Project on the Russian language dictionary of phraseological units. Phraseologisms (presentation project)

Tyukhov Sergey Sergeevich

Project Manager:

Ermakova Oksana Yurievna


MBOU "Secondary school No. 1 named after. A.I. Herzen" Timashevsk Krasnodar region

Real research work on the Russian language “The amazing world of phraseological units” made on 19 sheets, with a presentation of the research methodology. There is an appendix to the work with a questionnaire and photographs of a book made with your own hands. The study compiles a phraseological dictionary in pictures.

This research work (project) on the Russian language “” was completed in the primary grades of school.

In my research work on the Russian language, I need to search for information about phraseological units, familiarize myself with phraseological dictionaries, and research interesting phraseological units.

As part of a research project (work) on the Russian language on the topic “The Wonderful World of Phraseologisms,” I will conduct a survey of elementary school students on the use and understanding of phraseological units.

I. Theoretical foundations

1.1. The concept of phraseological units
1.2. Origin of phraseological units
1.3. Signs of phraseological units
1.4. Phraseologisms in other languages
II. Practical part
2.1. Results of the study of student questionnaires
2.2. Results of the study of teachers' questionnaires
2.3. Creating a phraseological dictionary


Can be hung on a nail
Towel and cane,
Lamp, cloak or hat.
And a rope and a rag...
But never and nowhere
Don't hang your nose in trouble!
Yu. Korinets

exist throughout the history of the language, they contain the centuries-old experience of the people, which is passed on from generation to generation.

– one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about it. In order to achieve complete mutual understanding and express one’s thoughts more clearly and figuratively, a person uses phraseological units in his speech. Phraseologisms in Russian are used quite often in everyday speech. Sometimes people don’t notice that they are pronouncing these set expressions - they are so familiar and convenient. The use of phraseological units makes speech lively and colorful.

Unfortunately, the speech of modern children is characterized by a poor vocabulary; it often lacks phraseological units at all. When a person and phraseological units are interconnected, they help to clearly express a thought and give imagery to speech. And sometimes they make communication difficult because their meaning is not always clear to everyone.

I suggested that the meaning of catchphrases is related to their origin. Having learned about the origin and meaning of various phraseological units, I will be able to open unknown pages of the history of the language.

I was interested in this topic. I decided to learn more about such stable combinations, their meaning, origin, and the appearance of phraseological units in the Russian language. I decided to research phraseological units and tried to understand how often they occur in speech and what they mean.

Based on this, I had questions: “ Do all the guys know what phraseological units are? Are there phraseological units that are used more often than others? Do the guys in our class know the meaning of phraseological units?

I became interested, and I decided to start looking for an answer to this question, which is why I chose the topic of my research project: “The wonderful world of phraseological units.”

Relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in everyday life, when faced with phraseological units, many people do not even notice it. They do not know how to correctly use phraseological units in speech because they do not know their meanings.

The purpose of my work: create your own phraseological dictionary in pictures.

Object of study: oral speech and survey materials of third-graders.

Subject of study: phraseological units.

  1. search for the necessary information about phraseological units;
  2. get acquainted with phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language;
  3. explore phraseological units found in our speech;
  4. analyze and find out the meaning of the most frequently used phraseological units;
  5. conduct a survey of students on the use and understanding of phraseological units.

Hypothesis: I assume that phraseological units decorate our speech, make it expressive and bright.

Research methods:

  • study and analysis of literature;
  • collection of information;
  • survey – questioning;
  • observation;
  • study.

Project type: research, short-term.

Hypothesis testing: Having collected information about phraseological units, conducting research and observations, I created an illustrated book “Phraseological Dictionary in Pictures”. In my opinion, this material helps to study not only the Russian language, but the history, traditions, customs of Russian and other peoples.

I. Main part

Once upon a time in a workshop there were 2 parts and a rod, which were used together and separately. But one day a worker took them and welded them into one new part in the shape of the letter F.

Fig.1. Scheme for the formation of phraseological units Fig.2. Put it in your belt

This is what happens in the life of words. Words-details live and live, they are used separately, but when the need arises, the words merge into indivisible combinations - phraseological units. There are words to plug, behind, belt, and phraseology put in your belt, (to easily cope with someone). In phraseological units, words lose their previous meanings.

The Russian language is very rich in apt and figurative stable combinations of words. Such stable combinations are called phraseological units. The word “phraseology” comes from two words in the Greek language: “phrasis” - an expression of a figure of speech, “logos” - a concept, doctrine.

- this is a stable combination of words used to name individual objects, signs, actions. Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition: “Phraseological unit is a stable expression with an independent meaning.”

The lexical meaning has a phraseological unit as a whole, for example: to beat the thumbs - “to mess around”; distant lands - “far”. Unlike phrases or sentences, a phraseological unit is not composed anew each time, but is reproduced in finished form. A phraseological unit as a whole is one member of a sentence.

Phraseologisms characterize all aspects of a person’s life - his attitude to work, for example, golden hands, beat the thumbs, attitude towards other people, e.g. bosom friend, disservice, personal strengths and weaknesses, e.g. don't lose your head, lead by the nose and etc.

They are used in everyday life, in works of art, and in journalism. They give expressiveness to the statement and serve as a means of creating imagery.

Phraseologisms have synonyms and antonyms - other phraseological units; for example, synonyms: on the edge of the world; where the raven did not bring bones; antonyms: lift to the skies - trample into the dirt.

There is a section of linguistics that is devoted to the study of the phraseological composition of a language - phraseology.

1.2. Origin of phraseological units

Most of the phraseological units come from folk speech: to prevaricate, at your fingertips, on your own mind...
From the speech of people of different professions: cut like a nut(carpenter), make porridge(cook), as if taken off by hand(doctor)...

Many phraseological units were born in fiction, biblical tales, mythology and only then came into the language. For example: manna from heaven, monkey's work. They are called or.

Phraseologisms have existed throughout the history of language. Already from the end of the 18th century, they were explained in special collections and explanatory dictionaries under various names (catchphrases, proverbs and sayings). Even M.V. Lomonosov, drawing up a plan for a dictionary of the Russian literary language, indicated that it should include “phrases”, “ideomatisms”, “utterances”, that is, phrases and expressions.
However, the phraseological composition of the Russian language began to be studied relatively recently.

1. Phraseological phrases created on the basis of proverbs and sayings ( Hunger is not an aunt, hand washes hand.)
2. Phraseologisms that have entered our lives from professional speech. ( To beat the thumbs, to sharpen the lasses.)
3. Some expressions come from myths ( Achilles' heel), folklore ( Megillah- Russian folk tale), literary works ( monkey's work- from I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Monkey and the Glasses”).

For example, put on your feet:
1. cure, get rid of a disease;
2. raise, educate, bring to independence;
3. to force one to act actively, to take an active part in something;
4. strengthen economically and materially.

Phraseologisms are divided into different groups that characterize a person, his actions, his character, his psychological state.

According to the characteristics:
Characterizing a person’s action based on his relationship and relationship with the environment and the team:
1. Walk, stand on hind legs- “to please, to serve”;
2. Soaps one's head (to whom)- “to scold strongly. Scold someone."

Characterizing the manner of verbal communication:
1. Sharpen laces, balusters- “engage in empty chatter”;
2. Twirl, twirl the ox- “talk, talk nonsense.”

Characterizing a person’s relationship to work and business:
1. Roll up your sleeves- diligently, diligently, energetically, do something.
2. Beat your head- spend time idly, idle.

Characterizing a person’s mental state, which manifests itself externally in his behavior:
1. Pout- get angry, take offense, making a dissatisfied face.
2. How an aspen leaf trembles- shakes, usually from excitement or fear.

All phraseological units originally arose to designate specific events, phenomena, facts. Gradually, for various reasons, they began to be used figuratively to designate other, but somewhat similar to the original meaning, phenomena. This gives phraseological units a special imagery and expressiveness.

Most of the phraseological units originate from the depths of centuries and reflect a deeply folk character. The direct meaning of many phraseological units is connected with the history of our Motherland, with some of the customs of our ancestors, and their work.

1. originally Russian;
2. borrowed.

The bulk of currently used phraseological units are stable combinations of words of original Russian origin ( beat your head, look for the wind in the field, you won’t spill water). They originated in the Russian language or were inherited from an older language. Phraseological units of the Russian language are diverse in origin. Most of them originated in the Russian language itself, they are originally Russian: what the mother gave birth in, naked as a falcon, grated roll, hang your nose, on one block, take it to the quick and many more etc.

The image is born as a reflection of reality. In order to imagine a phenomenon of reality in the form of an image, we must, firstly, rely on knowledge of this reality, and secondly, resort to imagination. The image is usually created through “double vision”.

So we see a tall man in front of us, and this is real, but at the same time we can also remember the fire tower, which used to be the tallest building in the city. Combining these two “visions” we call a tall person fire tower, and this is already an image. To better understand the imagery of phraseological units, it is necessary to develop imagination.

Original Russian phraseological units can be associated with professional speech: pull the gimp (weaving), clumsy work, without a hitch (carpentry), set the tone, play the first violin (musical art), baffle, back up (transport).

A certain number of native Russian phraseological units arose in dialect or slang speech and became the property of the national language. For example, smoke like a rocker, clumsy work, pulling the strap and etc.

Phraseologisms of the Russian language can also be borrowed. In this case, they represent the result of rethinking phrases from Old Church Slavonic and other languages ​​on Russian soil.

Borrowed phraseological units came to us from other languages.
Old Church Slavonic in origin are such phraseological units as: second coming- “a time that is unknown when it will come”, the Forbidden fruit- “something tempting, but not permitted.”

Many phraseological units came to us through various sources from mythology. They are international, as they are common in all European languages: sword of Damocles– “a constant threat to someone”; tantalum flour– “suffering caused by contemplation of the desired goal and the consciousness of the impossibility of achieving it”, apple of discord- “the reason, the reason for a quarrel, disputes, serious disagreements”, sink into oblivion- “to be forgotten, to disappear without a trace”, colossus with feet of clay– “something majestic in appearance, but essentially weak, easily destroyed”, etc.

Among the borrowed phraseological units there are phraseological tracing papers, i.e. literal translations of foreign language phrases in parts. For example, blue stocking from English, on a grand scale – auf grobem Fub- from German, to be out of place – ne pas être dans son assiette from French.

The system of phraseological units of the Russian language is not once and for all frozen and unchangeable. New phraseological units inevitably arise in response to the phenomena of modern life and are borrowed as cripples from other languages. And they enrich modern speech with new, relevant expressions.

Phraseologisms related to the historical past of the people, for example, where do crayfish spend the winter?- many landowners loved to feast on fresh crayfish, but in winter it was difficult to catch them: crayfish hide under snags, dig holes in the banks of a lake or river and spend the winter there.

In the winter, guilty peasants were sent to catch crayfish and had to get crayfish out of the icy water. A lot of time passed before the peasant caught crayfish.

He will freeze in his shabby clothes and his hands will get cold. And often after this the person became seriously ill. This is where it came from: if they want to seriously punish, they say: “I’ll show you where the crayfish spend the winter.”

Figurative expressions reflecting folk customs and beliefs, for example, run to the light– in small towns in Russia there used to be an interesting custom of inviting people to visit. Tall candles were placed on the windows. If a candle (light) is burning on the window, it means that the owners of the house are inviting everyone who wants to see them. And people followed the light to visit their friends.

Stable combinations of words that arose from various crafts, for example, a teaspoon per hour- originally this expression was used in the speech of doctors literally in relation to medicine. Then it began to be used disparagingly in colloquial speech, meaning “to do something very slowly, barely.”

The origin of many phraseological units is associated with folk and literary fairy tales with fables by I. A. Krylov and other works. In our speech, we often use various apt expressions created by writers and poets. ( I didn’t even notice the elephant- did not pay attention to the most important thing, and the casket just opened- a simple way out of a seemingly difficult situation, Princess on the Pea- a spoiled person).

Such expressions are called catchphrases. They seemed to fly beyond the boundaries of the works in which they were originally created and entered the literary language, receiving a broader, more generalized meaning in it.

To correctly use phraseological units in speech, you need to know their meanings well. The meanings of some phraseological units can only be understood by knowing the history of the Russian people, their customs and traditions, since most phraseological units are originally Russian. While studying this topic, we learned a lot of interesting things about our past, about the history of the Russian people.

1.3. Signs of phraseological units.

- Contains at least two words.
There are always at least two words in a phraseological unit. If we see one word with an unusual meaning, it is not a phraseological unit. For example, in the sentence “The student was flying along the corridor” there is no phraseological unit, and the word fly is used in a figurative sense.
- Has a stable composition.

If we see a phrase that is similar to a phraseological unit, we need to check whether one of the words of this phrase can be replaced with another. For example, in the phrase leaky roof, each word can be freely replaced: holey jacket, tiled roof, and the remaining word will retain its meaning. And if you replace any word in the phraseological unit golden hands, you get nonsense, for example: golden legs, silver hands. You can say: “Skillful hands,” but the word skillful in this case will be used in the literal sense.

If one of the words in a phrase can be replaced with a very limited set of other words ( fear takes, melancholy takes), then most likely this is a phraseological combination.
- It is not a title.
Geographical names, names of institutions and other names are not phraseological units (Bolshoi Theater, Red Arrow, Dead Sea).

1.4. Phraseologisms in other languages.

Phraseologisms exist in many languages ​​of the world. Often phraseological units are the property of only one language, but despite this, they are similar in meaning, for example:

Russian language Foreign languages
Wait by the sea for weather. Wait for the hare under the tree. (Chinese)
To make mountains out of molehills. Making a camel out of a mosquito (Czech)
Deceive yourself. Stealing a bell while plugging your ears. (Chinese)
Can't see beyond your nose. The eyes of a mouse can only see an inch ahead. (Chinese)
White crow. Ram on five legs. (French)
Written on the water with a pitchfork. It's not in your pocket yet. (French)
My soul sank into my heels. He has a blue fear. (French)
Buy a pig in a poke. Buy a pig in a sack. (English language)
Ate the dog He is a great master at this. (German)

II. Practical part

2.1. Results of the study of student questionnaires

Unfortunately, in the school curriculum of the educational educational complex “School of the 21st Century”, too little time is allocated for getting acquainted with phraseological units. I decided to find out what level of proficiency in phraseological units my classmates have. To do this, I conducted a survey using specially designed questions.

During the study, a survey was conducted among 31 students in grade 3-B.

Purpose of the survey– find out whether schoolchildren know what phraseological units are; do they understand the meaning of phraseological units; How often do schoolchildren use phraseological units in everyday speech?

1. Do you know what phraseological units are? (Not really)

We found out that all the children surveyed know what phraseological units are. Twenty-one of the children surveyed know what phraseological units are, ten people do not know.

2. Do you use phraseological units in your speech? (Yes, no, sometimes)

Analysis of the responses showed that 9 students use phraseological units in their speech, 7 students - sometimes, 15 people - never used phraseological units in their speech.

3. Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units: a disservice, talk with your teeth, your hands are full of holes, like peas against a wall, like water off a duck’s back.

It should be said that out of 31 people with a high level of understanding of phraseological units, only 5 people, 8 people could not explain the meaning of one phraseological unit, 6 people have an average level of understanding and 12 people have a low level. The phraseological units “a disservice” and “water off a duck’s back” caused the greatest difficulty for all children.

The survey showed that the majority of children understand the meaning of phraseological units, but selectively. Children cannot always explain in their own words what an expression means or come up with their own interpretations. This was the case with the fourth question.

4. Complete the phraseological units by choosing the right word.
a) Make an elephant out of... (a mosquito, a fly)
b) Not in your... (cup, plate)
c) Count... (forty, raven)
d) Throw words... (into the sea, into the wind, into the well)
e) ... (fifth, third, seventeenth, seventh) water on jelly.

19 people (60%) answered the question confidently and clearly, choosing the right word; 7 people (28%) could not write down 1–2 phraseological units correctly; 5 students (12%) did not know these phraseological units.

5. Where do you find phraseological units? (At home, at school, in literature, in speech, I find it difficult to answer).

27 students believe that phraseological units occur in speech;
22 students - at school;
13 people answered - in literature;
3 students found it difficult to answer.

The survey showed what children most often consider phraseological units they encounter in lessons at school and in the speech of their parents.

2.2. Results of the study of teachers' questionnaires

I wanted to find out how primary school teachers feel about phraseological units. To do this, I conducted a survey using specially designed questions. The survey involved 15 teachers working in grades 1–4.

1. Do you use phraseological units during the educational process?
a) yes
b) no
c) rarely

From the diagram we see that the majority of teachers, 83%, often use phraseological units during the educational process, 16% rarely, and there is not a single teacher who does not use phraseological units at all in the educational process.

2. Do you think the students understand the meaning of the phraseological units you use?
a) understand;
b) don’t understand;
c) do not always understand;

From the diagram we see that the majority of teachers believe that 66% of students understand the meaning of the expressions they use, 25% do not always understand, and only 9% do not understand the meaning of the expressions they use at all.

3. Highlight the 10 most “popular” phraseological units among teachers.

As a result of the analysis of this issue, we were able to identify the 10 most “popular” phraseological units among teachers of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, the most “popular” were “counting crows”, “soaring in the clouds”, “hack on the nose” and less so “pulling the tongue”, "like a fish in water."

In the course of the research, it turned out that not all students can correctly explain the meaning of phraseological units, do not know where they are used and rarely use them in speech. Many students have heard catchphrases but do not know their meaning, and some have never heard them at all. But teachers at our school often use phraseological units in their speech when working with children. During the survey, the 10 most “used” phraseological units among teachers of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 were identified.

Thus, we can conclude that in Russian language and literary reading lessons little attention is paid to the study of phraseological units. But they express the essence of rather complex phenomena and make speech more vivid and emotional. Undoubtedly, there are a huge number of phraseological units in the Russian language. You can verify this by opening any phraseological dictionary.

I came to a conclusion that in order for children to know the Russian language better and be able to use phraseological units in their speech, they need to explain what phraseological units are, for what purpose we use them, the origin and meaning of some phraseological units. I wanted to interest the children so that they would use phraseological units more often in their speech, so I created a presentation at home “The Amazing World of Phraseologous Units” and introduced it to the children during extracurricular activities. I hope that it was interesting and useful to them.

2.3. Creating a phraseological dictionary

I decided to create my own dictionary of phraseological units; such a dictionary can be offered to schoolchildren for use. The meaning of phraseological units will be explained in the dictionary and pictures will also be added for better understanding.

The most frequently used phraseological units in everyday speech were chosen for the dictionary, the meaning of which will be interesting for schoolchildren to learn. Phraseological units were also added to the dictionary, which caused difficulties for most children during the survey. In total, our dictionary contains 21 phraseological units.

After production, the dictionary was printed and offered to the children in the class for familiarization. My dictionary attracted the attention of the kids in the class. Everyone liked the pictures that illustrated the phraseology. After looking at the images, the children enjoyed reading the explanations for the phraseological units.


Working on this topic, I gained a more complete understanding of phraseological units, learned to find them in the text, and use phraseological units in my own speech. I also learned how to work with dictionaries and use information from the Internet.

I came to a conclusion that it is necessary to know the meanings of phraseological units in order to use them correctly in speech; they help make our speech lively, beautiful, and emotional. While studying this topic, I learned a lot of interesting things about our past, about the history of the Russian people, their traditions and customs.

The goal of my research work has been achieved– create your own phraseological dictionary in pictures.

The tasks that were assigned to the work were completed, extended hypothesis confirmed– phraseological units really decorate our speech, make it expressive and bright. In the future, I would like to continue working on this interesting and fascinating topic.

List of used literature

1. Burmako V.M. Russian language in drawings. - M.: Education, 1991.

2. Mali L.D., O.S. Aryamova. Speech development lessons in third grade: lesson planning and didactic materials - Tula: Rodnichok, 2006.

3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language 8000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy of Sciences. – M: ELPIS Publishing House LLC, 2003.

4. S.V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, M.I. Kuznetsova and others. Russian language: 3rd grade: textbook for students of educational organizations: in 2 hours. Part 1 / 3rd ed., - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2014.

5. M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova. Russian language. Reference materials: Textbook for students / 5th ed., - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1989.

6. N.V. Bogdanovskaya. Aspects of studying Russian phraseology / textbook - St. Petersburg: 2008.

7. Kokhtev N.N. Russian phraseology / N.N. Kokhtev, D.E. Rosenthal. - M.: Russian language, 1990.

8. Zhukov V.P. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language / textbook. – M.: Education, 1994.

Project topic: Phraseologisms. The origin of phraseological units in the Russian language.

  • The work was completed by 6th grade students: Tatyana Kovaleva, Anastasia Sycheva, Pavel Merintsov, Rinat Shushakov.
  • Head: Olga Ivanovna Lymareva, teacher of Russian language and literature MKOU Privolnenskaya Secondary School named after. M.S. Shumilov, Svetloyarsk district
  • Volgograd region
  • The choice of topic is due to the fact that the speech culture of modern schoolchildren is very low. This is due to the fact that modern children read little, preferring the Internet and television. Students' speech is characterized by a poor vocabulary; it often lacks phraseological units, which are means of expressive language. We will try to prove or disprove this with the results of our research.
  • The problem of studying phraseology at school is very relevant, since knowledge of phraseology, understanding it when reading fiction, as well as correct use is one of the indicators of good command of the native language. In addition, phraseology greatly contributes to broadening one’s horizons, deepening students’ communication skills, and makes speech lively, expressive, and emotional. A person who knows the phraseology of his native language usually expresses his thoughts easily.
  • Target:
  • Conduct research on the topic: “Phraseological units. The origin of phraseological units in the Russian language"
  • Tasks:
  • study the literature, consider different points of view on the definition of “phraseologism”;
  • find out the main reasons and sources of the appearance of phraseological units in the Russian language;
  • determine the features of the use of phraseological units in children's fiction and in the speech of modern schoolchildren;
  • create a booklet
  • Project implementation period: 1.5 months
Stages of the project:
  • Forming groups to conduct research, putting forward hypotheses and solving problems.
  • Choosing a creative name for the project (together with students.
  • Discuss the work plan of students individually or in a group.
  • Discussion with schoolchildren of possible sources of information and issues of copyright protection.
  • Independent work of students to discuss the assignment of each person in the group.
  • Independent work of groups to complete tasks.
  • Students prepare a presentation on the progress report.
  • Protection of the obtained results and conclusions.
Definition of the concepts phraseology, phraseology.
  • Definition of the concepts phraseology, phraseology.
  • Reasons for the formation of phraseological units.
  • Sources of phraseological units
  • Scope of use.
  • Theoretical part
1. Definition of the concepts phraseology, phraseology.
  • The word “phraseology” comes from two Greek words: “phrases” - “expression” and “logos” - “word, doctrine”. In Russian, this term is used in two senses: a set of stable idiomatic expressions (chickens don’t peck) and a branch of linguistics that studies such expressions (phraseological units).
  • There are several points of view on the definition of “phraseologism”.
  • I. Sandomirskaya: “Phraseological combinations most often describe not abstract concepts, but well-defined constructions - ideologically constructed and collectively appropriated ideas about “invisible things,” ideas and values ​​of time and culture.
  • S. Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition: “Phraseological unit is a stable expression with an independent meaning close to idiomatic.”
  • N.M. Shansky: “Phraseological unit, phraseological unit is a general name for semantically non-free combinations of words that are not produced in speech..., but are reproduced in it in a socially assigned stable relationship between semantic content and a certain lexical and grammatical composition. Semantic shifts in the meanings of lexical components, stability and reproducibility are interconnected universal and distinctive features of a phraseological unit.” This definition is, in our opinion, quite complete and objective.
2. Reasons for the formation of phraseological units.
  • N.M. Shansky considers the following to be the main reasons for the transformation of a combination of words into a phraseological unit:
  • constant and repeated use of a free combination of words not in a literal, but in a figurative-figurative meaning;
  • the appearance of a word of related use in a free combination of words;
  • expression by a free combination of words of a single concept that is relevant for a given historical era.
  • For example:
  • « Get lost in three pines»
3. Sources of phraseological units.
  • Phraseologisms can be divided by origin:
  • phraseological units borrowed from other languages ​​(from German - smash on your head; from English - blue stocking etc.)
  • phraseological units of Russian origin.
  • The main source of Russian phraseology are free phrases, which, when used figuratively, become phraseological units:
  • Group 1 – came from time immemorial, reflected in oral folk art: Without a king in my head
  • Beat with your forehead
  • Group 2 – combinations that came from the Bible:
  • the Forbidden fruit
  • Manna from heaven
  • Carry your cross
  • Group 3 – combinations that come from myths and world history:
  • Achilles' heel
  • Draconian measures
  • Promethean fire
  • Group 4 – expressions coming from original works:
  • From the works of A.S. Pushkin:
  • Broken Trough
  • He ate too much henbane
4. Scope of use
  • Taking into account the scope of use and their inherent expressive features, phraseological units can be divided into:
  • Interstyle
  • occasionally
  • Conversational
  • as fast as you can
  • Book
  • game of fate
  • Historicisms
  • private bailiff
  • Archaisms
  • cheese week
  • Maslenitsa
  • Outdated phraseological units
Practical part
  • Individual research plan:
  • Read fairy tales, thin. literature for children.
  • Write down phraseological units.
  • In the explanatory dictionaries of S. Ozhegov, D. Ushakov, V.P. Zhukov, find the interpretation of these phraseological units.
  • Write out phraseological units, count the number.
  • Create a booklet “The origin of phraseological units.”
  • Write an abstract.
  • Create a presentation plan.
  • Formulate the goal, objectives, relevance of the hypothesis of the results.
  • Create a presentation in Power Point.
Group work
  • Goal: Write an essay on the topic “Different points of view on the definition of phraseological units”
Group work
  • Goal: Prepare the booklet “The Origin of Phraseological Units”
  • Way to achieve the goal: study literature on this topic
Group work
  • Purpose: To determine the features of the use of phraseological units in the speech of modern schoolchildren.
  • Method of achieving the goal: conduct a sociological survey among students in grades 5–9.
Group work
  • Goal: to identify the frequency of use of phraseological units in works for children.
  • Way to achieve the goal: read fairy tales, children's fiction.
The use of phraseological units in author's works for children.
  • No.
  • Author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Detected phraseological units
  • Number of fr-s
  • A. Kurlyandsky
  • V.Lagin
  • E. Uspensky
  • Total: read
  • "Once Upon a Time at the Zoo"
  • "Old Man Hottabych"
  • "Crocodile Gena and his friends"
  • return empty; hair stands on end; the blood runs cold; Last straw; patience has come to an end; was dead asleep
  • like he sank into the water; fresh head
  • my heart broke with pity; I declare war on you; there wasn't a soul around
  • French detected
Sociological survey among students in grades 5-9.
  • Questions:
  • 1. Do you know what phraseological units are? (Not really.)
  • 2. Do you use them in your speech? (Not really.)
  • 3. Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units:
  • hurts my eyes
  • a dime a dozen
  • go far
  • in the bag
  • chickens don't peck
  • bluff
  • ingratiate oneself
  • pour from empty to empty
  • do me a favor
  • know your worth
  • 4. What phraseological units do you use in your speech?
  • A total of 70 people took part. 61 students answered yes to 1 question. 38 students use phraseological units in their speech, but 32 people do not use phraseological units. Most often they are used by children in grades 8-9. For question 4, 35 students gave the correct interpretation ( it's in the bag, it's a long way to go and etc.). The phraseology “ hurts my eyes».
  • Thus, only 35 respondents gave correct answers to all questions.
  • The use of phraseological units among students at our school.
  • Children in grades 8-9 use the following phraseological units in their speech:
  • kick your ass
  • keep your mouth shut
  • make a mess
  • without fish, cancer, fish
  • headlong
  • cheat
  • hastily
  • hit the spot
  • do not make mountains out of molehills etc.
A detailed examination of the origin of phraseological units using the example of several phraseological units.
  • 1. Lather your hair and give it a wash.
  • 2. Seven Fridays a week.
  • 3. Bury your talent in the ground.
In this project we did the following work:
  • 1. We looked at the points of view on the definition of “phraseologism” and found one that reflects the essence.
  • 2. We found out the main reasons for the appearance of phraseological units in the Russian language.
  • 3. We classified phraseological units by origin into two groups and examined each.
  • 4. We identified the main groups of phraseological units in the field of use.
  • 5. We studied the frequency of use of phraseological units in fairy tales and in original works for children.
  • 6. Conducted a sociological survey among students in grades 5-9.
  • 7. We examined in detail the origin of several phraseological units.
  • Phraseologisms have long been used in speech and literature.
  • There is a constant exchange of phraseological units and their meanings between languages.
  • New phraseological units appear all the time, and the meanings of old ones change.
  • All phraseological units can be divided into 4 groups: phraseological units of fusion, phraseological units of unity, phraseological units of combination, phraseological units of expression.
  • Students at our school rarely use phraseological units in their speech; the meaning of some is unknown to them.
  • Project product created: booklet “Phraseological units. The origin of phraseological units in the Russian language", cartoon "The Parable of a Talent Buried in the Ground".


"In the world of phraseological units"

Completed by: Drozdova Anna

Project manager: Shirlina E.P.

Relevance of the implemented project:

Currently, the problem of lack of knowledge about phraseological units has arisen, and now it is especially acute, because graduates of the 9th and 11th grades began to take the State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

It turned out that many high school students have great difficulty finding phraseological units in the text, do not understand their meaning, and do not know how to use phraseological units in speech.

Phraseological phrases - a special layer of the Russian language, part of the culture of our people - should return to our speech and enrich it.

My task is to learn as much as possible about phraseological units by conducting some search work.

The fundamental question of the project:

Why are phraseological units needed in a language?


Phraseologisms decorate our speech, make it expressive and bright.

Project objectives:

  • search for the necessary linguistic information about phraseological units;
  • find out the sources of origin of phraseological units;
  • get acquainted with phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language;
  • compile your own illustrated dictionary of phraseological units;

Stages of project preparation and implementation:

Implementation of results

Development of design specifications

Finding the information you need

Evaluation of results

Speech “The role of phraseological units in our speech”

We learned that phraseological units are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word.

Therefore, phraseological units can often be replaced with one less expressive word.

At the edge of the world (earth) - far away;

lather the neck - teach a lesson, punish;

notch on the nose - remember.

Sources of phraseological units

1) original Russians (hatchet work, green street) ;

2) Old Slavonic (seek and you will find) ;

3) Latin and Greek (Augean stables, contribute);

4) Western European (blue stocking, throw down the glove)

Most of the phraseological units reflect the deeply folk, original character of the Russian language. The direct (original) meaning of many phraseological units is connected with the history of our Motherland, with some customs of our ancestors, and their work. So the expression kick your ass(idle) arose on the basis of the direct meaning of “splitting a block of wood into loaves (chocks) to make spoons, ladle, etc. from them,” that is, to do a simple, easy task.

Phraseologisms that came from myths.

Ariadne's thread - something that helps you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Achilles' heelvulnerable spot.

Sword of Damoclesimpending, threatening danger.

Two-Faced Janus - Two-faced person.

Phraseologisms that came from the Bible:

Voice in the wildernessvain calls that remain unanswered.

Antediluvian timesprehistoric times.

Bury your talent in the ground – about a person who does not develop his natural abilities.

Manna from heavenunexpected luck.

Favorite phraseological unit

For teachers, it’s not the light of day.

The students are like water off a duck's back.

For parents - to kill it on the nose.

Do our writers use phraseological units in their works? ?

To obtain the result, the fables of I. A. Krylov were studied. In them I found 11 phraseological units:

Getting acquainted with the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin and Russian folk tales, I found phraseological units: 23 and 13, respectively.

Phraseologisms from fairy tales by M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

phraseological unit

Lexical meaning of phraseology

keep a stone in your bosom

Fairy tale title

hold a grudge

don't give in an inch

not to give at all

stand one's ground

"Wild Landowner"

my hut is on the edge

achieve your demands

"Wild Landowner"

reluctance to take part in any activities

grow on beans

"Wild Landowner"

nowhere to stick my nose


"Dried roach"

nowhere to go

"Dried roach"

mental ward

"The Wise Minnow"

have a lot of brains

keep your eyes open

be vigilant

"The Wise Minnow"

"The Wise Minnow"

stands on the clock

reduce to one denominator

looks at the time

lead to a common decision

saw death in the eyes

"Selfless Hare"

saw something terrible, terrible

sleep in hand

"Bear in the Voivodeship"

prophetic dream

"Crucian idealist"

I'll go around the world with a bag

a fool sits on a fool, drives a fool

"The Wise Minnow"

make a beggar

a society where everyone is stupid

go seven miles away to slurp jelly

"The Sleepless Eye"

go far for something


"The Sleepless Eye"

become stumped

have too much of something that does not fit in the volume

"The Wise Minnow"

meet such a difficulty, and from which it is impossible to get out


don't care at all

"The Raven Petitioner"

everything is indifferent

to our yard

in place

meet Makar, who doesn’t chase calves

"The Way and the Road"

get seriously angry

a remote place where no one has been

"Crucian idealist"

get really angry

bat your eyes

"Dried roach"

pointless, stupid to watch

"Bear in the Voivodeship"

hold your pocket wider

"Eagle Patron"

hope for something that cannot be

"Crucian idealist"

Phraseologisms came from folk tales:

  • and I was there, drinking honey and beer,
  • a hut on chicken legs
  • Koschei the Immortal ,
  • Lisa Patrikeevna,
  • neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen
  • go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what; soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
  • under Tsar Gorokh ,
  • no sooner said than done,
  • a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it
  • megillah,
  • three days and three nights.
  • This is all a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come.

Phraseological units have homonyms, synonyms and antonyms.

To let a rooster fly means to produce a melody out of tune.

Letting a rooster mean setting something on fire.

Mind chamber - seven spans in the forehead

The head on the shoulders is a light head.

Two pairs of boots are alike.

Beat swords into plowshares - sheathe the sword.

At least a dime a dozen - the cat cried.

Rolling up your sleeves - carelessly.

Brew the porridge - dissolve the porridge.

Hard to climb - easy to climb


We got acquainted with the sources of phraseological units of the Russian language.

When preparing the project, I came to the conclusion: it is necessary to constantly become familiar with phraseological units so that speech becomes more precise and richer. To do this, you need to read more, consult various dictionaries, conduct search work, turning to the works of writers, the works of Russian scientists .

We have compiled a dictionary of phraseological units and continue to work on it

created a presentation about phraseological units

Truly, our Russian language is great and powerful!

The most important thing is that I learned a lot of phraseological units that I had never heard of before.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school in the village of Gornozavodsk

Nevelsky district of the Sakhalin region"

Municipal Municipality "Nevelsk City District"

Cultural studies and linguistics



Compiled by:

5th grade student

Sorokina Anastasia

Scientific adviser:

Sedykh O.V. teacher of Russian language

and literature;

MBOU "Secondary school in the village of Gornozavodsk, Nevelsk district, Sakhalin region"

Nevelsk, 2016

Goal, objectives, relevance, hypothesis of the project.

Phraseologisms and their meaning.

Sources of phraseological units.

4. Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms of phraseological units.

5. Phraseological dictionaries.

6. Favorite phraseological unit (sociological survey)

7. The use of phraseological units in fiction.

8. Project results.

9. Resources involved in the implementation of the project.

Stages of my work

I stage: Preparing to work on the project.

Selecting a topic. Setting goals and objectives. Research hypothesis.

II stage: Organization of activities.

Search, analysis and synthesis of information about phraseological units available in reference literature.

Working with phraseological dictionaries

Sociological survey among adults and students “My favorite phraseological unit”

A study of the works of Russian writers who use phraseological units in their work.

Generalization and systematization of all collected information.

III stage: Preparation for defense and defense of the project.

1. Project goal:

Find out whether phraseological units are needed in our speech? What is their role?

Project objectives:

1. Find out what a phraseological unit is.

2. Search for the necessary language information about phraseological units.

2. Find out the sources of origin of phraseological units.

3. Get acquainted with phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language.

4. Observe the use of phraseological units in works of fiction.

5. Draw conclusions about the role of phraseological units in our speech.

Relevance of the project:

I chose this topic because phraseology is one of the branches of linguistics. Therefore, it is an integral part of language learning in general. Therefore, we will not know the language well without knowing phraseology!


Let's assume that phraseological units decorate our speech, make it more expressive and brighter


Putting a spoke in the wheels, leading by the nose, the cat cried... How often do we use these expressions in our speech? Do we understand their meaning?

“For those who are interested in the history and culture of their people, phraseology is one of the most fascinating and entertaining areas of the language,” said N. M. Shansky, a Russian scientist

2. Phraseologisms and their meaning:

As a result of searching for the necessary information, I learned thatphraseological units - these are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word.Therefore, phraseological units can often be replaced with one less expressive word.

Examples of phraseological units and their meaning:

beat the sharks
- mess around

After the rain on Thursday - never

Nick down - remember

At the ends of the earth - far

Lather your neck - teach a lesson, punish

fool you by the nose
- deceive

To make mountains out of molehills - exaggerate

Washing the bones - to gossip

Hang your nose - to be upset

Fall through the ground - disappear

Pull the wool over someone's eyes - brag, deceive

Presentation for the project
PPTX / 8.08 MB

3. Sources of phraseological units

Most of the phraseological units reflect the deeply folk original character of the Russian language. The direct (original) meaning of many phraseological units is associated with the history of our Motherland, with some customs of our ancestors, their work, So the expression kick your ass (to mess around) arose on the basis of the direct meaning of splitting a block of wood into loaves (chocks) for making spoons, ladle, etc. from them, i.e. do something simple

not a difficult matter.

I found it very interestingphraseological units that came from myths :

Augean stables - a heavily clogged, dirty or cluttered room.

Hills' heel
- vulnerable spot

Argonauts - brave sailors, adventurers.

The Golden Fleece - gold, wealth that people strive to acquire.

Sink into oblivion - disappear forever, be forgotten.

Olympian calm - calm, undisturbed by anything.

Panic fear - sudden, intense fear causing confusion.

Promethean fire - sacred fire burning in a person’s soul; unquenchable desire to achieve high goals.

Penelope's work - never-ending work (wife's fidelity).

WITH easy work - endless, barren

(useless) work.

Sphinx riddle - something unsolvable.

Trojan horse - secret insidious plan.

Apple of discord - the cause of dispute, enmity.

Pandora's Box - a source of misfortune, great disasters.

I also metphraseological units that came from the Bible :

To contribute - about a person who took his feasible part in some business.

Voice in the wilderness - vain calls that remain unanswered.

Antediluvian times - prehistoric times.

Bury your talent in the ground - about a person who does not develop his natural abilities.

Manna heavenly - unexpected luck, wonderful help.

4. Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms of phraseological units

As a result of working on the project, I learned that phraseological units have homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms.


To let a rooster fly means to produce a melody out of tune.

Letting a rooster mean setting something on fire.


At least a dime a dozen - the cat cried

Rolling up your sleeves - carelessly

Brew the porridge - disentangle the porridge,

Hard to climb - easy to climb.


Head on shoulders - light head

Two pairs of boots - birds of a feather

Uma chamber - seven spans in the forehead

5. Phraseological dictionaries

I found out that there arephraseological dictionaries , which presents the sources of the origin of phraseological units and their meaning. Authors of dictionaries: V.P. Zhukov and A.V. Zhukova “School phraseological dictionary”, A.I. Fedorov “Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language”, A.I. Molotkov “Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language”, E.A. Bystrova, A.P. Okuneva, N.M. Shansky “Educational phraseological dictionary” and others.

6. Favorite phraseological unit

I conducted a survey of adults (parents and school teachers) and children. The following questions were asked:

1. Do you know what a phraseological unit is?

2. What is your favorite phraseological unit?

Result: 62% of adults know what a phraseological unit is, 38% do not know; Of the children, 76% know, 24% do not know.

Of all the wealth of phraseological units, the phraseological units most often heard in the speech of the respondents were:

From teachers - Nick down

From parents - break into pieces

In children - neither light nor dawn

My favorite phraseology - work with your sleeves rolled up.

7. The use of phraseological units in fiction:

I carried out some research work, as a result of which I found out whether our writers use phraseological units in their works.

To get the result I researchedfables by I.A. Krylov.

In them I found 8 phraseological units:

- “The Donkey and the Nightingale”: in a thousand ways, far away;

- “Trishkin caftan”: Trishkin caftan;

- “Two dogs”: walk on their hind legs;

- “Monkey”: monkey’s work;

- “The Cat and the Cook”: Vaska listens and eats;

- “Squirrel”: like a squirrel in a wheel;

- “Casket”: and the casket just opened

In stories Nikolai Nosov I found 17 phraseological units:

run as fast as you can, kick ass, in no time, get lost in three pines, take it in tow, bring it out into the open water, look with all your eyes, rolling up your sleeves, as if you were looking into the water, as if you had been lowered into the water, as if you had fallen from the moon, like a roll you can’t lure him to lather his neck, not to see his ears, neither alive nor dead, to go to the ends of the world, to fall off his feet.

Phraseologisms came from folk tales:

And I was there, drinking mead-beer;

A hut on chicken legs;

Koschei the Deathless;

Lisa Patrikeevna;

Neither to tell in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen;

Under Tsar Pea;

No sooner said than done;

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it;


8. Project results:

What is the result of my work? The most important thing is that I learned a lot of phraseological units that I had never heard of before. Indeed, our Russian language is great and powerful! In the course of my work, I became acquainted with the sources of phraseological units in the Russian language, learned the history of the origin of many phraseological units, got acquainted with phraseological dictionaries, and turned to works of fiction. As a result, I came to the following conclusions: the role of phraseological units in our speech is great! It's not without reasonour writers very often use them in their works, they help them vividly, figuratively characterize the hero, logically, accurately express their thoughts, make the speech intense, emotional, rich. I am convinced that phraseological units decorate our speech, make it more accurate and richer!

Resources involved in project implementation

On the shores of Linguinia: An entertaining book of problems in the Russian language: A book for students / ed. L.D. Chesnokova; Artist I.V. Novikov. - M.: Education: Textbook. Lit., 2006.

Rosenthal D.E. and others. Russian language for schoolchildren in grades 5-9. Journey to the land of words. Tutorial. - M.: Bustard, 2003.

Fedorov A.I. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language: approx. 13,000 phraseological units.— M.: Astrel: AST, 2008.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist (linguistics) / Comp. M. V. Panov. - M.: Pedagogy, 2001.

V. P. Zhukova, A. V. Zhukova. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. : M. “Enlightenment” - 2003.

PhraseologicalDictionary of the Russian language / ed. A.I. Molotkov - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Russian. Yaz., 2006.

Volkov S.V. Unique illustrated phraseological dictionary for children/Art. A.I. Artyukh, M.V. Lenskaya, D.A. Melkikh, V.N. Rodin - M.:AST: Astrel, 2010.

Internet resources

http:// www. bookvoed. ru/ view_ images. php? code=444538& tip=1

http:// www. elhoschool. ru/ Russian/ frazeol. htm

State budget

educational institution

Krasnodar region

sports boarding school


phraseological units in our speech.

Research project.


students 6 "A".


Getmanskaya A. A.

2015-2016 academic year


    Project passport……………………………………………………

    Abstract of the project………………………………………………………………

    Project plan……………………………………………………….

    Theoretical part of the project………………………………………………………

4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….

4.2 Linguistic information………………………………………….

4.2.1 Phraseologisms derived from myths………………….

4.2.2 Phraseologisms that came from the Bible…………………….


4.3.1 Phraseologisms in I.A. Krylov’s fables………………….

4.3.2 Phraseologisms in N. Nosov’s stories………………….

4.3.3 Phraseologisms in fairy tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin……...

4.3.4 Phraseologisms in Russian folk tales………………

4.4 Phraseological dictionaries…………………………………….

4.5 Homonyms - phraseological units, synonyms - phraseological units,


    Analytical materials………………………………………………………...

    Description of the product booklet…………………………………….


    List of references……………………………..


    Internet resources………………………………………………...

1.Project passport


The role of phraseological units in our lives




Getmanskaya A. A.


Research project

Main academic discipline

Russian language

Additional discipline



Determining the role of phraseological units in the speech of our contemporaries of different ages


    Familiarize yourself with scientific literature on the topic;

    Identify what are the characteristic features of phraseological units and determine how phraseological units differ from free combinations;

    Identify the composition of phraseological units in the text and determine the circumstances under which they are used;

    Find out the meaning of phraseological units in linguistic dictionaries;

    Draw conclusions about their role as a stylistic device.


What is the role of phraseological units in the speech of schoolchildren and adults

Expected result

Prove the most important role of phraseological units in giving speech

imagery, brightness, expressiveness

Intended Product

Booklet with the most interesting phraseological units

Necessary equipment

experimental materials - questionnaires, literature on the topic, computer, Internet

Composition of the project team

Karpov Valentin, Naumov Dmitry, Yakovenko Dmitry

2. Abstract of the project.

This project is intended to study how often and for what purpose our contemporaries of different ages use phraseological units.

Problem: What is the role of phraseological units in the speech of schoolchildren and adults.

Target: ABOUTdefining the role of phraseological units in the speech of our contemporaries of different ages.


1.Familiarize yourself with the scientific literature on the topic.

2. Identify the composition of phraseological units in the text and determine the circumstances under which they are used.

3. Find out the meaning of phraseological units in linguistic dictionaries.

4.Draw conclusions about their role as a stylistic device.

Objects of study:

    speech of adults and schoolchildren;

    works of art;

    phraseological dictionaries;

3. Project plan.


Direction of work


Planned result



Selecting a problem, literature sources, drawing up a plan

September 2015

Defining the field of activity and work structure



Formulating a hypothesis, drawing up a questionnaire, studying materials on the stated topic

September 2015

Scientific justification of the topic of the declared project and the depth of coverage of the issue under study


Progress of the study

Working with literary sources (modern fiction, the Bible, myths)

September 2015

Preparation of theoretical calculations



Processing of received data

October 2015

Final determination of the content of the practical component of the project




Analysis of results

October 2015

Formulation of the conclusion and practical calculations for the project

4. The theoretical part of the project.


Phraseological units are stable combinations that are an inexhaustible source of speech expression. The use of phraseological units in speech makes it strong, bright, accurate, and convincing. With the help of phraseological units, one can briefly say a lot, since they define not only an object, but also its attribute, not only an action, but also its circumstances. The use of phraseological units in speech contributes to the development of a sense of language, expands knowledge about language, enriches speech, makes it figurative and expressive. The presence of a large number of phraseological units in a language shows its richness, and one cannot study a language without studying its phraseology. Very often, behind such words and phrases lies a whole world, a historical era - facts of bygone life, ideas and beliefs of our ancestors, real events of the distant past.The Russian language is very rich in phraseological units. So, for example, with only one wordhand There are more than fifty phraseological units.Most scientists include proverbs, sayings, apt and vivid expressions of writers, scientists, and public figures that have become popular phraseological expressions. Some of them are used in a figurative meaning, others in a literal meaning.


We chose this particular topic because the study of language phraseology is an integral part in the study of language as a whole. You cannot know a language without knowing phraseology. Addressing the topic “The role of phraseological units in our speech” will expand knowledge about the language, enrich speech, and help the appropriate use of phraseological expressions.

Target educational and research work - determining the role of phraseological units in speech.


    read the scientific literature on the topic;

    identify what are the characteristic features of phraseological units and determine how phraseological units differ from free combinations;

    identify the composition of phraseological units in the text and determine the circumstances under which they are used;

    find out the meaning of phraseological units in linguistic dictionaries;

    draw conclusions about their role as a stylistic device.

Practical significance The idea is that you can familiarize your classmates with the results of your research, speak at a scientific and practical conference, promoting the need to study such an interesting branch of the science of language as phraseology, and use the acquired knowledge in Russian language and literature lessons.

Objects of study:

    speech of adults and schoolchildren;

    works of art;

    phraseological dictionaries;

    scientific and methodological literature.

Research methods:

    continuous sampling method;

    method of contextual analysis;

    sociometric survey method;

    method of statistical processing.

4.2 Linguistic information.

Wordphraseology comes from two words in Greek: phrasis - expression, figure of speechAndlogos is a concept, a doctrine, therefore, phraseology is a branch of the science of words (lexicology) that studies stable phrases and phrases.

Phraseologism is a stable combination of words used to name individual objects, features, and actions. The entire phraseological unit as a whole has lexical meaning, for example,kick the bucket - "sit back",far away lands - "far".

Phraseologisms have synonyms and antonyms - other phraseological units; for example, synonyms:at the end of the world, where the raven did not bring bones; antonyms: lift to the skies, trample into the dirt.

Phraseologisms characterize all aspects of a person’s life - his attitude to work, for example,golden hands, jack of all trades , attitude towards other people, e.g.bosom friend, disservice, personal strengths and weaknesses, e.g., doesn't lose his head, leads by the nose and others.

Phraseologisms are used in everyday speech, in works of art, and in journalism.

The meaning of phraseological units can be found in the phraseological dictionary. To find the desired phraseological unit there, you need to start the search from the first independent word. In the “School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V.P. Zhukov, dictionary entries are given strictly according to the first word of the phraseological unit.

The most commonly used phraseological units are explained in explanatory dictionaries. They are placed under the sign ◊ at the end of the dictionary entry in the explanatory dictionary that coincides with the first independent word of the phraseological unit, for example:

Squirrel, -i, gen. pl.-loc. dat –lkam, w. A small fur-bearing animal of the rodent order, with a large fluffy tail, living in trees, as well as the fur of this animal.

Like a squirrel turning in a wheel (orspin, spin ) - to be in constant trouble, to be busy with many things.

When using phraseological units, you must remember that you cannot insert new words into them or replace one with another. You can't say insteadsit down in galoshes - “sit in a child’s galosh,” or insteadshelve - “put it in a box.” As part of a phraseological unit, it is not individual words that have meaning, but the entire expression as a whole. This means that phraseological units must be remembered and known in the form in which they have become established in the language.

Features of phraseological units.

Phraseologisms exist in a language in close connection with vocabulary; their study helps to better understand their structure, formation and use in speech.

So, you can characterize a hero - a person who does not understand what he is doing - using one phraseological unit:without a king in my head.

Thus, accuracy - This is the first feature of phraseology.

Another feature of phraseology is its imagery. Writers see in Russian phraseology excellent examples of figurative expression of phenomena of reality. The picturesqueness and imagery of speech is expressed by phraseological units that influence the imagination of the listener, forcing him to experience what was said stronger, more emotionally than if the speaker addressed him with a purely logical speech.

Comparison is the simplest linguistic means of imagery(fly like an arrow, fly like an arrow).

The imagery of phraseological units is based on various techniques, for example: hyperbole - there is no living space, you can’t hit it with a gun ; litotes - with a gulkin nose, quieter than water, lower than the grass, two inches from the pot . [ 1]

To create imagery, objects and phenomena well known to the people are usually used. For example, many phraseological units include the names of animals, and the assessment of these animals, their characteristics are the same as in folklore: a hare is cowardly, a bear is clumsy (bearstepped on my ear) the wolf is hungry and greedy, the fox is cunning,elephant - something big, significant

new (I didn’t even notice the elephant, make a mountain out of a molehill) .

4.2.1 Phraseologisms derived from myths

The origin of phraseological units.

1) original Russians(hatchet work, green street) ;

2) Old Slavonic(seek and you will find) ;

3) Latin and Greek(Augean stables, contribute);

4) Western European(blue stocking, throw down the glove).

Most of the phraseological units reflect the deeply folk, original character of the Russian language. The direct (original) meaning of many phraseological units is connected with the history of our Motherland, with some customs of our ancestors, and their work.

So the expressionkick your ass (idle) arose on the basis of the direct meaning of “splitting a block of wood into loaves of wood (chocks) to make spoons, ladle, etc. from them,” that is, to do a simple, easy task.

Phraseologisms that came from myths.

We found phraseological units that came from myths very interesting:

    Augean stables

    Ariadne's thread

    Achilles' heel - vulnerable spot.

    Sword of Damocles

    Two-Faced Janus - Two-faced person.

    The Golden Fleece -

    Sink into oblivion

    Olympian calm

4.2.2 Phraseologisms that came

from the Bible

Phraseologisms that came from the Bible.

We got acquainted with phraseological units that came from the Bible:

    To contribute

    Voice in the wilderness

    Antediluvian times - prehistoric times.

    Bury your talent in the ground

    Manna from heaven

4.3 Use of phraseological units in works


4.3.1 Phraseologisms in I.A. Krylov’s fables

4.3.2 Phraseologisms in N. Nosov’s stories

4.3.3. Phraseologisms

in fairy tales by M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

4.3.4 Phraseologisms

in Russian folk tales

We have carried out some researchwork, as a result of which we found out whether our writers use phraseological units in their works.

To obtain the result, the fables of I. A. Krylov were studied. They contain 9 phraseological units:

- "Donkey and Nightingale":in a thousand ways, far away

- "Trishkin caftan":Trishkin caftan;

- "Two dogs":walk on hind legs;

- "Monkey":monkey's work;

- "The Cat and the Chef":and Vaska listens and eats;

- "Demyanov's ear":Demyanova's ear;

- "Squirrel":like a squirrel in a wheel;

- "Casket":and the casket simply opened;

- "Wolf in the kennel":and I’ve known your wolfish nature for a long time.

21 phraseological units were found in Nikolai Nosov’s stories:

    run at full speed - run very quickly;

    to kick the bucket - to mess around;

    run away - run away;

    in no time - very quickly;

    in three pines we got lost, confused in a simple matter;

    take in tow - help;

    bring to light - force to tell the truth;

    look with all eyes - very carefully;

    rolling up your sleeves - energetically;

    and that's the end of it - finish the job you started;

    how he looked into the water and foresaw the present;

    like those lowered into water - drooping;

    like he fell from the moon and appeared unexpectedly;

    you can’t lure with a roll, you can’t seduce with anything;

    to hit on the neck - to punish;

    soap the neck - beat;

    to not see your ears is to never see them;

    neither alive nor dead - very scared;

    to go to the ends of the world is very far;

    to fall off your feet - to be very tired.

Getting acquainted with the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, we found 21 phraseological units. For example:

Phraseologisms from fairy tales by M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

Lexical meaning of phraseology

Fairy tale title

keep a stone in your bosom

hold a grudge

"Wild Landowner"

don't give in an inch

not to give at all

"Wild Landowner"

stand one's ground

achieve your demands

"Wild Landowner"

nowhere to stick my nose

nowhere to go

"The Wise Minnow"

mental ward

have a lot of brains

"The Wise Minnow"

keep your eyes open

be vigilant

"The Wise Minnow"

sleep in hand

prophetic dream

"The Wise Minnow"

go seven miles away to slurp jelly

go far for something

"The Wise Minnow"

to our yard

in place

"Crucian idealist"

hold your pocket wider

hope for something that cannot be

"Crucian idealist"

10 phraseological units were found in Russian folk tales.

Phraseologisms came from folk tales:

    I was there too, drinking honey and beer

    a hut on chicken legs

    Koschei the Deathless

    Lisa Patrikeevna

    neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen

    under Tsar Gorokh

    no sooner said than done,

    the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it


    three days and three nights.

The phraseological wealth of the language comes to life under the pen of talented writers and publicists and becomes a source of new artistic images, jokes, and unexpected puns.

Such research work allowed us to conclude: our writers very often use phraseological units in their works, which help them vividly, figuratively characterize the hero, logically, consistently present their thoughts, make the speech intense, emotional, and rich. This is what we should strive for. And we need to learn from our classics.

4.4 Phraseological dictionaries

We learned that there are phraseological dictionaries that present the sources of the origin of phraseological units and their meaning. Authors of dictionaries: V.P. Zhukov and A.V. Zhukova "School phraseological dictionary", A.I. Fedorov "Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language", A.I. Molotkov "Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language", E.A. Bystrova, A.P. Okuneva, N.M. Shansky "Educational phraseological dictionary", Zhukov V.P., Sidorenko M.I., Shklyarov V.T. "Dictionary of phraseological synonyms of the Russian language and others.

4.5 Homonyms - phraseological units,

synonyms - phraseological units,


When studying dictionary entries, it became clear that phraseological units have homonyms, synonyms and antonyms.

In the dictionaries we found examples of phraseological units-homonyms:

    To let a rooster fly means to produce a melody out of tune.

    Letting a rooster mean setting something on fire.

Here are examples of synonymous phraseological units:

    Uma chamber - seven spans in the forehead

    The head on the shoulders is a light head. Two pairs of boots are alike.

    Beat swords into plowshares - sheathe the sword.

AND, finally, examples of antonym phraseological units:

    At least a dime a dozen - the cat cried.

    Rolling up your sleeves - carelessly.

    Brew the porridge - disentangle the porridge.

    Hard to climb - easy to climb.

5.Analytical materials

Sociometric research.

We conducted a sociometric survey of adults (parents and school teachers) and students in grades 6-7 on a voluntary basis. Respondents were asked the following questions:

4. Your favorite phraseological unit.

93% of teachers know what a phraseological unit is, 7% do not know; 65% of parents know, and 35% do not know; of children, 83% know, 17% do not know.

Most often, adults encounter phraseological units in fairy tales and oral speech, children - in works of art and fables.

Of all the wealth of phraseological units, phraseological units were most often heard in the speech of our respondentsbeat your head, break into pieces, kill on your nose.

Adult respondents heard phraseological phrases for the first time at school, child respondents heard them for the first time in kindergarten and at school.

Among adult respondents, 42% do not use phraseological units in their speech, although they know them; among children, 48% do not use phraseological units in their speech.

The origin of phraseological units turned out to be unknown for many adults and children (83% and 78%, respectively), and only 17% of adults named the Bible and myths as the source of origin, and 22% of children named ancient Rus'.

Favorite phraseology of teachers -neither light nor dawn,

students -like water off a duck's back,

parents -Nick down.

6.Product description booklet

The booklet is a collectionthe best phraseological units compiled during research work.

See Appendix No. 3.

7. Conclusion.

During the research work, we became acquainted with the sources of phraseological units of the Russian language, improved the skill of working with phraseological dictionaries, created a presentation about phraseological units.

We found out that the use of phraseological units in speech makes it strong, bright, accurate, and convincing. The use of phraseological units in speech contributes to the development of a sense of language, expands knowledge about language, enriches speech, makes it figurative and expressive. The presence of a large number of phraseological units in a language shows its richness, and one cannot study a language without studying its phraseology. Very often, behind such words and phrases lies a whole world, a historical era - facts of bygone life, ideas and beliefs of our ancestors, real events of the distant past.

At the end of the research work we cameto the conclusion: it is necessary to constantly get acquainted withphraseological units, so that speech becomes more precise and richer. To do this, you need to read more, consult various dictionaries, conduct search work, turning to the works of writers, the works of Russian scientists.

8. List of used literature.

    Baranov M.T., Kostyaeva T.A., Prudnikova A.V. Russian language. Reference materials. Textbook for students. Edited by N.M. Shansky. M, "Enlightenment", 1993.

    Zhukov V.P., Molotkov A.I., Fedorov A.I. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. A.I. Molotkov. – 4th ed. – M.: Rus. lang., 1986.

    Fedorov A.I. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. – 3rd ed., rev. – M.: Astrel: AST, 2008.

    Lapatukhin M.S., Skorlupovskaya E.V., Snetova G.P. School explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. A manual for students. Edited by F.P. Filin. M. education, 1981.

    Subbotina L.A. - author and compiler. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language for schoolchildren. -Ekaterinburg: U-Factory, 2004.-412 p.

    Tutorial: Russian literature. From words to literature. 5th grade: textbook / R.I. Albetkova. – 10th edition, stereotypical – M.: Bustard, 2010.

    Textbook: T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova and others. Russian language. Textbook for 5th grade in 2 parts. M.: Education, 2014.


Appendix No. 1.


1. Do you know what a phraseological unit is?

2. Where do you most often find phraseological units?

3. Give examples of phraseological units.

4. Your favorite phraseological unit.

5. Do you use phraseological units in your speech?

6. Where did phraseological units come to us from?

Appendix No. 2.

Table. Results of the sociometric study “Knowledge of Phraseology”.

Appendix No. 3.

A dictionary of phraseological units compiled during research work.

    AVaska listens and eats, but doesn’t pay attention.

    Athe casket just opened -a problem that seemed complex had a simple solution .

    Augean stables- a heavily clogged, dirty or cluttered room.

    Ariadne's thread- something that helps you find a way out of a difficult situation.

    Achilles' heel- vulnerable spot.

    Run as fast as you can - run very fast.

    Throwing your thumbs is idleness.

    Run away - run away.

    In no time - very quickly.

    We got lost in three pines, confused in a simple matter.

    Take in tow and help.

    To contribute- about a person who took his feasible part in some business.

    Bring someone out into the open - force them to tell the truth.

    Voice in the wilderness- vain calls that remain unanswered.

    To look with all your eyes is very attentive.

    Look both ways -be vigilant.

    Sword of Damocles- impending, threatening danger.

    Two-Faced Janus- Two-faced person.

    Demyanova's ear-forced excessive treat, contrary to the wishes of the person being treated.

    Keep a stone in your bosomhold a grudge.

    Hold your pocket wider-hope for something that cannot happen.

    Antediluvian times- prehistoric times.

    Bury your talent in the ground- about a person who does not develop his natural abilities.

    Rolling up your sleeves - energetically.

    The Golden Fleece -gold, wealth that one strives to acquire.

    ANDI have known your wolfish nature for a long time; I have extensive life experience.

    And that's it - finish what you started.

    TOlike a squirrel in a wheel - bbe in constant trouble.

    How I looked into the water and foresaw the present.

    Like being submerged in water, drooping.

    As if he fell from the moon, he appeared unexpectedly.

    You can’t lure with a roll, you can’t seduce with anything.

    Sink into oblivion- disappear forever, be forgotten.

    Manna from heaven- unexpected luck, wonderful help.

    MArtyshkin's work is in vain.

    Nand a thousand frets, far away, loudly, far away.

    To hit someone on the neck is to punish.

    To our yard -in place.

    Lather the neck - beat it.

    You can never see your ears, just like you can never see them.

    There is nowhere to stick my nose -nowhere to go.

    Neither alive nor dead - very scared.

    Don't give in an inch -not to give at all

    Olympian calm- calmness, unperturbed by anything.

    To go to the ends of the world is very far.

    To fall off your feet is to be very tired.

    Sleep in hand- prophetic dream.

    Stand one's groundachieve fulfillment of their demands.

    Go seven miles away to slurp jelly -to go far for something.

    Trishkin caftan-careless and ill-considered elimination of some shortcomings, which lead to the emergence of new ones.

    Uma chamber-have a lot of intelligence.

    Xwalk on hind legs -fulfill every whim, serve, tremble and obey.

    And I was there, drinking honey and beer - I was on a walk.

    A hut on chicken legs is a dilapidated dwelling.

    Koschey the Immortal is old and greedy.

    Lisa Patrikeevna is cunning.

    It can’t be said in a fairy tale, nor can it be described with a pen - it’s very beautiful.

    Under Tsar Gorokh - a very long time ago.

    No sooner said than done, quickly executed.

    The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - the instructive meaning of the fairy tale.

    The fairy tale about the white bull is about a long, endless story (and often boring). http :// cle. pickens. k12. sc. us/ images/ announcement/142542-2081126-857. gif


