Bad behavior. Son's behavior

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So, about 80% of a person's working time is spent interacting with other people. Studies also show that about 50% of all transmitted information is perceived incorrectly.

The unsatisfactory state of intra-organizational interpersonal communications leads to the fact that a person loses a sense of belonging to business. This enhances the role of informal communications, leads to speculation, and creates tension in the team. This ultimately affects the performance of the organization.

In this case, three different situations are possible:

1. A break in the communication chain,(in this case, the information never reaches the recipient, having been sent by the sender). One of the factors complicating the process of interaction is the large size and complexity of the organization. Enormous obstacles can arise in the way of a message (lost mail, discarded telephone messages, etc.).

In the process of horizontal differentiation and growth of the organization, its units are increasingly isolated from each other. Each division is engaged in increasingly specific work, this segregation takes the form of physical separation, so that they end up in different buildings, cities, and sometimes countries. This often leads to incompleteness of perceived information. Due to incomplete, fragmentary information, inadequate conclusions are formed.

Communication problems are also closely related to the number of hierarchical levels in the organization, since when information is transmitted through the levels at each of them, it is subject to revision and correction. In this case, various kinds of distortions can occur, when, for example, important information is recognized as unimportant and thrown out.

Insufficient understanding of the importance of communications by the manager. Typically, managers believe that the main thing is the unquestioning fulfillment of tasks.

Absence feedback. Without information about the actions of employees, the manager is not able to successfully solve the tasks facing him. Feedback significantly increases the efficiency of information exchange, suppresses noise, that is, that which distorts the meaning of information.

Note that the "filtering" of information occurs both on the way up the levels and on the way down, while filtering can be either intentional or unintentional. Unintentional filtering occurs when a piece of information is destroyed without the knowledge of the one who transmits this information. Intentional filtering, in contrast, occurs when the transmitter is fully aware.

2. Distortion by the sender. Even when the information sent by the sender successfully reaches the recipient, the possibility remains that the information is corrupted. This distortion can be caused not only by the filtering of the people transmitting it, but also by the sender himself.

The reason for the distortion of information is the desire of people to present themselves in the most favorable light, especially when passing information to the top, and especially when a person suspects that the real information is not at all as good as one would like. Exactly the same situation arises when managers are unwilling to give their subordinates too harsh feedback about their work, fearing that such a review will not contribute to its improvement in the future.

Unfavorable psychological climate in the team. Hostile relations lead to excessive suspicion, deliberate distortion of information.

A person shows himself the way he is expected to be seen or how he wants to show himself.

Inadequacy of self-esteem (overestimation or underestimation of personal qualities).

3. Misrepresentation by the recipient. The recipient of the information may misinterpret the meaning of the message. One reason for this could be language.

In the process of horizontal and vertical differentiation, people in different divisions begin to speak perfectly different languages. The use of professional jargon can greatly simplify and improve communication within an organizational unit, but at the same time worsen the interaction between these units. Moreover, the reason for this can be not only the use of specific jargon words, but also the giving of different meanings to the same words.

The second reason for the misperception of the message can be selective perception, when we look for what we are tuned to in the message we receive. As a rule, "a person hears what he wants to hear and skips the rest."

Another reason for misperception can be expectation. This means the influence of the general impression of another person on the perception and general assessment of his private properties and actions. For example, if a manager has never spoken well about someone's work, and then suddenly says to you: “well done,” then this phrase may at first be perceived as a mockery.

The influence of stereotypes, for example, the influence of the first impression of a person; transferring the qualities of a group to a person, or the qualities of a person to a group as a result of a little experience of communicating with this person.

Another phenomenon is the perceived reliability of the sender. If the recipient of information does not consider the sender a source of sufficiently reliable information, then he may underestimate the importance of his message. The same problem occurs when the sender is taken too seriously.

Finally, misperceptions can simply arise from information overload, when a person receives so many messages that they no longer attach much importance to them all.

Personal characteristics of employees. The perception of external influences depends on human psychology. That is, we often look for the reasons for the actions of another person based on our own perception of the world, from how we would act in this situation, not taking into account the difference in characters, upbringing, and, therefore, the motives of other people.

Problems of communicative behavior are usually overcome in managerial practice at the interpersonal and organizational levels.

In interpersonal communications barriers can arise at the verbal and non-verbal levels.

On an interpersonal level Successful communication requires:

Use language that is clear, concise and, as far as possible, applicable to the subject of the communication;

Establish trust;

As much factual information as possible should be reported in order to avoid misinterpretation of information and rumors;

It is necessary to establish feedback in order to make sure that the information is correctly interpreted. At the same time, it is not enough to simply ask the person “did you understand?”, since the answer “yes” will only mean that the person thinks that he understood, and not that he really understood. It is necessary, for example, to ask the person to retell the received message in their own words to make sure that they understand it.

The message must be not only understood, but also accepted.

At the organizational level To overcome communication barriers, you can:

Establish feedback channels - these are employee surveys, the collection of proposals, the discussion of service problems;

Publish newsletters, express messages;

Implement modern Information Technology, PC networks, e-mail;

An organization can also train its employees in the art of communication. Workouts may include different types role playing and serve to improve the ability to speak, write or listen, and most importantly - to understand someone else's point of view. And although such training is not always very effective, it often helps.

Charter of the secondary secondary school instead of a five-point system, it introduces the following assessments of student behavior: “exemplary”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”. The behavior of students is assessed by the teacher of grades I-III (IV) and class teacher IV-X (XI) classes.

When evaluating the behavior of students in grades IV-X (XI), the opinion of teachers teaching in these grades and public organizations of the school is taken into account.

The introduction of a new procedure for assessing behavior is intended to serve the main task - to strengthen the conscious discipline of students.

Evaluating student behavior requires correct methodical approach and pedagogical tact. Evaluation of behavior must be objective and reflect the real picture of the student's behavior, his fulfillment of the norms of socialist community life.

The main criterion for evaluating behavior is the fulfillment by the student of his main duties formulated in the Rules for Students.

The charter of a secondary general education school provides for two positive assessments of student behavior: “satisfactory” and “exemplary”.

The grade "satisfactory" is given to students who fulfill the basic requirements of the school, defined by the Rules for students, take part in public life schools and community service. This assessment characterizes the behavior of a significant part of schoolchildren. Putting it out should not be considered an emergency.

The “exemplary” mark is given to students who study the most diligently and are especially actively involved in the social life of the class and school and socially useful work, behave exemplarily at school, at home and on the street, and steadily comply with the Rules for Students. The “exemplary” mark should be given only to that part of the students whose behavior can serve as an example for other students.

The mark "unsatisfactory" is given to students who systematically do not fulfill their basic duties stipulated by the Rules for Students, do not obey the requirements of the school, teachers, show indiscipline at school, at home, in public places. V individual cases an “unsatisfactory” rating can also be given for the commission by a student of single antisocial acts that have the nature of offenses.

Behavior is assessed based on the results academic quarters and school year. It is exhibited in the student's diary and brought to the attention of parents. At the end of the school week, the teacher (grades I-III) or the class teacher (grades IV-X (XI)), as necessary, makes brief notes about his behavior in the student's diary.

The annual unsatisfactory mark on the behavior of students is set only after the relevant decision of the pedagogical council of the school. In this case, class teachers and teachers of grades I-III present a reasoned justification to the pedagogical council, taking into account the opinions of the pioneer and Komsomol organizations and student self-government.

Graduation (X or XI) students who have an annual unsatisfactory grade in behavior, in accordance with clause 20 of the Charter, are not allowed to take exams and receive a certificate stating that they have taken a course of a secondary general education school. They can take the exam for a certificate of secondary education in the next three years in the prescribed manner, after submitting a positive reference from the place of work.

Students in non-graduation classes who receive an annual unsatisfactory grade in behavior are transferred to the next grade conditionally. If a student repeatedly receives an unsatisfactory mark on behavior, in case of systematic disobedience to teachers and school leaders and gross violations of discipline, the pedagogical council considers the issue of expelling him from the school.

students Class VIII Those who have an annual mark of “unsatisfactory” for behavior receive a certificate of eight years of education with a corresponding entry in the line on the assessment of behavior. The decision on the enrollment of such students in the ninth grade can only be taken by the pedagogical council of the school.

Employee Handbook public education. M., "Pedagogy", 1973, p. 210 - 212.

To help your child change behavior, the first step is to shed all of your emotions.

Children are all different, they are already different in the womb: one calmly lies to himself, gently moving his legs, and the other kicks, as if rushing to freedom: “Well, let me out, finally!”

Poor behavior

“Your child is behaving badly, take action”, “!”, “Your child is constantly fighting!” "Your child is misbehaving again." Familiar? Some parents of other words do not have to hear about their child.

Child misbehavior? Let's find out! How to avoid not to hear phrases about unsatisfactory behavior? Hiding from caregivers and teachers? Will not work! Yes, and this will not change the situation. Maybe learn how to respond correctly to such comments and try to help your son or daughter correct the behavior?

Children are not misbehaving...

Before you help your child correct the behavior, you need to find the answer to the question: “Why does the child have bad behavior?” Answering this question is not as easy as we think. It may even be impossible! Why so categorically? Do not know? Yes, because we adults do not want to accept the obvious: it is not children who misbehave, but we, adults, mistreat them.

Moms and dads seem to be madly in love with their children. This is not disputed! As well as the fact that parents constantly reproach their children for something. Poorly washed the dishes, scattered things and did not clean up on time. I got a three badly, a deuce - punished. Got a five - well done! You can if you want! The child is trying to do something, go away do not interfere. "Mom, talk to me?" No time to go to work! And so on and so forth. And then we say: “! Doesn't know how to behave at all! It can only get on my nerves!”

What Not to Do for Parents

Bad behavior in a child, maybe try to change the tactics of education?

What should parents not do so that no one complains about the child that he is behaving badly?

  • Blame it all the time
  • Don't trust
  • Offend with words and deeds
  • Doubt everything he says and constantly double check
  • Handle negative current words: “No”, “Never”, “Don’t”, “Don’t you dare” and so on.

As practice shows, most often the child misbehaves unconsciously, not on purpose. He just wants to get the attention of adults. Behind his bad behavior are hidden only understandable feelings for him.

Psychologists' explanation

What do psychologists say? What explanation do they find? Psychologists identify four reasons for bad behavior:

  • Struggle for independence when parents are overprotective
  • Attention struggles when children feel they are not getting enough attention
  • Loss of self-confidence when a child does not believe in himself
  • Revenge or protest

Work for parents: understand, forgive, accept, correct.

Parents are the first people

How to avoid the trouble associated with bad behavior? The first thing to do is find the . And then for a long time and purposefully educate, or rather, work on shaping the personality of a son or daughter.

The child must feel the love of his parents, and be sure that he is loved, he is necessary, he is the main part in the life of his parents. To achieve this, you must accept your child as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages. Relations with the child should be built on mutual respect and a certain subordination.

Most importantly, children should always be sure that parents are the first people who can always be trusted, and that they will always understand and support, no matter what happens. The child should know that parents will be upset when they see a “deuce” or “bad” in the diary. They will not punish, but they will worry, and will try to help correct the situation. Perhaps they will read a “lecture”, but not out of malice, but with the aim of understanding it so that this does not happen again. They won't stop loving! Only every entry in the diary about bad behavior can add gray hair to parents.

Of course, it is much easier to yell at a child and even hit, but this will not bring any results, except for anger and wasted nerves.

Child misbehavior? Maybe try to change the tactics of education?

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The assessment of the behavior of students of different classes is set taking into account the selected criteria (socially significant qualities) depending on the degree of manifestation of these qualities (indicators) and is expressed in such characteristics as "about", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

Grade " about» is exhibited in the case when the specified criteria and indicators are fully manifested. " Satisfactorily- when the indicators are not fully manifested. Grade " unsatisfactory» is set in the event that the indicators for the selected criteria (socially significant qualities) do not appear.

Estimates for the behavior of students at school are set by the teacher primary school, class teacher. The behavior of students at school is assessed quarterly and yearly. The results of the work carried out are discussed at parent meetings, pedagogical councils.

Evaluation of student behavior in the process of pedagogical interaction is not only the result of education, a way to regulate and stimulate constructive forms of student behavior, their self-development and self-education, as well as an indicator of effectiveness educational work at school. The systematic identification of upbringing (as a form of behavior) of students is possible only in the conditions of a specific class, a specific real situation. Properly organized pedagogical control should have an educational effect and contribute to the development of the individual.

V-VI classes




Knowledge of state symbols; respect for state symbols, the institution of the presidency; Active participation in socially significant affairs of the class, school, activities of children's public associations

Partnership and collectivism

Desire to be in a team, friendly relationships with classmates, respect and mutual assistance

Respect for elders

Politeness, obedience, rendering all possible assistance


Willingness to help classmates, younger comrades, careful attitude to animals


Sincerity, truthfulness, keeping promises


Conscientious attitude to one's duties, participation in socially useful work


Neat appearance, accuracy, careful attitude to their things and school property, environment and natural resources


performance; compliance with the rules of conduct at school, public places; absence of delays or omissions for an unexcused reason; taking care of your health and the health of others

VII-IX classes




Knowledge of state symbols; respect for state symbols, the institution of presidency; active participation in socially significant affairs of the class, school, activities of children's and youth public associations

Partnership and collectivism

Friendly relationships with classmates, respect and mutual assistance, implementation of collective decisions, expression of gratitude, companionship


Friendly relations with others, respect for elders, willingness to help classmates, younger comrades

Honesty and Integrity

Sincerity, truthfulness, fulfillment of promises; the ability to recognize and admit one's mistakes; the ability to listen to constructive criticism of comrades or elders; critical attitude to the results of their work

Conscientious attitude to their duties; participation in socially useful work and socially significant activities; the desire to fulfill it qualitatively, a thoughtful attitude to the choice of a future profession


performance; compliance with the rules of conduct at school, public places; absence of delays or omissions for an unexcused reason; execution of orders of seniors; the desire to bring the work begun to the end; perseverance in achieving the goal; taking care of your health and the health of others

Aesthetic development

Neat appearance, tidiness, respect for one's belongings and school property, desire for self-improvement, respect for the environment and natural resources

X-XI classes




Knowledge of state symbols; respect for state symbols, the institution of presidency; participation in socially significant affairs of the class, school, activities of youth public associations; active citizenship

Partnership and collectivism

Friendly relationships with classmates, respect and mutual assistance, implementation of collective decisions; expression of gratitude, the ability to defend the honor of one's team


Friendly relations with others, respect for elders, tolerance for others, willingness to help classmates, younger comrades

Honesty and Integrity

Sincerity, truthfulness, fulfillment of promises, unity of word and deed, stability of views and beliefs, the ability to openly and correctly express one’s opinion, show self-criticism, evaluate antisocial acts

Conscientious attitude to work

A conscientious attitude to one's duties, participation in socially useful work and socially significant activities, the desire to perform it efficiently, a serious attitude to the choice of a future profession


performance; compliance with the rules of conduct at school, public places; the absence of delays or omissions for an unexcused reason, the fulfillment of instructions from elders; the desire to bring the work begun to the end; perseverance in achieving the goal; taking care of your health and the health of others

Aesthetic development

Neat appearance; accuracy, careful attitude to their things and school property; desire for self-improvement; familiarization with universal human values ​​and spiritual and moral traditions of the Belarusian people, respect for the environment and natural resources