Federal State Educational Standard: Earth Movements, or Conquering the Most Difficult Topic in the Course of Geography

So the most difficult topic of not only the 5th grade, but also ... of all geography crept up unnoticed and slowly to us with the fifth graders. It is no secret that it is in the questions of the Unified State Examination on the movements of the Earth and the angle of incidence of the sun's rays that children most often make mistakes. And this is not surprising! Previously (a certain number of years ago, when I worked on the textbook of Gerasimova and Neklyukova), this topic was studied at the end of the 3rd quarter of the 6th grade, but it still caused a lot of difficulties for the guys. And now it is being studied at the beginning of the second quarter of the 5th grade! What's it like?!?
So the topic "Movement of the Earth. Sunlight on Earth".

But we successfully (I can only hope, but time will tell for sure) studied the topic, attracting tellurium to help us (a model of a part of the solar system that shows the rotation of the Earth around itself and the Sun, as well as the rotation of the Moon around the Earth), maps and pictures of the textbook and atlas, as well as the knowledge that the guys already had by now.
Lessons in the fifth grade did not end with the bell - everyone wanted to touch and turn the tellurium!

Today we know for sure that
- The moon revolves around the earth.
The earth revolves around itself and around the sun
-- The Earth's axis is tilted, which is the main reason for the change of seasons,
-- An Earth year is equal to one revolution around the Sun, but it is not 365 days!
- There are not 24 hours in a day!
and many many others...

I suggest that you, dear guests and readers, briefly remember that how does the Earth move, why does the seasons change, how does the movement of the Earth affect its climate...

And the materials of textbooks for fifth graders will help us with this, but not just one, but several authors at once:
Geography. 5-6 cells Alekseev A.I. and others_2012 -192s
Geography. 5 cells Atlas._Letyagin A.A_2013 -32s
Geography. 5 cells Introduction to geography. Domogatskikh E.M. and others_2013 -160s
Geography. 5 cells Initial course. Letyagin A.A_2013 -160s
as well as Internet materials.

By human standards, the Earth is huge. It weighs 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons! Therefore, it is difficult for people living on Earth to believe that such a huge body is in constant motion. The two main types of motion of the Earth, known to mankind since ancient times, are rotation around its axis and around the Sun.

Rotation of the Earth around its axis
The Earth is often compared to a huge spinning top, but unlike a spinning top, the Earth's axis is an imaginary line. In addition, the Earth's axis is inclined to the plane of the orbit at an angle of 66.5°. The earth's axis is strictly oriented in outer space. Its northern end is directed to the North Star.
The points of intersection of the imaginary earth's axis with the earth's surface are called geographic poles . There are two such poles - North and South.
All objects on the earth's surface rotate with the earth. If you watch our planet from space from the side of the North Pole, you can see that it rotates around its axis counterclockwise, that is, from west to east. The Earth makes a complete revolution around its axis in about 24 hours (23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds). This period is called for days .

Geographic consequences of the rotation of the Earth around its axis:
-- The rotation of the Earth affects its shape: it is slightly flattened at the poles.
- Due to the rotation of the Earth, all bodies moving on its surface deviate in the Northern Hemisphere to the right in the course of their movement, and in the Southern - to the left.
- Due to the rotation of the Earth, there is a change of day and night.
- If the earth's axis were not strictly oriented in space, the Earth would move randomly "tumbling".

If the Earth stopped rotating on its axis and around the Sun, it would always face the Sun on one side, on which there would be an eternal day. The temperature on this side of the Earth would reach 100°C or more, and all the water would evaporate. The unlit side of the planet would turn into a realm of eternal cold, where the earth's moisture would accumulate in the form of a giant ice cap.

Movement of the Earth around the Sun
The Earth moves around the Sun in an orbit at a speed of 30 km/s. It is removed from the Sun by almost 150 million km. This distance - huge by human standards and negligible in space - turned out to be the best for the emergence of life.

For convenience, the length of the year is considered equal to 365 days. The remaining 6 hours are summed up and every 4 years form an additional day. Such years are called leap years , they have not 365, but 366 days. In leap years, the shortest month - February - is not 28, but 29 days.

If the Sun stopped pulling the Earth, it would fly into space 40 times faster than a bullet!
If the Earth were moving in its orbit more slowly, it would not be able to resist the attraction of the Sun and would fall on it.
If the Earth were closer to the Sun, the temperature on it would be much higher. On Venus, which is 42 million km closer to the Sun, the temperature is about 500°C!
If the Earth were further from the Sun, the temperature on it would be negative. Mars is 228 million km from the Sun and the temperature on its surface is -60°C.

The Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun in 365 days. and 6 hours. This period is called year .

The change of day and night is a consequence of the axial movement of the Earth
The change of the seasons of the year is a consequence of:
1) the orbital motion of the Earth;
2) constant inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit;
3) the constant position of the axis of the rotating Earth in space.

The Earth rotates around its axis from west to east, while the Earth revolves around the Sun in an orbit in the same direction.

Due to the fact that the Earth has a spherical shape, the surface area at the equator will receive more sunlight and heat than the same surface area in the polar regions. That is why it is hot at the equator and cold at the poles. If the surface of the Earth were flat, the sun's rays would be distributed evenly, heating it equally. The highest position of the Sun above the horizon is zenith . When the Sun is at its zenith, its rays hit the Earth vertically.
Tropics - conditional lines that limit the area on both sides of the equator, within which the Sun is at its zenith.
arctic circles - conditional lines that limit the area around the poles where there is a polar day and a polar night.
The tropics and polar circles divide the earth's surface into belts , which differ in the duration of solar illumination and the amount of heat received from the Sun. Depending on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays, the duration of daylight hours, there are five zones of illumination.

Belts of illumination and their characteristics




It is located between the tropic and the polar circle inside the hemisphere.

The sun is never at its zenith

During the year, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays varies greatly, therefore, the thermal seasons of the year (summer, autumn, winter, spring) are distinguished. Summer and winter temperatures are very different. For example, at a latitude of 50

It is located inside the polar circle of each hemisphere.

In winter, the Sun does not rise above the horizon at all - the phenomenon of the Polar Night. In summer, the Sun, on the contrary, does not set below the horizon - the phenomenon of the Polar Day. The angle of incidence of sunlight even in summer is very small, so the heating of the surface is very weak. Summer temperatures usually do not exceed +10°C. In the long polar night, a strong cooling occurs, because. no heat gain at all.

And as homework, the young fifth-graders again got something unusual - now they will try their hand not as artists or poets, but as ... prose writers. After all, they will compose a fantastic story about ...
However, this is already quite a different story which is necessarily will be told