Teaching literacy in the senior group acquaintance. Literacy lesson in the senior group “Introduction to the sound “U” and the letter “U”

Olga Poluektova
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in senior group"Word on the Palm"

PURPOSE: Consolidation passed.


1. Educational.

Strengthen the ability to name words on a given topic;

To consolidate the ability to use prepositions in speech and come up with them the words;

Enrich children's vocabulary;

Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis the words;

Continue to teach children to isolate word stress, determine its place in word;

To consolidate knowledge about the syllable as a part the words;

Continue to learn to work in notebooks in a narrow line.

2. Developing.

Develop thinking, speech, attention;

Develop memory;

Develop fine motor skills.

3. Educational.

Cultivate love for the native language;

Cultivate a culture of communication, accuracy.


The game « Word on the palm» ;

The game "Disassemble word» ;

Finger gymnastics.

The game "Draw"



Picture - geese;

Houses- the words, circles-sounds, stripes-accent;

Notebooks, pencils.

DICTIONARY: airy, weightless, playful, sounds, vowels, hard consonants, soft consonants, stress, percussive sound, unstressed sound, syllables, wide line, narrow line.


1. Educational area "Health"- correct seating at the table; clothes.

2. Educational area « Physical education» - Physical education and finger gymnastics.

3. Educational area "Socialization"- perform actions in a team, are able to consult with each other, listen to the opinion of another.

4. Educational area "Work"- perform various actions to care for their workplace.

5. Educational area "Safety"

6. Educational area "Communication"- participation in the conversation, evaluation of peer responses.

7. Educational area « Artistic creativity» - drawing in notebooks.


I. Organizational moment.

The game « Word on the palm» .

caregiver: Guys, you already know that we call all the objects that surround us ... (words) .

I will find words everywhere

Both in the sky and in the water

On the floor, on the ceiling

On the nose and on the arm.

Haven't you heard this?

No problem! We play word!

Let's search the words in the forest and put them in a basket.

(The teacher offers a basket to the children, they "fold"- called the words that are found in the forest.)

II. Main part.

1. verbal speech development games

caregiver: The words and indeed can be found everywhere. No wonder the people were born such mystery: “Not ice, but clings to everything”. What's this? (word) . Do you think in our group Is it possible to find an object that has no name?

Everything is given a name:

Both the animal and the object.

There are a lot of things around,

And there are no nameless ones.

Help me name different the words. (Children take turns reading the lines from the poem. "What are the words» ).

eat sweet the word is candy,

There is a fast the word is rocket,

eat sour the word is lemon,

There is word with a window - wagon,

There is prickly word - hedgehog,

There is wet word - rain,

There is stubborn word - goal,

There is prickly word - spruce,

There is a book word - page,

There is forest word - titmouse,

There is fluffy word - snow,

There is funny word - laughter.

caregiver: And now, close your eyes, and an object will appear in front of you, which in our no group(takes out a balloon). What is he? (Airy, blue, light, weightless, large, transparent).

What kind words can fly like this bead, jump, shine?

The child takes the ball:

Balloon, playful,

Disobedient and obstinate

Ran away with the wind

And where - he did not tell us.

The teacher indicates what needs to be done, the child performs actions: the ball fell on the table, on the chair, under the table, under the cabinet. Hangs the ball on a nail.

caregiver Q: Where did the ball land? Name your words with small words on and under.

2. Sound analysis the words, stress setting.

(Children sit at the tables.)

caregiver: we called a lot words but we only have one. Guess which:

In front of them is a blue pond.

They will be fine here.

They jump straight into the water

They jump into the water and swim. (geese)

That's right, we'll take it apart word"geese". What does it consist of? (from sounds). Let's remember what sounds are (vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, what color are they indicated? (vowels - red, hard consonants - blue, soft consonants - green.) How many sounds live in this house- word? (four sounds)

At the blackboard, 4 children conduct a sound analysis the words:

1st child: The first sound in this word"G". he is a firm consonant. We close the window with a blue curtain.

2nd child: The second sound in this word -"at". he is a vowel. I close the second window with a red curtain.

3rd child: The third sound in this word -"si". He is a soft consonant. I close the third window with a green curtain.

4th child: The fourth sound in this word -"and". He is a vowel. I close the last window with a red curtain.

caregiver: Name the vowel sounds in word"geese". How many syllables are in this word? Which? Find the stressed syllable, say word with an accent. Name the stressed vowel. What do we call another vowel sound? (unstressed)

(Reading words with an accent, change of accent. Choosing the correct pronunciation).

3. Physical education.

Cheerful heel.

We took up the hands

Walked around merrily.

Cheerful heel

knocks out: chok yes chok. (repeat after each verse).

Oh, it's more fun in a squat

We will dance all together.

Oh yes, we have fingers

They all started dancing too.

Here it runs, runs forward

Our cheerful round dance.

Oh, we are tired of dancing

We'd better sit down and rest.

My heel, heel

Do not knock you chok yes chok!

Children are divided into two teams. In front of each team, cubes are placed in a line, 8 cubes each, from cube to cube - the step of the child.

caregiver: In this game you will need long-long words - whose word will be longer, he will reach the end of the track faster, he won.

(Children take turns calling words from 2, 3 or more syllables and step from cube to cube. After the game, they sit down at the tables.

5. Finger gymnastics.

little finger.

Our little finger got up in the morning,

Picked up the nameless one.

The middle finger stretched

Index woke up.

Must and big get up -

Take the brothers to the kindergarten.

Squeeze your hands into a fist. Unbend your fingers alternately, starting with the little finger. With the last phrase, thumb and little finger touch each other.

6. Work in a notebook in a narrow line.

Trace along the contour and continue to draw balloons - an oval in a wide line and an inclined stick in a narrow line - a rope.

III. Outcome classes.

Did you enjoy playing with me today?

What did you like the most?

What was the hardest (easiest) task?

Who do you think answered the best today?

How do you rate your answers?

Zmanovskaya Roza Dzhumaevna ,

teacher speech therapist

MKDOU "Kindergarten to / in

"Golden Key"

Purovsky district, Tarko-Sale


Correctional and educational:

Give the concept of the mechanism of sound formation And;

Introduce students to the meaning of words.


Teach children to form words with a diminutive

affectionate and magnifying suffixes;

Development phonemic hearing, auditory

attention and memory;

Developing the ability to make parts whole

image of the subject;

To teach children to highlight the stressed vowel in the initial position;

Correctional and educational:

To educate in children benevolence, independence, initiative.


subject pictures, a picture depicting a cheerful girl, a candle, a flannelograph, the game "Fold the picture", "portraits" of the Ik brothers, Ish, the letter [I], Handout(letters I made of velvet paper), attributes for the game "Jump", music CD (dance melody).

Vocabulary work:

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Speech therapist: Guys! Good morning!

Every new day should start with a good mood.

And so that the mood is good and cheerful, like this girl (showing a picture), let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and give each other that spark of warmth and kindness that lives in our heart.

Feel how kindness passes from palm to palm in your hands.

Now open your eyes.

(Picks up a lit candle.)

Look, the spark has turned into a light, from which we are warm and good.

Let's smile, wish everyone a good morning and a wonderful mood.

Children: Good morning!

Speech therapist:

Please sit on the chairs and listen to the poem.

2. Reading a poem.

Isolation of the initial sound in the word "needle".

"There is needles at the hedgehog

There is needles for sewing.

And the tree has needles»

Speech therapist:

Which word is repeated multiple times?


You repeated the word "needles" several times.

Speech therapist:

Are the needles the same or different? Look at the flannelgraph, please.


The needles are different.

Speech therapist:

Right. The word "needles" has many meanings. Such words in Russian are called polysemantic.

Let's remember this word.

Game technique: "We walk on the palm of our hand and slowly pronounce the word."

Listen as I now pronounce the word "needle".

- And-and-and-a needle.


Speech therapist:

Today we will get acquainted with a new sound. This is the sound [I].

3. Articulation of sound and its characteristics.

Speech therapist:

Let's all say the sound [and] together.


Speech therapist:

What a beautiful sound ! When we say it, our face changes. It becomes good.

Do you think this sound is long or short?

Let's check.

Children make sounds.


When you uttered this sound, did your lips, tongue interfere with you?


When pronouncing the sound [I], our lips and tongue did not interfere with us.

Speech therapist:

Is this sound being played?


This sound can be sung.

Speech therapist:

Indeed, the sound [I] is sung. His voice is involved in his education.

The sound [I] is a vowel sound.

Let each of you look in the mirror and see what position the lips and tongue occupy when pronouncing the sound [I].

Conclusion: The lips are smiling, the tongue is down, the air comes out in a wide stream. The sound [I] is a vowel sound and is indicated by a red chip.

4. Exercise with a rosary.

Speech therapist:

Guys! Come to me and take the rosary.

Installation: for each line we move one bead.

“Grandpa has one too.

Grandma has one too.

And my mom has it.

And dad has one.

And we have.

To know him

You have to say it out loud"


(If the task caused difficulty, ask a leading question).

Speech therapist:

I named the children.

There are names for fingers.

Gymnastics for fingers and eyes.

Four brothers are walking towards the elder.

Hello big guy! - they say.

Hello, Vaska-pointer,

(When the thumb touches other fingers, close and open the eyes).


Grisha is an orphan

Yes, little Timoshka!

(Children come to the tables and sit on the chairs).

5. Game exercise "Make no mistake!"


Now I will call the names of boys and girls. If you hear the sound [and] in the name, then take part of the picture and put it on the table in front of you.

Olya, Semyon, Igor, Sasha, Vera, Masha, Inga, Alyosha, Pavel, Nastya, Ira, Vasya, Kolya, Inna, Anna, Klava , Irma.

Speech therapist:

Which of you will name names with the sound [and] at the beginning of the word?

(Calls one of the guys).

Well done! You listened carefully to me.

Now I will ask you to connect the parts of the picture.

Who do you see in front of you?


Yes, they are horses!

Speech therapist:

Children: And-and-ho-ho!

Speech therapist:

What sound do you hear in this song?


Speech therapist:

What is the name of the baby horse?

- Foal.

Speech therapist:

The foal will grow up and turn into a horse-horse. And now we will play, strong, dexterous who, we will find out.

6. Kyrgyz folk game "Jump"

Music sounds. Children, performing jumps, move in a circle.

The driver stands in the center of the circle and waves a handkerchief. If the music stops, the driver will throw the handkerchief up. The place of the driver will be taken by the one who catches the handkerchief.

7. Tale of the brothers Ik, Ishch.

Please sit on the mat. I want to tell you a story.

There were two brothers. One was called Ik, and the other was Ishch.

Ik was small, and Ish was huge (showing "portraits")

Ik had a house, and Ish had a house.

And now I want you to help me tell about Ika.

(The game exercise “Finish the sentence” is being conducted).

Ik doesn't have a mouth, but...

Ick doesn't have a nose, but...

Ik does not have an eye, but ... etc.

And what about Ish?

If it's that big, it means it's all very big.

Seeking, not a mouth, but ... Seeking not a nose, but ...

Ishch does not have an eye, but ...

Many years have passed, but people have not forgotten about the brothers. If they want to name a small object, they think of their brother Ike. If it is necessary to name objects of enormous size, then they remember brother Ishche.

In the names Ik, Ish, there is overall sound. Name it please.


-This is the sound[ and] .

Speech therapist:

Do you think it is possible to see the sound [I]?


We do not see sounds.

Speech therapist:

To denote sounds, people came up with special signs(letters).

The sound [I] is indicated by the letter [I]. Here's what it looks like (showing a letter).

Take your letters and circle them with your finger (handout work).

Game exercise "Let's draw a letter with a nose"

8. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist:

What sound did you meet today?

Can this sound be sung?

What are the sounds that are sung called?

What letter represents the sound [I]?

I really liked you today. They answered questions well and were active in class.


1.A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakov "Learn while playing"

Moscow, publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2006.

2. V.V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten"

Moscow, publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2010.

3. G.A. Osmanova “New finger games for development fine motor skills»

St. Petersburg, publishing house "Karo", 2008.

4. N.V. Nishcheva “System corrective work in a speech therapy group for children with ONR "

St. Petersburg, 2003

5. Z.A. Repin, V.I. Buiko "Lessons in speech therapy"

Yekaterinburg, Litur publishing house, 1999

"Certificate of Publication" Series A No. 0000971 Dispatched March 26, 2013, Receipt No. 62502659111170

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
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municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Yaysky Kindergarten"Ship"

Russian Federation, 652100, Kemerovo region, Yaisky district, urban settlement Yaya, st. Leningradskaya, 4

Control and verification GCD on teaching literacy in the senior group "Rainbow"

Prepared by: Tabunova O. V.

P.g.t. Yaya


"Tasks from the gnome Literate"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to name words with a given sound, to divide two-syllable and three-syllable words into syllables, to single out a sound in a word intonation, to make sentences from two words, to name the first and second word in a sentence, to conduct a sound analysis of words, to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:Standing in a circle, call your neighbor affectionately, stretch your hands forward and, like "sun rays", connect them in the center of the circle. Quietly stand like that, trying to feel like a ray of sunshine.

Educator: Guys! Tell me, please, what are we hearing now? (noise outside the window, clock ticking, etc.). How can this be summed up in one word? (sounds). That's right, sounds.

(thunder rumbles).

Educator: Oh, children, what are these sounds? (children guess what it could be).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the guest who has appeared - the gnome Literate and the magic chest.

Dwarf: “Dear children of the senior group!

I am a dwarf Literate from the country of ABVGDeiki! I heard that you guys are very inquisitive and love to study. I came to visit you magic chest containing a gift for you. But the chest is magical, with seven locks. Each lock has its own key. Finding the keys is easy, you just need to guess where they are. My assistants hid the keys in your group. Guess my riddles and find out where to look for the keys. Put the keys to the locks and the chest will open! However, there is another secret! But you will learn about this later. I wish you success!

Educator: Blimey! Well, what, it is interesting to know what is in the chest? Shall we look for the keys?

(children's answers)

Educator: But before you start completing the tasks of the gnome Literate, let's stretch the tongue to speak clearly, correctly and beautifully.

  1. Articulation gymnastics.

“We blow doo-doo-doo into the pipe,

We bend the tongue into an arc,

The tongue climbed over the cheeks

And returned to the original point.

Let's bite the tongue

Let's click here.

Our cheerful tongue

Made all the moves

And now we are ready

Move into battle."

And here are the riddles that the dwarf Literacy has prepared for us. We are looking for the first key. It is located where the riddle is about:

He writes when they dictate

He draws and draws, -

And tonight

He will color our album.

Children: This is a pencil! We must look for the key where we have pencils!

Educator: Right! And the next task you need to complete with a pencil and a notebook.

Educator: And the key is hard! He has a task. That's the secret the Dwarf Literate was talking about! We will cope with this task - we will open one lock!

Task number 1.

Educator: Helpers of the dwarf Gramotey brought a riddle for you

"The beauty walks,

Lightly touches the ground

He goes to the field. To the river

And on the snow, and on the flower.

Children: Spring

After the children have guessed the riddle, the teacher puts a demonstration picture “Spring” in front of them. Before proceeding with the task, let's remember what the sentences consist of? (Answers of children). Yes, sentences are made up of words. What are words made of? (Answers of children). Yes, words are made up of sounds. What sounds do we know? (vowels and consonants). What are the 2 groups of consonants? (For hard and soft). What color do we designate solid and soft sounds? (blue and green). Well done guys, now you can start the task.

What season is shown in the picture?

Make short sentences based on the picture

(Using the example of one of the sentences, count how many words are in the sentence and write the diagram on the board). And in spring people get birch sap - birch.

Disassemble the word "juice" by composition.

Educator: Well done guys, you got the job done. Here is your first key!

(The teacher "inserts" the key into the first lock)

Educator: Here is another riddle from the gnome Literate:

Look, the house is standing

Filled to the brim with water

Without windows, but not gloomy,

Transparent on four sides.

In this house, the residents

All skilled swimmers.


(Children take out the key, it is near the aquarium)

Task number 2.

Educator: Here is the second task with the key: “The duck with the chicken came so that we could resolve their dispute - whose name is longer. Guys. How to determine which word is longer: duck or chicken? (Count the syllables).

Children pronounce the words syllable by syllable: “duck”, “ku-ri-tsa”, count syllables, compare and draw a conclusion.

Educator: Well done on the third task. Here, hold the key! We already have three locks open! Difficult? Tired? You tried very hard! Let's rest now. Guess who and in what fairy tale was also looking for a key, but not a simple one, but a golden one?

Children: Pinocchio! In the fairy tale "The Golden Key".


Pinocchio stretched, spread his arms to the sides,

Once - bent down, the Key was not found.

Two - bent down to get us the key,

Three - bent over. You have to get on your toes.

(Children recite a poem. Perform movements)

Educator: Listen to the next clue where to look for the key:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a person, but talking

Not a shirt, but sewn.

Children: Book! We will look for the key where we have books in the group!

(Find the second key, perform the second task. /

Task number 3.

Educator: And the task is this: you need to find a place where the sound is located. Where is the sound in the word?

Children: (at the beginning, middle and end of a word)

The teacher shows pictures, and the children in the field determine the position of the sound in the word.

(At the end of the task, the children “insert” the second key into the chest)

caregiver : Well, in order for us to find the fourth key, we will guess another riddle:

Task number 4.

There is a portrait in the room

Looks like you in every way.

Laugh - and in response

He laughs too.

Children: It's a mirror! We must look where the mirror is!

(The teacher takes out the key from behind the mirror)

You need to end the sentence with a word that begins with the sound "z".

1. Painted at the zoo (fence).

2. A cowardly (hare) ran across the field.

3. They hung a (lock) on the gate.

4. Zina has snow-white (teeth).

5. Zoya opened a beautiful (umbrella).

6. Mom hung new ones (curtains) on the windows.

(Children cope with the task, “open” the fourth lock with the key).

Educator: And we will look for the fifth key here:

What a miracle - bricks

I received as a gift.

What I make of them - I will break,

I start all over.

(Children guess: Building bricks. Find the key.)

Task number 5.

Educator: Here it is, the key, and on it the next task - the game!

Didactic game "Say with the numbers 1,2,5" (cards with the image of objects are used).

For example: one crow, two crows, five crows.

(Children complete the task, receive the key, “open” the fifth lock).

Educator: So we need to find the sixth key. Well, where to look for it, try to guess:

They beat him, but he does not cry,

Only higher, higher jumps!

Children: It's a ball! And we have balls in the sports corner.(Find the key)

Task number 6.

Educator: Listen, the sixth task!

Birds flew to our group, and guess which ones:

Little forest singer, sings best in spring (nightingale)

This bird never nests for chicks (cuckoo)

We live in a birdhouse, we sing sonorous songs (starlings)

Under the roof, I make a nest out of lumps of clay. For chicks, I lay a downy feather bed on the bottom (swallow)

Who walks along the paths with quick steps, shakes his long tail, guess for yourself (wagtail)

Black, agile, screaming "Krak!" Worms are the enemy! (rook)

The nightingale has a sonorous voice - it is sonorous, the rook has black wings - it is black-winged, the swallow has a white breast - it is white-breasted, the wagtail has a thin tail - it is thin-tailed, the starling has a yellow beak - it is yellow-billed, the cuckoo has a loud voice - it is loud-voiced.

After completing the task, the children receive the sixth key, "inserted" into the lock.

Educator: Guys, the seventh key is here.

There we create and draw,

Let's glue and paint!

Children: This is an art studio!

Educator: That's right kids!

Let's go to the art studio and find out the next task.

(children with a teacher go to the art studio and complete the task).

Guys, tell me, did you like doing the tasks of the gnome Literate today? What did you like the most? What task are you having difficulty completing?

You are all great! With your help, you can open any locks! And, as the people say: "Owl is a smart head." These are the owls the dwarf Literacy wants to give you as a souvenir, since you really deserve such an award! (Children are awarded with caps of masters).

Sections: speech therapy

  • generalization of knowledge about the sound composition of the word;
  • differentiation of the concepts of "vowels and consonants"
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • clarification of the dictionary on the lexical topic "Transport",
  • development of fine motor skills of the fingers
  • development of attention; thinking


  • dolls Krosh, Nyusha,
  • audio recording of a song from the m / f "Engine from Romashkovo";
  • balloons red and of blue color;
  • Free Images: locomotive, fairytale city

Lesson progress

1. Starting ritual

Hello guys! Today we have guests. Let's show them what we can and what we've learned. But first, let's remember the rule that helps us speak beautifully.

We always speak beautifully, clearly and slowly

We speak smoothly, loudly and, of course, we are not in a hurry.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Let's help our tongues pronounce sounds correctly. Let's break it down.

Guess what sound I want to say:

(children guess the sound by articulation: A, O, U, I, S)

3. Guys guess the riddle. Who is this? What the fairy tale hero? (The riddle about Krosh)

Even though he's an asshole
Good by yourself!
Did you know who it is?
Of course ... (Krosh)

From what cartoon? - (Smeshariki)

What other heroes do you know? (Nyusha, Hedgehog, Barash, Losyash, etc.)

Today we are visiting Krosh and Nyusha. and they invite us on a journey to an unusual city called Zvukarinsk.

4. - How can you go to this city? (children name different types of transport)

How can they be called in one word? (Transport)

And what is the name of the transport that moves on rails? (railway)

Name the railroad. (children call)

And we will go by train from Romashkovo! Take your seats on the train! Go!

(a song sounds from m / f "Engine from Romashkovo")

And in order not to get bored on the road, Nyusha will make riddles, and you need to guess them and name the first sound.

Himself - scarlet, sugar;
caftan - green. velvet. (watermelon)
First sound _A

Long and flexible
Hunts for fish.
Sometimes empty like a pipe
And he can't sing. (fishing rod)

Not motors, but noise.
Not pilots, but fly,
Not snakes, but sting (wasps).

A thin thread is threaded into a narrow eye,
And swam after the ship quickly.
Sews, sews, and pricks sharply
And they call the boat - .......(needle)

What sounds did we name? (Vowels.) And what other sounds are there?) Consonants) Well done! We can go further. Our train stopped at Slogovaya station.

5. Station Syllabic.

If I say first the sound A, and then Sh. What syllable will come out? -( AS)


Guess the riddle and divide the riddle into syllables:

You see us every day
In a book on a page
We are not a bit lazy
Get into lines. - (Letters).

What vowels are found in the word? (U,S)

How many syllables? How did you know?

Black Ivashka,
wooden shirt,
Where will the nose pass -
Puts a note there.
(pencil) -

What vowels are found in the word? (a, a, a)

6. Station "Fizkulturnaya"

And now we have arrived at the Fizkulturnaya station.

Clap your hands, children make movements in accordance with the text)
On a flat path
Let our feet dance.
Let our feet dance
On a flat path
Our legs are tired.

7. Station "Tell me a word"

Guys! Nyusha asks you for help. She got her words mixed up. We must help her.

It is not known what happened, only the letter is mischievous,

Jumped into someone's house and hosts it.

And here's what came out of it. And you think, is everything right.

We wanted to go for a walk
T boots were put on their heads.

Ten long days in a row
Aibolit sculpted the guys.

T a glasses are floating in the sky,
People take umbrellas.

To get to the garden
Above at you need boots.

Quietly twilight fell
TO the eyes were spinning in the air...

You see what happens if you mix up the letters in a word.

8. Station "Surprise".

Guys, our train has arrived at the Syurpriznaya station. Here we are in for a surprise.

Solve the riddle.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Color - any, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly under the sky. ( Balloon)

(the teacher brings the balls of blue and red)

Guys! These balls are not simple, but magical. They are friends only with sounds. If you pull out a red ball, then you need to name a vowel sound, and if it is blue, then name a consonant sound.

(Children one by one pull the balls by the strings and name the sounds)

The train arrived at the terminal station in the city of Zvukarinsk. And who lives in this city? (Sounds and letters)!

And who traveled with us? ( Krosh and Nyusha)

The city of Zvukarinsk is very large and interesting, and on the next trip we will go to this wonderful city.

Korneeva Valentina

Program content:

Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of a word, distinguish between hard and soft consonants, stressed and unstressed vowels;

To consolidate the ability of children to divide words into syllables;

Continue to teach children to name words according to a certain pattern.

Demo material: pictures-schemes of words mouse, bear; red, blue, green, black chips; pointer.

Handout: stripes with five cells; red, blue, green, black chips.

Course progress.

1. The teacher invites the children to remember what sounds are. "Vowels and Consonants". – "What are the consonants?" - "Hard and Soft". – “What chip denotes solid consonant sounds?”. – "Blue chip". – “What chip denotes soft consonant sounds?”. – "Green chip". – “What chip denote vowel sounds?”. – "Red Token". – What are vowel sounds?. – "Percussion and Unstressed". – "Which chip denotes drums?" - "Black chip".

2. Game "Name a Couple". Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls a solid consonant sound. The child throws the ball back to the teacher and calls a soft pair of spoken sounds.

3. Sound analysis of the word bear. The teacher pays attention to the number of cells under the picture and on the stripes. Children meet: “Five cells mean that there are five sounds in the word bear”.

Everyone works in the field and independently makes a sound analysis of the word. Then the teacher calls to the board the child who completed the task first. At the blackboard, Misha parses the word. “The first sound is a soft consonant, the second is a vowel, the third is a hard consonant. We know the rule that sounds "w, sh" always solid, have sounds "w, sh" no soft pair, fourth hard, fifth vowel. After conducting a sound analysis of the word bear, children determine the stressed vowel "and", denoted by a black chip. They read the word with a shift in stress (bear, children note that it’s so wrong. That’s right - miishka.

The teacher asks: How many syllables are in the word bear?. Children: "In the word bear, two syllables bear". caregiver: "What rule do we know?". Children: "How many vowels, so many syllables".

4. Sound analysis of the word mouse. Children independently in the field make a sound analysis of the word. Olya parses the word at the blackboard, she also determines which is the first, second, third, fourth, fifth. Children also determine the stressed vowel sound, how many syllables, note, words are similar in sound, differ in the first two sounds - "mm", and the second - "y, and",

5. Game "Name the words". The teacher puts blue, red, blue, red chips on the board and invites the children to name glory according to this model-scheme. How the sample names 2-3 words of a given sound structure (fish, leg, mom, hand, vase, dad, porridge).

If the child names the word incorrectly, the teacher with a pointer reads the word according to the model and explains to the child his mistake. At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

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