Chronological table of Yesenin's life and work is complete. The main dates of life and work of C

Skorokhodov M.V., Yusov N. G., Yushkin Yu. B. Chronological outline of the life and work of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925)// Yesenin S. A. Complete works: In 7 volumes - M .: Science; Voice, 1995-2002.

T. 7. Book. 3. Lost and not found. Unfulfilled intentions. Yesenin in photographs. Canvas of life and creativity. Bibliography. Pointers. - M.: Science. - 2002 . - S. 267-354.

Chronological canvas
life and creativity
Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

The chronological outline of Yesenin's life and work is built mainly on the basis of those dates and information that are somehow reflected in the volumes of present. ed. (history of creation and publication works of art, correspondence, participation in creative unions, acquaintance with well-known figures culture, etc.). The canvas also contains materials that are of considerable interest for the study of the poet's work and biography, which are covered in previous volumes. ed. not mentioned. In some cases, independent search work was carried out. In such in full and taking into account a number of newly revealed and updated information, the chronological outline is published for the first time.

Its compilation became possible thanks to the data collected by the researchers of Yesenin's work. The basis of all subsequent Yesenin chronologies is the literary chronicle of V. G. Belousov "Sergey Yesenin" in two parts (M., 1969-1970). New information relating mainly to the poet's travels was reported by V. V. Bazanov in his "Materials for the biography of S. A. Yesenin" (EiS, pp. 287-341). An important stage in the study of the life and creative path of the poet was the chronicle “Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin. The main dates of life and work”, included in Vol. 6 of the Collected Works (Moscow, 1980; compiled by V. A. Vdovin). During the preparation of the ed. many dates have been clarified and clarified: the creation and first publications of a number of works, public speaking poet, the release of Yesenin's author's books and collections with his participation. This is reflected in the volumes of Nast. ed., in the bibliographic reference book by N. G. Yusov “Intravital editions of S. A. Yesenin” (M., 1994), in a brief chronicle of the life and work of the poet (Vosp.-95, pp. 554-565; compiled by S. I. Subbotin and N. I. Shubnikova-Guseva), as well as in separate articles and publications.

The proposed chronological outline gives a holistic view of creative way poet, about his literary contacts, speeches and trips. In addition, it takes into account historical and other events that influenced the fate of Yesenin, reflected in his work. At the same time, the chronological outline is far from the exhaustive completeness of the chronicle, which is primarily due to the specifics of the crust. ed.

This section is the basis of the "Chronicle of the life and work of S. A. Yesenin", which is being prepared by the Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky RAS. The chronicle will absorb the fullness of the information about the poet collected so far. It will make extensive use of both creative materials and critical and memoir sources.

Section compiled M. V. Skorokhodov, N. G. Yusov and Yu. B. Yushkin. The compilers thank Gordon McVeigh for providing newly verified materials on the chronicle of Yesenin's foreign trip (1922-1923) and express their gratitude to all colleagues in the preparation of this present day. ed. for effective help in the work.

September 21 (October 3 n.s.). Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province. Father - Alexander Nikitich Yesenin, mother - Tatyana Fedorovna, nee Titova, peasants of the village of Konstantinovo.

September 24 Baptized in the Konstantinovskaya Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Lives in the house of his grandmother, Agrafena Pankratievna Yesenina.

Lives in the house of T. F. Yesenina's parents - Fedor Andreevich and Natalia Evtikhievna Titovs.

Sister Olga was born (died 3/III 1901).

Makes the first attempts to write poetry, imitating ditties.

September. He enters the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school, where he studies for five years.

The end of the year. He returns with his mother to his father's family.

November, 22. The poet's sister Catherine was born.

May (?). abandoned due to bad behavior for the second year in the third grade of the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school.

May. He graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school with a certificate of merit and received a certificate of graduation from the school.

September. successfully withstands entrance exams and begins his studies (until May 1912) at the parochial second-class teacher's school (the village of Spas-Klepiki, Ryazan province and district). During his studies, he lives in Spas-Klepiki, coming to Konstantinovo for holidays.

December, 1. Writes a poem "The Coming of Spring".

-2. Writes a poem "Autumn".

-4. Writes a poem "Winter".

-8. Writes a poem "To friends."

During a year. The beginning of systematic poetic creativity. In 1910, in 1925, while preparing his collection, the poet dates the poems “It's already evening. Dew...”, “Where there are cabbage beds...”, “Winter sings - hoots...”, “Imitation of the song”, “The scarlet light of dawn wove out on the lake...”, “Flood with smoke ... ”,“ Bird cherry is throwing snow ...”, “Kaliki”.

January, 24. Writes a poem "As I remember now ...".

-25. Writes a poem "Sunrise".

March, 16. The sister of the poet Alexander was born.

-up to 31. He writes poems “Night” (“The river is quietly slumbering ...”), “To the dead man”, “Friend”, “Pine and river”.

June. The first known letter was to G. A. Panfilov, the closest friend of his youth.

June, end-July, until 7. He comes to Moscow to his father and returns to Konstantinovo.

July 7 In a letter to G. A. Panfilov, he informs about his visit to Moscow and the purchase of books.

October November. Writes a poem "Stars".

November, after 17.00. In connection with the visit of the school by the diocesan supervisor of parochial schools in the Ryazan province, ID Rudinsky writes a poem dedicated to this event, and makes a sketch of another work that remained unfinished.

During a year. In 1925, when preparing his collection of poems, the poet dates 1911 "Under the wreath of forest chamomile ...", "Dark night, can not sleep ...", "Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful in the village ...".

March, April. In 1918, at the first publication, he dates this time “The Tale of Evpatiy Kolovrat, Batu Khan, the Three-Handed Flower, the Black Idol and Our Savior Jesus Christ.”

May, after 5. Sends to Moscow for a competition lyric poems them. S. Ya. Nadson, announced by the Society of Periodical Press, his poems (which ones are unknown).

-after 20. He graduated from the Spas-Klepikovskaya parish second-class teacher's school and received the title of teacher of the literacy school.

-the end of the month. Gives G. Panfilov his photo with an autograph of the poem "Poet" ("Not a poet, who is the words of the prophet ...").

First half (?) of the year. Prepares a collection of poems "Sick thoughts".

July 8 Acquaintance with M. Balsamova.

-second decade. Writes a poem "You cried in the evening silence ..." (addressee - M. Balzamova).

Beginning of correspondence with M. Balsamova.

-second and third decades. Makes an attempt to publish in Ryazan a collection of poems "Sick thoughts" (did not come out).

-the end. Leaves Konstantinov for Moscow for permanent residence.

August, until 18. In a letter to G. Panfilov, he talks about his poetic work, sends the poem “Drops” (“Drops of pearl, beautiful drops ...”) to the addressee.

-18. Registered in Moscow at the address: B. Strochenovsky per., 24, apt. eleven.

Within a month. He goes to work in the office of the owner of the butcher's shop, the merchant N.V. Krylov, where his father A.N. Yesenin works as a clerk.

She leaves her father and goes to work in the office of the Kultura publishing house (Malaya Dmitrovka, 1).

Informs G. Panfilov about the intention to write the work "Prophet".

October, 21. In a letter to M. Balzamova, he mentions that he "began the drama" The Prophet "".

November. In a letter to G. A. Panfilov, he writes about reading the Gospel, the spirit of which is close to the addressee; sends the text of the poem "It's sad ... Mental anguish ..." and an excerpt from the poem "Death" ("Who will tell and open to me ..."; the full text is unknown).

During a year. This year, in 1925, when preparing his collection, the poet dates the poems “Play, play, talyanochka, raspberry furs ...”, “Mother went to the bathing suit through the forest ...”, “The evening was smoking, the cat is dozing on the beam ... ".

January, 26. In a letter to M. Balzamova, he announces the completion of work on The Prophet (text unknown).

February 9 In a letter to M. Balzamova, she cites a poem dedicated to her “You cried in the silence of the evening ...”.

-second half. Leaves Moscow for Konstantinovo. Soon he returns to Moscow.

February March. Distributes among the workers the social-democratic magazine "Lights", intends to be published in this magazine (Yesenin's works in this edition were not published due to the closure of the magazine).

Spring. Joins the expedition of the printing house of the Partnership of ID Sytin (Pyatnitskaya st.).

March, until 4 p.m. Signs the letter of the "Five Groups of Conscious Workers of the Zamoskvoretsky District of Moscow" to a member of the State Duma from the Social Democratic Party R. V. Malinovsky and collects other signatures under it.

-after 16. In a letter addressed to G. A. Panfilov, he writes about his mental break: “I have changed in

views, but the same convictions and even more deeply settled in the depths of the soul.

May. Works on the poem "Tosca" (text unknown).

May-December. Works in the proofreading printing house of the I. D. Sytin Partnership.

June 16 In a letter to G. A. Panfilov, he reports an ongoing conflict with his father.

September, first half. He meets the poet and translator I. A. Belousov, to whom he reads his poems.

-after 23. Becomes a first-year student of the historical and philosophical cycle of the academic department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky.

September October. In letters to G. A. Panfilov, he informs about a search carried out in his apartment. Documentary evidence of this episode has not been found.

September-December. Makes the first attempts to publish his poems in the Moscow periodical press. Perhaps their first publication took place on November 27 (December 10, N.S.; not identified).

October, end. In the Moscow Security Department, in connection with Yesenin's participation in organizing an illegal meeting of Sytin workers sympathizing with the RSDLP (b), a personal “External Surveillance Journal” was opened: “1913. Cl<ичка>observations - „Set“. Installation: Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich, 19 years old.

November, 1-7. It is under external surveillance of fillers, whose reports are recorded in the specified "Journal".

December, 19. The Moscow Security Department sends a letter No. 302891 to the Police Department with information about 16 persons who "may be" signatories of the "Letter of Five Groups ...", among them: "Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich,

a peasant of the Ryazan province and district, Kuzminskaya volost, the village of Konstantinov, 19 years old, proofreader at the Sytin printing house on Pyatnitskaya street, lives in house number 24, apartment 11 on Strochenovsky lane.<...>All these persons have not previously been involved in the affairs of the department.

-31. meets New Year at his apartment with friends G. N. Pylaev and V. N. Naumov, who are members of the RSDLP (b) and are under covert police surveillance.

January. The Moscow children's magazine "Mirok" under the pseudonym "Ariston" published the poem "Birch" - the first of the famous publications of the poet.

January March. Enters into a civil marriage with A. R. Izryadnova.

February, until 25. In a letter to G. A. Panfilov he says: “I printed out in all Ivanovo.<...>and<псев>Donim my "Ariston" was removed.

February, 25. Death of G. Panfilov.

Within a month. The magazine "Mirok" publishes poems "Sparrows"<«Поет зима - аукает...»>and "Powder".

Sends a letter to M. Balzamova, asks to return his letters and photographs, as well as send her photograph.

March, 2. A.F. Panfilov sends Yesenin a letter informing him of the death of his son, G.A. Panfilov.

Within a month. The magazine "Mirok" publishes "Village" - a free translation of an excerpt from the poem "Princess" by Taras Shevchenko, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Ukrainian poet.

April. Mirok magazine publishes Easter Blagovest<«Колокол дремавший...»>.

May. 15. The Petrograd Bolshevik newspaper The Way of Truth published the poem "The Blacksmith".

-middle of the month. Leaves work in the printing house of ID Sytin.

July 16 Leaves Moscow for the Crimea.

-18. Arrives in Sevastopol. On the same day he departs by steamer for Yalta.

-19. Germany declares war on Russia.

Within a month. In the magazine "Mirok" - the poem "Good morning!"

August, until 10. Returns from the Crimea to Moscow.

August-December. Responds to the war with the works "Mother's Prayer", "Bogatyr's whistle", "Jackdaws" (text last work Not found). Writes the poem "Marfa Posadnitsa".

September. Acts as a proofreader in the printing house of the trading house "D. Chernyshev and N. Kobelkov.

October. The magazine "Protalinka" published the poem "Mother's Prayer".

November, 23. The newspaper "Nov" publishes the poem "Bogatyrsky whistle".

December, 21. Yesenin and A. R. Izryadnova have a son, Yuri.

V during the month. In "Mirka" - the poem "Orphan (Russian fairy tale)".

Leaves work in the printing house.

Late 1914-early 1915. Writes the poem "Rus".

Submits an application with a request to be admitted to the full members of the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle.

During a year. This year, in 1925, while preparing his collection, the poet dates the poems “Reeds rustled over the backwater ...”, “Trinity morning, morning canon ...”, “Beloved land! Dreams of the heart...”, “The Lord went to torture people in love...”, “Autumn”, “The winds do not shower the forests...”, “In the hut”, “Across the village along a crooked path...”, “Goy you, Russia, my dear...”, “I am a shepherd, my chambers...”, “Is my side, my side...”, “The melted clay dries...”, “I feel the rainbow of God...” , “Prayers are walking along the road ...”, “You are my abandoned land ...”, “The drought drowned out the sowing ...”, “Black, then smelling howl ...”, “Swamps and swamps ...”.

January, 1. The magazine "Friend of the People" publishes "Uzory".

-16. The receipt of the poem "Evening"<«На лазоревые ткани...»>(not published in this journal).

-21. He sends the first letter to A. V. Shiryaevts, which served as the beginning of many years of communication between the two poets.

Within a month."Mirok" publishes the poem "What is it?"; magazine "Mars" - a poem "Belgium".

January-February, beginning. On a voluntary basis, he is the secretary of the journal of the Surikov literary and musical circle "Friend of the People". Participates in the preparation of its second issue.

January February. Reads "Rus" to members of the Surikov literary and musical circle.

February, 2. He is elected a member of the editorial committee of the circle.

- 7. Participates in a meeting of the editorial commission of the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle, expressing strong disagreement with the principles for selecting materials for the magazine "Friend of the People", proposed by the leadership of the circle.

-8. Submits a statement about his withdrawal from the circle.

-22. Magazine " Women's life"publishes" Yaroslavna cry "- the first of the well-known articles on literary topics.

Within a month. Moscow magazine " Milky Way"publishes the poem" Kruchina "<«Зашумели над затоном тростники...»>; the magazine "Ognivo" under the general title "Two sonnets" - "Greece" and "Poland"; Kazan magazine "Life" - a poem "To my princess".

The Moscow magazine "Red Laughter" publishes under the heading " Mailbox» quatrain "You burn, my lightning..."<отрывок из стихотворения «Удалец», отправленного поэтом в редакцию журнала>.

March, 8. Leaves Moscow for Petrograd.

-9. Upon arrival in Petrograd, he meets with A. A. Blok at his apartment, reads his poems, receives letters of recommendation to S. M. Gorodetsky and M. P. Murashev. A. A. Blok inscribes a book of his poems to Yesenin.

-11. Meets with S. M. Gorodetsky and reads his poems to him. Receives letters of recommendation from him to the editor-publisher of the "Monthly Journal" V. S. Mirolyubov and the secretary of the journal "Intimate Word" S. F. Librovich.

-12. The receipt of the poem "Galki" (the text is unknown) is noted in the book for registering the manuscripts of the Monthly Journal.

-15. Reads poetry in the salon of D. S. Merezhkovsky and Z. N. Gippius. Gets acquainted with literary critic and publicist D. V. Filosofov and writer A. P. Chapygin.

-28. Present at the evening "Poets to soldiers" in the hall of the Army and Navy (Kirochnaya st., 1). He meets the poets V. S. Chernyavsky and M. A. Struve.

-29. Writes a poem "I'll dress you as a beggar ...", dedicated to R. Ivnev.

-30. Reads poetry in the editorial office of the New Journal for All.

Within a month. The Milky Way magazine publishes the poem “The scarlet light of dawn wove itself on the lake ...”; "Mirka" publishes "Bird cherry".

March, April. Makes acquaintances in the literary circles of Petrograd (A. A. Dobrovolsky (A. Trishatov), ​​A. K. Boane, V. A. Rozhdestvensky, O. Snegina, A. M. Remizov, F. K. Sologub, L. I. Kannegiser, Rurik Ivnev, L. M. Dobronravov, S. I. Chatskina, Ya. L. Saker, K. Yu. Lyandau and others).

The Moscow magazine "Sail" publishes the poem "O child, I cried for a long time over your fate ...".

April 12 The St. Petersburg magazine "Intimate Word" publishes the poem "Bird Cherry" for the second time.

-before 18. « New magazine for everyone" reprints "Kruchina"<«Зашумели над затоном тростники...»>(this time with a dedication to S. M. Gorodetsky).

-18. Visits A. M. and S. P. Remizov. Leaves in the writer's family autographs of the poems "The evening is smoking, the cat is dozing on the beam ...", "Kaliki" and the poem "Rus".

-22. Receives from S. M. Gorodetsky a letter of recommendation to the editor of the newspaper "Birzhevye Vedomosti" M. M. Gakkebush.

-22. “The Petrograd magazine “Voice of Life” publishes four poems: “Guslyar”<«Тёмна ноченька, не спится...»>, "Praying Mantis"<«По дороге идут богомолки...»>, "In the hut", "Fisherman",<«Под венком лесной ромашки...»>, accompanied by an article by Z. Gippius (under the pseudonym R. Arensky) "Earth and Stone".

A. A. Blok writes a letter to Yesenin.

-24. Sends a letter to N. A. Klyuev, which marked the beginning of many years of communication between the two poets.

Sends a letter to the Remizovs, in which, in particular, he reports on his impressions of the writer's stories he read.

In a letter to M. Balzamova, she informs about her immediate plans: about trips to Moscow, Konstantinovo and Ryazan (in regard to conscription into the army).

-25. The Moscow magazine Good Morning publishes The Beggar.

He visits the editorial office of the magazine "Lukomorye" and receives "on account of the fee" 24 rubles.

-27. In the book of registration of manuscripts of the Monthly Journal, the receipt of the poem "Devichnik" is noted.

-29. Leaves Petrograd for Moscow.

-30. Arrives in Moscow.

May, 1. Inscribes in the album of the writer I. V. Repin the poem "The evening smoked, the cat is dozing on the beam ...".

-1. Writes a letter to I.K. Korobov about the incident related to the publication of "Kruchina"<«Зашумели над затоном тростники...»>and in the magazine "Milky Way", and in the "New magazine for everyone".

Leaves Moscow for Konstantinovo and arrives at home the same day.

-2. N. A. Klyuev sends the first letter in response to Yesenin.

-11. Sends a letter to the secretary of the "New Journal for All" A. A. Dobrovolsky (A. Trishatov).

Within a month."New magazine for everyone" publishes an excerpt from "Rus"

May-September. Lives in the village of Konstantinovo, visits Ryazan, Solotcha and the surrounding villages.

June 4 S. M. Gorodetsky in a letter to Yesenin informs about the forthcoming publications of his poems, asks to send the manuscript of the book "Radunitsa" (?).

-after 13. Replies to a letter from V. S. Chernyavsky dated May 26; reports on two completed stories and several poems, cites one of them - "I am a sloping wanderer ..."<«Я странник убогий...»>.

Within a month."Monthly magazine" prints poems "Trinity"<«Троицыно утро, утренний канон...»>, “Bird cherry throws snow ...”, “Bachelorette party”.

July 18 S. I. Chatskina informs Yesenin about the forthcoming publication of Rus in the journal Severnye Zapiski.

-22. In a letter to V. S. Chernyavsky, he informs about his successful publications in the capital and about his intention to come to Petrograd in the fall.

N. A. Klyuev, in a letter to V. S. Mirolyubov, sympathetically evaluates Yesenin’s poems published in the June issue of the Monthly Journal.

-25. The Petrograd magazine "Russian Thought" publishes the poem "Monk"<«Пойду в скуфье смиренным иноком...»>, "Kaliki", "Evening"<«На лазоревые ткани...»>.

-26. The Ogonyok magazine publishes the poem "Recruits"<«По селу тропинкой кривенькой...»>.

Within a month. V. S. Mirolyubov turns to Yesenin with a request to send poems for the Monthly Journal.

August, 7. S. M. Gorodetsky in a letter to Yesenin reports on his growing popularity in Petrograd and Moscow.

-up to 20. He writes to D. V. Filosofov, informs about his publishing plans, including the planned publication of two books, asks to publish the Mikola sent earlier.

-21. D. V. Filosofov, in a response letter to Yesenin, reports that the poem "Mikola" was sent to the editor of "Birzhevye Vedomosti" for publication.

-22. D. V. Filosofov sends the works of Yesenin sent to him to the editor of the Birzhevye Vedomosti, M. M. Gakkebush.

-25. "Birzhevye Vedomosti" publishes "Mikola".

Within a month. The journal "Northern Notes" publishes the poem "Rus", "Monthly Journal" - poems "Shepherd"<«Я пастух, мои палаты...»>and “The scarlet light of dawn wove out on the lake ...”.

N. A. Klyuev in a letter to Yesenin gives advice to the young poet regarding communication with representatives of the Petrograd writers' circles.

September, 1. The receipt of the poem "White scroll and scarlet sash ..." is noted in the book for registering manuscripts of the Monthly Journal.

-6. N. A. Klyuev, in a letter to Yesenin, reports his desire to speak in Petrograd with a joint reading of poems on military topics.

-16. The editors of the "Monthly Journal" on behalf of V. S. Mirolyubov sends Yesenin a notice of the forthcoming publication of his poems in the journal and asks him to send folk tales and old songs.

-up to 30. On the way from Konstantinov to Petrograd, he stops in Moscow.

-30. He meets with the poetess L. N. Stolitsa, who inscribes her book Rus to Yesenin.

October, 1. Inscribes in the album of I. V. Repin the poem "Native land, troparion from the holy calendar ..."<«Край любимый! Сердцу снятся...»>.

-2 or 3. Arrives from Moscow to Petrograd. First meeting with N. A. Klyuev.

-6. Visits together with N. A. Klyuev critic A. A. Izmailov, as well as the poet, translator and bibliographer F. F. Fidler.

-7. The artist V. A. Junger makes portrait sketches of Yesenin and N. A. Klyuev.

-to 10. Writes the first autobiography "Sergey Yesenin".

-10. In a letter to F. F. Fiedler, he asks to resend the "Questionnaire" for the book of writers' autobiographies being prepared.

Present at the deliberative meeting of the literary and artistic society "Strada", held at the apartment of S. M. Gorodetsky (Petrograd, Malaya Posadskaya, 14, apt. 8).

-11. "Birzhevye Vedomosti" prints "Howl"<«Черная, потом пропахшая выть!..»>.

-17. Participates in the constituent assembly of the literary and artistic society "Strada", whose chairman was elected I. I. Yasinsky.

-21. Together with N. A. Klyuev, he visits A. A. Blok.

Reads poetry in the editorial office of the Monthly Journal.

-22. Sends a letter to L. N. Stolitsa, in which, in particular, he informs about the plans of his public performances.

-23. S. M. Gorodetsky writes a letter of recommendation to the editor of the Petrograd branch of the newspaper “ Russian word"A. V. Rumanov, in which he asks to help Yesenin in the publication of his book "Radunitsa" in the publishing house of I. D. Sytin and speaks highly of the work of the young poet.

-25. Participates together with N. A. Klyuev, A. M. Remizov, S. M. Gorodetsky in the evening “Beauty” in the concert hall of the Tenishevsky School.

In the "Birzhevye Vedomosti" - the poem "Scarlet darkness in the heavenly black ...".

October December. New acquaintances in the literary and artistic circles of Petrograd (M. Gorky, P. I. Karpov, Ivanov-Razumnik, E. I. Zamyatin, G. D. Grebenshchikov, L. M. Reisner, K. S. Petrov-Vodkin and others .).

Presented to persons close to the highest circles of Russian society - the singer N. V. Plevitskaya, the ktitor of the Feodorovsky Sovereign Cathedral in Tsarskoye Selo, Colonel D. N. Loman, and others.

November, first half. The activities of the Krasa group are terminated.

-14. "Birzhevye Vedomosti" publishes the poem "Goy you, my dear Russia! .."<«Гой ты, Русь, моя родная...»>.

-16. He writes a sales letter to M. V. Averyanov for the publication of the book “Radunitsa”.

-19. Performs poetry reading at the first evening of the literary and artistic society "Strada" in the hall of the Association of Civil Engineers (Serpukhovskaya, 10).

-22. "Birzhevye Vedomosti" publishes the poem "The clouds do not melt with a stormy wind ..."<«Не ветры осыпают пущи...»>.

-29. The Yekaterinodar newspaper "Kubanskaya Mysl" publishes "Dancer"; in the same issue - an article by P. A. Kuzko "On poets from the people", which warmly speaks of Yesenin's poetry.

Within a month."Monthly magazine" publishes "Tanyusha"<«Хороша была Танюша, краше не было в селе...»>.

November, second half-December. Sends poems through N. V. Rykovsky for publication in the Moscow magazine Zarya.

November December."Northern Notes" in an advertisement for a subscription for 1916, Yesenin's name is among the participants in the magazine.

December 6 In the Petrograd newspapers "Rech" and "The Day" A. M. Remizov publishes in his adaptation of the fairy tale "Red-hot gold coins", "Nikolin threshed", "Thieves' Candle", reported to him by Yesenin.

-between 7 and 20. Lists in a letter to Ivanov-Razumnik the places of his publications, asks for a loan from the Literary Fund.

-10. Evening society "Strada", dedicated to the work of Yesenin and N. A. Klyuev. A report on the work of poets is made by I. I. Yasinsky.

-13. "Birzhevye Vedomosti" publishes the poem "In the moon lace furtively ...".

-17. The Petrograd magazine "The whole world" publishes the poem "The Sorceress".

-21. The Committee of the Literary Fund decides to give Yesenin a loan.

-25. In the "Birzhevye Vedomosti" - the poem "Native land. Fields like saints ... "<«Край любимый! Сердцу снятся...»>.

In the "Birzhevye Vedomosti", the name of Yesenin is noted among the authors who published their works in 1915.

Visits A. A. Akhmatova and N. S. Gumilyov in Tsarskoye Selo (Malaya St., 63). Akhmatova inscribes to Yesenin a magazine print of the poem "By the Sea", Gumilyov - the collection "Alien Sky".

-the end of the month. Meets with M. I. Tsvetaeva at the apartment of I. S. Kannegiser.

Within a month. Literary and popular-scientific supplements to the magazine "Niva" publish a selection called "Rus": "Is my side, my side ...", "I'm weaving a wreath for you alone ..."<«Руси»>, "They flew in as a stray bird ...".

Winter 1915-1916 Visits I. E. Repin in his estate Penaty, reads poetry. Meets the artist Yu. P. Annenkov.

The main dates of the life and work of S. A. Yesenin

1895, September 21 (October 3, new style) - Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province.

1904, September - He entered the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school. Wrote the first poems.

1909, May - He graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School with a certificate of merit.

September - He entered the second-class church teacher Spas-Klepikovskaya school.

1912, March, April - He wrote the poem "The Tale of Evpaty Kolovrat, Batu Khan, the Three-Handed Flower, the Black Idol and Our Savior Jesus Christ."

May - He graduated from the second-class Spas-Klepikovskaya school. Received a certificate of conferring the title of teacher of the school of literacy. Prepared a book of poems "Sick thoughts".

July - He left the village of Konstantinov for Moscow.

Autumn - He joined the competitive members of the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle.

1913, March - He went to work in the printing house of the partnership of I. D. Sytin (on an expedition, then in a proofreader).

He worked on the creation of the poem "Tosca" and the dramatic poem "The Prophet" (texts unknown).

September - He began to study at the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky.

Autumn - He entered into a civil marriage with A. R. Izryadnova.

1914, January - The journal "Mirok" published the poem "Birch" (under the pseudonym "Ariston") - the first now known publication of Yesenin's poems.

September - The poem "Marfa Posadnitsa" was created. Wrote the poem "Jackdaws" (text unknown).

March 28 - At the evening of poets in the Hall of the Army and Navy, he met Rurik Ivnev, Vladimir Chernyavsky, Konstantin Lyandau, Mikhail Struve.

March, April - Creation of the literary group "Krasa". Acquaintance with Leonid Kannegiser.

August - The poem "Rus" was published in the journal "Northern Notes" (No. 7-8).

October - Acquaintance with Klyuev.

Autumn - Acquaintance with Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Jerome Yasinsky, Ivanov-Razumnik.

December - Acquaintance with Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova.

January - A book of poems "Radunitsa" was published.

February - Work on the play "Peasant Feast" (text unknown).

February - May - The story "Yar" was published in the journal "Northern Notes".

April May - Two exits to the front line by a train attendant.

July 22 - He read poetry at a meeting with the Empress and members of the royal family, organized by Colonel D. N. Loman.

Summer - Acquaintance with Alexei Ganin.

October - He refused the proposal of the staff officer for special assignments under the palace commandant, Colonel D.N. Loman, to write (together with Klyuev) a book of poems - to “capture” in it “Theodorovsky Cathedral, the face of the tsar and the aroma of the sovereign's temple”. He served 20 days under arrest.

1917, February - Acquaintance with Andrei Bely at the apartment of Ivanov-Razumnik in Tsarskoye Selo.

March - Having received a referral to the ensign school, he deserted from Kerensky's army.

Acquaintance with Alexei Tolstoy.

October - The poem "The Advent" was written.

November - The poem "Transformation" was created.

1918, January February - Participates in meetings of the editorial board of the magazine "Our Way".

January - Wrote the poem "Inonia".

February 23 - In response to the call of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!" enrolled in the Socialist-Revolutionary combat squad.

May - A book of poems "Dove" was published.

Autumn - Acquaintance with Anatoly Mariengof.

September - With the direct participation of Yesenin, the publishing house "Moscow Labor Artel of Artists of the Word" was organized.

September October - The book "Keys of Mary" was written.

October November - The collection "Transformation" was published.

7 november - Opening of the memorial plaque "To those who fell for peace and the brotherhood of peoples" on Red Square. At the opening, Shvedov's Cantata was performed to the words of Yesenin, Klychkov and Gerasimov.

December - The book "Rural Book of Hours" was published.

1919, February - Together with Mariengof and Shershenevich, he created the cooperative publishing house "Imaginists".

September - Wrote the poem "Mare Ships".

October November - Opening of the bookstore of the Moscow labor artel of word artists.

December - The book "Keys of Mary" was published.

May June - The collection "Treyadnitsa" was released.

July August - A trip with poetry reading along the route Rostov-on-Don - Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk - Baku - Tiflis.

October 14 - Arrested by agents of the Cheka along with Alexander and Ruben Kusikov on an anonymous denunciation.

November 4 - He spoke at the literary evening "Trial of the Imagists." Acquaintance with Galina Benislavskaya.

December 6 - He read poetry in the Great Hall of the Conservatory at the evening "Russia in a thunderstorm and a storm." During the year, the State Publishing House rejected Yesenin's collections "Star stall", "Taurus", "On the Russian land, on a wonderful guest."

December - The Berlin publishing house "Scythians" published the book "Triptych".

1921, January - The collection "Confessions of a Hooligan" was published.

May - Meeting in Tashkent with Alexander Shiryaevts.

Autumn - Acquaintance with Isadora Duncan.

October 5 - The People's Court of the city of Orel ruled on the annulment of Yesenin's marriage to Reich.

December - The dramatic poem "Pugachev" was published as a separate edition.

June - Secondary registration of marriage with Duncan.

August - Travel in Italy.

September - Published in Paris French Confessions of a Hooligan book.

October -"Favorites" was published in Moscow.

October December - A trip to the cities of America. Work on the poems "Country of Scoundrels" and "Black Man".

November - In Berlin, the publishing house 3. N. Grzhebin published the first volume of the "Collected Poems and Poems".

1923, January - Reading poetry and a scandal at a literary evening at Mani-Leib (M. L. Braginsky).

February - Departure for France.

June - In Berlin, the book "Poems of a brawler" was published.

August - Meeting in the Kremlin with Leonid Trotsky. Negotiations on the publication of the almanac of peasant writers.

Aug. Sept - Publication in Izvestia of the article "Zhelezny Mirgorod".

Autumn - Acquaintance with A. K. Voronsky, Ivan Pribludny.

20 November - The arrest of Yesenin, Klychkov, Oreshin and Ganin with charges against them of "anti-Semitism".

December 10 - The Comrades' Court ruled that poets have the right to continue literary work.

1924, January - April - Within four months, four criminal cases were opened against the poet under articles 88, 176, 219, 157 of the Criminal Code.

March - Transferred to the Kremlin hospital.

May 9 - A meeting in the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), at which a collective letter signed by a group of writers, including Yesenin, was announced.

June - Last meetings in Leningrad with Ivanov-Razumnik and Anna Akhmatova.

August 4 - He was elected a member of the board of the society of writers and artists "Modern Russia".

August - Wrote "Poem about 36".

1925, January - Wrote the poem "Anna Snegina".

April - The poem "The Song of the Great Campaign" was published as a separate edition.

May - The collection "On Russia and the Revolution" was published.

June - The book "Birch chintz" was published.

30 June - Signed an agreement with the State Publishing House on the publication of a collection of poems in three volumes.

June - The collections "Persian Motifs" and "Selected Poems" were published.

Autumn - Drafted the first issue of the magazine "Polyany" and outlined the composition of its authors.

November 12–13 - Finished the poem "The Black Man". During the year he worked on the poem "Parmen Kryamin" and the story "When I was a boy ..." (texts unknown).

December 27–28 - The death of Yesenin in hotel number 5. Exact date and exact time death has not been established.

This text is an introductory piece.

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK OF AA MEZRINA 1853 - was born in the settlement of Dymkovo in the family of blacksmith AL Nikulin. 1896 - participation in the All-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. 1900 - participation in the World Exhibition in Paris. 1908 - acquaintance with A. I. Denshin. 1917 - exit

The main dates of life and work 1938, January 25 - was born at 9:40 in the maternity hospital on Third Meshchanskaya Street, 61/2. Mother, Nina Maksimovna Vysotskaya (before the marriage of Seregina), is a referent-translator. Father, Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky, - military signalman. 1941 - together with his mother

MAIN DATES OF A. I. RAIKIN’S LIFE AND WORK 1911, October 11 (24) - in Riga, in the family of the port grader of the construction timber Isaac Davidovich Raikin and his wife Elizaveta Borisovna, the first-born son Arkady was born. 1914 - sister Sofya was born. 1916 - sister was born Bella.1917, summer -

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1870, November 10 (October 23 old style) - was born in the city of Voronezh, in the family of a small estate nobleman Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, nee Princess Chubarova. Childhood - in one of the family estates, on the farm of Butyrka, Yeletsky

MAIN DATES OF THE LIFE AND CREATIVITY OF VV VERESHCHAGIN 1842, October 14 (26) - birth in Cherepovets, Novgorod province, in the family of the district marshal of the nobility Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, son of Vasily. 1850, end of December - admission to the Alexander Cadet Corps in

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1475, March 6 - In the family of Lodovico Buonarroti in Caprese (in the Casentino region), not far from Florence, Michelangelo was born. 1488, April - 1492 - Given by his father to study the famous Florentine artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. From him in a year

The main dates of life and work 1904-11 May in Figueres, Spain, Salvador Jacinto Felipe Dali Cusi Farres was born. 1914 - The first pictorial experiments in the Pichotov estate. 1918 - Passion for impressionism. First participation in an exhibition in Figueres. "Portrait of Lucia", "Cadaques". 1919 - First

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1884 July 12: Amedeo Clemente Modigliani is born into a Jewish family of educated Livorne bourgeois, where he becomes the youngest of the four children of Flaminio Modigliani and Eugenia Garcin. He gets the nickname Dedo. Other children: Giuseppe Emanuele

The main dates of life and work 1883, April 30 - Yaroslav Gashek was born in Prague. 1893 - admitted to the gymnasium on Zhitnaya Street. 1898, February 12 - leaves the gymnasium. 1899 - enters the Prague Commercial School. 1900, summer - wandering around Slovakia. 1901 , January 26 - in the newspaper "Parody sheets"

MAIN DATES OF THE LIFE AND WORK OF A. YA. TAIROVA 1885, June 24 (July 7) - was born in the city of Romny, Poltava province, in the family of teacher Yakov Ruvimovich Korenblit and his wife Mina Moiseevna. 1903 - married to Olga Rosenfeld. 1904 - graduated from high school in Kiev and goes to

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY VI SURIKOV 1848 - January 12 was born in the mountains. Krasnoyarsk. 1856 - Admission to the parish school in Krasnoyarsk. 1861 - Graduation from the parish school with a certificate of merit. 1868 - Departure to St. Petersburg for admission to the Academy. 1869 - February. Arrival at

The main dates of the life and work of D.S. Bortnyansky 1751 - Born in the city of Glukhov. 1758 - Sent as a seven-year-old singer to St. Petersburg in the Court Singing Chapel. 1764 - Performs the main male part of Admet in G. Raupach's opera "Alcesta". 1766-1768 - Works at court

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1930, September 15 - in Georgia, in the city of Gori, Merab Konstantinovich Mamardashvili was born. 1934 - the Mamardashvili family moves to Russia: Mera-ba's father, Konstantin Nikolayevich, is sent to study at the Leningrad Military-Political Academy. 1938 -

MAIN DATES OF THE LIFE AND CREATIVITY OF LI BO 701 - Li Bo was born in the city of Suyab (Suye) of the Turkic Khaganate (near the modern city of Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan). There is a version that this happened already in Shu (modern Sichuan province). 705 - the family moved to inner China, to the Shu region,

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1942, September 3rd. In the city of Maykop, during the occupation, in the family of Alexei Alekseevich Vasilyev, the chief engineer of the plant, who became one of the leaders partisan movement, and Claudia Parmenovna Shishkina had a son - Konstantin.1949. Family

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1856, August 27 - Ivan Yakovlevich Franko was born in the village of Naguevichi, Drogobych district, in the family of a rural blacksmith.

The presented material is a collection of important dates in Yesenin's biography.

Convenient both for academic research and for replenishing personal knowledge, Yesenin's biography in the table will become an indispensable tool for every lover of Russian poetry.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Ryazan province, on October 3 (September 21), 1895, in the family of wealthy peasants Alexander Nikitich and Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenin. Because the poet's mother was married against her will, then soon, together with her young son, she went to live with her parents. After some time, Tatyana Fedorovna went to work in Ryazan, and Sergei remained in the care of his grandparents Titovs. Sergei Yesenin's grandfather was a connoisseur of church books, and his grandmother knew many songs, fairy tales, ditties, and, as the poet himself claimed, it was his grandmother who pushed him to write his first poems.

1904 - Yesenin is sent to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, and then a church teacher's school in the city of Spas-Klepiki.

1912 - Yesenin moved to Moscow.

In 1912, after graduating from school, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin went to work in Moscow. There he gets a job at the printing house of I.D. Sytin as an assistant proofreader. Work in the printing house allowed the young poet to read many books, made it possible to become a member of the literary and musical Surikov circle. The first common-law wife of the poet, Anna Izryadnova, describes Yesenin of those years as follows: “He was known as a leader, attended meetings, distributed illegal literature. Pounced on books, everything free time I read, I spent all my salary on books, magazines, I didn’t think at all how to live ... ”.

1913, autumn - Acquaintance with Anna Romanovna Izryadnova.

In 1913, S. A. Yesenin entered the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Moscow City People's University. Shanyavsky. It was the first in the country free university for volunteers. There, Sergei Yesenin listened to lectures on Western European literature and Russian poets.

But, in 1914, Yesenin gave up work and studies, and according to Anna Izryadnova, he devoted himself entirely to poetry. In 1914, the poet's poems were first published in the children's magazine Mirok. In January, his poems begin to be published in the newspapers Nov, Parus, Zarya.

1914, December 21 - The birth of the first son of Sergei Yesenin Yuriwho was shot in 1937.

1914 - The first publication of poems in the newspaper "Nov" and the magazines "Sail", "Dawn".

1915, spring - young Yesenin leaves Moscow and moves to Petrograd, where he meets N.A. Klyuev, Z.N. Gippius, D.S. Merezhkovsky, A.A. Block. At this time, Sergei Alexandrovich joined the group of so-called "new peasant poets" and published the first collection "Radunitsa", which made the poet very famous.

1916 - The first collection of poems "Radunitsa".

January 1916 - Yesenin is drafted into the army. In the spring, the young poet is invited to read poetry to the empress, which helps him avoid the front in the future.

1917, spring - Sergei Yesenin, in the editorial office of the newspaper Delo Naroda, meets Zinaida Reich. And in July of the same year they got married.

From 1917 to 1921, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was married to actress Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich. From this marriage, Yesenin had a daughter, Tatyana, and a son, Konstantin.

Already in April 1918, Yesenin parted with Z. Reich and moved to Moscow, which by that time had become a literary center.

At this time unfolded October Revolution which the poet accepted unconditionally.

1918 - In Petrograd, the second book of Yesenin's poems "Dove", then "Transfiguration" is published.

1919 - Yesenin turns out to be one of the organizers and leaders of a new literary group - the Imagists.

1920 - Acquaintance with Nadezhda Volpin. During a joint residence with the translator Nadezhda Volpin, Sergei Yesenin had a son, Alexander.

1920 - Poems "Departing Russia", "Song of the Great Campaign", "Soviet Russia", "Anna Snegina", "Black Man"; dramatic poems "Pugachev" and "Country of Scoundrels".

1920 - A collection of poems "Moscow Tavern" is published.

In 1921 the poet went on a journey through Central Asia, visited the Urals and the Orenburg region.

1922 - Yesenin married the famous American dancer Isadora Duncan.

1922-1923 - Yesenin and Isadora make a long trip to Western Europe and USA. The newspaper "Izvestia" published S. A. Yesenin's notes about America "Iron Mirgorod".

Key dates of life and creativity

1895 , September 21 (October 3) - was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district.

March- arrives in Petrograd, meets with A. A. Blok at his apartment, reads his poems, receives letters of recommendation to S. M. Gorodetsky and M. P. Murashev. A. A. Blok inscribes a book of his poems to Yesenin. Reads his poems to S. M. Gorodetsky. Receives letters of recommendation from him to the editor-publisher of the "Monthly Journal" V. S. Mirolyubov and the secretary of the journal "Intimate Word" S. F. Librovich.

September- writes the first autobiography "Sergey Yesenin". Participates together with N. A. Klyuev, A. M. Remizov, S. M. Gorodetsky in the evening “Beauty” in the concert hall of the Tenishevsky School (St. Petersburg).

November- visits A. A. Akhmatova and N. S. Gumilyov in Tsarskoye Selo (Malaya St., 63). Akhmatova inscribes to Yesenin a magazine print of the poem "By the Sea", Gumilyov - the collection "Alien Sky".

winter 1915–1916 - visits I. E. Repin in his estate of Penates, reads poetry. Meets the artist Yu. P. Annenkov.

April- called to military service Yesenin was issued a certificate of enrollment in the Tsarskoye Selo field military hospital train No. 143. Reads poetry at the “Evening modern poetry and Music” in the concert hall of the Tenishevsky School together with A. A. Akhmatova, A. A. Blok, G. V. Ivanov, N. A. Klyuev and others.

July- reads “In the crimson glow, the sunset is effervescent and foamy. ” and “Rus” at a concert for wounded soldiers, arranged in the Tsarskoye Selo infirmary No. 17, in the presence of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her daughters.

Prepares for publication the book "Dove" (published in 1918).

May- in the newspaper "Delo Naroda" - the poem "Comrade".

July- the first collection "Scythians" is published, which printed "Martha the Posadnitsa" and poems under the general title "Dove": "Autumn" ("Quietly in the juniper thicket along the cliff."), "The road thought about the red evening. ”, “Blue sky, colored arc. ”, “About merry comrades. ".

February- in the "Banner of Labor" - the poem "The Coming" with a dedication to Andrei Bely.

May- The publishing house "Revolutionary Socialism" (Pg.) published the book "Dove".

August- The newspaper "Izvestia of the Ryazan Provincial Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies" prints "The Jordanian Dove".

December- A book of poems "Rural Book of Hours" is published by the MTAHS publishing house. Unanimously elected to the Moscow Trade Union of Writers.

Writes the poem "Heavenly Drummer".

February- newspaper " Soviet country” prints “Song of the Dog” and “I am tired of living in my native land. ". The same issue also contains the "Declaration" of the Imagists and a message about the organization of the cooperative publishing house "Imagists", among the organizers of which Yesenin is named. It is reported about the preparation for printing in this publishing house of the poet's books "Poems" (not published) and "Keys of Mary" (published by the MTAHS publishing house). The newspaper publishes an announcement from the Imagists publishing house that the collective collections The Imagists and The Melter of Words are being printed.

"Soviet Country" publishes the poem "Pantokrator" with a dedication to Rurik Ivnev.

July- participates in the evening "4 Elephants of Imagism" on the stage-dining room of the All-Russian Union of Poets. Kiev magazine "Red Officer" No. 3 prints a fragment of the poem "Heavenly Drummer".

November- the book "Keys of Mary" with a dedication to A. B. Mariengof comes out of print.

December- the collective collection of Imagists "Cavalry of Storms" [No. 1] with the poem "Heavenly Drummer", dedicated to L. N. Stark, is published.

July–September- makes a trip to the Caucasus.

December - the book "Radunitsa" is published by the Imagisty publishing house.

February- the book "Treryadnitsa" is published in the publishing house "Imagisty". In the collective collection of imaginists "Star Bull" - "The Song of Bread".

April June- a trip to Turkestan.

July- reads "Pugachev" at a literary evening in the Press House.

October- Acquaintance with Isadora Duncan, who came to Russia at the invitation of the Soviet government.

December- in the Petrograd publishing house "Elsevier" the poem "Pugachev" is published as a separate edition.

May- end of the year - together with A. Duncan goes on tour abroad. In Germany, he meets with M. Gorky and gives him his book "Pugachev" (M .: Imagists, 1922). France, America.

June- The book "Poems of a brawler" is published in Berlin.

August– return from a foreign tour to Moscow. Reads to friends and acquaintances an early version of the poem "The Black Man".

September- writes “A blue fire swept. and “You are as simple as everyone else. ”- the first poems of the cycle “Love of a Hooligan”, dedicated to A. L. Miklashevskaya.

March, April- writes a poem "Letter to mother".

April May- "Krasnaya Nov" prints "Young years with hammered glory. ” and “Letter to mother”.

June- travels repeatedly, together with the Leningrad imaginist poets, V. A. Rozhdestvensky, Ivan Pribludny, to Detskoe Selo, where he performs poetry readings in the sanatorium of scientists and in the Military Chamber of the Fedorovsky town.

July- performs with poetry reading in Sestroretsk at an evening in the Kursaal, organized by the Leningrad branch of the All-Russian Union of Writers. The book "Moscow Tavern" is published in Leningrad. August - Pravda publishes a "Letter to the Editor" by Yesenin and I.V. Gruzinov about the dissolution of the Imagist group.

September- the end of the year - a trip to the Caucasus. Present at the literary discussion evening "Trial of the Futurists", held at the Batumi Theater. The book "Soviet Russia" is published in Baku. (See the memoirs of the literary critic V.A. Manuylov about Yesenin's stay in Baku on the site "Life and work of V.A. Manuylov")

March, 1st - return to Moscow. The magazine "City and Village" prints lines 1-123 of the poem "My Way". Reads "Anna Snegina" and poems from the cycle "Persian Motifs" at a meeting of the literary group "Pass" in the Herzen House.

May- Gosizdat publishes the book "Birch chintz".

June- signs an agreement with the State Publishing House for the publication of "Collected Poems" in three volumes. October - receives a membership card of the All-Russian Union of Writers.

December, 24-27 - lives in Leningrad at the Angleterre Hotel. Meets with N. A. Klyuev, G. F. Ustinov, Ivan Pribludny, V. I. Erlikh, I. I. Sadofiev, N. N. Nikitin and other writers.

on the night of 27 to 28. – tragic death Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin.

Meetings with Yesenin

It was located at the address: Moscow, Rozhdestvenka, d. No. 4. (return)

The idea of ​​the poem came from Yesenin during his trip abroad in 1922-1923. Yesenin mentioned the influence of Pushkin's "little tragedy" "Mozart and Salieri" on the poem. The author read The Black Man in the autumn of 1923, shortly after returning to his homeland. In November 1925 Yesenin revised the poem. Those who heard the poem in his reading noted that the published text is shorter and less tragic than the one that Yesenin had read before. (return)

1895 , September 21 (October 3) - was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district.

1904 - goes to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School.

1909 - Graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school with a meritorious sheet. Begins his studies (until May 1912) in the parochial second-class teacher's school (the village of Spas-Klepiki, Ryazan province and district).

1910 - the beginning of systematic poetic creativity. In 1910, in 1925, while preparing his collection, the poet dates the poems “It's already evening. Dew...”, “Where there are cabbage beds...”, “Winter sings - haunts...”, “Imitation of the song”, “The scarlet light of dawn wove out on the lake...”, “Flood with smoke ... "," Bird cherry is throwing snow ... "," Kaliki ..

1912 - Graduates of the Spas-Klepikovskaya parish second-class teacher's school and receives the title of teacher of the literacy school. Prepares a collection of poems "Sick thoughts". He leaves Konstantinov for Moscow for permanent residence, goes to work in the office of the Kultura publishing house (Malaya Dmitrovka, 1).

1913 - Works in the proofreading printing house of the I. D. Sytin Partnership. Becomes a first-year student of the historical and philosophical cycle of the academic department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky.

1914 - in the Moscow children's magazine "Mirok" under the pseudonym "Ariston" the poem "Birch" was published - the first of the famous publications of the poet. Begins the poem "Rus".

1915 - sends the first letter to A.V. Shiryaevts, which served as the beginning of many years of communication between the two poets. On a voluntary basis, he is the secretary of the journal of the Surikov literary and musical circle "Friend of the People". Participates in the preparation of its second issue.
March- arrives in Petrograd, meets with A. A. Blok at his apartment, reads his poems, receives letters of recommendation to S. M. Gorodetsky and M. P. Murashev. A. A. Blok inscribes a book of his poems to Yesenin. Reads his poems to S. M. Gorodetsky. Receives letters of recommendation from him to the editor-publisher of the "Monthly Journal" V. S. Mirolyubov and the secretary of the journal "Intimate Word" S. F. Librovich.
September- writes the first autobiography "Sergey Yesenin". Participates together with N. A. Klyuev, A. M. Remizov, S. M. Gorodetsky in the evening "Beauty" in the concert hall of the Tenishevsky School (St. Petersburg).
November- visits A. A. Akhmatova and N. S. Gumilyov in Tsarskoye Selo (Malaya St., 63). Akhmatova inscribes to Yesenin a magazine print of the poem "By the Sea", Gumilyov - the collection "Alien Sky".
winter 1915–1916 - visits I. E. Repin in his estate of Penates, reads poetry. Meets the artist Yu. P. Annenkov.

1916 - Printed edition of the first book "Radunitsa" (censorship permission for publication - January 30).
April- Yesenin, who was called up for military service, was issued a certificate of enrollment in the Tsarskoye Selo field military hospital train No. 143. He reads poetry at the "Evening of Modern Poetry and Music" in the concert hall of the Tenishevsky School, together with A. A. Akhmatova, A. A. Blok, G V. Ivanov, N. A. Klyuev and others.
July- reads “In the crimson glow the sunset is fizzy and foamy ...” and “Rus” at a concert for wounded soldiers, arranged in the Tsarskoye Selo infirmary No. 17, in the presence of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her daughters.
Prepares for publication the book "Dove" (published in 1918).

1917 , February - at the apartment of Ivanov-Razumnik in Tsarskoye Selo he meets Andrei Bely. Together with other writers, he participates in the preparation of the Scythians collections.
May- in the newspaper "Delo Naroda" - the poem "Comrade".
July- the first collection "Scythians" is published, which printed "Marfa Posadnitsa" and poems under the general heading "Dove": "Autumn" ("Quietly in the thicket of juniper along the cliff ..."), "The road thought about the red evening ... ”, “Blue sky, colored arc ...”, “On merry comrades ...”.

1918 - writes "Inonia". The publishing house of the artel of artists "Segodnya" publishes the book "Jesus the Infant", out of 1000 copies of which 125 illustrations were hand-colored by the artist E. I. Turova.
February- in the "Banner of Labor" - the poem "The Coming" with a dedication to Andrei Bely.
May- The publishing house "Revolutionary Socialism" (Pg.) published the book "Dove".
August- The newspaper "Izvestia of the Ryazan Provincial Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies" prints "The Jordanian Dove".
December- A book of poems "Rural Book of Hours" is published by the MTAHS publishing house. Unanimously elected to the Moscow Trade Union of Writers.
Writes the poem "Heavenly Drummer".

1919 , January - the Voronezh magazine "Siren" No. 4/5 publishes "Oh God, God, this depth ...". The “Declaration” of the Imagists, signed by Yesenin, Rurik Ivnev, A. B. Mariengof, V. G. Shershenevich, B. R. Erdman and G. B. Yakulov, is printed in the same issue.
February- the newspaper "Soviet Country" prints "The Song of the Dog" and "I'm tired of living in my native land ...". The same issue also contains the "Declaration" of the Imagists and a message about the organization of the cooperative publishing house "Imagists", among the organizers of which Yesenin is named. It is reported about the preparation for printing in this publishing house of the poet's books "Poems" (not published) and "Keys of Mary" (published by the MTAHS publishing house). The newspaper publishes an announcement from the Imagists publishing house that the collective collections The Imagists and The Melter of Words are being printed.
"Soviet Country" prints the poem "Pantokrator" with a dedication to Rurik Ivnev.
July- participates in the evening "4 Elephants of Imagism" on the stage-dining room of the All-Russian Union of Poets. Kiev magazine "Red Officer" No. 3 prints a fragment of the poem "Heavenly Drummer".
November- the book "Keys of Mary" with a dedication to A. B. Mariengof comes out of print.
December- the collective collection of Imagists "Cavalry of Storms" [No. 1] with the poem "Heavenly Drummer", dedicated to L. N. Stark, is published.

1920 - under the brand name of the Zlak publishing house, the book Treryadnitsa is published.
July–September- makes a trip to the Caucasus.
December - the book "Radunitsa" is published by the Imagisty publishing house.

1921 , January - the book "Confessions of a hooligan" is published in the publishing house "Imagisty". In the collective collection of imaginists "Golden Boiling Water" - "Confession of a Hooligan".
February- the book "Treryadnitsa" is published in the publishing house "Imagisty". In the collective collection of imaginists "Star Bull" - "The Song of Bread".
April June- a trip to Turkestan.
July- reads "Pugachev" at a literary evening in the Press House.
October- acquaintance with Isadora Duncan, who came to Russia at the invitation of the Soviet government.
December- in the Petrograd publishing house "Elsevier" the poem "Pugachev" is published as a separate edition.

1922 - "Pugachev" was named by V. E. Meyerhold among the plays scheduled for staging in the theater, in a letter sent to the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Education and the Main Political Education.
May- end of the year - together with A. Duncan goes on tour abroad. In Germany, he meets with M. Gorky and gives him his book "Pugachev" (M .: Imagists, 1922). France, America.

1923 America, France, Germany.
June- The book "Poems of a brawler" is published in Berlin.
August– return from a foreign tour to Moscow. Reads to friends and acquaintances an early version of the poem "The Black Man".
September- writes “A blue fire swept up ...” and “You are as simple as everyone else ...” - the first poems of the cycle “Hooligan's Love”, dedicated to A. L. Miklashevskaya.

1924 , February - "A hotel for travelers in the beautiful" (No. 3) prints "I have never been so tired ...", "I have one fun left ...", "Yes! Now it's decided. No return ... "under the general heading" Moscow tavern ".
March, April- writes a poem "Letter to mother".
April May- "Krasnaya Nov" prints "Young years with hammered glory ..." and "Letter to mother".
June- travels repeatedly, together with the Leningrad imaginist poets, V. A. Rozhdestvensky, Ivan Pribludny, to Detskoe Selo, where he performs poetry readings in the sanatorium of scientists and in the Military Chamber of the Fedorovsky town.
July- performs with poetry reading in Sestroretsk at an evening in the Kursaal, organized by the Leningrad branch of the All-Russian Union of Writers. The book "Moscow Tavern" is published in Leningrad.
August - Pravda publishes a "Letter to the Editor" by Yesenin and I.V. Gruzinov about the dissolution of the Imagist group.
September- the end of the year - a trip to the Caucasus. Present at the literary discussion evening "Trial of the Futurists", held at the Batumi Theater. The book "Soviet Russia" is published in Baku. (See the memoirs of the literary critic V.A. Manuylov about Yesenin's stay in Baku on the site "Life and work of V.A. Manuylov")

1925 - in the Tiflis publishing house "Soviet Caucasus" the book "Soviet Country" is published.
March, 1st - return to Moscow. The magazine "City and Village" prints lines 1-123 of the poem "My Way". Reads "Anna Snegina" and poems from the cycle "Persian Motifs" at a meeting of the literary group "Pass" in the Herzen House.
March, 27th - May trip to Baku.
May- Gosizdat publishes the book "Birch chintz".
June- signs an agreement with the State Publishing House for the publication of "Collected Poems" in three volumes. October - receives a membership card of the All-Russian Union of Writers.
December, 24-27 - lives in Leningrad at the Angleterre Hotel. Meets with N. A. Klyuev, G. F. Ustinov, Ivan Pribludny, V. I. Erlikh, I. I. Sadofiev, N. N. Nikitin and other writers.
on the night of 27 to 28. - the tragic death of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin.