How do animals prepare for winter?

In winter, the volume of food is significantly reduced, which is why most animals begin to prepare for the cold in the fall, and some begin to prepare food from the summer. The very first to collect supplies are rodents:

  • mouse,
  • chipmunks,
  • grandmothers.

Already in the summer, they are looking for seeds and nuts throughout the forest, laying them in minks. This gives them the opportunity to sit in their house all winter and not go outside. During cold weather, rodents sleep almost all the time, interrupting sleep only in order to refresh themselves.

Who is not afraid of frost?

Chanterelles, hares and wolves practically do not prepare for frosts, as they spend the winter on their feet in search of food. The hares only change clothes: they change their gray coat to white so that predators do not notice them on a snowy carpet. It is very interesting to watch how the animals prepare for winter, because everyone has their own secret.

Chanterelles and wolves

Chanterelles and wolves do not change the color of their coats, but their fur becomes thicker and fluffier: it is easier to survive severe frosts. Wolves gather in packs because it is much more convenient to survive in winter. Cunning chanterelles are looking for any mink to rest and hide from the blizzard.

Beavers and squirrels

Squirrels and beavers do not hibernate, but preparation is done responsibly. Beavers live in large families, all together they build cozy houses near the reservoirs, next to which they put their food - twigs from trees. They also feed on the roots of plants that grow in water.

I wonder how a squirrel prepares for winter? Red forest dwellers do not hibernate, although they spend most of their time in their dwellings - hollows that they equip high in the trees.

This rodent changes the color of its coat from red to grayish to camouflage from predators. What does a squirrel eat in winter? For the period of cold weather, this rodent stocks up with such belongings:

  • acorns,
  • mushrooms,
  • nuts,
  • seeds.

Let's talk about the bear

Bears equip their home in advance. They are looking for caves, ditches, where they carry leaves, branches, moss, from above they make a soft mattress for themselves from spruce branches. When it snows, it camouflages the bear's hiding place and keeps it warm.

Bears do not stockpile food, but in autumn they feed on nuts and fish very actively in order to accumulate as much fat as possible for the wintering period. In fact, the predator does not sleep, but dozes, and if necessary, he can leave the den. It is in winter that the she-bear has small cubs.

This is how animals hibernate. Some sleep all winter, others try not to freeze and find food for themselves. But you can learn a lot more interesting about animals, birds and insects.