Facts about the continents. Interesting facts about Eurasia

MBOU Secondary school No. 2

Made by a 2nd grade student

Mandrikova Margarita


Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia.

The name Africa, as some scholars believe, comes from the name of a tribe that used to live in the north of the mainland, and was called Afrigs.

In Africa, there is the longest river in the world - the Nile, its length is 6,671 kilometers.

There are more large wild animals on the African continent than on any other. There are such species as: elephants, hippos, giraffes, lions, antelopes, ostriches, etc.

Africa is very famous for its rich deposits of gold and diamonds. Half of the gold and diamonds mined in the world falls on this continent.

In Africa, there is Lake Malawi, which is home to the most species of fish.

In Africa, there is one of the wonders of the world - the pyramid of Cheops, the only one that has survived to this day.

In Africa, Lake Chad, which was the 4th largest, has practically disappeared. Over the past 38 years, it has decreased by 95%.

In Africa, namely in Ancient Egypt, the first toilets and sewer systems arose. The Egyptians were very sensitive to cleanliness.

The area of ​​only one Sahara desert in Africa is slightly smaller than the United States of America. Previously, this place was very fertile, but with the passage of time and changing weather conditions, it turned into a desert.

Africa is the motherland of all languages ​​in the world. This conclusion was reached by scientists after numerous studies.

Among the inhabitants of Africa there are the smallest and tallest peoples in the world.

In Africa, and more precisely in Benin, a wall was built, the length of which is almost 2 times longer than the Great Wall of China - 16,000 kilometers.

The African continent is the oldest inhabited region on earth.

The total area of ​​Africa is 16 million square kilometers.


Australia is the driest inhabited continent in the world. No more than 50 centimeters of precipitation falls there annually.

Australia occupies the 6th place in the world in terms of area, and the population there is only 20 million people.

Australia was originally called New South Wales.

The longest fence in the world was built in Australia. It was built in order to fence off dingoes from sheep, which are very numerous on the continent.

The Australian continent is home to emus, kangaroos and koalas. From there they were shipped all over the world.

Australia was the third country in the world to launch a satellite into Earth's orbit.

Australia is the first country in the world in terms of sheep and wool production. For a relatively small population of 20 million sheep there are about 150 million.

Australia has 3 time zones.

In one state in Australia, only qualified electricians can replace light bulbs.

In Australia, it is legally enforced that you cannot appear in a public place with your face smeared with shoe polish.

Australia is the lowest continent in the world. The average height above the sea is only 330 meters.

Australia is the continent with the highest literacy rate in the world.

In Australia, namely in Sydney, there is the world's largest arch bridge. It's called the Sydney Harbor Bridge. And the Sydney television tower is the tallest in the entire southern hemisphere.

It is noteworthy that more snow falls in the mountains of Australia than in all of Switzerland combined.

Colored seas of planet Earth.

Red sea.

The Red Sea belongs to the Indian Ocean basin. Located between Asia and Africa. This sea is warm and crystal clear. The history of the name consists of several versions. It is said that the name comes from the red algae with which it is so rich. Algae give the water a reddish tint. However, most likely the name comes from the color of the water, which reflects the dark red rocks. The Red Sea has a high salinity, since no river flows into it.

Yellow Sea.

The Yellow Sea belongs to the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The sea got its name due to the fact that it changes its color to yellow-brown. This is due to dust storms on the Yellow River. They also make the water cloudy. Therefore, the sea is not suitable for swimming everywhere.

Black Sea.

It is very difficult to say why the sea of ​​​​a pleasant blue color is called black in many languages ​​​​of the world. There are several versions. They say that the sea is called black because for many centuries battles were fought on it, and many people died. In memory of those times, the sea is called black. Another legend says that before a storm, the sea changes its color to dark gray. Because the sailors called him black.

White Sea.

Refers to the basin of the Northern Arctic Ocean. Its depth is only 340 meters. The sea is unusually cold. Even in summer the temperature does not rise above 16 degrees. However, here you can see northern birds, whales, seals. It is easy to guess why the sea was called white! Most days the sea is covered with white, dazzling ice!

Marble sea.

The Sea of ​​Marmara is located on the border of two parts of the world Europe and Asia in Turkey, washing its shores. It is connected to the Black Sea by the Bosphorus Strait, and to the Aegean Sea by the Dardanelles Strait. The Sea of ​​Marmara is the smallest sea on Earth.
There is an island in this sea, where from ancient times beautiful marble was mined and transported by ship to different cities along the sea, which was called the Marble Sea. The Sea of ​​Marmara was formed as a result of a break in the earth's crust that divided Europe, Asia and Africa. The territory of the Marmara Sea is located in a seismically active region, therefore, there are often earthquakes and, as a result, tsunamis.

The most interesting facts about the continents(Africa, America, Australia, Eurasia, Antarctica) we have collected in this article. Interesting information about the continents will expand your knowledge of geography.

The continents, together with the islands, occupy 29% of the land, 149 million km².

Continents have a triangular shape.

  • Most of the continents are located in the northern hemisphere, where they occupy more than 100 million km², almost 67% of the total land area and 39% of the hemisphere's surface area.
  • Most of the oceans are located in the southern hemisphere, where they occupy almost 68% of the surface area of ​​all land and 80% of the surface area of ​​the hemisphere.
  • All continents and parts of the world, except for Antarctica, are grouped in pairs - North and South America; Europe and Africa; Asia and Australia.

The highest continent in the world Antarctica. Its average height is 2000-200 meters, which is 2.5 times the average height of Asia. Due to the special atmospheric conditions, the Sun in Antarctica in the west looks green.
Antarctica has 90% of our planet's ice. Glaciers contain 21,000,000 cubic kilometers of water. If all these glaciers melted, the water level of the world's oceans would rise by 50 meters. Only from the melting of ice in Antarctica, coastal countries can suffer an irreparable disaster.

Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth. Area - 53893000 km², which is 36% of the land area.

On the mainland is a country with unique weather conditions - Iceland. Its shores are always free of ice, and the weather can change several times a day. The country is home to just under 320,000 people, and the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, is so small that all the inhabitants know each other and do not hesitate to go shopping in pajamas or leave a child in a stroller unattended for a short time.

Nile river, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea on the northeastern edge of Africa, the longest river in the world, with a total length of 6650 kilometers.

The largest desert in the world - Sahara(located in North Africa). The area of ​​the Sahara (9000000 km) is almost equal to the area of ​​the USA.

Four out of five fastest land animals live in Africa: cheetah, wildebeest, lion and Thomson's gazelle.

Africa is the poorest and most underdeveloped of all continents, despite its wealth of natural resources.

About 90% of all cases of malaria in the world takes place in Africa.

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There are six continents - Eurasia, North America, South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. The area of ​​all continents is 139 million square kilometers. The continents are separated by four oceans - the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian and the Arctic. We present interesting facts about the continents.


Eurasia, which consists of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia, is the largest continent, it accounts for a third of the land, 5 billion people live here, which is approximately two-thirds of the world's population.

In Asia, there are extinct volcanoes that erupted quite recently - Ararat erupted in 1840, a major eruption of Elbrus was 2000 years ago, a smaller one about 900 years ago. The largest number of volcanoes is in Kamchatka, where out of more than three hundred volcanoes 36 are active. 90% of all earthquakes in the world occur here.

Eurasia is washed by all the oceans - the Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian.

The deepest lake in the world is Baikal, its maximum depth is 1642 meters. Almost one-fifth of the world's fresh water is located here. 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and only one river flows out - the Angara.

Here is the smallest, shallowest, most fishy sea (the largest concentration of fish in terms of volume) in the world - the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

The highest mountain in the world is Everest (Chomolungma), height - 8848 meters. There are 14 peaks in the Himalayas and Karakorum, the height of which exceeds eight kilometers.

The lowest place relative to sea level is the Dead Sea (below 430 meters from sea level). The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water, about a third of the volume of water is salt.

It is home to the two most populous countries, China (1.4 billion people) and India (1.3 billion people).

The country with the smallest population density is Mongolia, with an average of less than two people per square kilometer. This is the second largest (after Kazakhstan) large country in the world, which has no access to the sea, but has a fleet, since the country's legislation is beneficial to ship owners who attribute their ships to Mongolia. In the 13th century, the Mongol Empire was the largest country in the world with an area of ​​33.2 million square kilometers. In history, only the British Empire was larger with an area of ​​33.6 million square kilometers.


Australia is the smallest continent and is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

The first seafarers arrived in Australia around 1400 from China, they were collecting sea cucumbers. The first European to visit Australia was the Dutch navigator Willem Janszon, who reached the shores of the smallest continent in 1606. In the next hundred years, other Dutch navigators visited the continent several times and mapped part of the coast, the Dutch called the mainland New Holland. The English navigator James Cook landed in 1707. Two years later, the British founded a penal colony here. These lands were claimed by the French, but they reached the shores of the smallest mainland two years after the British raised the British flag.

About 80 percent of Australians live within 100 kilometers of the coast.

Of the 200 languages ​​and dialects, 45 are indigenous languages. The most common English language, besides it, residents communicate in Italian, Greek, Cantonese (the language of the inhabitants of the Chinese city of Guazhou), Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic.

Migrants from 200 countries live in the country. About a quarter of the population are migrants, this is the highest proportion of migrants in countries with European civilization (and Australia, as a dominion of Great Britain, is a representative of Western European civilization).

Mount Uluru

The capital is the city of Canberra. It was built in the middle between Melbourne and Sydney after the two large cities could not agree on which of them would be the Australian capital.

The largest farm in the world is located in South Australia, it has an area of ​​​​more than 34 thousand square kilometers, which is larger than the area of ​​​​Belgium (30.5 thousand square kilometers).

Australia has the highest electricity prices in the world.

The Great Barrier Reef, which is located in the ocean off the northeast coast, is almost 3,000 kilometers long and consists of almost 3,000 individual reefs and almost 900 islands. This is the largest natural object on Earth, which was formed by living organisms. Its area is almost 350 thousand square kilometers, it is so large that it can be seen from space.

There is not a single active volcano here, earthquakes are rare.

The entire territory of Australia is occupied by the state of Australia, which is a dominion (self-governing colony) of Great Britain.

Some animals are found only here - koala, kangaroo, echidna, platypus. About 80 percent of the animals are endemic, they are found only on this continent.

The driest continent, large areas are occupied by deserts.

There are many dangerous animals in Australia - combed crocodiles live in the northern swamps, poisonous box jellyfish, poisonous blue-ringed octopus are found in coastal waters. There are many types of dangerous spiders and snakes.


The highest continent with an average height of 2.2 kilometers. The average height of Eurasia is about one kilometer.

90% of all ice that is on Earth is concentrated here.

In 2017, a temperature record was recorded - at the Argentine research station, located in the far north, the temperature was plus 17.5 degrees Celsius.

The longest river is the Onyx, its length is about 30 kilometers. It flows only for two months - in February and March. It flows out of Lake Brownworth and flows into Lake Wanda. In 1984, New Zealand rafters floated down the river. There are no fish in the river, but there are microorganisms and algae. Lake Vanda, into which the river flows, is very salty, its salinity is ten times higher than the salinity of sea water.

The ice of Antarctica contains two-thirds of the planet's fresh water.

The climate is very dry, on average, 100 millimeters of precipitation falls annually, for comparison, about 600 millimeters of precipitation falls in Kiev.

There are no permanent residents, no states, although different powers of the world claim the Antarctic territories. Scientists and tourists temporarily live in Antarctic stations.

The unofficial capital of Antarctica is the settlement of McMurdo, which is actually a full-fledged city. About 1,300 people live permanently in McMurdo. There are three airfields, a heliport and about a hundred buildings. On February 15, 2005, a demonstration against the war in Iraq was held at the station, 50 people took part in it.

In the past, the climate was warm, as evidenced by the finds of the remains of dinosaurs. So far, the remains of four dinosaurs have been discovered, but probably under the ice of the mainland, which occupy 98 percent of the area, there are many materials that will be of interest to geologists and paleontologists.

In 2000, an iceberg 295 kilometers long and 37 kilometers wide broke off from Antarctica.


Second largest continent.

The equator crosses Africa approximately in the middle, so the climate here is very warm.

African elephants are the largest land animals. The length of the body reaches eight meters, the height - four meters. The largest elephant was discovered in the Gambia in 1974. Its weight was 10.5 tons. There is evidence that an elephant weighing 12 tons lived in the 19th century.

The largest bird in the world is the African ostrich. Its height reaches 2.7 meters, weight - 175 kilograms.

The tallest animal is the giraffe. Its height reaches 5.5 meters.

Despite the fact that Africa is a very hot continent, it has its own glacier. It is located on the extinct volcano Kilimanjaro with a height of 5895 meters. A relatively well-equipped hiking trail leads up the mountain, but climbing is quite difficult.

Mount Kilimanjaro

In Africa, there are the tallest people - in the Tutsi tribe, the average height of men is 193 centimeters, women - 175 centimeters. In this tribe, two-meter people are not uncommon. Other tribes live near the Tusi, whose representatives are tall - Dinka, Samburu, Masai, Luo.

The lowest people on Earth are the African tribe of pygmies, they are also called negrilli. Translated from the Greek language, the name of these people means "people the size of a fist." They are mentioned in ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek sources. Adult men have a height of 124 to 150 centimeters. Despite their small stature, they are dangerous warriors, often hunting with bows and poisoned arrows.

In the recent past, it was believed that the Nile is the longest river on Earth. But scientists found the source of the Amazon, precisely measured the length of the river, and it turned out that the Amazon is 139 kilometers long. The Nile is the longest river in Africa, from source to mouth it stretches for 6853 kilometers.

North America

The third largest continent with an area of ​​24 million square kilometers.

There are 27 states in North America. The largest country by area is Canada. The largest country by population is the USA. The smallest country is St. Christopher and Nevis, with 50 thousand people living on two islands with an area of ​​261 square kilometers. Citizenship can be bought by investing $250,000 in the economy. But living here is quite dangerous, since the capital Basseterre is one of the most dangerous cities in the world - despite a small population of 11 thousand people and a small area of ​​​​6 square kilometers, the crime rate is very high.

North America has the longest coastline, which is 75 thousand kilometers.

The Colorado River flows through the largest canyon, the Grand Canyon. Its length is 446 kilometers, width - from 6 to 29 kilometers, near the river the width is about one kilometer, the depth reaches 1800 meters. This natural monument is visited annually by more than 4 million people. Rafting on the Colorado River.

About half of the world's corn is grown in North America. Popcorn is made from this cereal, corn flakes, bread (tortillas), starch, corn syrup are used in confectionery, salads are made from young stems, stems after harvest are used to make animal feed, corn oil is used to make soap, paints , rubber substitutes. In Mexico, corn is the staple food.

Two large tectonic plates collide along California, forming the San Andreas Fault, along which strong earthquakes often occur. The 1906 earthquake in San Francisco destroyed most of the buildings of the city, out of a population of 400,000, 300,000 residents of the city were left homeless. Many buildings were destroyed not by an earthquake, but by fires that started after tremors.

Mexico City is the largest city in North America with a population of over 22 million. The city was built on the site of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec state, which was conquered by the Spanish conquistador Cortes in the 16th century.

The image in the pupils of Mary, the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In Mexico City, in the suburbs of Guadeloupe, there is the main Christian shrine in North America - a cloak with a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. This icon has interesting properties - it has a constant temperature of 36.6 degrees, through a stethoscope you can listen to how the heart beats. The arrangement of the stars on the cloak of the Mother of God corresponds to the positions of the stars in the sky at the time the relic was discovered. On the small pupils of the eyes there are images of people who looked at the image of Mary, which appeared on an agave cloak (agave is a Mexican plant, from the fiber of which material was made in ancient times). Agave material usually becomes dilapidated after a few decades, and the cloak with the miraculous image of the Virgin looks like new, despite the fact that it was made five centuries ago.

Teotihuacan is located 50 kilometers from Mexico City - an ancient Mexican city, which at one time was one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 125 thousand people. The area of ​​the ruins is 28 square kilometers, the main attraction is the road along which many pyramids are built, the highest of the pyramids is 42 meters high.

The Mayan people had their own states before the arrival of the Spaniards. They resisted for quite a long time - the last city of Tayasal, which was located in the north of Guatemala, was captured by the Spaniards only in 1697, although the first attempt to capture it was made by Hernan Cortes back in 1541. The city was difficult to capture as it was built on an island and surrounded by fortified walls. Now on the site of Teiyasal is the city of Flores, archaeologists here are exploring the ruins of Indian buildings that have been preserved under the buildings erected by the Spaniards.

South America

The highest extinct volcano Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the southern and western hemisphere.

The Andes is the longest mountain range, stretching for 8,000 kilometers. These mountains are actively growing, their height is increasing by an average of 10 centimeters per year. In the Andes live humpless camels - llamas, alpacas and vicuñas. Condors also live in the Andes - large vultures, whose wingspan reaches three meters, the weight of this bird of prey reaches 15 kilograms.

The largest lowland in the world is the Amazon. South of the Amazon Basin and east of the Andes lies the largest swamp in the world, the Pantanal. Its area is up to 200 thousand square kilometers. In total, more than 300 species of fish live here. Local crocodiles - caimans, can reach a length of five meters. Up to 35 million caimans live in the Pantanal.

The largest pasture is the Pampas. Most of the population of Argentina lives on the territory of the Pampas, there are three large cities here - Rosario, La Plata, Santa Fe. Fast-running animals live here - pampas deer, pampas cat and rhea ostriches. You can meet armadillos.

Ruins of Machu Picchu

The highest mountain lake is Titicaca. It is located at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level. The area is more than eight square kilometers, the maximum depth is 281 meters, the average depth is 100 meters, large ships sail on the lake. The lake is fresh, the salinity of the water is only one percent. Invertebrate fish and sharks are found in the reservoir. On the banks live local Indians of the Aymara and Quechua peoples. Locals make houses and boats from reeds. There are even 40 floating reed islands where the local Uru tribe built their dwellings. There are many ruins of ancient cities on the shores and islands, in 1980 a city was discovered, the ruins of which were completely under the water of Lake Titicaca.

The deepest and longest river in the world is the Amazon. On the shores of the Amazon, tribes still live who have not met with civilization. The river discharges so much water into the ocean that sea waters are slightly salty for 160 kilometers from the Amazon delta. Marajo Island in the river delta is approximately the same size as Switzerland.

Henry Ford built the city of Fordland in Brazil. The inhabitants had to grow rubber, which was used to make car tires at the beginning of the 20th century. Since the area proved unsuitable for rubber seedlings, the city was soon abandoned and visited by tourists traveling through the Amazon.

The highest active volcano is Lullaillaco. Its height is 6739 meters. Snow lies at an altitude of more than 6500 meters, this is the highest position of the snow line, as a rule, permanent snow in mountainous areas lies at a lower altitude.

The largest continent is Eurasia. Its area is 54,759,000 km² - this is approximately 36% of the land. On it are located as many as 2 parts of the world - Europe and Asia. There are 4 of them, including the largest - Russia, which occupies 30% of the territory of Eurasia. 75% of the world's population lives in Eurasia in 102 states. Here is located - Chomolungma (Everest)

Eurasia is the largest continent on planet Earth

Part of the world - regions of land, including the continents or large parts of them, along with nearby islands.

The second largest continent is Africa. Its area is 30,221,532 km² - this is approximately 20% of the land. There are 55 states on the territory of Africa, the largest of which, and one of the 10 largest, is Algeria. Africa has the largest number.

Africa is the second largest continent

The third largest continent is North America. Area - 24,250,000 km² (16% land). There are 23 states on the territory of North America, in which a little more than half a billion people live. 2 North American countries (Canada and USA) are in the top 10.

North America is the third largest continent

The fourth largest continent is South America. Area - 17,840,000 km² (slightly less than 12% of the land area). There are 12 countries on the territory of South America, in which almost 400 million people live. 2 countries in South America (Argentina and Brazil) are in the top ten.

South America is the fourth largest continent

Antarctica is the continent with the highest proportion of Russian citizens - from 4% in summer to 10% in winter, in Eurasia only - 3%

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent

The sixth and last largest continent is Australia. Area - 7,659,861 km² (5% of the land area). There is only one state on the mainland - Australia, whose population is only 23 million people.

Even small children know that Eurasia is the largest continent on the planet, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich occupies 1/3 of the land mass of the Earth. Three quarters of the world's population lives on the mainland. Initially, the mainland had different names. For the first time, "Eurasia" appeared in 1880 in the works of the geologist Eduard Suesse.

The first mention of the mainland is found in ancient Greek myths. The chronicles indicate the life of the ancient people of the world - the Sumerians, they mention a country called Hyperborea, which was inhabited by the Delphi descendants of the titans. The exact geographical location of the state is unknown. Eurasia is a rich land.

Facts about Eurasia

Today, Eurasia is of interest to historians, archaeologists, travelers. In their opinion, the interesting facts about the mainland are listed below.

  • Iceland, located on the mainland, has a unique climate. The waters washing the country do not freeze, and the weather conditions on land can change four times a day. The population of the state is 320 thousand people, and the capital of Iceland is so small that all the inhabitants know each other. Interesting features of the country are a large number of extinct and active volcanoes. Thanks to them, groundwater reaches a temperature of up to 100 degrees and beats with hot springs from under the earth's crust. Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is recognized as the cleanest place in the world.

  • The Himalayas are the mountains of Eurasia with 11 highest peaks in the world. The leader mountains rise to a height of 8000 m. The peak of Everest is popular among tourists - a difficult mountain even for professional climbers;

  • Kerch Strait - the smallest strait in the world, 5-15 m deep;
  • Sunda Islands - an archipelago consisting of 10 thousand islands;
  • The Bosphorus Strait is the narrowest strait of the world, from 750 m to 3700 m wide;

  • Volga is a long river of Eurasia;
  • The Grand Canal in China is a navigable canal of world importance, 1728 km long. Its construction began in the 6th century. BC, and from 13 Art. it works in stationary mode;

  • Indian rattan palm - the plant of Asian forests is recognized as the longest - the stem reaches 300 m;
  • This information briefly reports on an area located at 54.3 million km. You can get acquainted with the continent indefinitely, finding new facts.

The wonderful world of Eurasia

Eurasia is characterized by the contrast of the natural world. Information about the relief says: on the mainland there are snow-capped mountain peaks rising to the clouds, deep depressions, evergreen tundra and vast deserts, impenetrable forests and endless steppe. There are unique places in Eurasia:

  • Caves: Fingalova - the area washed in the rock by sea water is located on the territory of Scotland. Phraya Nakhon is a sacred place for Thais, which is located in Thailand. Blue Grotto - Italy. Iceland's glacial cave - Vatnajokull, bewitching with an amazing play of light on the walls. Glacial caves near Mutnovsky volcano Russia. Melissani cave in Greece.

  • The Eighth Wonder of the World is Pamukkale, located in Turkey. The "Cotton Castle" has been forming for 2 thousand years, outwardly it resembles a massive iceberg located on land. Pamukkale was formed under the influence of hot springs: mineral salts dissolved in the waters spread and form crystals. They are layered on top of each other, creating an unsurpassed beauty of the composition. In addition, the place is considered curative.

  • The Arctic deserts are amazing endless ice fields located on the territory of Russia. On the polar day, which lasts for months, the sun shines, but does not heat, the temperature rarely exceeds 0 degrees. Glaciers reaching the sea break off, forming icebergs. In a harsh climate, only hardy plants survive - no more than 100 species of vegetation are found on the territory, as a rule, these are lichens and mosses. The country of ice domes occupies 85% of the Arctic, the rest of the area is stones.

  • The "colored seas" of the continent - Black, Red, White, Yellow - got their names due to their color: algae, climatic features color the water in characteristic shades. For example, the Red Sea was named according to its geographical location - it is located in the southern part of the continent, and the Black Sea means "a sea with dark, black water."

  • The Dead Sea is the saltiest water in the world. The healing sea is accessible both in summer and in winter: the water temperature in any season exceeds 20 degrees. Dead waters are healing, beneficial to the human body.

The sea relaxes and saturates with useful microelements, increases vitality, rejuvenates and activates biochemical processes in the body. Despite the scorching sun, getting burns is difficult. The Dead Sea is visited by young families with children, elderly people.

Fauna of Eurasia

If we talk about the animals of the continent, then it is worth noting that the mainland is inhabited by unique individuals of the Globe. For example, bear, lynx, wolverine live in the Taiga. Red deer, roe deer, bison, fox, wolf and other settled in the forests. In the Carpathian mountains, a brown bear is panting.

The symbol of the World Wildlife Fund, the panda, lives in only one place on Earth - in the mountains of central China. A few decades ago, the Chinese government presented a bamboo bear cub as a diplomatic gift. As the panda population has dwindled to 1,600 in the wild and another 140 live in zoos, the world's politicians are getting a 10-year lease on the bear cub.

The brown bear is a predator of the Earth, the main character of fairy tales and legends of the peoples of Eurasia. Habitat - woodland. Depending on the habitat, the brown bear has different parameters - small bears live in the Far East, large and formidable in Central Asia. The main requirement for the existence of a bear is food. If the animal does not have enough food, it turns into a nomad.

common wolf

A special place is occupied by a wolf - a predator 160 cm long, weighing up to 90 kg. Outwardly, he looks like a large dog. In many states of Eurasia, the wolf is considered a "harmful" animal. For example, in the countries of the former USSR, the destruction of a predator was allowed. Today, European countries have added the wolf to the European Red List. But in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, the animal is just as subject to destruction as before.

The clouded leopard is a wild cat with unusual spotting. Under natural conditions, there are individuals with a uniform dark color. Found in the forests of Southeast Asia. It hunts during the dark period of the day, attacking the victim from a tree. The clouded leopard is a solitary animal. It is listed in the Red Book, but despite this it is hunted. Fur is the main cause of destruction. One fur coat requires 30 skins.

The red wolf is a hidden predator. It is extremely difficult to meet him in natural conditions. In myths, the animal is called a ghost in a red skin. Following the beliefs, people practically destroyed this species. Today, you can hunt the red wolf in India by purchasing a special permit.

Weasel is a small predator of the planet Earth, whose body length is 180-205 mm for male representatives, and 165-180 mm for female representatives. A species of mustelids runs, climbs trees and swims. Animals live all over the continent. Exceptions are Ireland, the Arabian Peninsula, cold Arctic regions.

Eurasia for children

What is interesting for children? Of course the parks. There are a huge number of them on the continent:

  • Tavoli Gardens in Copenhagen. Every year it is visited by 4 million tourists. The Tavoli Gardens are open to the public for six months. A famous attraction is a flight simulator.

  • De Efteling, located in Kaatsheuvel - the territory of the Netherlands. The annual number of visitors is 4 million people. Known for fountains and water shows. Opened in 1952.
  • europa park. The attendance of the park is 4.5 million. The peculiarity is Europe in miniature: during the walk you can visit countries of European importance.

  • Walt Disney Studios Park. Attendance 4.7 million per year. A special feature is the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the studio, learn about special effects, enjoy an exciting journey on the rides.
  • Lotte World is South Korea's giant theme park.

  • Nagashima Spa Land is famous for having the biggest roller coaster in the world: the length of the winding path is 2.5 km.

Nagashima Spa Land: the longest slides in the world

We can talk for a long time about the opening of modern places for recreation, great pastime in Eurasia. This region is able to surprise even an avid tourist. After all, on the continent there are different cultures, historical sites, forests and mountains, seas and rivers.

Eurasia, Eurasia
Huge continent.
Big as hell
There is no end and end