Koran for all in Russian. The Holy Quran in Arabic - the savior of the soul and body of man

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The Qur'an is the Holy Creation of the Muslim religion, the main monument of society, the basis of which is worldview and religious thoughts. By learning to read the Quran correctly, you will simultaneously master the Arabic language.

There are several rules for reading it:

  1. Master the Arabic alphabet "Alif wa ba";
  2. Practice writing;
  3. Learn tajweed - grammar;
  4. Try to read and practice regularly.

The key to success is the ability to write correctly. After you master the letter, you can safely move on to the practice of reading and grammar.

You will need:

Get over the alphabet

The Arabic alphabet is the first thing you have to do. It consists of 28 letters, 2 of which are vowels: "alif" and "ey". The spelling of many letters depends on their placement: the beginning, middle or end of a word.

The main difference from Russian is that words in Arabic are read from right to left. When writing, you need to follow the same principle.

You need to learn and remember how to read letters and pronounce them correctly. It will be easiest to use a translator, as you can visually study the letter and hear its pronunciation. Video tutorials can also help you master the language on your own. At the same time, you can find a large number of them on the Internet and choose at your discretion.

A self-instruction manual can be purchased at a bookstore and in this case it will be an appendix to a book that will give you the opportunity to become familiar with the language. If you like books, choose the right one.

It is advisable to purchase with additional audio files that will help you hear the correct pronunciation.

When learning a language, use the same type of Quran, this will help develop visual and auditory memory.

Stress and pauses in words

When learning Arabic, don't forget to look at where the accents are.

A slight difficulty will be that the language has not one stress, but several: primary and secondary.

The main stress contributes to an increase in the intonation of the voice, the secondary ones take on the power function. Pay attention to the reading rhythm, which is built on a series of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Use the rules for combining words, study the rules of pauses in detail. Since a misread text can lead to a loss of meaning or its change. After studying the types of pauses, read the text in the presence of a person who knows the Qur'an. He will explain what mistakes you make and how to avoid them.

Text volume

Set yourself certain tasks for each day that you will perform. Decide how much information you can process daily. After that, carefully reread the given volume several times, try to remember it and try to repeat it on your own during the day.

Until the moment you remember a passage of text, do not start studying the next one.

Start with the first sura of Al-Fatiha. Read each verse of the surah 20 times. For example, Surah Al-Fatiha consists of seven verses, each must be repeated 20 times, after which all verses must also be read 20 times.

In order to start studying the next sura, it is necessary to repeat the previous one the same number of times.

Writing and grammar

The main task is to write as much and as often as possible. The letter must be brought to automatism. The difficulty may be that you also need to write from right to left, you need to get used to this. Distribute tasks throughout the month and you will master the correct spelling.

Ramadan is called the month of the Quran, because it was in this month that the Holy Book of Allah Almighty was sent down. During the days of fasting, believers devote more time to serving their Creator, more often they read His Word. There is also the practice of reciting the entire Qur'an during the month of fasting in Taraweeh prayers.

One day the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) got up at night and began to read Surah al-Baqarah. Reading the verses, which speak of the mercy of Allah, he asked the mercy of the Almighty. Reading the verses, which speak of the punishment of Allah, of His greatness, he asked for protection. When he recited verses with praise, he praised Allah.

The companions heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say: Subhana rabi'al a'la ”, praising the Almighty, because He commanded to do this:

سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الأَعْلَى

« Praise the name of your Lord Supreme » Koran, 87:1.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads Sura 95“ At-Tin ”after reading the last verse:

أَلَيْسَ اللهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الحَاكِمِينَ

« Is not Allah the Just Judge? »

it is desirable to answer:

" بَلَى وَأَنَاعَلَى ذَلِكَ مِنَ الشَّاهِدِينَ "

« Yes it is and I testify to it ". So the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught and commented on the speech of the Almighty to the companions.

Is it better to read the Quran aloud or silently? At times the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recited the Qur'an loudly and could be heard in neighboring rooms, at other times quietly. Abu Bakr was asked how he recited the Quran. He replied that he was reading quietly because Allah is "near" to us. Umar was asked the same thing, he replied that he likes to read aloud in order to wake the sleeping one and drive away the shaitan. A person can read the Quran aloud and silently, depending on the time and place.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) read some part of the Qur'an every day. He devoted a certain part of the time to the Koran, like a wyrd. For three days, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reread the Quran in full. Companions did the same. Some of them completed the reading within seven days, like many scholars and righteous people of our ummah. By reading juz of the Qur'an every day, one can read the Qur'an for a month.

في حديث أنس أنه سئل أي الأعمال أفضل؟فقال: الحال المرتحل. قيل: وماذاك؟قال: الخاتم المفتتح

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked: Which action is preferable? " He replied: " This is the state of the traveler. ". He was asked: " What does it mean? » Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “When you finish reading the Quran, start reading again ". That is, having finished reading 114 sura "an-Nas", it is advisable to proceed to the first sura "al-Fatiha", and so constantly, without stopping - having completed, proceed to the beginning. So a person is constantly accompanied by the speech of Allah.

For some people, it may be difficult to read the Quran a lot every day. Start small: read one page at a time, gradually adding one sheet at a time. The most important thing in reading the Koran is constancy, so that there is a daily connection between the Lord and the slave. As a man spent his life, so he will be resurrected. If you read the Qur'an, you will be resurrected with the Qur'an, for the Qur'an is the light that guides man.

The greatest delight in Paradise will be the opportunity to read the Qur'an and listen to it from the mouth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). As reported in the hadith, he will read the surah "Taha" in front of the inhabitants of Paradise. It is a great joy to hear Surah "Taha" from Tahi (one of the names of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him).

Transcript of the sermon Sheikh Muhammad As-Saqaf

Mamoon Yusaf

In this article, you will learn about the fastest and most effective ways to improve your Quran reading technique in Arabic. Following our advice, over time you will forget that you stammered and stuttered in simple words, and you can read any page of the Qur'an as easily as you read the surah al-Fatiha.

But first, let me tell you how I realized that I needed to seriously work on my reading technique. This happened at an event in which one fairly well-known scientist participated ...

When I realized my technique was weak

When I was a student, I often participated in the preparation of various activities and classes for Muslim students. I have always been considered an activist because I did a lot for the Islamic societies of our university.

So, I was busy organizing a meeting with a famous scholar, ran among everyone with an air of importance, until I noticed that the hafiz, whom we invited to read the Koran at the beginning of the evening, did not appear.

Immediately, I began to mentally sort out everyone who could replace him. But, looking around, I realized that none of these people were there. I began to frantically search for at least someone, even if not from our society. I even stopped people at random, but everyone refused: “No, my reading is lame - why can’t you yourself?”

They asked why I couldn't read myself! I completely lost my feet and realized that I had no way out. At first I decided to read what I know by heart, but it turned out that I only remember a few short surahs at the end of the Qur'an, and it was somehow “dishonest” to read them.

Fortunately, I practiced Surah Yasin and recently listened to it several times, so I decided to stop at it ...

Believe me, never in my life have I experienced such relief after reading the Qur'an as I did that time. Usually on stage I feel calm, but then I just sweated from excitement. I stuttered and stuttered almost every word. Imagine, I almost stumbled on the words “ya sin”.

When it was over, the scholar nodded to me and said, "You know, you should read more of the Quran." Imagine how embarrassing!

I myself understood everything: I had to properly take up the recitation. It was a long journey of trial and error, but I got through it, and here's how:

5 Ways to Improve Your Quran Reading Technique

1. Old Thai proverb

The Thais, known to us for inventing the muay thai style of kickboxing, used to say, "If you want to be a good fighter... fight!" This is true even if your goal is to learn how to recite the Qur'an competently and fluently.

Do what the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was first commanded to do: read. Read as much as you can, as often as you can. This moment cannot be replaced. The more you read, the better you get at it. Before you know it, you will already be reading an unfamiliar page as quickly as you used to read a few lines.

2. Link old and new habit

Without a doubt, this is the only truly effective way to create a new habit. You must associate the habit of reading the Qur'an in Arabic with what you do daily and never miss. For example, brush your teeth or get dressed in the morning.

A great way is to time the reading to one (or several) prayers that you perform every day. So you will be in a state of voodoo, and one of the main psychological barriers will be overcome.

And when you decide which prayer to choose, promise yourself to read after it a small passage from the Koran every day, and so for thirty days.

3. Repetition is the mother of learning

And now I will teach you a technique that will allow you to double or triple the quality and speed of reading. Let's say you decide to read two pages of the Qur'an after Isha prayer and 2 pages in the morning before leaving for work.

“But does that mean I only read one page?” you say. Yes, but you did it four times, and more importantly, the fourth time you read three to four times faster than the first. What if you read one page five times a day?

The next day, move on to the next page, and so on. At the end of the week, you may want to “go over” all seven pages that you completed during the week again.

You may even want to do this with a tajweed teacher who will correct your mistakes. You will find that you are still reading the very first page 2-3 times faster and more confidently than on the first try.

And in 600 days you will read the Quran 6 times! And let them envy you!

If you decide to read one page five times a day and once at the end of the week, then it turns out that by the number of pages in a hundred days, that is, in three months, you will read the whole Quran! This means that in a year you will do it four times.

4. Remember keywords

The key to understanding the Qur'an is to know by heart the basic words of the Qur'an. If you learn 300 of these words, it will be about 70% of all the words of the Qur'an. But you need to memorize the “correct” words.

They will help you when reading, linking the text together, therefore, having learned these common words by heart, you will recognize them when you meet, and then something amazing will happen ...

Just like on your mother tongue, you will unconsciously mark the first and last letters of a familiar word, and immediately recognize the whole word, that is, you do not have to read it letter by letter. I want to say that when you start to recognize the most common words right away, your reading technique will improve many, many times over.

However, this tip does not replace the previous three. Don't wait to learn everything the right words to start reading. This is a common mistake and a waste of time. You may know all three hundred words, but if you have never read the Quran aloud, you will still come out very slowly.

If within a month you can memorize 5-10 words every day and still read, in a month or two you will know 70% of all the words of the Quran. You will see for yourself that this will make you want to learn and read again and again, will give you confidence in your abilities.

5. Use digital devices

Digital technology will also help you move forward quickly. Record a recitation of a famous hafiz whose voice you like. Listen to him read one page at a time and read along with him, running your finger along the lines. If you are too behind, then just follow the text. Then return to the top of the page and start all over again, and so on several times. Since the hafiz reads much faster than you, you will go through one page several times in one go. First, you will learn to follow the text with your eyes, and then say it out loud.

So, in short, here are five rules for improving the technique of reciting the Quran:

1. Constantly practice reading like a boxer practicing punches over and over again.
2. Read one page of the Qur'an immediately after prayer.
3. Before going any further, read it several times.
5. Learn five words from the Koran a day, and so for two months.
6. Read under the recording of the reading of the hafiz.

The developers of the Quran Academy intend to immediately implement a number of different learning mechanisms, each of which, in reality, is a separate large project in its complexity. At the moment we are at a very early stage of development, but already now you have the opportunity to try many different tools that we have already made.

Reading the Quran

We strive to create one of the most convenient tools for reading the Holy Quran. Already today you can find in it a whole set unique opportunities which are virtually non-existent anywhere else.

  • Interlinear translation by words. You can see the translation of each word of the Qur'an in the language that suits you. Already now we have a practically completed translation into Russian, a translation into English has been uploaded to the site, and work is underway to translate the words of the Koran into Bashkir, Tajik, Azerbaijani and Turkish.
  • Many tafseers. You have the opportunity to open one of the seven main tafsirs of the Koran in Arabic, as well as the two most famous tafsirs in Russian: al-Muntahab and al-Saadi. Also, our volunteers are working to connect to our site the translation of tafsir ibn Kathir.
  • Highlighting the rules of tajweed. In order for you to quickly learn how to read the Quran correctly, you can use the tips for the rules of tajwid, which appear right when you hover over one of the tinted letters.
  • Different Quran Navigation Modes. You have the ability to switch between display modes: you can read the Quran by verses, suras, rubs, hizbs and juz. You can also turn on continuous reading mode, which allows you to read verses in streaming mode.

Arabic and Tajweed courses

We are working on creating interactive training courses, which include video lectures, as well as tests with sets of questions to test your knowledge. Also, after completing the course, it will be useful for you to take the final master test, during which you will have to test all your knowledge of the course.


This section is somewhat similar to the Quran Dictionary, but here you will work with tools whose main purpose is to enable you to memorize the verses of the Holy Quran as quickly as possible.

At the moment, we have the following learning mechanisms available for use:

  • Finish the verse. You are given a partially completed verse with empty cells. You need to fill in the missing words correctly.
  • Listen and complete the words. You are given the opportunity to listen to the verse. After that, you need to fill in his words in the correct order.
  • Arrange words according to translation. You are given a set of empty cells. Your task is to insert the words of the verse into the correct cells according to the translation.

The Quran, being the word of the Almighty, serves as a true guide, the main guideline in the life of the Islamic ummah, as well as a source of universal knowledge and worldly wisdom that has no analogues in the world. Revelation itself says:

“Allah sent down the best narration - Scripture, the verses of which are similar and repeated. Those who fear their Creator have a shiver run down their skin. And then their skin and hearts soften at the remembrance of the Almighty. This is the guidance of Allah, through which He guides whomever He wills to the straight path.” (39:23)

Throughout history, the Lord sent down four Holy Scriptures to His servants, namely: the Torah (Taurat), the Psalter (Zabur), the Gospel (Injil) and the Koran (Kur'an). The latter is His final Scripture, and the Creator undertook to protect it from any distortion until the day of the Great Judgment. And this is stated in the following verse:

"Indeed, We sent down the Reminder and We guard it" (15:9)

In addition to the traditional name, other names are used in God's most final Revelation to characterize some of its qualities. The most common among them are the following:

1. Furqan (Distinction)

This name means that the Qur'an serves as a distinction between "halal" (permitted) and (forbidden).

2. Kitab (Book)

That is, the Holy Quran is the Book of the Almighty.

3. Dhikr (Reminder)

It is understood that the text of Holy Scripture is at the same time a reminder, a warning for all believers.

4. Tanzil (Send down)

The essence of this name lies in the fact that the Koran was sent down by our Creator as His direct mercy for the worlds.

5. Nur (Light)

Structure of the Quran

The Holy Book of Muslims includes 114 suras. Each of them has its own special meaning and its own history of sending down. All suras consist of verses, which also carry a certain meaning. The number of verses in each sura varies, and therefore a distinction is made between relatively long suras and short suras.

The Koranic suras themselves, depending on the period of their sending down, are divided into the so-called "Meccan" (that is, sent down to the Messenger of the Almighty Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, during the implementation of his prophetic mission in Mecca) and "Medina" (respectively, in Medina).

In addition to the suras, the Koran is also divided into juz - there are thirty of them, and each of them consists of two hizbs. In practice, this division is used for the convenience of reading the Qur'an during tarawih prayers in the Holy month of Ramadan (hatm), since reading the entire text of the Book of Allah from the first to the last verses is a desirable action in a blessed month.

History of the Quran

The process of sending down the Revelation took place in parts and for quite a long time - for 23 years. This is mentioned in Surah al-Isra:

“We sent down it (the Quran) with the truth, and it descended with the truth, but we (Muhammad) sent you only as a good messenger and a warning warner. We have divided the Qur'an so that you can read it to people slowly. We sent it down in parts" (17:105-106)

Sending down to the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) was carried out through the angel Jabrail. The messenger recounted them to his companions. The first were the opening verses of Surah Al-Alaq (The Clot). It was from them that the prophetic mission of Muhammad (S.G.V.) began, twenty-three years long.

In the hadiths, this historical moment is described as follows (according to Aisha bint Abu Bakr): “The sending down of revelations to the Messenger of Allah, salallah galeihi wa sallam, originates from a good dream, and no other visions except those that came like the morning dawn. Later, he was inspired by the desire to retire, and he preferred to do this in the cave of Hira on the mountain of the same name. There he was engaged in matters of piety - he worshiped the Almighty for many nights on end, until the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not have a desire to return to his family. All this lasted until the truth was revealed to him, when he was once again inside the cave of Hira. An angel appeared before him and commanded: “Read!”, but in response he heard: “I can’t read!” ”Then, as Muhammad (s.g.v.) himself narrated, the angel took him and squeezed him hard - so much so that he tensed to the limit, and then unclenched his arms and again said: “Read!” The Prophet retorted, “I can’t read!” The angel again squeezed him so that he (again) became very tense, and released him, commanding: “Read!” - and he (again) repeated: "I can't read!" And then the angel squeezed the Final Messenger of Allah for the 3rd time and, releasing, said: “Read in the name of your Lord, Who created, created a person from a clot! Read, and your Lord is the most generous…” (Bukhari).

The sending down of the Holy Book of Muslims began on the most blessed night of the month of Ramadan - Laylat ul-Qadr (The Night of Predestination). This is also written in the Holy Quran:

“We sent it down on a blessed night, and We warn” (44:3)

The Quran familiar to us appeared after the departure of the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) to another world, since during his lifetime the answer to any question of interest to people could be given by Muhammad himself (s.g.v.). The 1st righteous Caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.) ordered all the companions who knew the Koran by heart to write down its text on the scrolls, since there was a threat of losing the original text after the death of all the companions who knew it by heart. All these scrolls were brought together during the reign of the 3rd caliph - (r.a.). It is this copy of the Koran that has survived to this day.

The Benefits of Reading

Holy Scripture, being the word of the Almighty Himself, carries many virtues for people who read and study it. The text of the book says:

“We have sent down to you the Scripture to clarify all things as a guide to the straight path, mercy and good news for Muslims” (16:89)

The benefits of reading and studying Quranic suras are also mentioned in a number of hadiths. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) once said: “The best of you is the one who studied the Qur'an and taught it to others” (Bukhari). It follows that the study of the Book of the Lord is one of the best deeds for which one can earn the pleasure of one's Creator.

In addition, for reading each letter contained in the Holy Quran, good deeds are recorded, as the following saying of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Whoever reads one letter of the Book of Allah, one good deed will be recorded, and the reward for doing good deeds increases 10-fold” (Tirmizi).

Naturally, the memorization of verses will also turn out to be a virtue for the believer: “To the one who knew the Koran, it will be said:“ Read and ascend, and clearly pronounce the words, as you did in earthly life, for, truly, your place will correspond to the last verse you read ”(This hadith is quoted by Abu Dawud and Ibn Maja). Moreover, even if a believer has learned certain verses, he should re-read them so as not to forget. The Messenger of God (s.g.v.) said: “Keep repeating the Quran, as it leaves the hearts of people faster than camels freed from fetters” (Bukhari, Muslim).

It is also important to remember that the time devoted by believers to reading, studying the Book of the Creator will benefit them not only in this mortal world. There is a hadith on this subject: “Read the Quran, for, truly, on the Day of Resurrection, it will appear as an intercessor for those who read it!” (Muslim).

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The Quran is the holy book of Muslims. From Arabic it is translated as "reading aloud", "edification". Reading the Quran is subject to certain rules - tajwid.

World of the Quran

The task of tajwid is to correct reading letters of the Arabic alphabet - this is the basis for the correct interpretation of divine revelation. The word "tajvid" is translated as "bringing to perfection", "improvement".

Tajweed was originally created for people who want to learn how to read the Qur'an correctly. To do this, you need to clearly know the places of articulation of letters, their characteristics and other rules. Thanks to tajwid (rules of orthoepic reading), it is possible to achieve correct pronunciation and exclude distortion of semantic meaning.

Muslims treat reading the Quran with trepidation, it is like a meeting with Allah for believers. It is important to prepare properly for reading. It is better to be alone and study early in the morning or before bed.

History of the Quran

The Qur'an was sent down in parts. The first revelation to Muhammad was given at the age of 40. For 23 years, the verses continued to be sent down to the Prophet ﷺ. The collected Revelations appeared in 651, when the canonical text was compiled. Suras are not located in chronological order but remained unchanged.

The language of the Quran is Arabic: it has many verb forms, it is based on a harmonious word-formation system. Muslims believe that verses have miraculous power only if they are read in Arabic.

If a Muslim does not know Arabic, he can read the translation of the Koran or tafseers: this is the name of the interpretation of the holy book. This will allow you to better understand the meaning of the Book. The interpretation of the Holy Quran can also be read in Russian, but it is still recommended to do this only for familiarization purposes. For a deeper knowledge, it is important to know Arabic.

Surahs from the Quran

The Quran contains 114 surahs. Each (except the ninth) begins with the words: "In the Name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful." In Arabic, basmala sounds like this: The verses of which the suras are composed, otherwise called revelations: (from 3 to 286). Reading the suras brings many benefits to the believers.

Sura Al-Fatiha, consisting of seven verses, opens the Book. It gives praise to Allah, and also asks for His mercy and help. Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah with 286 verses. It contains the parable of Musa and Ibrohim. Here we can find information about the unity of Allah and the Day of Judgment.

The Qur'an ends with a short sura Al Nas, consisting of 6 verses. This chapter tells about various tempters, the main struggle with which is the pronunciation of the Name of the Most High.

Sura 112 is small in size, but according to the Prophet ﷺ himself, it occupies a third of the Qur'an based on its significance. This is explained by the fact that it has a great meaning: it speaks of the greatness of the Creator.

Transcription of the Quran

Those who are not native Arabic speakers can find translations in their native language using transcription. She meets on different languages. This is a good opportunity to study the Quran in Arabic, but some letters and words are distorted in this way. It is recommended that you first listen to the verse in Arabic: you will learn to pronounce it more accurately. However, this is often considered unacceptable, since the meaning of the verses can change greatly when transcribed into any language. To read the book in the original, you can use the free online service and get the translation in Arabic.

great book

The miracles of the Qur'an, about which much has already been said, truly amaze the imagination. Modern knowledge allowed not only to strengthen faith, now it has become obvious: it was sent down by Allah himself. The words and letters of the Qur'an are based on some kind of mathematical code that goes beyond human capabilities. It encodes future events and natural phenomena.

Much in this sacred book is explained with such accuracy that one involuntarily comes to the idea of ​​its divine appearance. Then people did not yet have the knowledge that they have now. For example, the French scientist Jacques Yves Cousteau made the following discovery: the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas do not mix. This fact was also described in the Koran, what was the surprise of Jean-Yves Cousteau when he found out about this.

For Muslims choose names from the Koran. Here were mentioned the names of 25 prophets of Allah and the name of a companion of Muhammad ﷺ - Zeid. The only female name is Maryam, even a sura is named after her.

Muslims use suras and verses from the Koran as prayers. It is the only shrine of Islam and all the rites of Islam are built on the basis of this great book. The Prophet ﷺ said that reading the suras will help in various life situations. The utterance of the sura "ad-Duha" can relieve the fear of the Day of Judgment, and the sura "al-Fatiha" will help in difficulties.

The Quran is filled with divine meaning, it contains the highest revelation of Allah. In the Holy Book you can find answers to many questions, you just have to think about the words and letters. Every Muslim must read the Qur'an, without its knowledge it is impossible to perform prayer - obligatory view worship of the believer.

Everything that exists in the Universe and everything that happens in it is connected with the Koran and is reflected in it. Mankind is inconceivable without the Quran, and all science, in the true sense of the word, is only a small fraction of the knowledge contained in the Holy Quran.

Mankind is inconceivable without the Quran and therefore the hearts of people freeze when they hear this beautiful word.

People want to know more about the Quran and are looking for everything related to it.

With the advent of the Internet in the search lines, millions of people type the words: Quran, Quran + in Russian, download Quran, listen to the Quran, language of the Quran, reading the Quran, read the Quran, Quran + in Russian, suras + from the Quran, translation of the Quran, online Quran, Quran free, free Quran, Mishari Quran, Rashid Quran, Mishari Rashid Quran, holy Quran, Quran video, Quran + in Arabic, Quran + and sunnah, Quran free download, free Quran download, Quran listen online, Quran read + in Russian, beautiful Quran, Quran interpretation, Quran mp3 etc.

On our website, everyone will find the necessary and complete information related to the Quran.

The Koran in Russian is not the Koran. The Holy Scripture was sent down to mankind in Arabic, and those books that we see today as translations of the Koran in different languages, including Russian, cannot be called the Koran and they are not. How can a book in Russian or another language that a person has written be called the Quran? This is just an attempt to translate the word of God into different languages. Often, something similar to computer machine translation is obtained, from which it is difficult to understand something, and even more so, it is forbidden to make any decision on it. The publishing of books in different languages ​​with a translation of the sacred text and with the inscription "Quran" on the cover is an innovation (bid'ah), which was not in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and after him during the time of the companions, their followers and the Salaf Salihuns . If such a thing were necessary, then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would do it and command others. After him, the companions also did not publish "Qurans" in Persian, English, German, Russian and other languages.

Thus, they began to "be glorified" only in the last 200-300 years. And the 20th century in this regard was a record, when the Holy Quran was translated into Russian by several people at once. They did not stop there and began to translate even into national languages.

Anyone who wants to understand the true meaning of the Qur'an must read hundreds and hundreds of volumes of interpretations of the sacred text, which were written by the greatest scholars of Islam in their time.

All Islamic science is the explanation to the people of what the Holy Quran calls for. And thousands of years of continuous study will not be able to give a person a complete understanding of the meaning of the Holy Book. And some naive people think that by taking the translation of the Koran into Russian, they can make decisions and build their lives on it and judge others. This, of course, is dark ignorance. There are even those who look for arguments in the translations of the Koran and, finding nothing there, oppose the world-renowned greatest Islamic scholars.

Koran- the eternal, uncreated speech of Allah Almighty. The Holy Quran was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by the Lord through the archangel Jibril and has come down to our days unchanged through transmission from generation to generation.

The Qur'an includes everything necessary for humanity up to doomsday. He collected everything that was contained in the previous Books, abolishing the prescriptions that applied only to certain peoples, thus becoming a source of answers to pressing questions until the end of time.

The preservation of the Qur'an was taken over by the Lord. It will never be distorted and will be preserved in the form in which it was sent down, for Allah Almighty says (meaning): “Verily, We (Allah) sent down the Qur’an, and We will definitely keep it” (Surah Al-Hijr, ayat 9 ).

quran listen

Listening to the reading of the Quran calms a person, normalizes his psychological state. Medical institutions even practice therapeutic therapy, when people suffering from stressful and depressive conditions are allowed to listen to the reading of the Koran, and experts state a sharp improvement in the condition of patients.

﴿ وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ﴾

[سورة : الآية 82]

"I send down from the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for those who believe."

Quran language-Arabic, the most beautiful language in which the inhabitants of Paradise will communicate.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Love the Arabs because of three reasons: because I am an Arab, the Holy Quran is in Arabic and the speech of the inhabitants of Paradise is Arabic.”

Reading the Quran

You only need to read the Quran correctly, it is not a simple text that can be read with errors. It is better not to read the Qur'an at all than to read it with errors, otherwise a person will not receive any reward, and on the contrary, he will commit a sin. To read the Quran, you need to know well the rules of reading and the pronunciation of each Arabic letter. In Russian there is one letter "s" and one letter "z", and in Arabic there are three letters similar to Russian "s" and four to "z". Each is pronounced differently, and if you pronounce it wrong in a word, then the meaning of the word completely changes.

The correct reading of the Qur'an and the pronunciation of letters is a separate science, without comprehending which it is impossible to pick up the Qur'an.

عَنْ عُثْمَانَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّمَ قَالَ : " خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ " .

Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: The best of you is the one who studies the Qur'an and teaches it (to others) ”.

Quran + in Russian. Some people who do not know how to read the Koran, wanting to receive a reward from the Almighty, promised to those who read the sacred text, find an easy way for themselves and begin to look for the text of the Koran written in Russian letters. They also write letters to our editorial office with a request to write this or that sura to them in Russian letters in transcription. Of course, we explain to them that it is simply impossible to write the verses of the Quran correctly in transcription and reading such a text will not be reading the Quran, even if someone reads like this, he will make many mistakes, that the Quran itself will curse him for the mistakes he made .

Therefore, dear friends, do not even try to read the Quran in transcription, read from the original text, and if you do not know, then listen to the reading in audio or video recording. The one who listens to the Qur'an with humility receives the same reward as the reader. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) himself loved to listen to the Qur'an and asked his companions to read it to him.

“Whoever listens to the recitation of one verse from the Qur'an will receive a reward increased several times. And the one who reads this verse will become a light (nur) on the Day of Judgment, illuminating his path to Paradise ”(Imam Ahmad).

Suras + from the Quran

The text of the Quran is divided into suras and verses.

Ayat - a fragment (verse) of the Qur'an, consisting of one or more phrases.

Sura - chapter of the Koran, uniting a group of verses.

The text of the Koran consists of 114 suras, which are conventionally divided into Meccan and Medina. According to most scholars, everything that was sent down before the Hijra belongs to the Meccan revelations, and everything that was sent down after the Hijra belongs to the Medinan revelations, even if it happened in Mecca itself, for example, during the farewell pilgrimage. The verses sent down during the migration to Medina are considered Meccan.

Surahs in the Qur'an are not in the order of revelation. Surah Al-Fatiha, sent down in Mecca, is placed first. The seven verses of this sura encompass the basic principles of Islamic dogma, for which it was called the "Mother of Scripture." It is followed by long surahs sent down in Medina and explaining the laws of Sharia. Short suras, sent down both in Mecca and Medina, are at the end of the Qur'an.

In the first lists of the Qur'an, the verses were not separated from each other by signs, as is done at present, and therefore some disagreement arose between scholars about the number of verses in Scripture. They all agreed that it contains over 6200 verses. In more accurate calculations, there was no unity between them, but these figures are of no fundamental importance, because they do not concern the text of revelations, but only how it should be divided into verses.

In modern editions of the Qur'an ( Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran) allocate 6236 verses, which corresponds to the Kufi tradition dating back to Ali bin Abu Talib. There is no disagreement between theologians regarding the fact that the verses are arranged in the suras in the order that was dictated by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Quran Translation

It is not allowed to make a literal, verbatim translation of the Qur'an. For it, it is necessary to give an explanation, interpretation, because this is the word of Allah Almighty. All mankind will not be able to create like this or equal to one sura of the Holy Book.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): If you doubt the truth and authenticity of the Qur'an, which we sent down to Our servant - the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), then bring at least one sura similar to any sura of the Qur'an in eloquence, edification and guidance, and call your witnesses besides Allah, who could testify if you are truthful...» (2:23).

A feature of the Qur'an is that one verse can have one, two, or ten different meanings that do not contradict each other. Those who wish to study this in detail can read Baizavi's tafseers "Anwaru ttanzil" and others.

Also, the peculiarities of the language of the Qur'an include the use of words that include many semantic meanings, as well as the presence of many places that require explanation by the Prophet himself (peace and blessings be upon him), and without this one can understand differently. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is the main teacher explaining the Qur'an to people.

There are many verses in the Qur'an related to the life and life of people, sent down as answers to questions, according to the situation or place. If you make a translation of the Koran without taking into account those specific situations or circumstances, then a person will fall into error. Also in the Qur'an there are verses related to the sciences of heaven and earth, law, law, history, customs, iman, Islam, the attributes of Allah and the eloquence of the Arabic language. If the alim does not explain the meaning of all these sciences, then, no matter how well he knows the Arabic language, he will not know the full depth of the verse. This is also why a literal translation of the Quran is not acceptable. All translations that are currently available in Russian are literal.

Therefore, one cannot translate the Qur'an except through interpretation. In order to compose an interpretation (tafsir), it is necessary to observe certain conditions. The one who makes a translation of the Qur'an or its tafsir in the absence of at least one of them, then he himself is mistaken and misleads others. .

Online Quran

The Almighty gave us many different blessings in the form of modern inventions and, at the same time, He gave us the opportunity to choose to use them to our advantage or to our own detriment. The Internet gives us the opportunity to listen to the online reading of the Holy Quran around the clock. There are radio stations and websites that broadcast the recitation of the Quran 24 hours a day.

quran free

The Quran itself is priceless and has no price, it cannot be sold or bought. And when we see Korans in the windows of Islamic shops, we need to know that we are buying paper on which the sacred text is written, and not the Koran itself.

And in the Internet space, the word “free” means the ability to download the text or sound of reading the Koran for free. On our site you can download for free.

Koran Mishari

Many Internet users are looking for a recording of the Koran performed by the famous reciter of the Holy Quran, the imam of the Kuwait Grand Mosque, Mishari Rashid al-Affasi. On our site you can enjoy reading the Holy Quran by Mishari Rashid for free.

Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the main source of Muslim doctrine, moral and ethical standards and law. The text of this Scripture is the uncreated Word of God in form and content. Each of his words in meaning corresponds to an entry in the Preserved Tablet - the heavenly archetype of the Holy Scriptures, which stores information about everything that happens in the entire Universe. Read completely

quran video

Videos of the best Quran reciters

Quran + in Arabic

Full text of the Holy Quran in

Quran + and sunnah

The Quran is the speech of Allah Almighty.

Interpretation of the Quran

There can be no errors in the Qur'an and hadiths, but in our understanding of the Qur'an and hadiths there can be plenty of them. We saw this in the example given in the first part of this article, and there are thousands of such examples. So, the errors lie not in the sacred sources, but in us, who are not able to correctly understand these sources. Following the scholars and mujtahids protects us from the danger of mistakes. Read completely .

Understanding sacred texts is also not an easy task. Praise be to Allah, who gave us scientists who explained, interpreted the sacred texts of the Koran, based on the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and on the statements of righteous scientists. .

Beautiful Quran

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Material prepared Muhammad Alimchulov