Formation of the modern evolutionary picture of the world. The evolution of the scientific picture of the world: a view from biology

1. The concept is natural scientific picture peace

2. Evolution of the natural-science picture of the world

3. Scientific method and its evolution



natural science picture of the world evolution

The natural-science picture of the world is a set of theories collectively describing the natural world known to man, an integral system of ideas about general principles and laws of the universe. Since the picture of the world is a systemic formation, its change cannot be reduced to any single, albeit the largest and most radical discovery. Usually, we are talking about a whole series of interrelated discoveries, mainly fundamental sciences. These discoveries are almost always accompanied by a radical restructuring of the research method, as well as significant changes in the very norms and ideals of scientificity.

The scientific picture of the world is a special form of theoretical knowledge that represents the subject of science research according to a certain stage of its historical development, through which specific knowledge obtained in various fields of scientific research is integrated and systematized. The term "picture of the world" is used in various senses. It is used to denote the worldview structures that underlie the culture of a certain historical era. The terms "image of the world", "model of the world", "vision of the world", characterizing the integrity of the worldview, are used in the same meaning. The term "picture of the world" is also used to refer to scientific ontologies, i.e. those ideas about the world that are a special type of scientific theoretical knowledge. In this sense, the concept of "scientific picture of the world" is used to denote the horizon of systematization of knowledge obtained in various scientific disciplines. At the same time, the scientific picture of the world acts as a holistic image of the world, including ideas about nature and society. Secondly, the term "scientific picture of the world" is used to refer to a system of ideas about nature that are formed as a result of the synthesis of natural science knowledge (in a similar way, this concept refers to the totality of knowledge obtained in the humanities and social sciences Oh). Thirdly, through this concept, a vision of the subject of a particular science is formed, which is formed at the corresponding stage of its history and changes during the transition from one stage to another. According to the indicated meanings, the concept of the scientific picture of the world is split into a number of interrelated concepts, each of which denotes a special type of scientific picture of the world as a special level of systematization of scientific knowledge: "general scientific", "natural science" and "social scientific"; "special (private, local) scientific" picture of the world. The main components of the scientific picture of the world are ideas about fundamental objects, about the typology of objects, about their relationship and interaction, about space and time.

In the real process of development of theoretical knowledge, the scientific picture of the world performs a number of functions, among which the main ones are heuristic (functioning as a research program of scientific search), systematizing and worldview. These functions have a systemic organization and are characteristic of both special and general scientific pictures of the world. The scientific picture of the world is a developing entity. In its historical dynamics, three major stages can be distinguished: N.K.M. predisciplinary science, N.K.M. disciplinary-organized science and modern N.K.M., corresponding to the stage of strengthening interdisciplinary interactions. The first stage of functioning is associated with the formation in the culture of the New Age of a mechanical picture of the world as a single, acting as a general scientific, and as a natural science, and as a special N.K.M. Its unity was set through a system of principles of mechanics, which were broadcast to neighboring branches of knowledge and acted as explanatory provisions in them. Formation of special N.K.M. (the second stage in dynamics) is associated with the formation of the disciplinary organization of science. The emergence of natural-science, technical, and then humanitarian knowledge contributed to the formation of the subject areas of specific sciences and led to their differentiation. Each science in this period did not strive to build a generalized picture of the world, but developed within itself a system of ideas about its own subject of research (special N.K.M.). A new stage in the development of the scientific picture of the world (the third) is associated with the formation of post-non-classical science, characterized by the intensification of the processes of disciplinary synthesis of knowledge. This synthesis is based on the principles of global evolutionism. A feature of the modern scientific picture of the world is not the desire to unify all areas of knowledge and their reduction to the ontological principles of any one science, but unity in the diversity of disciplinary ontologies. Each of them appears as part of a more complex whole, and each concretizes within itself the principles of global evolutionism. The development of the modern scientific picture of the world is one of the aspects of the search for new worldview meanings and answers to the historical challenge facing modern civilization. General cultural meaning of N.K.M. is determined by its involvement in solving the problem of choosing the life strategies of mankind, the search for new ways of civilizational development. Changes taking place in modern science and fixed in N.K.M., correlate with the search for new worldview ideas which are produced in various fields culture (philosophy, religion, art, etc.). Modern N.K.M. embodies the ideals of open rationality, and its ideological consequences are associated with philosophical and ideological ideas and values ​​that arise on the basis of various and in many ways alternative cultural traditions.


In the history of the development of science, three clearly and unambiguously fixed radical changes in the scientific picture of the world, scientific revolutions, can be distinguished, they are usually personified by the names of the three scientists who played the greatest role in the changes taking place.

1. Aristotelian (VI-IV centuries BC), as a result of this scientific revolution, science itself arose, there was a separation of science from other forms of knowledge and development of the world, certain norms and models of scientific knowledge were created. This revolution is most fully reflected in the writings of Aristotle. He created formal logic, i.e. theory of proof, main instrument derivation and systematization of knowledge, developed categorically conceptual apparatus. He affirmed a kind of canon of organization scientific research(history of the issue, statement of the problem, arguments for and against, justification of the decision), differentiated knowledge itself, separating the sciences of nature from mathematics and metaphysics

2. Newtonian scientific revolution (XVI-XVIII centuries), Its starting point is the transition from the geocentric model of the world to the heliocentric, this transition was due to a series of discoveries associated with the names of N. Copernicus, G. Galileo, I. Kepler, R. Descartes, I. Newton, summed up their research and formulated the basic principles of a new scientific picture of the world in general view. Main changes:

1. Classical natural science spoke the language of mathematics, managed to single out strictly objective quantitative characteristics terrestrial bodies (shape, magnitude, mass, movement) and express them in strict mathematical patterns.

2. The science of modern times has found a powerful support in the methods pilot study, phenomena under strictly controlled conditions.

3. The natural sciences of that time abandoned the concept of a harmonious, complete, expediently organized cosmos, according to their ideas, the Universe is infinite and united only by the action of identical laws.

4. Mechanics becomes the dominant feature of classical natural science, all considerations based on the concepts of value, perfection, goal-setting were excluded from the scope of scientific research.

5. In cognitive activity, a clear opposition of the subject and object of research was implied. The result of all these changes was a mechanistic scientific picture of the world based on experimental mathematical natural science.

3. Einsteinian revolution (the turn of the XIX-XX centuries). It was determined by a series of discoveries (the discovery of the complex structure of the atom, the phenomenon of radioactivity, the discrete nature of electromagnetic radiation, etc.). As a result, the most important premise of the mechanistic picture of the world was undermined - the conviction that with the help of simple forces acting between unchanging objects can explain all the phenomena of nature.

Fundamentals of the new picture of the world:

1. general and special relativity ( new theory space and time has led to the fact that all frames of reference have become equal, so all our ideas make sense only in a certain frame of reference. The picture of the world has acquired a relative, relative character, the key ideas about space, time, causality, continuity have changed, the unambiguous opposition of subject and object has been rejected, perception has turned out to be dependent on the frame of reference, which includes both subject and object, the method of observation, etc.)

2. quantum mechanics (it revealed the probabilistic nature of the laws of the microworld and the irremovable corpuscular-wave dualism in the very foundations of matter). It became clear that it will never be possible to create an absolutely complete and reliable scientific picture of the world, any of them has only relative truth.

Later, within the framework of the new picture of the world, there were revolutions in particular sciences in cosmology (the concept of a non-stationary Universe), in biology (the development of genetics), etc. Thus, throughout the 20th century, natural science has greatly changed its appearance, in all its sections.

Three global revolutions predetermined three long periods in the development of science; they are key stages in the development of natural science. This does not mean that the periods of evolutionary development of science lying between them were periods of stagnation. At this time, the most important discoveries were also made, new theories and methods were being created, it was in the course of evolutionary development that material was accumulated that made revolution inevitable. In addition, between the two periods of development of science separated by the scientific revolution, as a rule, there are no irremovable contradictions, according to the principle of correspondence formulated by N. Bohr, the new scientific theory does not completely reject the previous one, but includes it as a special case, that is, establishes for its limited scope. Even now, when even a hundred years have not passed since the emergence of the new paradigm, many scientists are suggesting the proximity of new global revolutionary changes in the scientific picture of the world.


The main and specific feature of science, which distinguishes it from all other phenomena of human activity, is the scientific method. This term is understood as a set of rules of varying degrees of generality that help the scientist move along a certain path among many and often contradictory facts. At the same time, many believe that the scientific method does not relieve the scientist of the elements inherent in art - fantasy, surprise and intuition. Practice confirms that strict rules here and there are sometimes not so much useful as harmful.

Thus, the scientific method is a set of basic methods for obtaining new knowledge and methods for solving problems within the framework of any science.

The method includes ways to study phenomena, systematization, correction of new and previously acquired knowledge. Inferences and conclusions are made using the rules and principles of reasoning based on empirical (observed and measured) data about the object. Observations and experiments are the basis for obtaining data. To explain the observed facts, hypotheses are put forward and theories are built, on the basis of which conclusions and assumptions are formulated. The resulting predictions are tested by experiment or by collecting new facts.

An important side of the scientific method, its integral part for any science, is the requirement of objectivity, excluding the subjective interpretation of the results. Any statements should not be taken on faith, even if they come from reputable scientists. To ensure independent verification, observations are documented, and all initial data, methods and research results are made available to other scientists. This allows not only to obtain additional confirmation by reproducing experiments, but also to critically assess the degree of adequacy (validity) of experiments and results in relation to the theory being tested.

The scientific method implies that scientific statements contain the fundamental possibility of refutation. This means that they can be accessed in their entirety for verification and reproduction by other scientists. For this reason, the description of a scientific study must be complete and unambiguous. This requirement is extraordinarily carefully observed in the fundamental sciences - chemistry, physics and biology. The limited existence of biological objects in time and space, high adaptability, i.e. the ability to change under the influence of external conditions, turns even a simple description of the experiment into a logically coherent sequence, starting from the name of the study and ending with the conclusion and conclusions. Refutability and reproducibility are the most important features of scientific knowledge. Knowledge that can neither be refuted nor reproduced is classified as extra-scientific and para-scientific.

Such is religious knowledge. It was originally built on the basis of unknowability, and there is no room in it for a thought experiment to test the idea of ​​a higher being - God.

Among the areas of pseudoscientific knowledge, outwardly similar to science, astrology stands out. The focus of astrology on the construction of predictions by relative position celestial bodies harmonizes with the idea of ​​the unity of animate and inanimate nature, nature and man, earth and space. Ordinary consciousness attracts the idea of ​​unity as a key argument that gives the systems of astrological knowledge the position of scientific character. However, the external scientific nature of astrology and the unity of the whole world cannot hide the fact that the purpose of astrology has never been to explain reality, to build and improve a rational idea of ​​the world, such as it is in itself. The bottom line is that the form of scientific knowledge is presented in a form suitable for subsequent use, for further increment of knowledge, but astrology as a system of knowledge is not suitable for such purposes. Its main object of prediction is the person himself. For this reason, astrological knowledge belongs to the field of socio-psychological phenomena. Psychological, personal conviction, of course, is not at all equivalent to the logic of objective, rationally justified knowledge. The criterion for the refutation of astrological knowledge, if it were scientific, should be realized through the discrepancy between the prediction model and actual events. Verification should take place regardless of the person in respect of whom the astrological forecast was made. It is easy to see that the individuality of the psyche, its inconsistency in assessing what is really taking place, deprive the application of this criterion of meaning. The uncertainty of the astrological forecast and the vagueness of individual assessments of the essence of real events are so wide that they will definitely come into contact.

Separate parts of the scientific method were used by the philosophers of ancient Greece. They developed the rules of logic and principles for conducting a dispute, the pinnacle of which was sophistry. Socrates is credited with saying that truth is born in a dispute. However, the goal of the sophists was not so much scientific truth how much win in lawsuits where the formalism exceeded any other approach. At the same time, the conclusions obtained as a result of reasoning were given preference over observed practice. A famous example is the assertion that swift-footed Achilles will never overtake a tortoise.

In the 20th century, a hypothetical-deductive model of the scientific method was formulated, consisting in the consistent application of the following steps:

1. Use Experience: Consider a problem and try to make sense of it. Find previously known explanations. If this is a new issue for you, go to step 2.

2. Formulate a hypothesis: If nothing known fits, try to formulate an explanation, state it to someone else or in your notes.

3. Draw conclusions from the assumption: If the assumption (step 2) is true, which of its consequences, conclusions, predictions can be made according to the rules of logic?

4. Check: Find facts that contradict each of these conclusions in order to disprove the hypothesis (step 2). Using the findings (step 3) as evidence for the hypothesis (step 2) is a logical fallacy. This error is called "confirmation by the investigation."

About a thousand years ago, Ibn al-Haytham demonstrated the importance of the 1st and 4th steps. Galileo in his treatise "Conversations and Mathematical Foundations of Two New Sciences Concerning Mechanics and the Laws of Fall" (1638) also showed the importance of the 4th step (also called experiment). The steps of the method can be performed in order - 1, 2, 3, 4. If, according to the results of step 4, the conclusions from step 3 passed the test, you can continue and go back to the 3rd, then 4th, 1st and so on steps. But if the results of the verification from step 4 showed the predictions from step 3 to be false, you should return to step 2 and try to formulate a new hypothesis (“new step 2”), at step 3, substantiate new assumptions based on the hypothesis (“new step 3”), check them in step 4 and so on.


1. Elfimov T.M. The emergence of the new. M., 2003. - 157 p.

2. Nemirovskaya L.Z. Culturology. History and theory of culture. M., 2001. - 264 p.

3. Stepin V.S., Gorokhov V.G., Rozov M.A. Philosophy of science and technology. M., 2005. - 326 p.

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5. Yazev S.A. What is the scientific method? [Electronic resource] / S.A. Yazev // Chemistry and life. - 2008. - № 5. - Access mode:

System as a set of objects functionally interconnected, mentally or actually. Classification by the nature of interaction with the environment and by limitation in time and space. Temperature is a function of the state of equilibrium in the world.

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evolutionary (dissipative)) picture of the world

Key points

This model looks at the objects of study as systems.

System is a set of objects or processes that are functionally interconnected, mentally or actually isolated from the environment into a single whole.

Integrity- the main property of the system, reflecting the consistency of all its elements. If the integrity is violated, the degree of stability of the system decreases (a person loses a leg - physical, financial, moral stability decreases).

Hierarchy (discreteness)- a property that characterizes the ability of the system to be structurally subdivided into sublevels (layers). A multilevel structure is usually characterized by complex, for example, biological systems (for example, a person can be structurally decomposed into organs, then into tissues, then into cells, etc.).

Additivity- property of the system, expressed in the fact that a certain quality of the system is numerically determined as the sum of similar qualities of all its constituent elements (the total energy of the entire system is equal to the sum of the energies of all its elements).

Integrity- property of the system, which consists in the appearance of qualitatively new qualities that are different from the qualities of its structural elements (for example, the properties of water differ from the properties of its constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms).

System classification

(according to the nature of interaction with environment)

· Isolated (closed) - do not exchange either energy or matter (not in nature).

· Closed - exchange only energy (thermos with water, canned food);

· open - exchange of both energy and matter (biological living systems, physical and chemical systems in open conditions, social systems (collective).

System classification

(by limitation in time and space)

· distributed - unlimited (Universe, Internet, etc.)

· certain ( localized, limited) (all other systems, such systems are the majority).

Basic laws of the evolutionary (dissipative) model,(laws of thermodynamics)

Thermodynamics introduced systems approach. The first to change the former attitude towards bodies as material points, was M.V. Lomonosov. This is evident from his Molecular Kinetic Theory (MKT):

1. All bodies consist of a huge number of tiny particles (molecules and atoms);

2. Between them there are forces of attraction and repulsion;

3. The temperature of the body is determined by the kinetic energy of the movement of molecules and vice versa (Brownian motion), i.e.

The relationship between body temperature and the kinetic energy of molecules was clearly formulated by L. Boltzmann (for an ideal gas): Ek = (3/2) kB T, where kB = 1.38 1023 J / K, T is the thermodynamic temperature, measured in kelvins.

Thermodynamics was formed as a phenomenological science. This means that many technical discoveries were made: the development of thermal, steam engines, and the theoretical justification was late. The first theoretical information was stated by Fourier. The basis of his theory was the equation of heat conduction (or the basic equation of heat), expressing the nature of the interaction of more and less heated bodies. The bottom line is that heat is transferred from hot bodies to cold ones.

All the basic laws of thermodynamics are called principles.

Zero start:" Temperature is a function of the state of equilibrium" . (If the temperature is constant at every point in the system, then thermal or thermodynamic equilibrium occurs) Example: the temperature of a corpse.

According to this beginning, it is possible to determine the living and non-living. In living systems, there is always disequilibrium, and in non-living systems - equilibrium.

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy in thermodynamics:" The amount of heat supplied to the system is spent on changing the internal energy and doing work by this system " :

DQ= DU + A,

where D Q is the amount of heat supplied to the system;

D U - change in internal energy;

A is the work done by the system itself.

Consequence from the first law of thermodynamics : it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine of the first kind (This is an engine whose coefficient of performance (COP), expressed as the ratio of useful energy (heat) to the energy expended, is greater than one)

The second law of thermodynamics (the principle of increasing entropy, it is also the principle of energy dissipation): "In isolated systems, with real (irreversible) processes, the entropy S always increases (ДS > 0), and with ideal (reversible) processes, the entropy remains unchanged (ДS = 0 ):

DS ? 0.

Entropy (from Greek - transformation) - a measure of chaos or disorder of the system. The second definition of "entropy" is a measure of energy dissipation.

Formulas for determining entropy or its change:

1) according to Clausius: DS = D Q/T equilibrium

2) according to Boltzmann: S = kB ln W,

where W is the thermodynamic probability (the number of ways the system can use to move from one state to another or the number of microstates between two macrostates). world temperature time space

There is another formulation of the second law of thermodynamics (it reflects the essence of the basic equation of heat): "Heat irreversibly passes from more heated bodies to less heated bodies."

In an isolated system, a living object cannot survive, it will come to death (chaos).

Consequence from the second law of thermodynamics:

1. All ordered forms of energy pass partly into work and partly into heat - a low-quality, chaotic, easily dissipated form of energy;

2. It is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine of the second kind, whose efficiency = 1;

3. The heat death of the Universe, which was predicted by scientists in the 19th century, is impossible (they considered the Universe to be an isolated system, which has now been refuted). In the 20th century, the American scientist E. Hubble experimentally proved that the Universe is expanding, which shows its openness.

The third law of thermodynamics (the principle of the inaccessibility of absolute zero) or Nernst-Planck theorem:" At absolute zero impossibleany natural process" .

Absolute zero is the temperature at which there is no thermal motion of molecules (i.e., the kinetic energy of molecules is zero). The entropy at this temperature is also zero.

Fundamental interactions (fields)

1. Strong (nuclear) - the interaction between protons and neutrons in the nucleus with the help of carrier particles - gluons ensures the integrity of the nucleus, thanks to this interaction the nucleus does not fall apart (microscale).

2. electromagnetic interaction (provided by photons between oppositely charged objects) is responsible for the existence of atoms, molecules, matter at the level of macro- and mega-scales (most pronounced on the macro-scale, but also manifests itself on the micro-scale);

3. Weak characterizes the processes of transformation (annihilation), synthesis and decay elementary particles, provided by bosons (acts on all scales, is most pronounced on the microscale);

4. gravitational - the gravitational field is created by gravitons and is responsible for modern look Universe (acts on all scales, is most pronounced on a megascale).

Characteristics of fundamental interactions

Self-organization in nature

· the process of transition from chaos to order in a complex system.

the process of transition from less complex to more complex (from simple to complex - in a primitive version ).

Chaos acts as a constructive force.

A complex system is a system that consists of a large number of elements.

Synergetics- studies these transition processes.

The same processes, only in information processes studying cybernetics.

Synergetics was formed in the second half of the 20th century.

Conditions necessary for the flow of self-organization:

1. the system must be open, complex;

2. it is necessary to transfer directed and sufficient energy to the system.

In biological systems, self-organization is evolution.

V social systems- then the evolution of society (transition to a civil law society), the collective, the group, the growth of the individual.

In physical and chemical systems: laser, synthesizing substances, turbulent flow.

As a result of self-organization, dissipative structures (G. Haken's term), ordered states are obtained.

Self-organization of the system - ordering. Only those systems can come to self-organization , which are in nonequilibrium condition that are described non-linear thermodynamic equations.

bifurcation point- the point at which the system is located, which can choose an alternative development path for itself (the point of an extremely non-equilibrium state of the system). The transition from this point to a qualitatively new state occurs stepwise when sufficient conditions for self-organization are reached.

Symmetry in nature

Symmetry- a property of matter that characterizes the proportionality of the parts that make up the system.

Applications of symmetry:

1. in mathematics - equations, identities, graphs;

2. in physics - the structure of the atom, the nucleus, the connection of conservation laws;

3. in chemistry - chemical reactions, equations.

4. in astronomy - planets, trajectory.

5. in biology - the shape of flowers, man, protein structures (axis of symmetry of the 5th order)

6. in crystallography, materials science. All crystals and metals have crystal lattice in the form of a cube or a hexagonal prism,

7. in art - harmony, beauty.

Symmetry happens:

1. Mirror, here we can note a certain property of some particles not to coincide with the reflection in the mirror (chirality).

2. Translational.

3. Rotary.

Elements of symmetry

1. Center (C) - a point through which a straight line can be drawn dividing a figure or body into two equal parts. (ball, circle, square, equilateral triangle have a center of symmetry).

2. Plane - divides the figure into 2 equal parts: a person has one plane of symmetry, a circle has infinitely many, a square has 4 planes of symmetry.

3. Axis of symmetry - a straight line passing through the center of symmetry, when rotated around it by 360?, the figure or body coincides by itself n times, where n is the order of the axis.

wildlife by internal structure is made up of proteins, and proteins have a 5th order axis of symmetry.

Inanimate nature - metals, crystals have structural elements in the form of cubes, hexagonal prisms or tetrahedra.

The space of crystals is laid out with such elements without voids. You cannot build space in a biological system with pentagons without voids. This free volume gives biological matter plasticity and adaptation to changes in the environment.

In crystals and metals, plasticity is low, hardness and strength are high, because they do not have so much free volume in their structure.

Spatial form of the Curie symmetry principle:" The set of system symmetry elements is stored in each element of the system" .

Example: a biological system (its elements are cells) repeats the same set of genes in each cell of the system.

Provisional form of the principlesymmetry:" Set of symmetry elementscauses are preserved in the effect" .

Example: the cause is the parents, the effect is the children.

Non-Fundamental Principles

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: "If momentum is precisely determined, then another interdependent characteristic (coordinate) cannot be precisely determined and vice versa."

The complementarity principle of N. Bohr is a continuation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for various interdependent quantities (kinetic and potential energies; energy measurement time and energy value). In addition to the first (Heisenberg's - about the impossibility of measuring exactly two interdependent quantities at once in one experiment), there is a second sense of the principle: " There are no nonperturbing measurements" . For example, if you measure energy for a long time, the measurement will be inaccurate.

Le Chatelier's principle (for inanimate nature): "If an external influence is exerted on a system in equilibrium, then the equilibrium is shifted in the direction opposite to the external influence."

The principle of homeostasis (for wildlife): "When an external impact on a non-equilibrium system, processes begin in it aimed at its redemption " . Example: a person and an influenza virus - a temperature of 36, 6 ?С rises to 38 ... 40 ?С in order to destroy the influenza virus, which is uncomfortable to exist at this temperature.

The principle of iron (mechanical) determinism (P. Laplace): "If processes have the same cause, proceed under the same conditions, then they will have the same consequence." (Hidden meaning: "if you know the coordinates and momenta of all points Universe in the present time, then you can predict its past or future. "This is in modern natural science considered impossible due to the constant change of the Universe). Probabilistic determinism is now in effect: the establishment of causal relationships with a certain probability.

Compliance principle:" The new theory contains the old theory as a limiting case".

R ate yativist mechanics goes into classical mechanics subject to the approximation of high speeds to the usual, much lower than the speed of light.

The general theory of relativity goes into the special theory of relativity by A. Einstein, provided that gravitational fields are neglected.

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Chapter I Global evolutionism…………………………. ………...5

Chapter II. Anthropic principle in cosmology……………………………8




Natural Science Worldview (ENMP)- a system of knowledge about nature, formed in the mind of a person in the process of studying natural science subjects, and mental activity to create this system.

The concept of "picture of the world" is one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy and natural science and expresses general scientific ideas about the surrounding reality in their integrity. The concept of "picture of the world" reflects the world as a whole as a single system, that is, a "coherent whole", the knowledge of which implies "knowledge of all nature and history ..." (Marx K., Engels F., collected works, 2nd volume 20, p.630).

The construction of a scientific picture of the world is based on the principle of the unity of nature and the principle of the unity of knowledge. The general meaning of the latter lies in the fact that knowledge is not only infinitely diverse, but at the same time it has features of generality and integrity. If the principle of the unity of nature acts as a general philosophical basis for constructing a picture of the world, then the principle of the unity of knowledge, implemented in the system of ideas about the world, is a methodological tool, a way of expressing the integrity of nature.

The knowledge system in the scientific picture of the world is not built as a system of equal partners. As a result of the uneven development of individual branches of knowledge, one of them is always put forward as the leading one, stimulating the development of others. In the classical scientific picture of the world, such a leading discipline was physics with its perfect theoretical apparatus, mathematical saturation, clarity of principles and scientific rigor of ideas. These circumstances made her the leader of classical natural science, and the methodology of information gave the entire scientific picture of the world a clear physical coloring. However, the severity of these problems has been somewhat smoothed out due to the deep organic interaction of the methods of these sciences and the understanding of the correlation of establishing one or another of their correlations.

In accordance with the modern process of "humanization" of biology, its role in the formation of a scientific picture of the world is increasing. Two "hot spots" are found in its development ... This is the junction of biology and the sciences of inanimate nature .., and the junction of biology and social sciences ...

It seems that with the solution of the issue of the relationship between social and biological, the scientific picture of the world will reflect the world in the form of an integral system of knowledge about inanimate nature, wildlife and the world. social relations. If we are talking about ENKM, then we should keep in mind the most general laws of nature that explain individual phenomena and particular laws.

ENKM is an integrated image of nature, created by synthesizing natural science knowledge based on a system of fundamental laws of nature and including ideas about matter and motion, interactions, space and time.

1. Global evolutionism

One of the most important ideas of European civilization is the idea of ​​world development. In its simplest and undeveloped forms (preformism, epigenesis, Kantian cosmogony), it began to penetrate into natural science as early as the eighteenth century. And already the 19th century can rightly be called the century of evolution. First, geology, then biology and sociology began to pay more and more attention to the theoretical modeling of developing objects.

But in the sciences of inorganic nature, the idea of ​​development made its way very difficult. Until the second half of the 20th century, it was dominated by the original abstraction of a closed reversible system, in which the time factor plays no role. Even the transition from classical Newtonian physics to non-classical (relativistic and quantum) did not change anything in this respect. True, some timid breakthrough in this direction was made by classical thermodynamics, which introduced the concept of entropy and the idea of ​​irreversible time-dependent processes. Thus, the “arrow of time” was introduced into the sciences of inorganic nature. But, ultimately, classical thermodynamics also studied only closed equilibrium systems. And non-equilibrium processes were viewed as perturbations, minor deviations, which should be neglected in the final description of a cognizable object - a closed equilibrium system.

And, on the other hand, the penetration of the idea of ​​development into geology, biology, sociology, humanitarian sciences in the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century, it was carried out independently in each of these branches of knowledge. The philosophical principle of the development of the world (nature, society, man) that was general, pivotal for all natural science (as well as for all science) had no expression. In each branch of natural science, he had his own (independent of other branches) forms of theoretical and methodological concretization.

And only by the end of the 20th century did natural science find theoretical and methodological means for creating a unified model of universal evolution, identifying the general laws of nature that link the origin of the Universe (cosmogenesis), the emergence of solar system and our planet Earth (geogenesis), the emergence of life (biogenesis) and, finally, the emergence of man and society (anthroposociogenesis). Such a model is the concept of global evolutionism.

It is necessary to dwell on the clarification of the meaning of the use of the term "universal" in relation to the concept of "evolution". The concept of universality is used in two semantic meanings: relative and absolute. Relatively universal concepts apply to all objects known in a given historical era, which are absolutely universal, apply both to all known objects and to any objects outside of a given historically limited experience. What type of universality is claimed by the concept of "global evolutionism"?

It is known that such relatively universal concepts as quality, quantity, space, time, movement, interaction, etc. are the result of generalizations of true theories relating to both nature and society. The concept of "global evolutionism" has a similar origin, being a generalization of the evolutionary knowledge of various areas of natural science: cosmology, geology, biology. Thus, it can be argued that the concept of "evolution", similarly to the one stated above, is relatively universal. All such relatively universal concepts contain an absolutely universal component. The term "global" in the context of the concept of "evolution" and indicates the presence of such a component. "Global evolutionism" explains such a well-known concept as, for example, "evolution" and predicts a new concept, for example, "self-organization". The main question is whether this new concept exhibits a heuristic function in the construction of a new fundamental theory.

Some hopes are associated with the concept of self-organization in terms of explaining the content of the cosmological anthropic principle. It is believed that within the framework of a broad theory describing the processes of organization in the Universe-Man system, the anthropic principle will be explained or even elevated to the rank of a law.

Such a hope is due to the fact that in the modern era one can state the presence of a certain result of such self-organization. The fact that life, reason came to current state its relationship with the environment in the process of organization is beyond doubt, based on the historical analysis of this organization at the level of geogenesis, biogenesis, sociogenesis

In the concept of global evolutionism, the Universe is presented as a natural whole developing in time. The entire history of the universe from “ big bang”before the emergence of mankind is considered in this concept as a single process in which the cosmic, chemical, biological and social types of evolution are successively and genetically interconnected. Cosmochemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry here reflect the fundamental transitions in the evolution of molecular systems and the inevitability of their transformation into organic matter.

The concept of global evolutionism emphasizes the most important pattern - the direction of the development of the world as a whole to increase its structural organization. The entire history of the Universe, from the moment of singularity to the emergence of man, appears as a single process of material evolution, self-organization, self-development of matter. An important role in the concept of universal evolutionism is played by the idea of ​​selection: the new arises as a result of the selection of the most effective shaping, while inefficient innovations are rejected by the historical process; A qualitative new level of the organization of matter finally asserts itself when it is able to absorb the previous experience of the historical development of matter. This regularity is characteristic not only for the biological form of motion, but also for the entire evolution of matter. The principle of global evolutionism requires not just knowledge of the temporal order of the formation of matter levels, but a deep understanding of the internal logic of the development of the cosmic order of things, the logic of the development of the Universe as a whole.

2. Anthropic principle in cosmology

The anthropic principle plays a very important role on this path. The content of this principle is that the emergence of humanity, the cognizing subject (and, therefore, anticipating the social form of the movement of matter in the organic world) was possible due to the fact that the large-scale properties of our Universe (its deep structure) are exactly what they are; if they were different, there would simply be no one to know the Universe. This principle indicates the presence of a deep internal unity of the laws of the historical evolution of the Universe, the Universe with the prerequisites for the emergence and evolution of the organic world up to anthroposociogenesis.

The anthropic principle indicates the existence of a certain type of universal systemic connections that determine the integral nature of the existence and development of our Universe, our world as a certain systematically organized fragment of an infinitely diverse material nature. Understanding the content of such universal connections, the deep internal unity of the structure of our world (the Universe) gives the key to the theoretical and ideological substantiation of programs and projects for the future space activity of human civilization. , and due to the self-consistency of the system of attributes, it fixes the type of reality. By identifying observability-participation with the representation of the Universe as a space-time phenomenon, it is possible to give a modified version of the anthropic principle of participation:

"The simplest pre-geometric Universe should be such that it would be possible to construct a space-time representation of it inside it." From here it can be deduced that the anthropic principle of participation fixes not only the type of macroscopic reality, but also all other types of reality, ontologically independent, but, according to the concept of "superspace", underlying the first. Thus, it receives further development the concept of ontological non-geocentrism: the anthropic principle states the selection of content in relation to universal features, corresponding types of reality, interconnected. The emergence, genesis of the Universe means the constitution of the objective content of the concept of the Universe in the form of thinking of human civilization.

So, analysis of the concept of the anthropic principle of participation shows that

here, evolution, the history of human knowledge and cognition are presented in a logically summarized form, and the dialectic of the content and form of cognition by Man of our Universe is revealed on specific examples. Global evolutionism manifested itself here in the prediction of such concepts as "self-correlation", "observability", "irreversibility", "nonequilibrium". In this conception, the very process of cognition is subject to evolution: "Physics finally becomes as historical as history itself." The appeal to history gave impetus to the self-consciousness of physics itself, to the development of a new type of physical rationality, or, in the words of I.Prigozhin and I.Stengers, a new dialogue between man and nature.

At present, the idea of ​​global evolutionism is not only a statement, but also a regulative principle. On the one hand, it gives an idea of ​​the world as a whole, allows us to think of the general laws of being in their unity, and, on the other hand, directs modern natural science to identify specific patterns of the global evolution of matter in all its structural levels, at all stages of its self-organization.


One of the old mottos says: “knowledge is power.” Science makes man powerful before the forces of nature. With the help of natural science, man exercises his dominance over the forces of nature, develops material production, and improves social relations. Only through knowledge of the laws of nature can a person change and adapt natural things and processes so that they satisfy his needs.

Natural science is both a product of civilization and a condition for its development. With the help of science, a person develops material production, improves social relations, educates and educates new generations of people, heals his body. The progress of natural science and technology significantly changes the way of life and well-being of a person, improves the living conditions of people.

Natural science is one of the most important engines of social progress. As the most important factor in material production, natural science is a powerful revolutionary force. Great scientific discoveries (and technical inventions closely related to them) have always had a tremendous (and sometimes completely unexpected) impact on the destinies of human history. Such discoveries were, for example, discoveries in the 17th century. the laws of mechanics that made it possible to create the entire machine technology of civilization; discovery in the nineteenth century. electromagnetic field and the creation of electrical engineering, radio engineering, and then radio electronics; creation in the twentieth century, theories atomic nucleus, and after him - the discovery of means of releasing nuclear energy; expansion in the middle of the twentieth century. molecular biology the nature of heredity (DNA structure) and the possibilities of genetic engineering to control heredity that have opened up as a result; and others. Most of the modern material civilization would not be possible without the participation in its creation of scientific theories, scientific and design developments, technologies predicted by science, etc.

V modern world science causes people not only admiration and admiration, but also fears. You can often hear that science brings a person not only benefits, but also the greatest misfortunes. Atmospheric pollution, catastrophes at nuclear power plants, increased radioactive background as a result of tests nuclear weapons, an “ozone hole” above the planet, a sharp reduction in plant and animal species - people tend to explain all these and other environmental problems by the very fact of the existence of science. But the point is not in science, but in whose hands it is, what social interests stand behind it, what public and state structures guide its development.

rise global problems humanity increases the responsibility of scientists for the fate of mankind. question about historical destinies and the role of science in its relation to man, the prospects for his development has never been so sharply discussed as at the present time, in the context of the growing global crisis of civilization. The old problem of the humanistic content of cognitive activity (the so-called “Rousseau problem”) has acquired a new concrete historical expression: can a person (and if so, to what extent) count on science in solving the global problems of our time? Is science able to help humanity in getting rid of the evil that modern civilization technologicalization of people's way of life?

Science is social institution, and it is closely connected with the development of the whole society. The complexity and inconsistency of the current situation is that science, of course, is involved in the generation of global, and, above all, environmental problems of civilization (not in itself, but as a part of society dependent on other structures); and at the same time, without science, without its further development, the solution of all these problems is in principle impossible. And this means that the role of science in the history of mankind is constantly increasing. And therefore, any belittling of the role of science, natural science is currently extremely dangerous, it disarms humanity in the face of the growing global problems of our time. And such derogation, unfortunately, sometimes takes place, it is represented by certain mindsets, tendencies in the system of spiritual culture.


1. Davis P. Random Universe. M., 1985

2. Kazyutinsky V.V. General patterns evolution and the problem of extraterrestrial civilizations // The problem of the search for life in the Universe. S. 58

3. Krymsky S.B., Kuznetsov V.I. Worldview categories in modern natural science. Kiev, 1983

4. Mostepanenko A.M. Physics and cosmology of the 20th century: from subjective to objective dialectics // Materialistic dialectics and ways of development of natural sciences. L., 1987

  1. Panovkin B.N. Principles of self-organization and problems of the origin of life in the Universe. S. 62.
  2. Pinmkin B.N. Principles of self-organization and problems of the origin of life in the Universe // Problem of the search for life in the Universe. M., 1986
  3. Stepin V.S. Philosophical anthropology and philosophy of science. - M., 1992

8. Wheeler J. Knant and the Universe // Astrophysics, quanta and the theory of relativity. M., 1982


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As a result of studying this chapter, the student should:


  • the content of the concept of "picture of the world";
  • historical features of the process of development of ideas about the role of space and time in the formation of a picture of the world;
  • features of modern views on the problem of space and time in the context of the course being studied;

be able to

  • competently navigate in the main directions of studying the problem of space and time in social and humanitarian knowledge;
  • identify the features of ideas about space and time in social and humanitarian knowledge and understand their significance for the formation of geopolitics, chronopolitics and geoeconomics;
  • correlate continuity and innovation in the development of geopolitical, chronopolitical and geoeconomic ideas;
  • navigate in scientific literature on the subject of this chapter;


  • skills in operating with the basic terms and concepts studied in this chapter;
  • skills in analyzing events and phenomena discussed in this chapter.

Mythological picture of the world

There are different pictures of the world. In general terms, they can be divided into prescientific and scientific. The former represent a sensual, direct perception of reality, the latter act as the result of human cognitive activity at a high level of development of science. Formation of one of the pre-scientific pictures of the world - mythological- was the result of profound changes in the evolution of our planet, which occupied approximately 99.9% of human history. In time, they coincided with the period of existence of primitive society. The big anthropological explosion, the Neolithic revolution, the birth of the first civilizations determined the vector of the world's development for many millennia.

On the eve of the emergence of the civilizations of the Middle East, the Mediterranean, India and China, a type of thinking was formed that opposes the historical and natural sciences, - mythopoetic, which is cosmological in nature. In the myth-epic model of the world, the order of the Cosmos opposes the disorder of Chaos. The interaction of Cosmos and Chaos takes place in space and time, which are inextricably linked with each other. Scientists call this relationship chronotope.

Cosmos, displacing Chaos, organizes space, fills it. The points of space are unequal. There is a certain world center (“pun of the earth”), which has a harmonizing, sacred value, and a periphery, a kind of zone of increased danger (because of its otherness, and therefore disorder). In the model of the world, the central place was very often occupied by the world tree, which usually reflected ideas about the Cosmos and the unity of the world, and also connected several spheres - as a rule, earthly, aboveground and underground.

Time in the era of mythological culture is considered dichotomously. The sacred time of prime-events determines the flow of empirical time, in which a person lives.

In mythological culture, different time periods are not equivalent. There is a time of creation and a time of everyday human life. One time is reserved for labors, another for festivities, and a third for sacrifices. Time can be ethically colored - good and evil, favorable and hostile. There is a special "golden age" - the time of heroic deeds.

Mastering the space, gaining practical experience, fixing it in memory and gradually separating from the natural world, primitive man was forced to follow the footsteps of his ancestors in order to survive. Time begins to turn into a repository of repetitive acquired skills. It gets cyclical, reflecting natural cycles: day and night, seasons constantly replace each other, the sun rises and sets, the moon disappears and is born again.

The idea that time streamlines and organizes a person's life will be reflected in calendars. Babylon is considered the birthplace of the lunar calendar, Egypt is considered the birthplace of the solar calendar, and Ancient Greece is considered to be the birthplace of the mixed one.

  • Scientific picture of the world. URL: (date of access: 01/13/2016).
  • 5. Phenomenology (e. Husserl): criticism of European science.
  • 6. Philosophy of science m. Heidegger. Heidegger m. "on the essence of truth."
  • 7. Hermeneutic school model of the philosophy of science.
  • 8. Critical school of philosophy of science.
  • 9. Postmodernism and philosophy of science. Foucault m. ​​"The Archeology of Knowledge".
  • 10. Traditional epistemology, its directions and features. Lenin V.I. "Materialism and Empiriocriticism".
  • 11. Modern epistemology, its distinctive features and principles.
  • 12. Subject and object in modern epistemology.
  • 13. Scientific knowledge as a system, its features and structure. The form of knowledge.
  • 14. The concept and structure of scientific theory.
  • 15. Empirical and theoretical levels of scientific knowledge: criteria for their difference.
  • 16. The structure of empirical knowledge.
  • 17. The structure of theoretical knowledge.
  • 18. Foundations of science. Their structure. The system of ideals and norms.
  • 19. Scientific picture of the world, its structure, main types and forms, functions.
  • 20. Concepts of methodology and methodological principle. Methods of scientific knowledge and their
  • Philosophical Methods
  • General scientific approaches and research methods
  • Scientific Methods of Empirical Research
  • Scientific methods of theoretical research
  • 21. Methodological function of philosophy and the main mechanisms for their implementation.
  • 22. Scientific concept and mechanism of its development.
  • 23. Logical foundations of scientific knowledge. The relationship between the logic of discovery and the logic of justification.
  • 24. Scientific revolutions as a restructuring of the foundations of science. Typology of scientific revolutions. The concept of scientific paradigms and revolutions of Comrade Kuhn. Kuhn T. "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".
  • 25. Historical types of scientific rationality.
  • 26. Features of modern post-non-classical science.
  • 27. Differentiation and integration of sciences.
  • 28. The role of nonlinear dynamics and synergetics in the development of modern knowledge.
  • 29. Global evolutionism and the modern scientific picture of the world.
  • 30. Ethics of science.
  • 31. The problem of humanitarian control in science and high technology.
  • 32. Ecological ethics and its philosophical foundations.
  • 33. Philosophy of Russian cosmism and the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about bio-, techno- and noosphere. Vernadsky V.I. "The Philosophical Thoughts of the Naturalist".
  • 34. Worldview settings of technogenic civilization: scientism and anti-scientism.
  • 35. Scientific fact and its methodological significance.
  • 37. Historical development of methods of translation of scientific knowledge.
  • 38. Social, political and economic factors in the development of science. Interaction of science and society.
  • 39. Science as a form of human activity. Psychological aspects of scientific knowledge.
  • 40. Interdisciplinary and integrated approaches in modern scientific research.
  • 41. System-structural approach as a method of cognition in modern science.
  • 29. Global evolutionism and the modern scientific picture of the world.

    Global evolutionism is a direction of philosophical thought that considers the development of animate and inanimate nature in a single evolutionary process; man in such constructions usually acts as the crown of evolution.

    As an integral trend, Global evolutionism developed by the early 1990s, when the concepts of evolutionary cosmology were widely recognized and a clear continuity was noticed in the development of the cosmos, the Earth, life and society. A complex of theoretical problems related to the need to somehow reconcile the ideas of classical natural science (where the second law of thermodynamics remains the basic law of irreversibility) and an array of empirical data indicating that over a period of about 15 billion years the Universe has consistently changed from simple to the complex, from equilibrium to disequilibrium, i.e. from most likely to least likely.

    The principle of global evolutionism. The universe as a whole and in all its manifestations cannot exist without development.

    Darwin proposed a mechanism for its implementation, for the first time applying the principle of evolutionism to one of the areas of reality, thus laying the foundations of theoretical biology. G. Spencer, tried to apply Darwin's ideas in the field of sociology, he proved the fundamental possibility of applying the evolutionary concept to other areas of the world that are not the subject of biology. But in general, the classical nature of knowledge remained untouched by the ideas of evolutionism, evolving systems were considered as a random deviation, the result of local perturbations. The first to attempt to extend the application of the principle of evolutionism beyond the biological and social sciences of physics. They put forward the hypothesis of the expansion of the Universe, the data of astronomy forced to recognize the inconsistency of the assumption of its stationarity. The Universe is clearly evolving, starting with the hypothetical Big Bang that gave energy for its development. This concept was proposed in the 1940s and finally established in the 1970s. Thus, evolutionary ideas penetrated into cosmology, the concept of the Big Bang influenced the ideas about the sequence of the appearance of substances in the Universe.

    The scientific picture of the world is a set of theories in the aggregate describing the natural world known to man, an integral system of ideas about the general principles and laws of the universe. The functions of the scientific picture of the world include systematizing, explanatory, informative and heuristic. The systematizing function of the scientific picture of the world is ultimately determined by the synthetic nature of scientific knowledge. The scientific picture of the world seeks to organize and streamline the scientific theories, concepts and principles that make up its structure in such a way that most of the theoretical provisions and conclusions are obtained from a small number of fundamental laws and principles (this corresponds to the principle of simplicity). The explanatory function of the scientific picture of the world is determined by the fact that knowledge is aimed not only at describing a phenomenon or process, but also at clarifying its causes and conditions of existence. The informative function of the picture of the world is reduced to the fact that the latter describes the alleged structure of the material world, the connections between its elements, the processes occurring in nature and their causes.

    The heuristic function of the scientific picture of the world is determined by the fact that “the knowledge of the objective laws of nature contained in it makes it possible to foresee the existence of objects not yet discovered by natural science, to predict their most significant features.

    Since the picture of the world is a systemic formation, its change cannot be reduced to any single, albeit the largest and most radical discovery. As a rule, we are talking about a whole series of interconnected discoveries in the main fundamental sciences. There are three such clearly and unambiguously fixed radical changes in the scientific picture of the world, scientific revolutions in the history of the development of science:

    1. Aristotelian (VI-IV centuries BC), as a result of this scientific revolution, science itself arose, there was a separation of science from other forms of knowledge and development of the world, certain norms and models of scientific knowledge were created.

    2. Newtonian scientific revolution (XVI-XVIII centuries), Its starting point is the transition from the geocentric model of the world to the heliocentric, this transition was due to a series of discoveries associated with the names of N. Copernicus, G. Galileo, I. Kepler, R. Descartes, I. Newton.

    3. Einsteinian revolution (the turn of the XIX-XX centuries). It was determined by a series of discoveries (the discovery of the complex structure of the atom, the phenomenon of radioactivity, the discrete nature of electromagnetic radiation, etc.). As a result, the most important premise of the mechanistic picture of the world was undermined - the conviction that with the help of simple forces acting between immutable objects, all natural phenomena can be explained.