Why do I need psychology essay. Why do I need knowledge of psychology - essay

Contents Introduction 3 What is psychology 4 The emergence of psychology 6 The subject of psychology 9 Tasks structure and methods modern psychology 13 The place of psychology in the system of sciences 18 Conclusion 20 Literature 21 Introduction For centuries, man has been the subject of study for many, many generations of scientists. Mankind learns its own history, origin, biological nature, languages ​​and customs, and in this knowledge of psychology a very special place belongs.

So, S.L. Rubinstein in his book Fundamentals of General Psychology (1940) wrote: “The specific range of phenomena that psychology studies stands out distinctly and clearly - these are our perceptions, feelings, thoughts, aspirations, desires, etc. - that is, everything that makes up the inner content of our life and what, as an experience, seems to be directly given to us ... ”. Even the ancient sage said that there is no more interesting object for a person than another person, and he was not mistaken.

At the basis of the development of psychology lies the ever-increasing interest in the nature of human existence, the conditions for its development and formation in human society, and the peculiarities of its interaction with other people. At present, it is impossible to carry out many types of activities in production, in science, medicine, art, teaching, in games and sports without knowledge and understanding of psychological patterns. The system of scientific knowledge about the laws of human development, its potentialities is necessary for the entire social development.

What is psychology

Another meaning of the word "psychology", which is recorded in his ... Pre-scientific psychology is the knowledge of another person and himself with ... Domestic psychologist M.S. Studying the human psyche, this is the “science of the soul” of a person, it has not been studied ... Theories constructed scientific psychology, have an empirical basis, ...

The emergence of psychology

James and others, although they interpreted the method in different ways. In the title of the works (the texts of which have not survived to this day) Dalmatians ... . Secondly, after the work of the French psychiatrists J.M. Karus. The subject of psychology In the literal sense of the word, psychology is ...

Tasks, structure and methods of modern psychology

Has changed conceptual apparatus psychological science, I constantly appear ... The core of modern psychology is general psychology, which is studied ... At present, there is no complete classification of the psycho ... The task of science was conceived by Wundt as a logical ordering of facts. He identified three classes of methods: 1) empirical, in which ...

The place of psychology in the system of sciences

The place of psychology in the system of sciences. At the same time, almost all authors unequivocally pointed to a special, central ... Piaget. “On the one hand, psychology depends on all other sciences. But, on the other hand... The fruitful future of psychology is seen in the development of interdis...


Literature 1. Martsinkovskaya T.D History of psychology: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions, Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. 2. General psychology edited by Karpov A.V., M. Gardariki, 2002. 3. Zhdan A.N. History of psychology. From Antiquity to the Present Day, M 2002. 4. Petrovsky A.V. Questions of History and Theory of Psychology, Moscow, 2001. 5. Shultz D.P. Shultz S.E. History of Modern Psychology.

St. Petersburg, 2000. 6. Nemov RS Psychology, M 1998. 7. Psychological Dictionary, ed. Zinchenko V.P. Meshcheryakova B.G. M Pedagogy-Press, 1997.

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0.044 Essay on the topic "Why I decided to become a psychologist!"

Let me start with the fact that each person must find his calling in life. A profession chosen by a person should suit the person according to his abilities and capabilities, and also be useful to people. My profession is a teacher additional education. My decision to become an educator has been deliberate for many years and backed up by many facts. My main work is connected with children, with their parents. And for this it is necessary to understand people, to find with them mutual language. Therefore, there was an urgent need to go to study as a psychologist. What interests me in this profession? The answer is simple.
Firstly, the work of a psychologist is to communicate with people, this attracts me the most, since my communication skills are quite developed. Secondly, I believe that the work of a psychologist is in demand these days, since many people need psychological help. Thirdly, the work of a psychologist not only helps people to understand their problems, but also enriches inner world a person who decides to devote himself to this cause. After all, communication with different people has a positive effect on a person, teaches him to find an approach to different personalities and helps to understand the problems of the world around him.
I also believe that this profession will allow you to learn better people, will provide a whole collection of characters.

Yes, I want to be a psychologist. But what should be a good psychologist?A psychologist is a self-sufficient person, a person with a stable life position. Speaking of personal qualities, a psychologist is a person who has achieved enough high level personal and spiritual development.
The psychologist needs to learn to understand himself, in his inner world. That is why one of the most important qualities for the profession of a psychologist is the ability to reflect.
Another important quality is tolerance. This is tolerance for something else, a readiness to accept different manifestations of people without aggression and irritation. The psychologist also needs sensitivity, in other words, sensitivity. He should feel the mood of another person well, be able to guess about his needs.
The most important thing is the desire to help other people. Loving people. In my work, every day I face various problems when communicating with my students. So I want to learn how to help them. After all, psychology is called upon to explore and comprehend the most valuable and intimate thing that a person is endowed with - his soul, a complex, unique and unique inner world. Even Aristotle argued that the doctrine of the soul is the knowledge of the most perfect, sublime and amazing. Indeed, for science there is no more difficult subject to study than the human psyche. The psychologist is looking for answers to the most interesting questions about why a person behaves this way and not otherwise, why he strives for one thing and rejects another, why he is happy or unhappy, how to manage himself and be effective in communicating with others. Often, the profession of a psychologist is a difficult and painstaking work (and not only with students and their parents, colleagues, but also with yourself), it is a collision with mistakes, failures, which you often mistake for your incompetence.
In addition, it turns out that this profession is unusually diverse. There is a huge number of areas in which a specialist in this field can involve himself: psychotherapy (which itself can be carried out in different directions, schools), work with preschoolers, with addictive behavior, orphans, special, clinical psychology, perinatal, etc.
Of course, the science of psychology can simply come in handy in everyday life. But you should always keep in mind that if you have a degree in psychology, this does not mean that now you can easily solve your problems. Although, in my opinion, there are pluses here too. Knowledge of psychology to some extent helps to know oneself better, especially since this is necessary for our profession. I believe that you can understand the surrounding reality, the complexity of human relationships, see the inner world of another person only if you know yourself.
Psychology is often referred to as a helping profession. I fully agree with this. Helping a person is the main task in our work, the main driving force. Without this component, it is impossible. And in order to become a good psychologist, you need to decide and answer yourself the question: how can I help another? Further self-determination should be based on this as well.

Essay on the topic "Why do I need knowledge of psychology"

psychology family child problem

Asking myself the question why do I need psychology, I thought.

After all, psychology has entered today into the flesh and blood of people, into life attitudes, mentality, into everyday life, speech activity of each of us. Our speech is saturated with psychological terms.

Psychology carries knowledge about the motives of people's behavior, about the inner, hidden life of a person, about motives for action, about his will and lack of will, about the ability to maintain his status, human dignity in the most adverse conditions, what is distinctive feature person. In search of answers to the basic questions of being, our predecessors left us not only mistakes and delusions, but also brilliant insights and discoveries. They left not only answers, but also many questions. Over time, answers were found to some of them, and there are no answers to others, just like two thousand years ago.

The very views on the subject of psychology - the soul - have repeatedly changed over the past centuries. Plato believed that the soul is an idea, it is constant, unchanging and immortal, that it exists outside the body and, uniting with it, animates dead matter. His student Aristotle taught that the soul is inherent in all living organisms, including plants. According to the Democrat, the soul is material, consists of atoms and is mortal. Psychological knowledge has become a necessary component of modern culture, and its importance will grow.

We live in an exceptionally stressful time. More and more people can't handle this stress. The number of neuropsychiatric diseases, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, divorces, catastrophes, suicides (including among children and adolescents!) is growing catastrophically. And those who manage to refrain from breakdowns "take the blow" in the form cardiovascular disease, syndrome chronic fatigue, insomnia and neuroses.

Our society is in dire need of a psychological culture of attitude towards oneself, towards others, towards work.

After all, what does psychological culture mean in relation to oneself and others? This means the ability of an individual to correctly realize and evaluate, first of all, himself, the surrounding society, the world. After all, if you know your psychological characteristics, it is easier to solve the problems that have arisen.

Often psychological knowledge we are already deposited at an unconscious level. Because we put some life experience into our memory cells and already consciously use it in the future.

Life itself very often provides an opportunity to accumulate knowledge of psychology. We begin to understand ourselves, in people, in situations - and that is why we begin to read books on psychology, to think, to talk. We need this knowledge to build relationships with relatives, colleagues, friends, children. And it is also very important to be able to help in a difficult situation with at least the right word.

There are also a number of professions in which the basics of psychology are needed. These are the professions when there is direct communication with a person.

Just as often, psychological techniques help us to establish contact with a person. For example, using the technique when you “adjust your intonations, gestures” to the interlocutor for the most successful solution of the issue.

In family psychology, we need such knowledge and skills to be able to smooth out sharp corners, to be able to compromise, in the end, just to understand the words and actions of your partner.

Of course, we often begin to study child psychology when our children appear. We need this knowledge in order to understand why our child acted this way and not otherwise, why should he? ability to understand it psychological age and problems associated with upbringing at a particular stage of his life. And when we have children, we begin to understand parents even more.

In communicating with people around you, you also need to be able to apply that knowledge, be able to emotionally “unload”, and not pour out your “garbage bucket” full of negative emotions on the heads of surrounding (often innocent) people.

Thus, we can sum up. We need psychology in order to know ourselves and maybe partly the world. We live at a time when we need this knowledge, because it is not in vain that they have been accumulated for us for many centuries. And this will help us in some way to “unload” ourselves and at least our loved ones.

Understand and help someone, not just for show, but because you can do it.

Tags: Why do I need a knowledge of psychology Essay Psychology

Tatyana Alekhina
Essay "Why do we need a psychologist in education"

V modern society profession psychologist is in high demand because literate psychological help is sometimes needed for people of all ages. And basic knowledge psychology do not interfere with Everyday life to each. Such a profession requires not only desire, but also kindness, indifference to people, the ability to listen and hear people, logic, cleverness, the ability to draw conclusions and most importantly - stress resistance. How much time would pass psychologists will always be needed. They solve our problems that no one can solve. Psychology is the science of the soul about how we are all different and the same at the same time. Each teacher in the system education takes its place, psychologist is responsible for that side of the pedagogical process, which, apart from him, no one can professionally provide. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the goal education becomes a general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, and psychological-Pedagogical support at all levels of education becomes not only desirable, but also necessary. Psychologist coordinates the interaction of all participants educational process, relying on professional knowledge about age patterns and individual originality of mental development. Psychologist is a person who has spiritual and moral qualities, a high-level specialist, confident in his vocation, talent and abilities, a person who, above all, inspires confidence.

Psychologist in education - in kindergartens, general education and sports schools , gymnasiums, lyceums works with children and teaching staff, helping pupils, students to know themselves, build relationships with peers, teachers, parents, and helps teachers find the best forms of education and upbringing. One needs help to develop memory and attentiveness, another needs to improve relations with his father or mother, the third needs to learn to love or be friends. V educational psychologist advises students, parents and teachers, conducts testing, educational games and trainings, leads communication clubs, teaches psychology and more, establishing communication and helping students to know themselves and the world of people.

So way, role psychologists very large in today's society. Psychologists help society as a whole to develop correctly, and each person in particular to adapt to the external environment, understand themselves to be efficient in their work.

Only psychologist, is able to ensure continuity in the upbringing and education of children, adolescents and youth in changing conditions. Everything new usually causes fear and anxiety, so teachers, students and parents are in dire need of emotional support, scientific and practical help. psychologist. The psychologist will tell you support, help.

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Part 1 Essay on why I need knowledge of psychology.

Psychology studies very complex and difficult to know phenomena. Is it possible to see how a person thinks, remembers, what images arise in his mind, is it possible, finally, to see the feelings of a person - joy and sadness, love and hate? Of course not. One can learn about this invisible world only indirectly, by studying the behavior and activities of people in all their diversity.

People expect a lot from the research of mental life: their results are of concern not only to psychologists, to one degree or another they concern every person, because psychology is actively involved in solving many major problems. social problems. The most important among them are training, education, work.

The volume of information necessary for a person in life is growing rapidly and uncontrollably. A modern worker, engineer, doctor, scientist must know much more than his predecessors. Each new generation is forced to acquire an increasing amount of knowledge at approximately the same time. Without a clear idea of ​​how a person perceives and cognizes the world, it is impossible to cope with this task.

Man is the only creature on Earth that feels the need for labor. But the satisfaction of this need occurs in complex ways. A person is now more deeply aware than ever before of the goals and social significance of his labor activity. He does not want to be a human robot, but he feels more and more keenly the desire for creativity, for the maximum disclosure of his inner capabilities.

In this regard, one more area of ​​psychological research should be mentioned - the search for opportunities for professional selection and career guidance. The study of the objective requirements of various professions to mental activity people, determining the real possibilities of the person himself, starting from the sensitivity of the organs of sight or hearing and ending with the ability to build relationships with others, should lead to the fact that every young person will be able to correctly determine his place in the common work.

Psychological data show that the formation of a person's character, the properties of his personality depends not only on the influence environment, but to a large extent determined by the ability to self-education. Consequently, the results of psychological research lead to the conclusion that a person can actively "build" his personality.

Human mental life is unusually complex and diverse. Psychology studies its patterns - a person's perception of the world around him, thinking, feelings, the formation of his mental properties - needs, interests, skills, habits, abilities, character.

An important task of psychology is the knowledge of the objective laws of a person's mental life in order to guide the development of the individual, the formation of his consciousness, the purposeful change of his mental properties in accordance with the requirements of society.