Essence signs and types of social activity. Human social activity

  • 1. Concept "activity" used in sociology in a broad sense. Activity as a specifically human way of being covers not only material and practical, but also mental, spiritual operations, therefore the work of thought is an activity to the same extent as the work of hands, and the process of cognition is included in activity to no lesser extent than the process of everyday command.
  • 2. The definition of this social process is as follows.

Social activity is a dynamic system of interaction between an individual, a social group or a community with the outside world, in the process of which the production and reproduction of a person as a social being takes place, a reasonable change and transformation of the natural and social world is carried out, and material and spiritual values ​​are created.

3. Social activity performs the following functions:

> reproduction of man as a social being;

> transformation of the natural and social world;

> production of material and spiritual values.

  • 4. The activity of an individual includes four kinds relations: the relation of a person to an object - to the totality of the things surrounding him, created, consumed, etc .; his attitude to another person - to people, their groups, society as a whole; his relationship to nature; his attitude towards himself.
  • 5. Structure social activities include four main components: conscious purpose; means; the process itself; activity result.
  • 6. Activity is characterized by three specific features:

> awareness of activity (tsslspolanianis);

> socially conditioned nature of activity;

> performance efficiency (goal achievement).

7. Depending on the interaction of a person with other people, with the surrounding natural social environment, several main activity types:

> material-transformative (its results are a variety of products of labor: bread, clothing, buildings, machine tools, etc.);

> cognitive (all results are embodied in scientific concepts, theories, discoveries, etc.);

> value-oriented (its results are expressed in the system of moral, legal and other values ​​existing in society);

> communicative, expressed in the communication of a person with other people, in the dialogue of cultures, political movements;

> informational, embodied in the production, accumulation, preservation, transfer, etc. of information about the world around and the person himself;

> artistic, associated with the creation and functioning of artistic values ​​- artistic images styles, shapes, etc.;

> health-improving, embodied in the prevention, treatment of diseases, in the preservation and improvement of people's health;

> sports, realized in the physical development and improvement of people, in sports competitions and achievements;

> political, associated with the capture, retention and strengthening of power, the protection of the political interests of certain classes, strata, social and political movements, countries and coalitions;

> managerial, embodied in the systematic impact of the subject of management (leader or specially created body) on a social object (society, organization, institution, group, etc.) in order to preserve its integrity, normal functioning, improvement, achievement of a given goal;

> nature protection related to nature protection.

  • 8. In terms of the significance and role of activities in social development it is subdivided into two types: reproductive and productive(creative). The first of them is realized in obtaining or reproducing an already known result by known methods and means. The second is aimed at developing new ideas, new goals and new means and methods corresponding to them, or at achieving known goals with the help of new, previously unused means.
  • 9. In his materialistic understanding of the historical process, K. Marx proceeded from the public nature of the activity. WITH from his point of view, the only social substance that creates a person and his essential forces, and thus society, is active human activity in all spheres, primarily in production and labor.
  • 10. E. Durkheim proceeded from the fact that social facts form the basis of society, but these facts themselves constitute ways of thinking, feeling and acting. In the structure of social activity, he singled out the division of labor as a paramount phenomenon. Depending on the presence or absence of such a division, he singled out two types of society: traditional (archaic) and modern.
  • 11. A very significant contribution to the understanding and interpretation of activity was made by M. Weber with his theory of "social action". He considered the most important action to be meaningful, the characteristic features of which are the presence in it of a certain meaning for the acting subject; its focus on achieving a clearly perceived goal; the means used in the activity must be adequate to the perceived goals.
  • 12. Weber believed that social actions can be classified according to four types:

> goal-oriented;

> value rational;

> traditional;

> affective.

13. In the theory of social action developed by T. Parsons, there are four main element:

> the subject of action - the actor;

> situational environment;

> set of signals and symbols;

> a system of rules, norms, values ​​that guide the actions of the actor, giving them meaning and purpose.

14. The system of social action, according to T. Parsons, has a complex hierarchical structure, consisting of four subsystems: behavioral subsystem; personal subsystem; cultural subsystem; social subsystem.

Each of these subsystems performs a quite definite, specific for it, primary function in the process of activity. These functions should be considered in the following sequence: adaptation; goal achievement; sample reproduction; integration.

  • 15. Social activity is in the process of constant enrichment and development. At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, when human activity became, in terms of its scale and consequences, quite comparable with the action of the most powerful destructive processes of nature, and sometimes even surpassed them, the problem of the social significance of the results of social activity turned out to be very acute. Depending on the quality of such results - whether they bring good to people or turn into social evil for them - social action and its product are called beneficence or crime.
  • 16. In view of the foregoing, at the beginning of the third millennium, such rapidly progressing types of social action as scientific, information, engineering and design, educational activities organically connected with environmental and humanitarian activities.

social activities- regularly repeated interference of individuals or groups of people (subjects of activity) in social processes (objects of activity) in order to change and subordinate them to their own interests. This is a form of active interaction of a person with the social environment, consciously aimed at transforming the external conditions of his existence, as well as changing the views, worldview, value orientations of the surrounding people.

The subjects of social activity are the performers of specific actions. Among them may be: individuals; social groups; social organizations and social institutions.

The objects of social activity in this context are nothing but social processes at all structural levels the functioning of society.

Social activity consists of specific social actions (actions, actions, steps), organized (intentionally) or spontaneously (spontaneously) carried out by people with the desire to cause certain social consequences(results). In other words, social actions can be carried out by individuals or groups of people intentionally, purposefully, or, conversely, spontaneously, under the influence of random circumstances.

Action must be distinguished from behavior. Behavior is a set of actions performed by an individual. Determining, say, the behavior of a student, the teacher gives a generalized assessment of the actions (deeds) committed by him. In other words, actions characterize the behavior of an individual.

social interaction, or interaction, involves the regular influence of individuals on each other, as a result of which new social ties are renewed and created within the community or between its elements. At least two subjects, which are called interactants, participate in social interaction. Their interactive actions must certainly be directed at each other.

The variety of forms of social interaction is largely determined by the variety of social ties between the subjects of interaction.

Social connections- these are the interdependencies of individuals from each other, which have developed in the process of joint activity. Social connections can manifest themselves as social contacts (short-term, shallow connection) or as social relations (a complex system of social interaction, when the behavior of some causes the activities of others).

social relations- these are stable, mediated forms of social interaction that develop within the framework of the activities of social communities and social institutions.

Social relations differ in their composition and nature of connections:

Between individuals, for example, love, enmity, exchange of goods or services, joint labor activity;

Between groups (classes, ethnic groups, social institutions and other communities) about the same or opposing interests, often associated with the distribution of the results of social labor. Social relationships are different from simple interaction by the fact that they are perceived by individuals as long-term, repetitive, and, therefore, stable.

Activity is a way of existence and development of social reality, a manifestation of social activity.

Sociology does not focus on any kind of activity, it is only interested in social activity.

Classic of German sociology. Max. Weber believed that the subject of study of sociology as a science is social action, in its content, focused on other people. For example, a collision between cyclists is not a social action, but the scolding, the scuffle that arose at the same time is already a social action.

The concept of social activity

So, social activity can be defined as purposeful actions based on taking into account the needs, interests and actions of other people, as well as social norms existing in society.

The totality of actions and other social actions of a person that have motives, a reaction to his social status, constitute behavior.

The determining basis of social activity and social behavior of the individual is the objective conditions of its life, which give rise to certain needs and interests.

Need as the basis of social activity

The need for sociologists is defined as the need for something necessary to maintain the vital activity of an organism, a human person, a social group, society as a whole.

There are two types of needs: natural and social. Natural needs are the needs of a person as a biological being, for example, the need for food, housing, clothing, etc. Social needs are created by society and depend on the level of its development, as well as on the specific conditions of the activity of social actors (individual, social group, etc.). e). Examples of social needs may be the need for communication, for widow activities, etc.

Conscious needs already act as interests.

Interest, motive, incentive

Interest is a form of manifestation of need, directs the subject to the realization of the purpose of the activity, it is a way of the attitude of the social subject to necessary conditions existence, expressed in the desire to create and use these conditions.

In order for a person to perform specific actions, she must realize the needs and interests, making them internal motives.

The motive is the motivation for active activity of the subject (individual, social group, community), associated with the desire to satisfy certain needs. In sociology, the motive is seen as a conscious sweat necessary to the subject in achieving a certain whole.

A motive is an internal stimulus, in contrast to a stimulus, i.e. influence of objective conditions.

The stimulus turns into a motive for the activity of the individual when it becomes subjectively significant, meets the needs of the subject. For example, when it comes to labor activity, one of the main incentives will be material incentives.

Values ​​are closely related to needs and interests. Value expresses social attitude person to objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. This is the positive or negative meaning of specific phenomena of reality for the subject, this is what is essential, important for him. Values ​​determine the value orientations of personality.

Any human activity is based on value orientations. The concept of a person's value orientation was introduced into sociology in the 1920s by an American sociologist. Walt. Thomas and a Polish sociologist. Florian. Znanetsky.

Value orientation is a selective attitude to the totality of social values. Value Orientations is a product of the socialization of the individual, i.e. the assimilation of social, moral, aesthetic and other things goes along with normative and normative considerations.

Value orientations are the social attitudes of the individual, regulating its activities.

A social attitude is a general orientation of a person to a specific social object that precedes an action and expresses a tendency to act accordingly.

Each individual consciously evaluates the acceptance or non-acceptance of those stereotypes, norms, values ​​that are offered to him by society.

If there is a disorganization of the behavior of an individual in a group or category of persons in society, there is a discrepancy between the expected moral and legal requirements of society, then we are talking about. Devi iantnu behavior.

An example deviant behavior can be crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

Deviant behavior is subject to social sanctions. There are a number of different sanctions in society. Some of them (legal sanctions) are clearly regulated, formalized and applied by the authorities in accordance with the rules of law. Other sanctions (moral) are informal and are applied by individual members of society in the form of acceptance or condemnation, etc. in.


1 . Individual- a single representative of a social community.

2 . Individuality- this is all that specific and unique that is characteristic of a particular person.

3 . Personality- a set of social values ​​socially assimilated by a person.

4 . Socialization- is the process of assimilation by a person of social values.


1. What is the difference between the concepts "individual", "individuality", "personality"??

2. What are the main stages of socialization and institutions of socialization at these stages??

3. What is the social status of a person?

4. What is the difference between prescribed and acquired social


5. What is the defining basis of social activity??

6. What is the essence of deviant behaviora


1. Con. IS. Sociology of Personality-M, 1967 1967.

2. Sociology. Allowance for students of higher educational institutions/. Under the editorship of prof. VGGorodyanenka-K, 1999K., 1999.

3. Modern Western sociology. Dictionary-M, 19961996.

5. Sociology. The science of society. Tutorial for students of higher educational institutions /. Ed. VPA Andrushchenko-Kharkov, 1996v, 1996

5. Shchekin. GV. System of sociological knowledge. Uch allowance_K 1995K. 1995

6. Yakuba. OO. Sociology-Kharkov, 19961996.

So, today we will be interested in social activities. This is a very important moment in the life of any person. It has a huge impact on people's lives. It exists in various forms of manifestation, participates in the formation of personality. What are the features of social activity? What it is? Why is she so important? About all this further. Our today's question is extremely important for any person and personality. Therefore, it will have to be given due attention.


To begin with, what in question? In sociology and psychology, each term has its own definition. It helps to know exactly what the conversation will be about.

These are certain purposeful actions of a person that take into account the needs of others, their preferences and desires within the framework of generally accepted social norms. Of course, your own needs are included here. This is a certain set of actions that is a component of your behavior.

Most often, social activity is understood as any action with people. Everything that relates to communication and interaction with each other is usually called such a term. Nothing complicated, right?


Social is an integral part of our life. In humans, the need for it is always observed from birth. This is what distinguishes us from animals. But why is this activity so important?

The thing is that the fundamental part of it is the satisfaction of one's own needs, as well as the formation of a person's personality. Without social activity there would be no personality as a whole.

With the help of this direction, various benefits (tangible and intangible) are created, traditions and customs, norms of behavior arise, character is formed. The forms of our today's activity can be varied. In children and adults, they generally converge, but still have some differences. So what can you face in real life?


For example, in adults, social economic activity constantly slips. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the modern civilized world in general. But what is it?

Socio-economic activity is a set of social and economic institutions in relation to the distribution of certain benefits, as well as money. We can say that this is the same economy. Nothing difficult, right?

In the course of such activities, not only the redistribution of material wealth takes place, but also the creation of goods, the sale and purchase of them, and the establishment of the consumption of resources available to one or another association. The social activity of the organization or in the family - it does not matter, but the fact remains - there is such an orientation, without it it is impossible to imagine modern society.


Also, as it is not difficult to guess, our today's term includes culture. The creation of cultural values, customs and traditions, norms of behavior and attitudes - all this is relevant to social activity. It can be said that in modern world all this is indispensable.

Professional social activity also takes place. It manifests itself in the conduct by a person of some specific actions related to culture. For example, work in the theater may be called a professional social activity. Often "professionalism" is expressed in a particular profession.


Types of social activities can be different. As already mentioned, they are approximately the same in children and adults. More precisely, babies have fewer of them, as a rule. But with age, people are more and more involved in all areas that can only exist.

Another type of our today's concept is creativity. Indirectly related to culture. It is expressed in the manifestation of personality creativity. And it doesn't matter which direction. These may be works visual arts, literature, cinematography, poetry and so on. Most often, creativity helps a person find himself, get satisfaction from life, demonstrate his skills to himself and others.

For children, such social activities are extremely important. It has a huge impact on human growth and development. For this reason, creativity in schools and kindergartens is given great attention.

Work / labor

Adults often have a profession. As a result - a certain work, which he does every day. And it is also considered a social activity, often professional.

This type of action is characterized by the implementation of certain job descriptions subject to certain norms and rules for a monetary reward. To be honest, work helps build a career. You will develop and improve your skills - both professional and social. Moreover, career growth will bring satisfaction (and increase your self-esteem).


The social sphere of activity also manifests itself in the form of an educational process - both learning and gaining knowledge. That is, teachers and students are its direct participants.

This type of interaction is aimed at personal development, teaching a person certain skills. Without it, it is impossible to imagine either culture, or work, or a civilized society in principle. So, do not neglect education as a tool for personal development. For children, this form plays a huge role. For adults too, but the significance in this case is not so high.


Social activity includes mandatory communication. The need for communication is a natural state for a person. Communication, relationships - all this is important both for personal development and for meeting needs.

The social activity of children in this area is manifested, as a rule, in the development of communication skills. Toddlers learn to speak, communicate, discuss, interact with each other. Without communication, the full development of the individual will not occur. Therefore, in kindergartens and schools, interaction with each other is given a rather significant place.

The game

Another extremely important social activity, especially for children, is play. Very often used to teach a child and involve him in the educational process. It contributes to the development and formation of the personality as a whole.

Game activity for a child is perhaps the most important thing in life. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a correctly and timely developing baby. Only through this direction does he study the world. Of course, there is also a social note here. Often games involve the participation of several people. Hence it follows social interaction together. Perhaps it is this form that plays a huge role in the formation of personality in childhood.


Social activities (organizations, individuals, societies) play an important role, and not only because they contribute to the development of a person and his skills. Not at all. There is another much more significant moment. The point is that social activity shapes human psychology. That is, it has a direct impact on its development and perception of the surrounding world. Only then certain values, culture are already assigned, communication skills appear. The activity, which is called social, forms not only psychology, but also the character of a person.

So, even in childhood, this direction should be given due attention. You need to communicate more with the child, allow him to learn how to communicate with peers and adults. This is the only way to grow a healthy and mature personality.

Often there is a rejection of society in a child. Misanthropy or sociopathy are deviations that are detrimental to social activity. However, all of this is curable. Moreover, sometimes exclusion from society will be good. But only in moderation. It is not necessary to panic if you are not in a hurry to adapt, but you should not completely lose sight of this feature either.


Sometimes you can find the statement that thinking is also a kind of human social activity. This question is debatable, but many believe that it is so. So a few non-standard look activity is thinking.

Usually it is related to only one person, to the individual, and has a direct impact on the activity as a whole, contributes to the development of logic and various skills of a creative and intellectual nature. It appears in both children and adults. It can also be groupthink. For example, during brainstorming.

Components and properties

Social activity, to be honest, has its own specific components. Without them, it simply does not take place. We have already figured out what kind of term was discussed today, what types of it are, what features take place. But about the composition of the activity social character nothing was said.

Looking at the definition, we can conclude: the main point that a person should have - Without motivation, direction of action, the social sphere cannot exist. After all, it, as already mentioned, depends on generally accepted norms, rules, as well as the desires and needs of others (society and the individual as a whole).

If there is no purpose, motive, then the activity cannot be recognized as such. This fact must be accepted. Also, awareness is the most important property that is inherent in social activity. It is expressed in the allocation of actions by a person as something independent for himself and society.

One more important property our today's term is objectivity. And in any form. Not necessarily in the material - feelings, emotions and the general state is also an objective manifestation of certain actions.

Another interesting point that can be highlighted in our today's question is the duality of perception. As a rule, the activity of social orientation is accompanied by both psychological (emotional) and material representation.

Social activity is an integral part of human life, which haunts us from birth. We can say that this is any action that connects people and their needs.

Back to

There are various classifications of activities. Depending on the nature of the relationship to the outside world and interaction, social activity is divided into several types.

The most important of them are:

Material-transformative activity (its results are various products of labor: bread, clothing, machine tools, buildings, structures, etc.);
cognitive activity (its results are embodied in scientific concepts, theories, discoveries, scientific picture peace, etc.);
value - orientation (its results are expressed in the system of moral, political and other values ​​existing in society, in the concept of conscience, honor, responsibility, in historical traditions, customs, ideals, etc.);
communicative, expressed in a person's communication with other people, in their relationships, in the doge of cultures, worldview, political movements, etc.;
artistic, embodied in the creation and corporatization of artistic values ​​- the world of artistic images, styles, forms, etc.;
sports, realized in sports achievements, in physical development and improvement to contribute;
political, carried out in the political sphere of society and associated with the capture, retention, strengthening and exercise of power, with the protection of the political interests of certain classes, strata, socio-political movements, countries and their coalitions. According to its operational structure, social activity includes several interrelated components. Initial among them is the level of awareness - a conscious or unconscious action.

The second component, constituting the core of activity, is the process of action, i.e. a system of movements aimed at an object with the aim of appropriating or changing it. Actions performed by a person can be directed not only to objects, but also to the people around them. Then they become an act of behavior - an act (when they are performed in accordance with the moral, legal and other norms existing in society) or an offense (if they contradict them).

In addition, social activity can be divided into constructive and destructive. The results of the first are built cities, villages, factories, written books, treatment and education of children. Destructive activity is manifested in the destruction of everything that was created by the hands of people: the destruction of temples, dwellings, wars that destroy the normal life of a person. This activity can be carried out by different people performing many activities. From the point of view of the significance and role of activity in social development, it is very important to divide it into reproductive and productive, or creative. The first of them is connected with obtaining or reproducing an already known result by known methods and means. The second is aimed at developing new goals, new goals and new means and methods corresponding to them, or at achieving known goals with the help of new, previously unused means.