Rules for the design of notebooks in the Russian language 8. Help on the results of checking notebooks in the Russian language

1.2. Types of written work of students

Final control work is carried out:

  • after studying the most significant topics of the program;
  • in the end academic quarter, half a year.

On one working day, only one written final control work should be given in the class, and no more than two during the week. When planning tests in each class, it is necessary to provide for their even distribution throughout the quarter, avoiding the accumulation of written tests by the end of the quarter, half year.

1.3. Number of final examinations


Type of work

by class

Russian language
cool essays
home compositions


Vocabulary dictation

Control dictation

Statement (detailed)

Volume of student essay

0.5 - 1 page

1 - 1.5 pages

1.5 - 2 pages

up to 50 words

up to 50 words

When counting words in the text of the control dictation, both independent and auxiliary words are taken into account.

If the control dictation is accompanied by an additional task, then the text is taken in the amount indicated by the first digit of the standard for this class.

The number of spelling and punctograms to be checked in the texts of control dictations should not exceed:

Class V
Number of spellings
Number of punctograms

The texts of control dictations in the Russian language can only include those newly studied spellings that have been sufficiently fixed (at least in two or three previous lessons).

Words with unchecked and difficult to check spelling, the spelling of which the students were specially trained, in the dictation should be no more than five in grade V, seven in grades VI and VII, ten in grades VIII and IX.

Until the end of the first quarter (and in the fifth grade - until the end of the first half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous grade is preserved.

The volume of essays in literature, regardless of the source and place of work:

The volume of a class essay on literature also depends on the time allotted for the work.

You can not reduce the mark for the lack of an introduction, epigraph and plan, if this did not affect the quality of the essay.

4. The procedure for checking written work by teachers.

4.1. Notebooks of students in which teaching classroom and homework is performed are checked:

I.In Russian:

  • in the 5th grade and in the first half of the 6th grade - after each lesson for all students;
  • in the 2nd half of the year in the 6th grade and in the 7th - 9th grades - after each lesson only for weak students, and for strong students - not all the work, but only the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that once a week the notebooks of all students are checked ;
  • in grades X - XI - after each lesson, weak students, and the rest, do not check all the work, but the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that the teacher checks the notebooks of all students 2 times a month;

II. on literature:

in grades VI - IX - at least 2 times a month, and in grades X - XI - at least once a month.

4.2. Presentations and essays on the Russian language and literature, as well as all types of examinations in subjects, are checked for all students.

4.3. Checking tests by teachers is carried out in the following terms:

  • control dictations in grades I - IX are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;
  • presentations and essays in V - VIII grades- in a week;
  • essays in grades IX-XI are checked for no more than 10 days.

4.4. In the work being checked, the teacher notes and corrects the mistakes made, guided by the following:

- when checking presentations and essays in grades V - XI (both control and training), not only spelling and punctuation errors are noted (and, if necessary, corrected), but also factual, logical, speech (speech errors are underlined by a wavy line) and grammatical; in the margins of notebooks, the teacher indicates factual errors with a sign F , logical - sign L , speech - sign R , grammatical - sign G , spelling errors - familiar I , punctuation - sign V ;

(*Note: It is impossible to reduce the mark for the absence of an introduction, epigraph and plan, if this did not affect the quality of the literary essay.

Any essay on literature is evaluated with two marks: the first is for content and speech, the second is for literacy. In grades V-XI, the assessment for content and speech refers to literature, the second assessment - to the Russian language.)

  • when checking notebooks and tests of students in grades V - XI in the Russian language, the teacher only emphasizes and notes in the margins the mistake made, which the student himself corrects;
  • underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher only with red paste (red ink, red pencil);
  • after checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher counts and writes down the number of errors by type, in dictations the number of spelling (numerator) and punctuation (denominator) errors is indicated in fractions. The presentations and essays indicate, in addition, the number of factual, logical, speech and grammatical errors;
  • after counting the errors in the prescribed manner, the assessment of the work is set.

4.5. All tests are necessarily evaluated by the teacher with the marks entered in the class journal.

Self-study written work is also evaluated. Grades in the journal for these works can be set at the discretion of the teacher.

Class and home written works in the Russian language in the 5th grade - the 1st half of the 6th grade are evaluated; grades in the journal can be set for the most significant work at the discretion of the teacher. In grades VI (starting from the second half of the year) - XI grades, all checked works are evaluated, but grades are given in the journal at the discretion of the teacher.

When evaluating the written work of students, teachers are guided by the relevant standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

4.6. After checking written work, students are given the task of correcting mistakes or performing exercises that prevent the repetition of similar mistakes.

Work on mistakes, as a rule, is carried out in the same notebooks in which the corresponding written work was performed.

4.7. Evaluation of educational work.

Educational work (various exercises, including dictations of a non-control nature) are evaluated more strictly than control work.

When evaluating training work, the following are taken into account:

  1. degree of independence;
  2. stage of learning;
  3. workload;
  4. clarity, accuracy, calligraphic correctness of writing.

5 . Derivation of final grades

The final mark should not be derived mechanically, as an arithmetic mean of the previous marks. The decisive factor in determining it should be considered the actual preparation of the student in all respects by the time the mark is taken. However, in order to encourage students to take their studies seriously throughout school year, when deriving the final grades, it is necessary to take into account the results of the current academic performance.

When deriving the final grade, priority is given to grades that reflect the degree of proficiency in skills (spelling, punctuation, speech). Therefore, the final mark for literacy cannot be positive if, during a quarter (year), most of the control dictations, essays, presentations for spelling, punctuation, and language literacy were rated with a score of "2" or "1".

In the senior grades, both grades for writing, which characterize students' knowledge of literature and their literacy, are set as a fraction in the class magazine on the pages of literature.

Assessment of learning outcomes

The procedure for checking written work

Checking of control works by the teacher is carried out in the following terms:

Control dictations in grades 1-4 are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;

Statements and essays in primary grades are checked and returned to students no later than 2 days later.

When reviewing student work, the teacher must: rules and requirements:

    When checking notebooks and tests in the Russian language

students 1-4's classes, the teacher crosses out the spelling mistake and writes the correct letter at the top.

In case of punctuation errors, an unnecessary one is crossed out or the punctuation mark necessary in this case is written; in the margins, the teacher indicates an error with a certain symbol(/ - orph., V - point.).

Underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher only with red paste.

After checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher counts and writes down the number of errors by type, in dictations the number of spelling and punctuation errors is indicated in fractions.

All tests are necessarily evaluated by the teacher with the grade recorded in the class journal. Self-study written work is also evaluated. Grades in the journal for these works can be set at the discretion of the teacher. The next lesson after the test work should be devoted to correcting the mistakes made by the students. Children are given various types of tasks or exercises aimed at preventing similar mistakes. Work on mistakes, as a rule, is carried out in the same notebooks in which the corresponding written work was performed.

When evaluating the oral and written work of students, the teacher should, first of all, refer to the main provisions of the letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Control and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school” (No. class of a four-year elementary school "(dated September 25, 2000 No. 2021 / 11-13).

In connection with the transition to a four-year primary education, there have been some changes in the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students:

Taking into account modern requirements for evaluation activities in elementary school, a 4-point system of digital assessments (marks) is being introduced. The rating "very bad" (mark "1") has been cancelled.

A mark is introduced “for the overall impression of the written work”. This assessment characterizes the appearance of the work: the accuracy of the work, aesthetic appeal, cleanliness, etc. It is set as an additional one, therefore it is not entered in the journal. The teacher puts two marks in a notebook or diary. For example: 3/4. In the numerator - a mark for the correct performance of the work, in the denominator - a mark for the overall impression of the work. A reduction in the mark “for the overall impression of the work” is allowed if:

- there are at least 2 inaccurate corrections in the work;

- the work is framed carelessly, poorly readable, the text has a lot of strikethroughs, blots, unjustified word abbreviations, there are no margins and red lines.

Evaluation standards and their features for certain types of work

Characteristics of the digital assessment (marks)

"5" - "excellent"

Absence of errors both on the current and on the previous educational material;

No more than one defect; consistency and completeness.

"4" - "good"

The presence of 2-3 errors or 4-6 shortcomings on the current material;

No more than 2 mistakes or 4 shortcomings on the material covered;

Minor violations of the logic of the presentation of the material.

"3" - "satisfactory"

The presence of 4-6 errors or 10 shortcomings on the current material;

No more than 3-5 mistakes or 8 shortcomings on the completed educational material;

Separate violations of the logic of presentation of the material;

Incomplete disclosure of the issue.

"2" - "bad"

The presence of more than 6 errors or 10 shortcomings in the current educational material;

More than 5 mistakes or more than 8 shortcomings on the completed educational material;

Violations of logic, incompleteness, undisclosed issue under discussion;

Lack of argumentation or fallacy of its main provisions.


due to the specifics of each educational area, some provisions of the characteristics of digital assessment (marks) require clarification.

Control dictation

Evaluating written work in the form of a dictation, the teacher is guided by the following assessment standards.

Violation of the rules of spelling when writing words;

Omission, distortion of letters in words;

Word replacement;

Absence of punctuation marks within the program of this class;

Incorrect spelling of words that are not checked by the rule (lists of such words are given in the program of each class).

For a mistake in dictation do not consider:

Errors in those sections of spelling and punctuation that were not studied either in this class or in previous classes (words with such spellings should be discussed with students before writing, write down words that are difficult for them on the board);

Singular dot omission at the end of a sentence if the first word of the next sentence is written with capital letter;

A single case of replacing one word without distorting the meaning. For one mistake in the dictation are considered:

Two fixes;

Two punctuation errors;

The repetition of errors in the same word (for example, in the word hedgehogs written twice at the end of the letter s). If a similar error occurs in another word, it is considered an error.

Non-gross errors

2 minor errors- Imistake

Repetition of the same letter in a word;

unfinished word;

Wrapping of a word, one part of which is written on one line, and the second part is omitted;

A single letter gap at the end of a word;

The same word written twice in a sentence.

Vocabulary dictation

Evaluating written work in the form of a vocabulary dictation, the teacher is guided by the following assessment standards.

Grading criteria for vocabulary dictation

There are no errors in the work

With 15-20 words

Control vocabulary dictations

held once a week or once every two weeks

Allowed to work:

1 bug, 1 fix.

Allowed to work:

2 bugs, 1 fix.

Allowed to work:

3 or more errors.


The evaluation of works for control copying should be approached with stricter criteria than when evaluating dictation, since this type of work requires attention when copying, accuracy, and the ability to compare what has been written off with a sample.

Criteria for assessments for control cheating

1st class

2nd-4th grades


There are no errors in the work; a job well done (no corrections).

The work is written neatly, in accordance with the requirements of the letter.

Allowed to work:

2 errors;

1 fix.

Allowed to work:

1 fix;

1 mistake.

The work is done cleanly, but slight deviations from calligraphic norms are allowed.

Allowed to work:

3 bugs and 1 fix.

Allowed to work:

2 bugs and 1 fix.

The work is written carelessly.

Allowed to work:

4 mistakes.

Allowed to work:

    3 or more errors.

The work is poorly written.

grammar task

Evaluating written work in the form of a grammar task, the teacher is guided by the following assessment standards.

Criteria for grading for grammar tasks

Job completed without error

The student discovers


conscious assimilation

1 mistake or 2 shortcomings in

definitions, rules and skill

main task, but true


completed an additional task.

knowledge at work.

At least 3/4 of the work is correct

1 error;

2 errors or 2 shortcomings in the main task, but the additional task was correctly completed.

The student discovers a conscious assimilation of the rules, is able to apply his knowledge in the course of parsing words and sentences.

At least 1/2 of the work is correct

The following was allowed in the work performed:

3 mistakes or 1-2 shortcomings in the main task;

One additional task completed correctly.

The student discovers the assimilation of a certain part of the studied material.

More than half of the tasks were not completed.

The student reveals poor knowledge of the educational material.

The control work, which consists of dictation (cheating) and grammar tasks, is evaluated by two marks:

One mark for dictation;

Another mark for the grammar task.

creative work

When checking creative works in grades 2-3, one overall mark is given. In the 4th grade - two assessments: the first for content and speech design, the second assesses literacy. Negative marks are given only in the control work, teaching presentations (essays) are evaluated positively.

Typical flaws in creative works Oh:

Inconsistency with the topic;

Distortion of the content of the original text (statement);

Introduction of unnecessary facts, parts;

Lack of communication between parts of the text;

Unsuccessful order of sentences in the text, words in the sentence;

Unjustified repetition of the same word or the use of a word in an unusual sense.

Assessing literacy, one should be guided by the criteria adopted when checking dictations.

Error symbols:

Z - Red line;

D- incorrect definition of the boundaries of sentences;

P- repetition of words;

H- bad word or sentence;

1, 2, 3 - poor word order

Ф - actual error;

V - omission of words or sentences;

T - dots are not put at the end of the sentence.

Verification work and testing

Written work in the form verification work or tests are considered completed if the student completed 3/4 of the task. Each task is considered completed if the student completed at least 1/2 of the volume of the task.

In doing so, remember:

The assessment of the quality of students' knowledge, presented by the measurers, does not aim to give a score to each student, but is expressed in two levels:

/ "met" the requirements for the level of preparation of students or "did not meet" the requirements for the level of preparation of students. Summary sheets-tables, in which the assessment of the performance of tasks by each student is put down, are prepared in advance. The score is given in the form of "+" or "-" signs. In the last column of the table, all positive indicators are summarized and the total score is set, both in absolute value and as a percentage. For instance:

F. I. student

Job N°

Number of completed tasks

% completed tasks

Adamov S.

Completed (+)

Egorova M.

Not fulfilled(-)

Total: met the requirements... (%)

did not meet the requirements ... (%)

You can process verification work and testing using the following formula:k \u003d m / n

where m is the number of correctly performed essential operations;

n is the total number of significant transactions.

According to this formula, any practical and textual work can be processed.

Criteria for evaluation of verification work

K> 0.9 - 95% of progress

K \u003d 0.8 - 80% of progress

"3" Control work to the lessons of the block “How our language» Control work ...

  • Works of MBOU "Sosh No. 91" for 2013 2014 academic year 2013


    For students 4th grade on mathematics, Russian language, ... Examination notebooks for control works on Russian language and mathematics. Monitoring the implementation of subject teachers requirements To verification notebooks. Scheduled Thematic Examination notebooks ...

  • Regulations on checking notebooks.

    1. General Provisions.

    1.1 This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Uniform requirements for oral and writing students and is designed to resolve issues related to checking notebooks.

    1.2. These Regulations are agreed with the methodological council of the school, which has the right to make changes and additions to it.

    1.3. A notebook is a mandatory attribute of a student's education; it is maintained by each student in all subjects curriculum.

    1.4Checking notebooks is paid for teachers of primary school, Russian language and literature, mathematics, foreign language.

    2. Tasks for checking notebooks:

    Fulfillment by the teacher of the norms of checking notebooks.

    Students doing homework.

    Compliance with a single spelling regime.

    The correctness of maintaining notebooks for tests and their safety during the year.

    The correctness of the signature of notebooks.

    Correspondence of the amount of class and homework.

    3. The procedure for checking notebooks.

    3.1 Primary classes.

    All notebooks are checked daily.

    Statements and essays are returned no later than two days later.

    Types of errors are placed in the margins of the notebook (/ - spelling error; v - punctuation error).

    The volume of written work in the Russian language (for a lesson, write as many words in a notebook as provided by the program on reading technique).

    3.2. Russian language and literature.

    Workbooks in the Russian language are checked in the 5th and 6th (first half of the year) classes daily, each work, in the 6th (second half of the year), 7 - 9 classes - the most significant works, but always once a week, 10 - 11 classes once a a month, for poorly performing students it is checked twice a week.

    Literature workbooks are checked in grades 5-9 at least twice a month, grades 10-11 - at least once a month.

    Exams are returned to the next lesson.

    Presentations and essays are returned in a week in grades 5-9, after 10 days in grades 10-11.

    The error is underlined and corrected by the teacher.

    After each checked work, work on the errors is carried out.

    Grades for examinations are posted in the journal, for independent work- at the discretion of the teacher.

    The volume of written work in the Russian language (for a lesson, write as many words in a notebook as provided by the program on reading technique).

    The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

    3.3 Foreign language.

    Workbooks are checked: in grades 5 and 6 each work, in grades 7 - 9 - once a week, grades 10 - 11 once a month, weak students are checked twice a week.

    Exams are returned to the next lesson.

    Types of errors are placed on the margins of the notebook (/ - spelling error; v - punctuation error, L - logical. F - actual, R - speech, speech errors are underlined by a wavy line), GR - grammatical).

    The error is underlined and corrected by the teacher.

    After each checked work, work on the errors is carried out.

    The amount of work performed must be program requirements.

    Grades for tests are put in the journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

    The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

    3.4 Mathematics.

    Workbooks are checked in 5th and 6th (first half of the year) classes daily, each work, in 6th (second half of the year), 7th - 9th grades - the most significant works, but always once a week, 10th - 11th grades - the most significant works, but it is obligatory twice a month for all students, for poorly performing students it is checked twice a week.

    Exams are returned to the next lesson.

    An error is underlined, a rough one - by two, a non-rough one - by one, a defect - by wavy lines, work is being done on the errors.

    Exams are returned to the next lesson.

    Grades for tests are put in the journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

    The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

    3.5 Physics, chemistry, biology informatics.

    Workbooks in grades 5-11 are necessarily checked twice a month, the most significant work is checked for all students, for weak students it is checked once a week.

    The error is underlined, work on the errors is in progress.

    Control, practical and laboratory work is returned to the next lesson.

    Grades for control, laboratory and practical work are posted in the journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

    The amount of homework is equal to 1/3 of the amount of class work.

    3.6. History, social science, geography.

     Workbooks in grades 5-11 are necessarily checked twice a quarter, the most significant work is checked for all students, for weak students every work is checked.

     The error is underlined, the speech error is underlined by a wavy line, work is being done on the errors.

     Grades for tests are put in the journal, for independent work - at the discretion of the teacher.

    4. Payment for checking notebooks

    4.1 Checking notebooks must be paid to teachers:

    primary school- 10% of the number of hours of Russian language and mathematics;

    For teachers of Russian language and literature - 15% of hours of Russian language in grades 5-11 and 15% of hours of literature in grades 8-11

    Mathematics teachers - 10% of the number of hours;

    According to the formula x = (% of hours / (number of classes * 25 people) * (number of students trained)

    Foreign language teachers - 10% of the number of hours according to the formula: According to the formula x = (% of hours / (number of classes * 15 people) * (number of students trained)

    4.2 The rest of the subject subjects are paid in the presence of the institution's wage fund.

    4.3. Control over the checking of notebooks is carried out by the Deputy Director for OIA once a month.

    4.4 Payment can be charged at 50% if the verification was not complete and at 100%. If the notebooks were not checked at all.

    This provision has been developed in order to streamline the maintenance and observance of a single spelling regimen at school and applies to students in grades 1-11 who study full-time and individual forms of education.

    Requirements for keeping notebooks.

    I. General provisions.

    1. All entries in notebooks should be written in neat, legible handwriting.
    2. Observe the fields on the outside (4 cells are marked with a simple pencil).
    3. Indicate the number of the exercise and task; indicate where the work is done (classroom or homework).
    4. Follow the red line.
    5. Students in grades 1-11 write with a school-style ballpoint pen. The dressing paste should only be blue.
    6. The teacher checks the notebooks with red ink.
    7. Correct errors as follows: cross out an incorrectly written letter, sign, word, phrase or sentence with a pen with an oblique line; do not enclose incorrect spelling in brackets.
    8. For students in grades 1-11, the text of each new work should begin with a red line on the same page of the notebook on which the date and name of the work are written.
    9. Between the final line of the text of one written work and the date or title of the next work, skip two lines in Russian language notebooks, and 4 cells in mathematics and other subjects notebooks (to separate one work from another and to grade the work).
    10. Students' notebooks must be wrapped.
    11. Russian language (lined) and mathematics (lined) notebooks should be no thicker than 18 sheets.
    12. The use of a "stroke" is prohibited.
    13. Starting from the 4th grade, the date in notebooks in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, history is written in Arabic numerals in the margins:

    For instance: 21.12.03. (without the letter "g").

    Number and purpose of student notebooks

    No. p / p Subject Class Number of notebooks
    Current control Practical
    1. Russian language 1 - - -
    1-4 2 1 - 1
    5-9 2 1 - 1
    10-11 1 1 - -
    2. Literature 5-7 1 - - -
    8-11 1 - - 1
    3. Mathematics 1 copybook - the period of literacy - - -
    1-4 2 1 - -
    5-6 2 1 - -
    4. Algebra 7-11 2 1 - -
    5. Geometry 7-11 2 1 - -
    6. ISO 1-8 album - - -
    7. Chemistry 8-11 1 1 1 -
    8. Physics 7-11 1 1 1 -
    9. Geography 6-11 1 - 1 -
    10. Biology 6-11 1 1 1 -
    11. English language 2-4 1 - - 1- dictionary
    5-11 1 1 - 1- dictionary

    II. Making inscriptions on the covers of student notebooks.

    Uniformly carry out the inscriptions on the cover of the notebook: indicate what the notebook is intended for (for work in the Russian language, mathematics, etc.), class, number and name of the school, last name and first name of the student. The inscriptions on the notebooks should be done according to the following pattern:

    for creative work
    In Russian
    student(s) 2a class
    high school №6
    Ivanov Sergei.

    Signature example workbook in English in grades 5-11 should be drawn up according to the following model:

    English 5a form
    Sedova Elena.

    Dictionary by English language in grades 5-11 should be drawn up according to the following model:

    English 5a form
    Sedova Elena.

    Sample signature of a notebook in English for control and verification work:

    For tests
    English 5a form
    Sedova Elena.

    Notebooks for students in the first grade are signed only by the teacher, and notebooks for students in grades 2-11 are signed by the students themselves.

    III. Registration of written works in the Russian language.

    1. After each class (home) work in grades 1-11, two lines should be indented (we write on the third).
    2. When making a red line, indent to the right at least 1.5 cm (1-2 fingers). The design of the red line should be carried out from the very beginning of the design of texts from the 1st grade.
    3. Don't skip a single line as you work. It should be borne in mind that when preparing written works in the Russian language, one should write on a new page from the very top line, adding to the end of the page, including the last line.
    4. On the right, add to the end of the line, while from the 1st grade, teach normative word hyphenation using traditional methodological approaches. There should be no unreasonably empty spaces at the end of each line.
    5. The date of writing the work in the Russian language is recorded in the center of the working line. In the first grade, during the period of literacy, the date is recorded by the teacher or students in the form of a number and the initial letter of the name of the month.
    6. At the end of the literacy period and until the end of the 3rd grade, the day and full name of the month are recorded.
    7. For instance: December 1.
    8. Starting from the 3rd grade of the second half of the year in notebooks in Russian, the number is written in words:
      For instance: December first.
    9. The title of the work is recorded on the next working line (without skipping a line) in the center and is drawn up as a proposal.
      For instance:
    10. Classwork.
      Work on bugs.

    11. By doing homework after the missing two lines is written:
      Homework.(date not written)
    12. The numbers of all exercises performed in the textbook notebooks must be indicated.
      For instance: Exercise 56.
    13. All underscores, conventions, drawings, tables should be done with a neatly sharpened simple pencil along the ruler. It is allowed in some types of work without a ruler, which depends on a well-formed skill in working with a simple pencil. The selection of spellings should be done with a simple pencil or green paste.
    14. In columns, words are written with a small letter, commas are not put.
    15. Words are written in a line as follows: the first with a capital letter, the rest with a lowercase letter, a comma is placed. Phrases are written in small letters. Case names are capitalized ( I.p.).
    16. Verb conjugations are indicated by Roman numerals ( I).
    17. The gender of nouns is indicated by small letters ( m.r.).
    18. Correct errors as follows: cross out an incorrectly written letter or punctuation mark with a pen with an oblique line, cross out a part of a word, a sentence with a thin horizontal line; do not enclose incorrect spelling in brackets.
    19. For teaching writing in the first grade and in the second grade, a notebook lined in two lines was introduced. For students, starting from the third grade and up to the 11th grade, a Russian language notebook was introduced, lined in one line.
    20. The system of work on the formation of the skill of the correct connection of letters should be carried out differentially throughout all four years of education in elementary school.
    21. Calligraphy exercises are performed by students in workbooks. Samples of letters in grade 1 are prescribed by the teacher, in grades 2-4 they are prescribed selectively, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The teacher should prescribe individually to students those elements of letters, syllables and letters that require adjustment. The amount of work is two lines in grade 1 in the second half of the year, 2-3 lines - in grade 2, 3-4 lines - in grades 3-4.
    22. During the teacher's check of the letters spelled out by the students, it is necessary to correct the incorrectly spelled letters and take out samples of their spelling in the margins (underline incorrect connections, correct and write samples of these compounds in the margins and for writing on a new line). Also, the teacher needs to correct incorrect spellings in class and homework.
    23. A system for working on mistakes in notebooks in the Russian language is required.

    IV. Registration of written works in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography.

    1. Between classroom and homework, 4 cells should retreat (on the 5th cell, write the next work).
    2. Between types of work, retreat 2 cells (write on 3 cells).
    3. Between columns of expressions, equations, equalities and inequalities, etc. retreat 3 cells to the right, write on the fourth.
    4. All numbers of tasks and tasks that are performed in a notebook must be written in the middle of the line.
    5. In mathematics notebooks in grades 2-3, the time to complete the work is indicated in the middle of the line: the number is written in Arabic numerals, the name of the month is written in words.
      For instance: December 1.
      And through the cell - the type of work.
      For instance: Classwork.
    6. In mathematics notebooks in grades 4-11, the date is written in the margins in numbers.
      For instance: 23.12.03. (without the letter "g")
    7. The word “Task” is not written in grades 2-4. The assignment number should be written in the middle in grades 2-11.
      For instance: № 15.
    8. When doing homework in grades 2-11, write in notebooks: Homework.
    9. In grades 2-11, in notebooks for tests, the date is written in the margins and in the same line in the middle it is written: Examination No. 3. 10/15/11.
      I is an option.
    10. Correct errors as follows: cross out an incorrectly written number, number or sign with a pen with an oblique line; do not enclose incorrect spelling in brackets.
    11. Underlining, symbols, graphs, drawings, tables should be done neatly with a simple pencil, and, if necessary, using a ruler or compass.
    12. In notebooks for practical and control work in physics, chemistry, geography, biology, the number of the work is indicated.
      For instance:
      Control work No. 1.
      Practical work №1.

    V. Registration of written works on other subjects.

    1. Written work in other subjects is conducted by students, according to general provisions about keeping notebooks. However, when preparing written papers in English, there are some peculiarities:
    2. Records in notebooks in English in grades 5-11 should be kept in a cage.
    3. The dictionary is kept in a common notebook with an indication of the topic.
    4. In notebooks for control and verification work, work on the errors is necessarily carried out:
      Mistakus work.
    5. The error in the translation of the text is underlined, and “r” (speech error) is marked in the margins.
    6. Errors in the Russian text correct as follows: incorrect capital letter or cross out the punctuation mark with a pen with an oblique line, cross out part of the word, sentence only with a horizontal line; instead of the crossed out, inscribe the necessary letters, words, sentences; do not enclose incorrect spelling in brackets.

    VI. The procedure for checking written work by the teacher.

    Notebooks of students in which teaching classroom and homework are performed are checked:

    - In Russian in grades 1-5 and in the first half of the year in grades 6 - daily;

    • from the II half of the year in grades 6 and 7 - 2 times a week;
    • in 8 classes - once a week;
    • in grades 9-11 - as needed;

    - mathematics in grades 1-5 and in the first half of the year in grades 6 - daily;

    • from the II half of the year in grades 6 and in grades 7-9 - selectively, but at least 1 time in 2 weeks;
    • in grades 10-11 - as needed;

    - in physics- the total number of checks - 1 time in 2 weeks.

    Verification work performed in workbooks is subject to mandatory verification.

    For underachieving students and students on individual training Notebooks are checked regularly.

    Checking of control works by the teacher is carried out in the following terms:

    • in grades 2-11, control dictations are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;
    • presentations and essays in grades 2-4 are checked and returned to students no later than two days later; in grades 5-8, a week is allotted for testing; in grades 9-11 - 10 days are allotted;
    • in grades 2-6, tests in mathematics are checked and grades are given to students for the next lesson; in grades 7-11 - are checked during the week.

    Control, practical (laboratory) work in physics, chemistry, biology, geography are checked for the next lesson, but not longer than one week.

    For students in grades 2-11, who are on individual training, control dictations, presentations and compositions; tests in mathematics; control, practical (laboratory) work in physics, chemistry, biology, geography are checked and marks are given for the next lesson.

    In grades 2-11, after the control dictation, essay, presentation, work on errors is necessarily carried out (date not indicated). The topic of the lesson is written in the middle:

    Work on bugs.

    In grades 2-11 with students who are on individual training after the control dictation, composition, presentation, work on errors is carried out as necessary.

    In grades 2-11, when checking tests in the Russian language, errors are classified and placed on the fields: / - spelling mistake

    V- punctuation error

    In grades 2-4, a system of working on mistakes in notebooks in mathematics and in the Russian language is required. In the course of checking the work of students, it is recommended to cross out the wrong answer or mistake, underline this place and give the students the opportunity to write the desired answer or spelling themselves in the classroom or at home, well studied at this stage of learning.

    When checking notebooks and tests in the Russian language:

    In grades 5-8, a spelling mistake is crossed out with an oblique line; the “/” sign (spelling error) is placed in the margins;

    In grades 9-11, the teacher underlines the erroneous spelling.

    In case of a punctuation error, the incorrectly placed character is crossed out, and in the absence of a character, a space is underlined where the character should be. The sign “ V”(punctuation error).

    When checking essays and presentations, two marks are given: for content and literacy. The first mark - for content - includes evaluation for logical structure, style, factual material, speech design. Second grade for literacy. When it is set, the number of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors is taken into account . For instance: 5/4.

    After control work in grades 5-11, as necessary, work on mistakes is carried out. In this case, the notebook indicates and writes in the same line:

    Work on bugs.

    Depending on the purpose of checking the work in all subjects, the teacher can correct mistakes, underline or put them in the margins.

    First from the series "Non-Fictional Stories".

    A scandal was brewing in the teacher's room. According to the work plan of the school, the day before, they checked, pardon the tautology, “the state of checking notebooks” in some classes there. It turned out that Marya Ivanovna's workbooks for the whole last week had not been checked, Tatyana Lvovna's only cool work or maybe only homemade - that's not the point. And Lyubov Davydovna - oh my God! - misses errors.
    The head teacher announced reprimands. Teachers are offended, someone is already writing a statement, someone is sobbing bitterly.
    An outsider simply cannot understand this. And this is where the husband of one of the teachers comes into play: “Are you so upset because of this? How much are you paid for them? Ah, three hundred a month? Well, of course, it's worth the sobs and the nerves. The price of one of your checks is twenty-five kopecks. And most importantly - check do not check, but the red color in them does not become less. Sisyphean labor. He put a colored piece of paper on the table and ordered to get ready for a visit. My wife is hysterical: I have not yet checked three stacks of workers and two control ones. But a doubt arose in my soul: is it really twenty-five kopecks? The husband sat down at the calculator: “We are not taking you, but the average teacher, who has only three classes, this is about a hundred students, one hundred students - one hundred notebooks. Total three rubles per month per student. His notebooks should be checked at least three times a week. We divide three mythical rubles into 12 checks. That's right: twenty-five. This is a teacher with three classes. You will have less. So, are we going to visit?"
    Everyone can come up with the end of this story for themselves.

    How can it be anyway? Notebooks cannot be checked. Every linguist knows this. But it is simply physically impossible to check all the works. Overload from the lessons themselves and from preparing for them can still be explained somehow. But checking notebooks often leads to a nervous breakdown.

    In explaining to novice teachers the meaning of this work, I always refer to Letters to Christina, written on behalf of an experienced teacher, Margaret Metzger, to a teacher training graduate. (They were published in the First of September newspaper in issues 83–88, 1996.) Recalling herself in her youth, Margaret says:

    “Day and night, I checked the work of 140 students. This was learned by a very experienced teacher. “You don't have to kill your life for this job,” he said, and looked at the new, still sparkling wedding ring on my hand. “I bet you don't have much time for your husband. When was the last time you went for a walk or went to the movies together?.. Come next week and I'll show you how to check the work quickly. And he kept his word. He gave me the most important advice: when checking notebooks, you should not solve all the problems at once, but each time you need to take on only one problem. Each time check in notebooks one thing.

    I don’t know how the Methodists would have looked at these tips, but the “Letters to Christina” helped me a lot. And above all, by the fact that they taught me to think, to look for their own paths in the methodology.

    Of course, the skeptical reader will immediately object: what other “own ways” can there be in such a routine work as daily checking notebooks? And yet every linguist here has his own finds, his own useful trifles.

    Experienced teachers advise:

      Anything that can be tested in a class must be tested in a class. A variety of methods are suitable for this: examples of the correct execution of tasks on the board or key cards on the desks, spelling pronunciation, instant verification of what was written using signal cards, punched cards.

      The notebook must be returned to the student no later than the next day, since only in this case fast feedback is established. No one needs an essay or a control given in a week or even two. To an even greater extent, this applies to workbooks.

      It is necessary to start any next work by correcting the mistakes already made. Otherwise, the noble work of checking notebooks will indeed turn into the work of Sisyphus.

    Maybe you should heed these tips? It's not that they're not feasible.
    From myself I will add a few more rules and techniques.

    We must try to turn checking notebooks into ... ... pleasure.“What did they write there today? What made you happy? Are there many mistakes? Has the lesson been in vain? Did you understand the topic? - I ask myself these and other questions, looking at a stack of notebooks.
    This approach usually gives positive results. In the most ordinary notebooks, you can often find not only a mountain of errors, but also many small discoveries, because a notebook, unlike a teacher's abstract, is a photograph of a student's activity. It will help to correct the next lesson, to see their miscalculations and mistakes.
    Checking notebooks should not be treated as some kind of sacred matter, which should take all the strength and time of the teacher. I made it a rule for myself: spend no more than a minute on one notebook, then the whole pack can be checked in just half an hour.

    How it's done?

    We take a notebook. So, we check the vocabulary dictation, even if only two or three lines are written, and we will definitely put a mark. (Recall one of the rules of "Letters to Christina": each time check something in the notebooks.) Exercises from the textbook. We read diagonally. The analyzes were all checked in the lesson, there is nothing to study them again so thoroughly, this is not an investigative examination. But we will certainly check this - the final dictation on the topic - and again we will put an assessment (only not a deuce, better the hell or some other way to express our disapproval). Total two or three grades for one cool work. The student is not neglected. He knows: everything he did in the lesson will be checked, noticed, appreciated. The teacher sees all the gaps in the knowledge of the student.

    Checking notebooks is manual work, both literally and figuratively manual. So far, no technology has been invented that can replace the hard labor of a teacher in this matter. But there is one way to make it much easier. This self test path.

    Many philologists use self-examination to one degree or another. But it is to one degree or another - from case to case. Meanwhile, self-examination and self-control can become real assistants to the teacher.

    I work in the fifth grade according to the textbook by G.G. Granik, S.M. Bondarenko, L.A. End 1 . It is noteworthy that for all exercises it has answers. Answers in modern textbooks no one is surprised today. However, this methodological discovery - I’m not even afraid to say, a discovery - was first introduced into the textbooks of the Russian language and literature by psychologists G.G. Granik, S.M. Bondarenko, L.A. End (see their books "Secrets of Spelling", "Speech, Language and Secrets of Punctuation", etc.). It is in the answers to all (!) tasks and questions that the new textbook is fundamentally different from all others.

    What is the purpose of the responses? - usually asked by everyone who encounters a textbook for the first time, and often parents are among them. “After all, the child will simply write everything off.” And they glue, stain the pages with answers, hide them from the student. But the keys in the textbook are given for a reason. They are needed for self-control and self-examination of knowledge, allow the student to work calmly, not be afraid that you can make a mistake, and also allow everyone to work at their own pace: “turtles” do not rush, and “doe” run as is typical of their nature. Children who successfully completed the task skip the same type of exercises, moving to the next level - the green light turns on for them, the weak and intellectually passive continue training - the red light is still on for them.

    This is how self-control is organized in our textbook and in our lessons. Some of the teacher's work is done by the students themselves. And now it takes me much less time to check notebooks than before. I just look through my homework, along the way for myself, marking those who wrote off "exactly as in the answer." (The experiment showed that after some time, intellectually passive children also stop cheating, moving to the level of intellectually active ones, so let them cheat for now.)

    The question of self-control has taken us far away from the subject of discussion - checking notebooks. In fact, these questions are interrelated. And the point, of course, is not only to relieve teachers. Constant self-control includes attention and helps to cultivate such important personality traits as independence and responsibility. All my students who study from our textbook know this.

    But what about those for whom the textbook with answers-keys has not yet become a common thing? Look back and ask yourself the question: “Am I spending too much effort on checking notebooks? Shouldn’t this matter be simplified a little so that there is time left for going to the cinema, and for walks with her husband, and, finally, for creativity? After all, routine work most of all kills that ability in a person, which is called creativity.

    1 Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M., Kontsevaya L.A.. Russian language: Textbook for the 5th grade: At 2 pm M., 2001. See also my review of this textbook in No. 14/2002.