Methodological development in music (grade 10) on the topic: “Love lyrics by A.K. Tolstoy in the romances of Russian composers

Alexey Konstantinovich TOLSTOY

Ilya Efimovich Repin
Portrait of the writer Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.
State Literary Museum, Moscow.

Known for its historical dramas in poetry and satirical works, one of the creators of the famous Kozma Prutkov, A.K. Tolstoy was also a heartfelt lyricist. Songs to his words “If only I knew, if only I knew”, “My bells, steppe flowers” ​​became popular.

love lyrics A. K. Tolstoy is entirely connected with the name of his wife - Sophia Andreevna Bakhmeteva (in her first marriage - Miller). Deep and long-term love appears in these lyrics in a romantically sublime color. The beloved is depicted as an object of delight and worship, as a high ideal.

Therefore, in the poems dedicated to her, there are almost no everyday details, episodes from which it would be possible to restore the true history of their relationship, as can be done from the poems of Nekrasov, Tyutchev, Ogarev. There are no psychological conflicts in them either. They represent the high, poetic, but almost unchanged feeling of the poet himself.

At the same time, it is curious that this feeling has already been influenced by the public mood, shaped to a large extent by the democratization of the spiritual life of Russian society. That is why the heroine of A. K. Tolstoy's love lyrics, despite the fact that she was a completely independent woman, possessing a fairly strong character and will, appears in verse as a person who has suffered a lot, in need of sympathy and support.

Even in the best moments, those when we were together, you were worried about some persistent concern, some premonition, some fear.

    * * *

    I believe in pure love
    And in the shower connection;
    And all thoughts, and life, and blood,
    And each vein beats
    I will give it with joy
    Which image is cute
    Me holy love
    Execute to the grave.

    Empty in my peace. Alone I sit by the fireplace
    I extinguished the candles long ago, but I cannot sleep.
    Pale shadows tremble on the wall, on the carpet, in the paintings,
    Books lie on the floor, I see letters all around.
    Books and letters! How long has your young hand touched you?
    Have your gray eyes run past you for a long time, jokingly?

    Slowly the night rolls over me like a heavy cloth,
    It's sad to be alone. Empty in my peace!
    I think to myself, looking at the faded flower:
    “Morning will come, and sadness will pass with the dark night!”
    The night swept by, and the sun plays cheerfully on the windows,
    The morning has come, but the sadness with the shadow of the night has not passed!

The antique character of the poem is explained by the poet's cover letter: "It is only to remind you of the Greek style to which you have an affection."

    Among noisy ball, by chance,
    In the turmoil of the world,
    I saw you, but the mystery
    Your features are covered.

    I liked your slim figure
    And all your thoughtful look
    And your laughter, both sad and sonorous,
    Since then it has been in my heart.

    In the hours of lonely nights
    I love, tired, lie down -
    I see sad eyes
    I hear a cheerful speech;

    And sadly I fall asleep so
    And in the dreams of the unknown I sleep ...
    Do I love you - I don't know
    But I think I love it!

    One of the most famous poems by A. K. Tolstoy, set to music by P. Tchaikovsky. The poet's meeting with S. A. Miller really took place at the ball, but the poem is not a document and not a memory. This is also indicated by the clear-sounding echoes in it with Lermontov's "From under the mysterious cold half-mask", with Pushkin's "I remember a wonderful moment", and those variants that the poem had.

    So, the beginning of the second stanza at first read "only the eyes glittered slyly", this was more accurate both in the situation and in the character of Sofya Andreevna. However, A. K. Tolstoy preferred the “high” version of sadness, emphasizing sympathy for the heroine, pity for her suffering.

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"Gymnasium No. 70"

Methodical development musical and literary evening

“Love lyrics by A.K. Tolstoy in the romances of Russian composers

music teacher

Novokuznetsk, 2017

Love lyrics by A.K. Tolstoy in the romances of Russian composers

Target: acquaintance with the romances of Russian composers, written on the verses of A.K. Tolstoy.

The form: the dialogue of the hosts (the hosts are high school students), the performance of romances by students, listening to audio recordings.

The romance “Kohl to love so without reason ...) performed by Y. Gulyaev sounds.


If you love, so without reason,
If you threaten, it's not a joke,
If you scold, so rashly,
If you chop, it's so sloppy!

If you argue, it's so bold
Kohl to punish, so for the cause,
If you forgive, so with all your heart,
If there is a feast, then a feast is a mountain!

This romance by Reinhold Gliere to the verses by A.K. Tolstoy draws the image of a Russian person who is characterized by breadth of soul, courage, and daring.

In this poem, “If you love, so without reason:” the strong features of an integral character are subtly, sweepingly and cheerfully listed. We see a strong, healthy, cheerful person, who loves nature, valiant hunting, a friendly feast, a well-aimed, sharp word. A Russian person cannot do something halfway, be a rationalist and a pragmatist.
Perhaps in these lines there is a poetic self-portrait of Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy himself. After all, it was not in vain that he told Yesenin to him: "He is a man of a wide heart:."

And the lines "If you love, so without reason" - this is the love story of Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy and Sofya Andreevna Miller. It was their romantic and beautiful meeting that gave us the lines of a wonderful poem:
In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance……

They first met at a masquerade ball at the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theater. He accompanied the heir to the throne, the future Tsar Alexander II, there. She appeared at the masquerade because, after the break with her husband, the Horse Guardsman Miller, she was looking for an opportunity to forget, to dissipate. In the secular crowd, for some reason, he immediately drew attention to her. The mask covered her face. But gray eyes looked intently and sadly. Beautiful ashy hair crowned her head. She was slender and graceful, with a very thin waist. They did not speak for long: the fuss of the colorful masquerade ball separated them. But she managed to impress him with the accuracy and wit of her fleeting judgments. In vain he asked her to reveal her face, take off her mask... But she took his business card, giving a sly promise not to forget him.

Perhaps it was on that January night of 1851, when he was returning home, that the first lines of this poem formed in his mind:

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,
In the turmoil of the world,
I saw you, but the mystery
Your covers of features ... "

This poem will become one of the best in Russian love lyrics. Nothing is invented in it, everything is as it was ...

Only sad eyes looked

Like the sound of a distant flute,

Like the waves of the sea.

I liked your slim figure

And all your thoughtful look.

And your laughter, both sad and sonorous,

Since then it has been in my heart.

The future was hidden from him. He didn't even know if he would see her again...

In the hours of lonely nights

I love, tired, lie down -

I see sad eyes

I hear a cheerful speech;

And sadly I fall asleep so

And in the dreams of the unknown I sleep ...

Do I love you - I don't know

But I think I love it!

And soon after this meeting at a masquerade ball, he received an invitation from her.
"This time you won't escape me!" - said Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, entering the drawing room of Sofya Andreevna Miller. In her, in Sofya Andreevna, Alexei Konstantinovich found not only his only woman, but also an intelligent friend. Sofya Andreevna at the time of the "noisy ball" was married to an unloved person - cavalry guard colonel L.F. Miller, before marriage she experienced a tragedy - she was carried away by Prince P.A. Vyazemsky, because of this hobby, one of her brothers was killed in a duel ... Tolstoy was not happy either. He languished in service at the royal court with morally difficult assignments for him, and dreamed of literature, art - he wanted to devote himself completely to them and did not find the strength to break with the service, court, uniform. In 1857, he firmly wrote to Emperor Alexander II: "Sir, the service, whatever it may be, is deeply opposed to my nature ... Service and art are incompatible. One harms the other. And a choice must be made." He writes to the emperor that he can no longer wear a uniform. In this letter, all the pure, direct nature of A.K. Tolstoy, who combined kindness, tenderness and delicacy of the soul with truly masculine beauty and great physical strength. So he was in love, waiting 12 years for Sofya Andreevna to get a divorce. His letters to her are the same poems, only in prose.

In 1851, he wrote to her: “There are moments when my soul, at the thought of you, seems to remember far, far away times when we knew each other better and were even closer than now, and then I seem to imagine a promise that we will again become as close as we once were, and at such moments I experience happiness so great and so different from everything available to our ideas here that it is like a foretaste or premonition of a future life ... "

The second half of the 1850s proved to be the period of greatest poetic productivity. “I attribute everything to you: glory, happiness, existence; without you, there will be nothing left for me, and I will become disgusting to myself. During these years, two-thirds of all his lyrical poems were born, which were printed like hot cakes in almost all the then Russian magazines.

Sofya Andreevna Tolstoy dedicated many poetic creations, namely, romance poems: “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze” (1858), “Do not believe me, friend:” (1856), “Autumn, Our entire poor garden is crumbling”, “That it was early spring: "(1871)

The poem "In the midst of a noisy ball" will become one of the best in Russian love lyrics, but it will be famous when it turns into a romance to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky. Three years after the death of A.K. Tolstoy, P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote the music for these poems.

Sounds Tchaikovsky's Romance "Among the noisy ball" performed by D. Hvorostovsky

Presenters: Tolstoy is an inexhaustible source for lyrics to music; this is one of my favorite poets,” said P. I. Tchaikovsky.

At the turn of the 70s and 80s, Tchaikovsky wrote 12 romances and 8 of them to verses and verses by Tchaikovsky's favorite poet A.K. Tolstoy. Among them are such vocal miniatures, charming with their poetic charm and penetrating lyrical feeling, "It was in early spring", "Among a noisy ball", "Oh, if you could", "Don Juan's Serenade",

Tolstoy himself called his poem “It was in early spring ...” a “little pastoral translated from". However, this is not a translation. Tolstoy obviously wanted to emphasize that some poem by Goethe gave impetus to the creation of these lines. The poet recalls the first meetings and images of awakening nature do not allow him to forget it. This is the memory of a distant youth, the timidity of the first confessions, the happiness of bright hopes. The May morning merges with the "morning of our years", and life itself turns into a unique and elusive moment.

Pupils: Read the poem "It was in early spring"

Presenters: Tchaikovsky, carefully and sensitively reproducing the "music of the verse", at the same time brings into the interpretation poetic text some special individual accents. The beauty of nature, peaceful landscape, sunrise, clear day are just a background that enhances, sets off the psychological state of a person, his heartache, thoughts, memories, deep soul feelings. A number of exclamatory sentences that draw attention to themselves are pronounced not at all joyfully, but with aching pain.

Tchaikovsky's romance "It was in early spring" performed by A. Netrebko

Presenters: More than half of Tolstoy's poems have been set to music by Russian composers; romances to his words were written by Bulakhov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Cui, Mussorgsky, Taneyev, Rachmaninov.

It is difficult today to meet a person who would not know anything about romance - a musical genre that is so popular these days. A small vocal work that combines lyrical poetry and music, telling us about the feelings of a person, about his love, joy, happiness. A romance can glorify the beauty of nature, raise high moral themes, mourn the past in a soft, trusting tone, turn the pages of history, and look into the future. And we hear all this in ancient and modern romances. And, of course, if you declare your love, then "the high style of the Russian romance."

Romances are written to the most diverse poems, but the main goal of the composer is always the desire to express, with the greatest possible sensitivity, the poet's intention and to enhance the emotional tone of the poems with music.

Russian romance: How many secrets of broken destinies, trampled feelings he keeps! But how much charm, poetry, touching love is sung in it! Marvelous! And these lines were undoubtedly created for romance:

Pupils: Read a poem: “Not the wind, blowing from a height ...”

Presenters: In the late 90s of the 19th century, Nikolai Andreevia Rimsky-Korsakov, the recognized head of the St. Petersburg school of composers, author of numerous operas and symphonic works, professor at the conservatory, teacher of a galaxy of significant composers, turned to chamber-instrumental compositions, which he did not turn to for long. In the Chronicle of My Musical Life, which the composer kept for many years, he writes: “I have not composed romances for a long time. Turning to the poems of Alexei Tolstoy, I wrote four romances and felt that I was composing them differently than before ... > Feeling that the new method of composing is true vocal music, and being satisfied with my first attempts in this direction, I composed one romance after another ... ". A captivating and complete image was born in the romance "Not the wind, blowing from above"

Rimsky-Korsakov's romance "Not the wind, blowing from above" is performed by a student.

Presenters: The poem "My Bells" Tolstoy considered his the best poem. His theme was by no means flowers, bells, which accidentally fell under the hooves of the rider's horse. These were reflections on the fate of the country, its history and future.

However, the composer P. Bulakhov, having started creating the romance, dismissed the overly patriotic part, leaving only poetic image bell flowers. As a result, the romance that appeared became a song about bells, which the rider would be glad not to crush, "but the bridle cannot hold the indomitable run." It is in this form that the romance exists for about a century and a half.

This is a poem by A.K. Tolstoy attracted the attention of not only Peter Bulakhov. It is known that at least 12 composers still turned to these lines when creating their romances. However, only his romance gained fame.

Bulakhov's romance sounds “My bells, steppe flowers performed by 10th grade students.

Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy is the greatest writer and poet of the 19th century. Love poetry occupies a huge place in his work. In his collections there are more than 20 poems dedicated to this feeling. Tolstoy puts human experiences and thoughts in the foreground, showing the depth of the soul of a person in love. Consider this fact on the example of one famous poem: >, written by the author in the 50s of the 19th century.

The poem was written by the author at the age of 33, being a little-known novice writer and womanizer, he was in love with the married Sofya Alekseevna Miller, but public criticism could not overshadow the happiness of the beloved. The poet dedicates this poem to her, expressing the secret of his sincere feelings that overwhelm his soul from the first meeting.

The title of the lyric describes emotional condition a lyrical hero who, in the hustle and bustle of a social visit, is flattered by the beauty and voice of a young lady.

He believes that it is he who can appreciate the talent of a girl who is smart and very erudite for her age.

The genius of the poet allows us to present a more complete picture of the actions. The author describes the atmosphere of a noisy ball, which subsides after the appearance of a magnificent girl, whose beauty captivates everyone around.

Thanks to wealth literary language the author has the opportunity to carry out a full-fledged linguistic analysis of the work. Alexei Konstantinovich uses various means of expression that help the reader get a very vivid and sensual picture of what is happening. In the poem, the poet uses the comparison: >, >.

This fact is very characteristic of the poet and gives the lyrical work a special artistic load. The author also uses inversion. The wrong word order allows the author to place more emphasis on individual segments and give the text a special rhythm. The dots used by Tolstoy express understatement, which symbolizes the inexpressible feelings of the poet.

This lyric has had a huge impact on me. The feelings conveyed by the author are very close to me. I believe that the author masterfully conveyed the depth of love and tenderness between a man and a woman.

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1. Theme of love

2. Theme of nature

3. Satire and humor

4. Theme of the history of Russia




Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1817?1875), Russian poet and writer. Born August 24, 1817 in St. Petersburg. A personal friend of Alexander II, he refused the offer to become an aide-de-camp of the king and decided to take the position of manager of the court hunting. The writer is known for ballads on the themes of Russian history, the historical novel The Silver Prince (1863) from the time of Ivan the Terrible, and the dramatic trilogy (1866?1870) The Death of Ivan the Terrible, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich and Tsar Boris. The last two plays were banned by censorship for a long time, since in the drama "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich" Tolstoy portrayed tragic fate a simple-hearted king: wishing to do good, but unable to understand the confused politics of his time, he brings disaster to all whom he would like to help.

Tolstoy was a staunch Westernizer and contrasted the free and civilized existence of Kievan Rus as part of the Western world with the brutal tyranny of Ivan the Terrible and Muscovite Rus that had survived to his day. Among his most important poems are "John of Damascus", which affirms the freedom of art, and "Dragon", from the life of a revived Italy. Tolstoy is the author of a number of satirical works, including the comic history of Russia, which ridicules the Russian longing for order, and the poem Potok-Bogatyr, which castigates both Moscow tyranny and the radical absurdity of modern times. In the same mocking vein, Tolstoy and his cousins, Alexei, Vladimir, and Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov, wrote under the collective pseudonym "Kozma Prutkov." Prutkov was portrayed as an extremely limited bureaucrat who imagined himself a writer; the bad taste of his poems and the general impenetrable stupidity were to become a satirical barrier to the literary claims of numerous small writers, extolled by contemporaries.

Tolstoy was severely criticized for not joining any of the social movements of his time; however, the humanity, lofty ideals and aesthetic merits of his works provide him with a worthy place in Russian literature.

1. Theme of love

The theme of love occupied a large place in Tolstoy's work. In love, Tolstoy saw the main beginning of life. Love awakens creative energy in a person. The most valuable thing in love is the kinship of souls, spiritual closeness, which distance cannot weaken. Through all the love lyrics of the poet passes the image of a loving spiritually rich woman.

Romance-type poems became the main genre of Tolstoy's love lyrics.

Since 1851, all poems have been dedicated to one woman Sofya Andreevna Miller, who later became his wife, she was the only love of A. Tolstoy for life, his muse and the first strict critic. All the love lyrics of A. Tolstoy since 1851 are dedicated to her.

At the same time, it is curious that this feeling has already been influenced by the public mood, shaped to a large extent by the democratization of the spiritual life of Russian society. That is why the heroine of A. K. Tolstoy's love lyrics, despite the fact that she was a completely independent woman, possessing a fairly strong character and will, appears in verse as a person who has suffered a lot, in need of sympathy and support. This was reflected not only in poetry, but also in the letters of the poet.

Thanks to Tchaikovsky's music, the poem "In the midst of a noisy ball" turned into a famous romance, which was very popular in the 19th and 20th centuries. literature fat writer

The work is a poetic short story, in which "with almost chronicle accuracy" the circumstances of the poet's chance meeting with a stranger who appeared in the bustle of a crowded ball are reproduced. The author does not see her face, but manages to notice the “sad eyes” under the mask, hear the voice, in which, paradoxically, “both the sound of a gentle flute and the roar of the sea shaft” are combined. The portrait of the lady looks as indefinite as the feelings that suddenly take over lyrical hero: on the one hand, he is worried about her mysteriousness, on the other hand, he is alarmed and confused in front of the pressure of “vague dreams” that overcome him

2. Nature theme

A.K. Tolstoy has an unusually subtle sense of beauty. native nature. He was able to capture the most characteristic in the forms and colors of nature, its sounds and smells.

Many of the works of A. K. Tolstoy are based on the description of their native places, their homeland, which nurtured and raised the poet. He has a very strong love for everything “earthly”, for the surrounding nature, he subtly feels its beauty. Landscape-type poems predominate in Tolstoy's lyrics.

At the end of the 1950s and 1960s, enthusiastic, folk-song motifs appeared in the poet's works. Folklore becomes a distinctive feature of Tolstoy's lyrics.

Particularly attractive to Tolstoy is springtime, blooming and reviving fields, meadows, forests. The favorite image of nature in Tolstoy's poetry is "the merry month of May". The spring revival of nature heals the poet from contradictions, mental anguish and gives his voice a note of optimism.

In the poem “You are my land, my dear land”, the poet associates the motherland with the greatness of the steppe horses, with their crazy races in the fields. The harmonious fusion of these majestic animals with the surrounding nature creates in the reader images of boundless freedom and the vast expanses of their native land.

In nature, Tolstoy sees not only undying beauty and healing tormented spirit modern man strength, but also the image of the long-suffering Motherland. Landscape poems easily include thoughts about their native land, about the battles for the country's independence, about the unity of the Slavic world. ("Oh hay, hay")

Many lyrical poems in which the poet sang of nature have been set to music by great composers. Tchaikovsky highly valued the simple but deeply moving works of the poet and considered them unusually musical.

3. Satire and humor

Humor and satire have always been part of the nature of A.K. Tolstoy. Funny pranks, jokes, tricks of the young Tolstoy and his cousins ​​Alexei and Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov were known throughout St. Petersburg. High-ranking government officials were especially hard hit.

Later, Tolstoy became one of the creators of the image of Kozma Prutkov - a self-satisfied, stupid official, completely devoid of a literary gift. Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikovs compiled a biography of the fictional unfortunate writer, invented a place of work, familiar artists painted a portrait of Prutkov.

On behalf of Kozma Prutkov, they wrote poems, plays, aphorisms, and historical anecdotes, ridiculing in them the phenomena of the surrounding reality and literature. Many believed that such a writer really existed.

Prutkov's aphorisms went to the people.

His satirical poems were a great success. Favorite satirical genres of A.K. Tolstoy were: parodies, messages, epigrams.

Tolstoy's satire impressed with its courage and mischief. He directed his satirical arrows at the nihilists ("Message to M.N. Longinov about Darwinism", the ballad "Sometimes a merry May ...", etc.), and at the state order ("Popov's Dream"), and at censorship, and obscurantism officials, and even Russian history itself (“History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev”).

The most famous work on this subject is the satirical review "The History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev" (1868). The entire history of Russia (1000 years) is set out in 83 quatrains from the calling of the Varangians to the reign of Alexander II. Alexei Konstantinovich gives apt descriptions of the Russian princes and tsars, describing their attempts to improve life in Russia. And each period ends with the words:

Our land is rich

There is no order again.

4. Russian History Theme

The main genres in the historical lyrics of A.K. Tolstoy were ballads, epics, poems, tragedies. In these works, a whole poetic conception of Russian history is deployed.

Tolstoy divided the history of Russia into two periods: pre-Mongolian ( Kievan Rus) and post-Mongolian (Moscow Rus).

He idealized the first period. According to him, in ancient times Russia was close to knightly Europe and embodied the highest type of culture, a reasonable social structure and the free manifestation of a worthy personality. There was no slavery in Russia, there was democracy in the form of a vecha, there was no despotism and cruelty in governing the country, the princes treated the personal dignity and freedom of citizens with respect, the Russian people were distinguished by high morality and religiosity. The international prestige of Russia was also high.

Ballads and poems of Tolstoy, painting images Ancient Russia, imbued with lyricism, they convey the poet's passionate dream of spiritual independence, admiration for whole heroic natures, captured by folk epic poetry. In the ballads "Ilya Muromets", "Matchmaking", "Alyosha Popovich", "Borivoy", the images of legendary heroes and historical plots illustrate the author's thought, embody his ideal ideas about Russia.

The Mongol-Tatar invasion turned the course of history back. Since the 14th century, servility, tyranny and national isolation of Moscow Russia, explained by the heavy legacy of Tatar yoke. Slavery is established in the form of serfdom, democracy and guarantees of freedom and honor are destroyed, autocracy and despotism, cruelty, moral decay of the population arise.

He attributed all these processes primarily to the reign of Ivan III, Ivan the Terrible, and Peter the Great.

Tolstoy perceived the 19th century as a direct continuation of the shameful "Moscow period" of our history. Therefore, modern Russian orders criticized by the poet.

Tolstoy included in his works images of folk heroes (Ilya Muromets, Borivoy, Alyosha Popovich) and rulers (Prince Vladimir, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I)

The poet's favorite genre was the ballad.

The most common literary image in Tolstoy's work is the image of Ivan the Terrible (in many works, the ballads "Vasily Shibanov", "Prince Mikhailo Repnin", the novel "Prince Silver", the tragedy "The Death of Ivan the Terrible"). The era of the reign of this tsar is a vivid example of "Muscovite": the execution of the unwanted, senseless cruelty, the ruin of the country by the royal guardsmen, the enslavement of the peasants. The blood freezes in the veins when you read the lines from the ballad "Vasily Shibanov" about how the servant of Prince Kurbsky, who fled to Lithuania, brings a message from the owner to Ivan the Terrible.

A. Tolstoy was characterized by personal independence, honesty, incorruptibility, nobility. Careerism, opportunism and the expression of thoughts contrary to his convictions were alien to him. The poet always spoke honestly in the eyes of the king. He condemned the sovereign course of the Russian bureaucracy and looked for an ideal in the origins of Russian democracy in ancient Novgorod. In addition, he resolutely did not accept the Russian radicalism of the revolutionary democrats, being outside both camps.


Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy remains to this day the great Russian writer of the "Golden Age" of Russian literature. Naturally, the writer made a significant, huge contribution to the development of domestic literature. He is a versatile poet, as he wrote his works, starting from any topic in which he wrote what he thinks, expressing his point of view through artistic images, techniques, etc. We have already studied some of these themes of Tolstoy's lyrics, moreover, quite a few important ones.

Retrograde, monarchist, reactionary - such epithets were awarded to Tolstoy by supporters of the revolutionary path: Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chernyshevsky. And in Soviet time great poet was relegated to the position of a minor poet (little published, not studied in the course of literature). But no matter how hard they tried to consign the name of Tolstoy to oblivion, the influence of his work on the development of Russian culture turned out to be enormous (literature - became the forerunner of Russian symbolism, cinema - 11 films, theater - tragedies glorified Russian dramaturgy, music - 70 works, painting - paintings, philosophy - views Tolstoy became the basis for the philosophical concept of V. Solovyov).

“I am one of two or three writers who hold with us the banner of art for art’s sake, for my conviction is that the purpose of a poet is not to bring people any immediate benefit or benefit, but to raise their moral level, inspiring them with love for beautiful…” (A. K. Tolstoy).


1. "Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy"

2. Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy

3. "Russian love lyrics"

4. "Nature in the work of A. K. Tolstoy" http://xn----8sbiecm6bhdx8i.xn--p1ai

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    presentation, added 02/18/2013

    The historical theme in the work of A. Tolstoy in the narrow and broad sense. Complication of the material in the creative process of Tolstoy. Influence political system time to display historical reality in prose and drama. The theme of Peter in the writer's work.

    abstract, added 12/17/2010

    Zhukovsky's path to romanticism. The difference between Russian romanticism and Western. Contemplative romance of creativity, eclecticism early works poet. Philosophical origin in the poet's lyrics, genre originality of ballads, significance for Russian literature.

    term paper, added 03.10.2009

    The meaning of landscape lyrics in the work of Russian poets of the second half of XIX century. Landscape lyrics in the poems of Alexei Tolstoy, Apollo Maykov, Ivan Nikitin, Alexei Pleshcheev, Ivan Surikov. Combination inner world man and the beauty of nature.

    abstract, added 01/30/2012

    List of the works of the writer V. Suvorov, devoted to the events of the Second World War. The theme of the novel is "Control" and its virtues. Works of the "Trans-Volga cycle" A.N. Tolstoy, which brought him fame. Plot lines of the novel "Walking through the torments".

    presentation, added 02/28/2014

    The main processes of archaization and updating of Russian vocabulary. The story "Childhood" L.N. Tolstoy: the history of creation, its place in Russian literature. linguistic science about archaisms and their stylistic use. Semantic classification of historicisms.

    thesis, added 05/11/2010

    Comparative approach to the study of Russian and Tatar literature of the 19th-20th centuries. Impact Analysis creative activity Tolstoy on the formation of Tatar culture. Consideration of the tragic theme in Tolstoy's novels "Anna Karenina" and Ibragimov's "Young Hearts".

    abstract, added 12/14/2011

    The origin of the family of Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Moving to Kazan, entering the university. Linguistic abilities of young Tolstoy. Military career, retirement. The writer's family life. The last seven days of Tolstoy's life.

    presentation, added 01/28/2013

    Brief information about life path and activities of Leo Tolstoy, an outstanding Russian writer and thinker. His childhood and period of education. The heyday of Tolstoy's creativity. Travel in Europe. Death and funeral of the writer in Yasnaya Polyana.