Spring. Summaries of classes, GCD on a spring theme

Yes, nature has no bad weather. Yes, every season is charming in its own way. But spring has its own special charm. Migratory birds return home. Trees, plants and insects wake up and come to life. Without wasting time, let's observe the seasonal changes in nature in a place with children. In this thematic section of the MAAM portal, we have collected for you a large number of spring-themed materials ready for use in your work. Summaries of classes and GCD, scenarios of walks with observations of birds, plants and insects - choose what you like best and use it in your teaching activities.

We contemplate spring nature consciously and with benefit - together with MAAM!

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All sections | Spring. Summaries of classes, GCD on a spring theme

Summary of the lesson "Walk in the spring forest" Software tasks: Development of cognitive research activities; to acquaint children with generalized methods of studying various objects of the world around them; stimulate curiosity. Continue to teach color discrimination, select the same colors by eye; to distinguish...

Synopsis of the integrated lesson in the first junior group "Walk in the spring forest" Integration of educational regions: artistic and aesthetic, speech, physical Target: The development of children's musicality, the formation of an emotional and joyful feeling in the process of communicating with music. Tasks: 1. educational: To evoke joyful feelings in children, to react emotionally ...

Spring. Summaries of classes, GCD on a spring theme - A comprehensive lesson "Spring Flowers" for older children with disabilities

Publication "Comprehensive lesson" Spring Flowers "for older children with ..." Complex lesson “spring flowers” ​​Children enter the hall to the music (Tchaikovsky waltz of flowers) Educator The stream in the ravine murmured Birds flew in from the south The sun warms in the morning - They came to visit us ...... (spring) Entrance of Spring Spring I hear, I hear you guys I hurry to the meadow to you ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Summary of the educational situation "Droplets of Spring" Program content: Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" - To form the ability to:  Use a pipette as a means of drawing a droplet;  Use the technique of blotography in the creative activity of children. - Form...

b] Synopsis of GCD "Blossoming Spring" using TRIZ for children in the senior group. Gorshkova Natalia Vladimirovna Topic of the lesson: A complex creative lesson within the framework of the theme “Blossoming Spring”. Purpose of the lesson: With the help of visual materials about various types of plants, their ...

Summary of GCD using non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography "Spring Tree" in the middle group Synopsis of Continuous educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” in the middle group on the topic: “Spring Tree”. Author-developer: Borisenko Nina Georgievna, teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 69 of Primorsky...

Spring. Summaries of classes, GCD on a spring theme - Abstract of a musical lesson “Mother spring is coming - open the gates”

Theme: “Mother spring is coming - open the gates” Musical director: Sidorova I.M. Educational tasks: - enrich vocabulary, continue ...

Summary of the lesson for the combined preparatory group “Spring. Flowers" Tasks: to activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "Spring. Flowers"; develop visual and auditory attention, general motor skills. To form a coherent speech statement, to teach retelling based on a mnemonic table (L.E. Belousova. Learning to retell? It's easy! S-Pb. 2008. Learn ...