not put pressure on the child in his school affairs, but are always ready to help if necessary or provide Additional information area in which the child is interested.

Give your child time to think and reflect.

Try to communicate regularly with gifted specialists and parents of gifted children in order to keep abreast of up-to-date information.

Try to develop the child's abilities in all areas. For example, for an intellectually gifted child, classes aimed at developing creative, communicative, physical and artistic abilities would be very useful.

Avoid comparing children to each other.

Give your child the opportunity to find solutions without fear of making mistakes. Help him value his own original thoughts first and learn from his mistakes.

Encourage good organization of work and proper time management.

Encourage initiative. Let your child make their own toys, games and models with whatever materials are available.

Encourage asking questions. Help your child find books or other sources of information to get answers to their questions.

Give your child the opportunity to get the most life experience. Encourage hobbies and interests in a wide variety of areas.

Don't expect your child to be gifted all the time.

Be careful correcting the child. Excessive criticism can drown out creative energy and a sense of self-worth.

Find time to connect with the whole family. Help your child express himself.

The only limitation that is placed on our abilities is our inability to recognize our own unlimited possibilities. We need to make an effort to understand that our possibilities are vast and limitless. We need enthusiasm for a cause or our occupation. We need the effort to keep going even when the results of our efforts and our friends tell us to give up. We need efforts to feel right about everything that happens, both for joy and sorrow in our Life. And we need to make an effort to learn to love ourselves more than everyone else, especially when we realize that we are failing, that we are haunted by doubts and tragedies.
However, no effort is needed to accept defeat. And it does not take much effort to lazily contemplate the process of defeat, defeat in relation to the future, defeat in relation to one's own personality, defeat in relation to the present.
The irony is that the only thing we can really control is our relationships and feelings. And at the same time, most of us go through our entire lives without taking advantage of opportunities. full control above own feelings and attitude to events and things. But it is our relationships that determine our decisions: to read or not to read, to try to fight or give up. And it is by our attitude that we either blame ourselves for our failures or we blame others for our own failures.
Our attitudes determine whether we love or hate, whether we tell the truth or lie, act or doubt, move forward or move backward, and by our own attitude, we and we alone really decide whether to win or fail.

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Jim Rohn

Talent is one third instinct, one third memory, and one third will.

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Carlo Dossi (Alberto Pisani Dossi)

Mediocrity is concerned with how to kill time, and talent is concerned with how to use time.

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Arthur Schopenhauer

Intrigue is higher than talent: she knows how to make something out of nothing.

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Honore de Balzac

There are no patrons more reliable than our own abilities.

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Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Happiness lies in exercising your faculties, whatever they may be, without hindrance.

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God sent eloquence to some, sent others somewhere else...

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Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Competition produces geniuses, and the desire for fame produces talents.

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Claude Adrian Helvetius

No richness of content justifies mediocrity of form.

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Oleg Tikhonenko

A gift is a unique ability inherent in a person, and a talent is a unique ability comprehended by a person.

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Harun of Agatsar

Lack of talent is already a rare gift.

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Leonid Leonidov

Love is a talent, perhaps the greatest of all talents, and perhaps the only one that gives true happiness.

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Ilya Shevelev

Talent is a spark of God, with which a person usually burns himself, illuminating the path of others with this own fire.

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Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Talent must convince the masses of the truth of his ideas, and then he will no longer have to worry about their implementation, which will follow their assimilation quite naturally.

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Friedrich Engels

I don't believe in failed geniuses. If you are talented, you will definitely succeed.

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Renata Litvinova

It seems that talent - well, not a drop, but such mediocrity!

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Mikhail Genin

Did you know that the spark of God is easiest to strike from a person in childhood?

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Vladimir Turovsky

It takes extraordinary talent to succeed in business; if you have such talent, why waste it on business.

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I. Sticky

All talented people write differently, all mediocre ones write in the same way and even in the same handwriting.

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Ilya Ilf

Collection title: Quotes about talented children. Somewhat frightened and alarmed, love becomes more tender, more caring, from the egoism of two, it becomes not only the egoism of three, but the self-sacrifice of two for the third; family starts with children. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

We are depriving children of a future if we continue to teach today the way we taught it yesterday. D. Dewey

We love our sister, and wife, and father, but in agony we remember our mother. N. A. Nekrasov

In education, it's all about who the educator is. D. I. Pisarev

If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. Lev Tolstoy

I married the man I kissed for the first time. When I tell this to my children, they are simply speechless. Barbara Bush

To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune. George Santayana

Women are the first educators of the human race. Oliver Goldsmith

The only thing that helps me now is books. I read constantly. Dropped out of school as a child. There was no time for literature. And now we have to fill in the gaps. And I love it, damn it!!!

Be firm in your conviction, and let your word be one. Be quick to listen and answer thoughtfully. If you have knowledge, then answer your neighbor, but if not, then let your hand be on your lips. In speeches there is glory and dishonor, and the tongue of a man is his downfall. Do not be known as an earpiece and do not be deceitful with your tongue: for on a thief is shame, and on a bilingual one is an evil censure. Do not be foolish in great or small things. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood. Pablo Picasso

Convince first, then convince. K.S. Stanislavsky

Any worker - from the watchman to the minister - can be replaced by the same or even more capable worker. Replace a good father with the same good father impossible. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

To take a city by storm, to send an embassy, ​​to reign over the people - all these are brilliant deeds. Laughing, loving and being gentle with your family, not contradicting yourself is something rarer, more difficult and less noticeable to others. Michel de

Children begin with love for their parents. Growing up, they begin to judge them. Sometimes they forgive them.

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you start it, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. Faina Ranevskaya

There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. Such people are usually hated in schools and almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are properly educated. Ya. Kamensky

I learn by teaching. Seneca the Elder

Another will sin with a word, but not from the heart; and who has not erred with his tongue? Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

A woman is born by mistake, marries out of love, gives birth out of stupidity, grows wiser from childbirth, divorces her husband by a whim, and dies of grief for children. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Thoughts are also born like living children, and they are also nurtured for a long time before being released into the world. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

To repeat the words of a teacher does not mean to be his successor. DI. Pisarev

The paradox of education lies in the fact that those who do not need education lend themselves well to education. F. Iskander.

It is difficult to raise children, because nothing human is alien to them.

There is a strange, rooted misconception that cooking, sewing, washing, nursing are exclusively women's business, that it is even a shame for a man to do this. Meanwhile, the opposite is insulting: it is a shame for a man, often unoccupied, to spend time on trifles or do nothing while a tired, often weak, pregnant woman cooks, launders or nurses a sick child through force. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

You can choose to change friends, but you can never choose your family.

Mom, mom! Why is everyone calling me a bulldozer?! "Shut your mouth, you'll scratch the furniture!"

My peers in childhood dreamed of becoming astronauts, and I dreamed of a huge Lego constructor. Yesterday I bought it, and they have remained losers.

Remember that your children will treat you the way you treat your parents. Thales

Beatings and abuse are like opium: the sensitivity to them quickly becomes dull, and the doses have to be doubled. G. Beecher Stowe

Love, of course, is heaven, but the Garden of Eden Often jealousy turned into hell. Lope de Vega

Education without a comprehensive enrichment of one's own life experience is absurd. E. Telman

Start copying what you like. Copy. Copy. Copy. And find yourself. Yoji Yamamoto

Families today are attacked and defended with equal vehemence.

The human mind is educated by learning and thinking. Mark Tullius Cicero

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. A. V. Lunacharsky

He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. Menander

Talent is a spark of God, with which a person usually burns himself, illuminating the path of others with this own fire. V.O.Klyuchevsky

The hardest thing for a mother to remember is that other parents also have the best children.

Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. Jean La Bruyère

You listen to women - they all have brilliant children, but from idiot husbands. Genetic paradox!

To fashion a beautiful statue and breathe life into it is good; but to develop a young mind, mold a young soul in your own way and breathe into it a feeling of truth even better. V. Hugo

Before the meeting of the elders, do not talk too much and do not repeat the words in your petition. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

Teaching children is a necessary thing, we should understand that it is very useful for us to learn from children. M. Gorky

Every time we do good to another being, we begin to feel better, because good deeds strengthen our nature.

An educator and a teacher must be born; they are guided by natural tact. A. Diesterweg

Be busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective. Dale Carnegie

Understanding is a two-way street. Eleanor Roosevelt

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. The work of the master is afraid, and if the peasant does not know how to own a plow, bread will not be born. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

Children are our future! They must be well armed to fight for our ideals. N. K. Krupskaya

Man, it's been so long since I've worked in my office that I forgot how to fold my scarf.

For the sake of recognition, people are ready for anything. This has been the case with us since childhood. And so it will always be.

Everyone knows how to raise children, except for those who have them. Patrick Orourke

Every child is a genius to a certain extent, and every genius is a child to a certain extent. The affinity of both is found in naivety and sublime simplicity. A. Schopenhauer

Listen and you will forget, look and you will remember, do and you will understand. Confucius

The rules of education are the first foundations that prepare us to be citizens. Idleness is the mother of boredom and many vices. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

If you want to spoil a person, start re-educating him.

The speed of sound is a rather strange thing. Your parents say something to you at the age of twenty, and it only comes to forty.

We must strive to ensure that everyone sees and knows more than his father and grandfather saw and knew. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

There is a most beautiful being to whom we are always indebted - this is the mother. N. A. Ostrovsky

They look like two drops of water, but my mother easily distinguishes them. — Quotes about talented children.

Comrades bring up much better than parents, because they are not characterized by pity. André Maurois

The main task of a person is not to enrich his mind with various knowledge, but to educate and improve his personality, his self. Soren Kierkegaard

Theme of the collection: Sayings about gifted children. A child is a rational being, he is well aware of the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life. J. Korczak

A man, and partly a woman, who are not able to fully express themselves in public, professional activity seek compensation in the family. And in most cases, their activity in this regard takes on a despotic, selfish character. V. Zubkov

We are all children, the only question is who has what toys.

One father means more than a hundred teachers. D. Herbert

The family is a school of duties based on love and fidelity.

The prosperity of the state, the well-being of the people depend invariably on the goodness of morals, and the goodness of morals is invariably dependent on education. N. I. Novikov

Respect is an outpost that guards the father and mother, as well as the offspring; it saves the former from grief, the latter from pangs of conscience. O. Balzac

The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. Robert Orben

You should never be an exception. If you live among madmen, you must learn to be mad yourself. Alexandre Dumas father

Let the child play pranks and pranks, so long as his pranks and pranks are not harmful and do not bear the imprint of physical and moral cynicism. V. G. Belinsky

Initially, marriage, the family is some kind of agreement, designed to remain unshakable. That's just every day the points and rules for some reason change. Bridget Bordeaux.

An adult person cannot live without love. But he learns to endure and endures the absence of love, like pain. And the old man cannot live without love. But the old man has lived for a long time and has learned to put up with it, like a homeless dog puts up with hunger.

An educator needs to know life deeply in order to prepare for it. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The subjects that children are taught must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashion, vanity will develop in them. I. Kant

In raising children, the main thing is that they do not notice this.

Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to meet with anything. J.-J. Rousseau

Advice is more than a service. Alexandre Dumas father

The great secret of education lies in the ability to ensure that bodily and mental exercises always serve as rest - one from the other. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Before you educate a person in someone else, educate him first in yourself

Our teacher is our reality. M. Gorky

No matter how respectfully the female half of your family treats you, no matter how much she appreciates your dignity and authority, secretly she always looks at you like a donkey and has something like pity for you. Henry Louis Mencken

Thinking in aphorisms is characteristic of the people. Maksim Gorky

You can't scare away children with severity, they can't stand only lies. L. N. Tolstoy

There are two difficult things in the world - to educate and manage. I. Kant

Attention, sensation! A boy raised by dogs was found in Lyubertsy! Interestingly, this is the only educated boy in Lyubertsy.

Not every misalliance produces beautiful children. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Love is a luxury. - Not. Love is a vital necessity. Laini Taylor "Daughter of Smoke and Bone"

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. Jan Amos Comenius

Be busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective. Dale Carnegie

Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of education. Sun Tzu

In the first place should be the homeland and parents, then the children and the whole family, and then the rest of the relatives. Mark Tullius Cicero

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. R. Emerson

Wise sovereigns of antiquity strictly observed the laws concerning the ruler and subjects, observed the rules concerning the higher and lower; they brought up the people in accordance with customs, selected talented people and thus were always ready for any contingency. wu tzu

You grow up - when you forgot your hat and think that you are a sucker, not a cool one.

The art of being a parent is to sleep until the child sees. — American proverb

Over the years, emptiness and disappointment form in those young people whose childhood and adolescence was a thoughtless satisfaction of their needs. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure. Stendhal

There is no such a bad person who has not been made better by a good upbringing. V. G. Belinsky

By teaching others, we learn ourselves. Seneca the Younger

When you realize you can't afford to support a family, you've been married for a long time.

Previously: "Wow! With parents to the country! Now: Wow! Parents in the country!

Many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults. J. Korczak

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, for by their very nature they are joy and happiness. V. Hugo

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help. Socrates

I need to call my mom, tell me where I am. — Hello, mom? Where I am?

Who cannot take caress, will not take severity A.P. Chekhov

Everyone knows how to raise children, except for those who have them. Patrick Orourke

Violence will never lead to anything good. M. Luther

No matter how much you educate a person, he still wants to live well. Boris Zamyatin

The family is the basic unit of any society and any civilization. Rabindranath Tagore

One-sided self-sacrifice is an unreliable basis life together because it offends the other side. John Galsworthy

Nikolai Valuev set fire to the package as a child, rang the doorbell and did not run away.

So it is necessary: ​​the youth has fun, the old age scolds. Alexandre Dumas father

The woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. Alexandre Dumas father

Without good fathers there is no good upbringing, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding houses. N. M. Karamzin

Who is a greater friend than a brother? Sallust (Gaius Sallust Crispus)

A family is a small enterprise that works on state orders and supplies the state with labor and soldiers. N. Kozlov

The wildest foals make the best horses, as long as they are properly trained and ridden. Plutarch

The soul of the parents is known by the name of the children. Wilhelm Schwöbel

What you yourself do for your parents, expect the same from your children. D. Pittak - Statements about gifted children.

You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother. — S. Jayet

The art of upbringing has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even an easy thing to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. K. D. Ushinsky