Summary of the lesson on the topic: Spring in the senior group of kindergarten with a presentation

Summary of classes for children of senior preschool age "On a visit to spring"

Target: to educate the basics of ecological culture, the culture of communication of children of senior preschool age.

educational: consolidate children's knowledge about spring, its signs, features, be able to understand the signs of spring, consolidate the ability to work in various non-traditional drawing techniques, be able to select the appropriate color scheme and place objects in space on a sheet of paper.

Educational: to develop figurative thinking, perception, fantasy in children, to form a sense of color, creativity.

Educational: cultivate love for nature, interest in the occupation, continue to teach how to work collectively.

ICT (presentation about spring, audio recording of "Voices of Nature"), gouache, brushes, hard brushes, water-tights, cotton buds, cotton wool, wax pencils, napkins, paste.

Children enter the group to calm music, stand around the teacher.
Educator: listen.

Who came so quietly-quietly? Well, of course, not an elephant,
And, of course, the hippo could not pass quietly like that.
And none of you heard how the leaf came out of the kidney,
And you could not hear, like green blades of grass,
Taking off their green shoes, they quietly left the ground.
And the snowdrop quietly left. And there is silence everywhere.
This means, this means: the quietest spring has come!

Today we have an extraordinary meeting. We are going to visit Spring. And what do you think, on what you and I can fly, swim, ride? (children's answers).

Let's fly on a magic carpet. We sit on the carpet-airplane and go flying. (Children sit on a flying carpet, music sounds). On the magical flying carpet, everyone closes their eyes and takes flight. We fly with you to a magical land. What is happening there, I will tell you, but your eyes must be closed, otherwise you will not hear anything (sounds of nature, birds singing).

The sun shines brightly. The buds on the trees swelled, snowdrops timidly appeared in the forest clearings. Birds flew in and the bells sang their cheerful songs. Slowly, our flying carpet descended into the clearing, we open our eyes and stand up.

Educator: Guys, look around, what time of year did you arrive? So spring has come to us. You know that every word has relatives. Choose related words for the word "spring" (spring, freckle, spring ....). Now come up with definitions for the word "spring", what is it like? (warm, early, beautiful, kind ...). How can you affectionately call the sun? (Sun). Goodies! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!

I suggest you play a little: the game "Sun"
Sunshine, sunshine
golden bottom,
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
A stream ran in the garden.
A hundred rooks flew in.
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,
And the flowers are growing.

And now let's sit down on our magic stumps and remember the riddles about spring ... ..
1. The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming, when does it happen? (spring).
2. Housewarming at the starling, he rejoices endlessly, so that we have a mockingbird, we made ... (birdhouse).
3. Spring nature is dear to us. Cold snow flows in streams. And the first to appear in the thaw ... (snowdrop).
4. It grows upside down. It does not grow in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake it, it will melt and flow (icicle).
5. The snow has melted and from the fields, a nimble one is running ... (stream).

Oh, guys, look at this clearing, how sad it is. It must have been her winter bewitched. Let's disenchant it and, like real artists, paint a picture of spring.
- What would you draw in this picture? (Trees, flowers, sun, clouds, birds).
- Flowers can be painted with a hard semi-dry brush. (Showing drawing with a hard semi-dry brush).
- We will draw trees with wax pencils, and buds and leaves can be drawn with a poke with a cotton swab. (Show drawing).
- We will draw the sun with gouache, and we will make clouds from cotton wool. (Production display).

But before you get to work, I suggest you play the game "Merry Rain".

Now think and choose what you will do. Choose your material and colors. (Children choose a job at will).

Creative work of children. Calm music sounds.

Guys, look what a beautiful picture we got. The sun is shining brightly, the first leaves appeared on the trees, the first flowers bloomed, the birds flew in, the animals woke up after hibernation. Well done guys, you did your best and painted a spring picture. What is this painting called? You take this picture with you and show it to your loved ones, and spring will admire the picture from the window.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Get on the train and let's go! Here we come to your kindergarten. And spring gave me its magical spring flowers for you, and the flowers are not simple, they are with a surprise.

Job completed, thank you very much!
Photo from class

Presentation on the topic: Welcome to Spring!