An example of rational nature management is use. Rational nature management: basics and principles

For a long time, mankind has been satisfying its needs for food, warmth, and rest at the expense of natural resources. In some cases, our activities cause irreparable harm to the environment. Therefore, we must use natural resources rationally.

This will allow us to economically and justifiably consume the gifts that our planet gives us. Rational nature management, examples of which will help to understand this issue, requires detailed consideration.

The concept of nature management

Before considering examples of rational and irrational nature management, it is necessary to define this concept. There are two main interpretations.

The first definition considers nature management as a system of rational consumption of resources, which allows reducing the rate of processing, enabling nature to recover. This implies that a person does not infringe on himself in the use of gifts environment, but improves the technologies available to him for the full use of each natural resource.

The second definition states that environmental management is a theoretical discipline that considers ways to increase the rationality of the use of available resources. This science is looking for ways to optimize this issue.

Resource classification

Rational nature management, examples of which should be considered in more detail, requires thoughtful use of resources. It is necessary to understand what is meant by them. Natural resources are not created by man, but are used for his purposes.

These funds are classified according to different criteria. In the direction of use, there are industrial, recreational, medical, scientific and other resources. There is also a division into renewable and non-renewable groups. The first category includes the energy of wind, sun, ocean water, etc.

Natural resources are non-renewable. First of all, this should include oil, gas, coal and other fuel types of raw materials.

These approaches to grouping are conditional. After all, even the energy of the sun will one day be inaccessible to us. After a huge number of years, our star will still go out.

Types of natural resources

Existing natural resources are usually divided into several groups. They need to be considered in more detail. First of all in modern world widely used water resources. We consume them, use them for technical purposes. It is necessary to preserve the purity of these resources without disturbing the original habitats of underwater representatives of flora and fauna.

The second important group is land resources. An example of rational nature management is the plowing, for example, of natural landscapes for crops that, after their growth, do not impoverish the soil.

Natural resources also include minerals, forests, flora and fauna. Energy resources are very important to us.

Signs of rationality

Considering today's human activities, such as industrial production, Agriculture, tourism, changing natural landscapes, it is sometimes difficult to unambiguously say which of the above is an example of rational nature management. After all, human activities affect our environment.

Rational nature management is the most harmonious interaction between us and the world. This concept has several characteristic features.

The use of the gifts of nature is rational if, in the course of their activities, a person applies new technologies, as well as intensive approaches to production. For this, methods of waste-free manufacturing of new products are being introduced, and all technological processes are being automated.

This approach to management is typical for the developed countries of the world. They serve as an example for many other states.

Irrational nature management

Examples of rational nature management are found everywhere today. But there is also a reverse approach to farming. It is characterized by a mass of negative phenomena, representing a dangerous trend for both the producing country and the whole world.

Irrational use of environmental resources is characterized as unreasonable, predatory consumption. At the same time, people do not think about the consequences of their actions. The irrational approach also has its characteristics. First of all, this includes an extensive approach to maintaining economic activity. At the same time, outdated technologies and production methods are used.

Such cycles are illogical, not thought out to the end. The result is a lot of waste. Some of them harm the environment, human health and even lead to the death of entire species of living beings.

Irrational use of natural resources leads humanity to the abyss, the ecological crisis. This approach to management is typical for countries Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe.

Basic examples

There are several main activities that can be clearly attributed to one or another group of environmental resource use. An example of rational nature management is the use of non-waste production technologies. For these purposes, enterprises of a closed or complete processing cycle are created.

In this business, it is important to constantly improve the technique, approaches in the manufacture of products. One of the main examples can also be the creation of protected areas, where activities are actively carried out to protect and restore flora and fauna.

Human activity is destroying habitats for many species of animals and plants. Changes are sometimes so strong that it is almost impossible to reverse them. Also, an example of rational nature management is the restoration of places for the development of natural resources, the creation of natural landscapes.

Generally Accepted Principles

Accepted in the world general system, according to which the national principles of nature management are recognized as appropriate. They must not cause irreparable damage to the environment. That's what it is main principle which puts the interests of nature above economic benefits.

Several principles have been developed that can be an example of rational nature management. Is the drainage of swamps, thoughtless deforestation, the destruction of rare species of animals, according to these postulates, a real crime? Undoubtedly! People must learn to consume minimal amount resources.

Ways to improve the situation

Considering the rational use of natural resources, examples of which were given above, it should be said about the real methods of its improvement. They are successfully used all over the world. First of all, the enterprises that conduct research in the field of increasing the completeness of the development of natural resources are financed.

Methods are also being introduced for the thoughtful placement of industries in each specific ecological zone. Production cycles are changing to reduce waste as much as possible. Taking into account the peculiarities of the region, the economic specialization of enterprises is determined, and environmental measures are developed.

Also, taking into account the peculiarities of the environmental situation, monitoring and control of the consequences of a particular type of human activity is carried out. The world community is faced with the need to implement the latest technology, carry out environmental protection measures to maintain the ecological characteristics of the environment in which humanity can exist. After all, only a few steps separate us from the point of no return, when it will be impossible to restore the previous natural conditions.

Examples of the global community

The organization of New Zealand's economic activity is a world example of rational nature management. This country has switched completely to inexhaustible sources of energy, has established the priority importance of protected areas.

It is a leader in eco-tourism. Forests in this country remain unchanged, their felling, as well as hunting, are strictly prohibited here. Many economically developed countries are also gradually switching to solar and wind energy. Each state undertakes, to the best of its ability, to apply methods that increase the rationality of environmental management.

Considering the rational use of natural resources, examples of which were presented above, one can understand its importance. The future of all mankind depends on our attitude to the world around us. Scientists say that an ecological catastrophe is already close. The world community is obliged to take all measures to improve the organization of economic activity produced by man.

nature management- this is the activity of human society, aimed at using.

Allocate rational and irrational nature management.

Irrational nature management

Irrational nature management - it is a system of nature management in which readily available natural resources are used in large quantities and not completely, which leads to the rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is produced and the environment is heavily polluted.

Irrational environmental management is typical for an economy that develops through new construction, the development of new lands, the use of natural resources, and an increase in the number of employees. Such an economy at first brings good results with a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to a decrease in natural and labor resources.

Rational nature management

- this is a system of nature management, in which extracted natural resources are used to a sufficient extent, restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured, production wastes are fully and repeatedly used (i.e. waste-free production is organized), which can significantly reduce environmental pollution.

Rational nature management is characteristic of an intensive economy, which develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and good labor organization with high labor productivity. An example of rational nature management there can be waste-free production, in which waste is fully used, resulting in reduced consumption of raw materials and minimizing environmental pollution.

One of the types of non-waste production is the multiple use of water taken from rivers, lakes, boreholes, etc. in the technological process. The used water is purified and re-used in the production process.

The system of measures aimed at maintaining the interaction between human activities and the natural environment is called nature conservation. Environmental protection is a complex of various measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems. Rational nature management implies ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and the conditions for the existence of mankind.

The system of specially protected natural areas includes nature reserves, National parks, reserves, natural monuments. The tool for monitoring the state of the biosphere is environmental monitoring - a system of continuous observations of the state of the natural environment in connection with human economic activity.

Nature protection and rational use of natural resources

In the process of the formation of the science of ecology, there was a confusion of concepts about what determines the essence of this science in general and the structure of the ecological cycle of sciences in particular. Ecology began to be interpreted as the science of the protection and rational use of nature. Automatically, everything related to the natural environment began to be called ecology, including nature conservation and environmental protection. human environment environment.

At the same time, the last two concepts were artificially mixed and are currently considered in combination. Based on the ultimate goals, nature conservation and environmental protection are close to each other, but still not identical.

Protection of Nature is aimed primarily at maintaining a rational interaction between human activities and the environment in order to preserve and restore natural resources and prevent the harmful effects of the results of economic activities on nature and human health.

environmental protection focuses primarily on the needs of the individual. This is a complex of various measures (administrative, economic, technological, legal, public, etc.) aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems necessary to preserve human health and well-being.

Nature management is aimed at meeting human needs through the rational use of natural resources and natural conditions.

nature management is the totality of human impacts on the geographic envelope of the Earth, considered in a complex, the totality of all forms of exploitation of natural resources. The tasks of nature management are reduced to the development general principles implementation of any human activity associated either with the direct use of nature and its resources, or with impacts on it.

Principles of rational nature management

The practical application of environmental knowledge can be seen primarily in the solution of environmental issues. Only ecology as a science is able to create a scientific basis for the exploitation of natural resources. The attention of ecology is directed primarily to the laws underlying natural processes.

Rational nature management involves ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and conditions, taking into account the interests of future generations of people. It is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the existence of mankind and obtaining material benefits, at the maximum use of each natural territorial complex, at preventing or significantly reducing the possible harmful consequences of production processes or other types of human activity, at maintaining and increasing the productivity of nature, maintaining its aesthetic function, ensuring and regulation of the economical development of its resources, taking into account the preservation of people's health.

As opposed to rational irrational nature management affects the quality reduction, waste and exhaustion of natural resources, undermining the restorative forces of nature, environmental pollution, reducing its health and aesthetic merits. It leads to the deterioration of the natural environment and does not ensure the conservation of the natural resource potential.

Nature management includes:

  • extraction and processing of natural resources, their protection, renewal or reproduction;
  • use and protection of the natural conditions of the human environment;
  • preservation, restoration and rational change of the ecological balance of natural systems;
  • regulation of human reproduction and the number of people.

The protection of nature, the rational use and reproduction of natural resources is a universal task, in the solution of which everyone living on the planet should participate.

Conservation activities are focused mainly on the preservation of the diversity of life forms on Earth. The totality of species of living organisms on our planet creates a special fund of life, which is called gene pool. This concept is wider than just the totality of living beings. It includes not only manifested, but also potential hereditary inclinations of each species. We still do not know everything about the prospects for using one or another type. The existence of some organism, which now seems unnecessary, in the future may turn out to be not only useful, but, perhaps, saving for humanity.

The main task of nature conservation is not to protect a certain number of plant or animal species from the threat of extinction, but to combine high level productivity with the preservation of a wide network of centers of genetic diversity in the biosphere. The biological diversity of fauna and flora ensures the normal circulation of substances, the sustainable functioning of ecosystems. If humanity can solve this important environmental problem, in the future we can count on the production of new food products, medicines, and raw materials for industry.

The problem of preserving the biological diversity of living organisms on the planet is currently the most acute and significant for mankind. How this problem will be solved depends on the possibility of preserving life on Earth and humanity itself as part of the biosphere.

The nature of the relationship between nature and man has changed over the course of history. For the first time, people began to seriously think about rational nature management somewhere in the middle of the 20th century. It was at this time that anthropogenic pressure on the environment became maximum. What is rational environmental management and what are its principles - this will be discussed in this article.

The essence of the concept of "nature management"

This term has two interpretations. According to the first, nature management is understood as a set of measures for the use of natural resources in order to meet economic, industrial, health-improving or other human needs.

The second interpretation provides for the definition of the concept of "nature management" as a scientific discipline. That is, it is, in fact, a theoretical science that studies and evaluates the process of human use of natural resources, as well as developing ways to optimize it.

Today it is customary to single out rational and irrational nature management. We will talk about them further, focusing on the first type. To fully understand what environmental management is, one should also understand what types of natural resources are.

Classification of natural resources

Natural resources are understood as those objects (or phenomena) not created by man, which are used by him to satisfy a number of his needs. These include minerals, soils, flora and fauna, surface water etc.

All natural resources according to the nature of their use by man can be divided into the following classes:

  • industrial;
  • agricultural;
  • scientific;
  • recreational;
  • medicinal, etc.

They are also divided into two large groups:

  • inexhaustible (for example, solar energy, water);
  • exhaustible (oil, natural gas, etc.).

The latter, in turn, are divided into renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

It should be noted that it is possible to attribute a particular resource to a certain group only conditionally. After all, even our Sun is not eternal and can "extinguish" at any time.

Rational nature management provides for the protection and competent use of all types of natural resources and components.

History of nature management

Relationships in the "man - nature" system were not always the same and changed over time. There are five periods (or milestones) during which the most important changes in this system of relations took place:

  1. 30,000 years ago. At this time, a person completely adapted to the reality around him, being engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering.
  2. About 7000 years ago - the stage of the agricultural revolution. It was at this time that the transition of a person from gathering and hunting to cultivating the land and cattle breeding begins. This period is characterized by the first attempts to transform landscapes.
  3. The era of the Middle Ages (VIII-XVII centuries). During this period, the burden on the environment increases markedly, crafts are born.
  4. About 300 years ago - the stage of the industrial revolution that began in Britain. The scale of human influence on nature is increasing many times, he is trying to fully adapt it to his needs.
  5. The middle of the twentieth century is the stage of the scientific and technological revolution. At this time, relations in the "man - nature" system change qualitatively and strongly, and all ecological problems are sharpened.

Nature management rational and irrational

What does each of these concepts mean and what are their fundamental differences? It should be noted that rational and irrational nature management are two antipodes, terms. They completely contradict each other.

Rational nature management implies such a way of using the natural environment, in which the interaction in the "man - nature" system remains maximally harmonized. The main features of this type of relationship are:

  • intensive management;
  • application of the latest scientific achievements and developments;
  • automation of all production processes;
  • introduction of waste-free production technologies.

Rational nature management, examples of which we will give below, is more typical for economically developed countries of the world.

In turn, irrational nature management is understood as unreasonable, unsystematic and predatory use of that part of the natural resource potential, which is the most accessible. This behavior leads to the rapid depletion of natural resources.

The main features of this type of nature management are:

  • lack of systematic and comprehensive development of a specific resource;
  • a large amount of waste during production;
  • extensive management;
  • great harm to the environment.

Irrational nature management is most typical for the countries of Asia, Latin America and for some states of Eastern Europe.

A few examples

First, let's look at a few measures that can describe the rational use of natural resources. Examples of such activities include the following:

  • recycling of waste, creation and improvement of non-waste technologies;
  • creation of nature reserves, national parks and nature reserves, in which full swing(not in words, but in deeds) the flora and fauna of the region are protected;
  • reclamation of territories that have suffered from the industrial development of subsoil, the creation of cultural landscapes.

In turn, we can give some of the most striking examples of the irrational attitude of man to nature. For instance:

  • mindless deforestation;
  • poaching, that is, the extermination of certain (rare) species of animals and plants;
  • release of untreated sewage, deliberate pollution of water and soil by industrial or domestic waste;
  • predatory and aggressive development of available subsoil, etc.

Principles of rational nature management

For many decades, scientists and ecologists have been developing those principles and conditions that could help optimize the relationship between man and nature. The foundations of rational nature management lie, first of all, in efficient management, which does not provoke deep and serious changes in the environment. At the same time, natural resources are used as fully and systematically as possible.

It is possible to single out the main principles of rational nature management:

  1. Minimum (so-called "zero level") human consumption of natural resources.
  2. Correspondence of the volume of natural resource potential and anthropogenic load on the environment for a particular region.
  3. Preservation of the integrity and normal functioning of ecosystems in the process of their production use.
  4. The priority of the environmental factor over economic benefits in the long term (the principle of sustainable development of the region).
  5. Coordination of economic cycles with natural ones.

Ways to implement these principles

Are there ways to implement these principles? Is it possible to solve all the problems of rational nature management in practice?

Ways and means of implementing the principles of nature management actually exist. They can be summarized in the following theses:

  • deep and comprehensive study of the features and all the nuances of the development of natural resources;
  • rational placement on the territory of industrial enterprises and complexes;
  • development and implementation of effective regional management systems;
  • determination of a set of environmental measures for each region;
  • monitoring, as well as forecasting the consequences of a particular type of human economic activity.

Economics and ecology: correlation of concepts

These two concepts are closely related to each other. It is not for nothing that they have one root - "oikos", which means "house, dwelling" in translation. However, many still cannot realize that nature is our common and the only one House.

The concepts of "ecology" and "rational nature management" are almost identical. The so-called paradigms of ecological nature management can reveal them most intelligibly. There are three in total:

  1. Minimization of human impact on nature in the process of using natural resources.
  2. Optimal (full) use of a particular resource.
  3. Making the most of a particular natural resource to improve the well-being of society.


Rational use of natural resources and nature protection are concepts that have become extremely important on the threshold of the new millennium. For the first time, mankind seriously thought about the consequences of its activities and about the future of our planet. And it is very important that theoretical principles and declarations do not diverge from real deeds. For this, it is necessary that every inhabitant of the Earth is aware of the importance of correct and rational environmental behavior.

At the beginning of 2018, 15,000 scientists from 184 countries of the world signed the second Warning to humanity about the impending deterioration in the ecological quality of life in the near future. In their opinion, humanity continues to increase the amount of resources used and the volume of environmental pollution. On August 2, 2018, the population of the Earth overcame the annual limit of the permissible use of renewable resources. 10 years ago, that date was August 15th. Thus, the limit of permissible use is shifted closer to the beginning of the year every year. This means that humanity uses more resources in a year than nature can restore in a year, and thus we "take away" resources from future generations (they ended in 2018 on August 2). If the situation is not changed, then humanity will inevitably come to ecological disaster. Let's discuss this hot topic with a geography teacher Tatyana Valentinovna .

How to be? What to do? Scientists have been thinking about these issues for a long time and offer a number of measures to solve environmental problems. Countries that pay much attention to nature protection and the ecological quality of life of the population are implementing these measures. For example, in the European Union, from 2021, a ban on single-use plastic products (plastic straws, cotton buds, plates, cutlery, plastic bags) will be introduced. It is planned that by the end of 2025, 90 percent of single-use plastic bottles should be recyclable.

This is just one example. A set of measures for the environmentally sound use of resources and end-of-life products is called environmental management. nature management- is the satisfaction of the various needs of human society through the use of natural resources and conditions.

There are countries where resources are plentiful (African countries), but the quality of life is low; and there are countries where there are few resources (Japan, the European Union), but the quality of life is high. In both cases, nature management occurs, but in different ways. In African countries, resources are extracted, but processed inefficiently, and the environment is being destroyed. In the countries of the European Union and Japan, resources are even purchased, but they are effectively processed, production waste, waste products are used. Therefore, environmental problems are minimal. The examples given speak of irrational (African countries) and rational (European Union, Japan) nature management.

Rational nature management is aimed at the reasonable development of natural resources, the prevention of possible negative consequences human activity for the biosphere, maintaining, increasing the productivity and attractiveness of natural complexes and individual natural objects. Examples include the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow more complete processing of raw materials; reuse of production waste, protection of rare species of animals and plants, creation of nature reserves, etc.

Irrational nature management- this is an insane, predatory, inexperienced withdrawal of natural resources, which is accompanied by phenomena of pollution, depletion and degradation of natural systems, leading to a qualitative deterioration of the environment, disruption of the balance of ecological components and destruction of biogeocenoses. Examples of such an attitude are immoderate grazing, slash-and-burn agriculture, the extermination of certain plant and animal species, and radioactive and thermal pollution of the environment. Also, damage to the environment is caused by rafting of timber along rivers with individual logs (mole rafting), drainage of swamps in the upper reaches of rivers, open-pit mining, etc.

It is worth noting that what is rational from an economic point of view is not always rational from the point of view of nature management. Often momentary profit turns into huge losses (including financial ones) in the near future. For example, the use of coal in thermal power plants may be cheaper than the use of natural gas, but burning coal produces much more substances that pollute the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.

At the same time, humanity cannot refuse to use nature for its own purposes, cannot stop plowing land, mining, etc. The essence of rational nature management is not to abandon certain types of economic activity, but to scientifically study and develop methods activities that would prevent negative impact. Then it is necessary to implement them and monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken.

Let's give a number of measures of rational and irrational nature management in some types of economic activity. The wording of the examples is mainly taken from the test tasks of the OGE.

For successful answers, it is necessary to know not only examples of rational and irrational nature management, but also to understand the causes and consequences of activities. For instance,

This is a question about the knowledge of the consequences of draining swamps. Wetlands are a natural reservoir of water, a source of food for rivers, and a source of oxygen. Correct answer 3.

V OGE materials there is test tasks and to compare the intensity of processes. For instance,

Thermal power plants operate on the principles of fuel combustion. The combustion process is always accompanied by emissions,, and other gases. Correct answer 1.

It is now generally accepted that the cardinal way of environmental protection and rational nature management is the creation and implementation of harmless low-waste, and as a result, absolutely waste-free and waste-free technologies; as well as the integrated and multiple use of natural resources and production waste, the implementation of measures to restore the surrounding world.

Thus, our civilization is forced to use all available opportunities for resource conservation and nature protection to preserve our planet - the cradle of mankind.


Radial-ring layout

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

Being a part of nature, for many centuries man has used its gifts for the development of technology and for the benefit of human civilization, while causing colossal and irreparable harm to the surrounding space. The modern facts of scientists indicate that it is time to think about the rational use of nature, because the thoughtless waste of earth's resources can lead to an irreversible environmental disaster.

In contact with

nature management system

The modern system of nature management is an integral structure covering all areas of human activity at the present stage, including public consumption of natural resources.

Science considers nature management as a set of measures for the rational use of natural resources, aimed not only at processing, but also at restoration, using improved methods and technologies. In addition, it is a discipline that provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills to preserve and increase the natural diversity and wealth of the entire world space.

Classification of natural resources

By origin, natural resources are divided into:

According to production use, there are:

  • World Land Fund.
  • The forest fund is part of the land resources on which trees, shrubs, and grasses grow.
  • Hydro resources are the energy and fossils of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans.

According to the degree of exhaustion:

Rational and irrational nature management

Rational nature management is the continuous impact of a person on the environment, where he knows how to manage relationships with nature on the basis of its conservation and protection from undesirable consequences in the course of his activities.

Signs of rational nature management:

  • Restoration and reproduction of natural resources.
  • Preservation of land, water, animals and flora.
  • Gentle extraction of minerals and harmless processing.
  • Preservation of the natural environment for human, animal and plant life.
  • Maintaining the ecological balance of the natural system.
  • Regulation of birth rate and population.

Rational nature management implies the interaction of the entire natural system based on the maintenance of the laws of ecology, rationalization in the use, conservation and enhancement of available resources. The essence of nature management is based on the primary laws of mutual synthesis of various natural systems. Thus, rational nature management is understood as the analysis of a biosystem, its careful exploitation, protection and reproduction, taking into account not only the current, but also the future interests of the development of economic sectors and the preservation of human health.

Examples of rational nature management are:

The current state of nature management shows an irrational approach, which leads to the destruction of the ecological balance and a very difficult recovery from human impact. In addition, extensive exploitation based on old technologies has led to a situation in which the environment is in a polluted and oppressed state.

Signs of irrational nature management:

There are quite a large number of examples of irrational nature management, which, unfortunately, prevails in economic activity and is typical for intensive production.

Examples of irrational nature management:

  • Slash-and-burn agriculture, plowing of slopes on highlands, which leads to the formation of ravines, soil erosion and the destruction of the fertile layer of the earth (humus).
  • Change in the hydrological regime.
  • Deforestation, destruction of protected areas, overgrazing.
  • Discharge of waste and sewage into rivers, lakes, seas.
  • Atmospheric pollution with chemicals.
  • Extermination of valuable species of plants, animals and fish.
  • Open pit mining.

Principles of rational nature management

Human activity, in the search for ways to rationally use natural resources and improve environmental safety methods, is based on the following principles:

Ways to implement the principles

At the present stage, many countries are implementing political programs and projects in the field of applying rational methods of using natural resources, which relate to:

In addition, within the framework of a separate state, work is underway aimed at the development and implementation of regional plans and environmental measures, and state and public organizations should also manage and control activities in this area. These measures will:

  • provide the population with environmentally safe work in production;
  • create a healthy environment for residents of cities and villages;
  • reduce the dangerous impact from natural disasters and catastrophes;
  • preserve the ecosystem in disadvantaged regions;
  • implement modern technologies to ensure environmental standards;
  • regulate acts of environmental legislation.

The problem of rational use of natural resources is much broader and more complex than it might seem at first glance. It must be remembered that everything in nature is closely interconnected and none of its components can exist in isolation from each other.

The damage caused in the course of centuries of economic activity can be corrected only if society takes a conscious approach to solving problems in the global environmental situation. And this is everyday work for an individual, a state and the world community.

In addition, before saving any biological subject, it is necessary to thoroughly study the entire agrobiological system, acquire knowledge and understand the essence of its existence. And only by knowing nature and its laws, a person will be able to rationally use all its benefits and resources, as well as increase and save for the future generation of people.