Detailed contents of the auditor. A brief retelling of the "Inspector" by action

In a county town, from which “you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state,” the mayor, Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, gathers officials in order to report unpleasant news: he was notified by a letter from an acquaintance that “an auditor from St. , incognito. And with a secret order.” The mayor - two rats of unnatural size dreamed all night - had a premonition of something bad. The reasons for the visit of the auditor are being sought, and the judge, Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin (who has read “five or six books, and therefore is somewhat free-thinking”), suggests a war being started by Russia. The mayor, meanwhile, advises Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, the trustee of charitable institutions, to put clean caps on the sick, to dispose of the strength of the tobacco they smoke, and in general, if possible, to reduce their number; and meets the full sympathy of Strawberry, who reveres that “a simple man: if he dies, then he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.” To the judge, the mayor points out “domestic geese with small caterpillars” that snoop underfoot in the front for petitioners; to the assessor, from whom from childhood he “gives away a little vodka”; on a hunting rapnik that hangs over the very closet with papers. With a discussion about bribes (and in particular, greyhound puppies), the mayor turns to Luka Lukich Khlopov, the superintendent of schools, and laments strange habits, “inseparable from an academic title”: one teacher constantly makes faces, another explains with such fervor that he does not remember himself (“Of course, it is Alexander the Macedonian hero, but why break the chairs? This is a loss to the treasury”).

The postmaster Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin appears, "a simple-minded person to the point of naivety." The mayor, fearing a denunciation, asks him to look through the letters, but the postmaster, having long been reading them out of pure curiosity (“you will read another letter with pleasure”), has not yet come across anything about the St. Petersburg official. Out of breath, the landowners Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky enter and, interrupting each other every minute, talk about a visit to a hotel tavern and a young man, observant (“and looked into our plates”), with such an expression on his face - in a word, precisely the auditor: “and he doesn’t pay money, and he doesn’t go, who would be if not him?

The officials anxiously disperse, the mayor decides to “go on parade to the hotel” and gives hasty instructions to the quarterly regarding the street leading to the tavern and the construction of a church at a charitable institution (do not forget that it began to “be built, but burned down”, otherwise someone will blurt out what and was not built at all). The mayor with Dobchinsky leaves in great excitement, Bobchinsky runs after the droshky like a cockerel. Anna Andreevna, the mayor's wife, and Marya Antonovna, his daughter, appear. The first scolds her daughter for her sluggishness and asks the departing husband through the window if the newcomer has a mustache and what kind of mustache. Annoyed by the failure, she sends Avdotya for the droshky.

In a small hotel room, the servant Osip lies on a master's bed. He is hungry, complains about the owner who lost money, about his thoughtless extravagance and recalls the joys of life in St. Petersburg. Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov appears, a young stupid man. After a squabble, with increasing timidity, he sends Osip for dinner - if they don't give it, then for the owner. Explanations with the tavern servant are followed by a crappy dinner. Having emptied the plates, Khlestakov scolds, about this time the mayor inquires about him. In a dark room under the stairs, where Khlestakov lodges, they meet. Sincere words about the purpose of the trip, about the formidable father who called Ivan Alexandrovich from St. Petersburg, are mistaken for a skillful invention incognito, and the mayor understands his cries about his unwillingness to go to prison in the sense that the visitor will not cover up his misdeeds. The mayor, lost in fear, offers the visitor money and asks to move into his house, as well as to inspect - for the sake of curiosity - some institutions in the city, "somehow charitable and others." The visitor unexpectedly agrees, and, having written two notes on the tavern account, to Strawberry and his wife, the mayor sends Dobchinsky with them (Bobchinsky, who was diligently eavesdropping at the door, falls to the floor with her), and he goes with Khlestakov.

Anna Andreevna, waiting impatiently and anxiously for news, is still annoyed with her daughter. Dobchinsky comes running with a note and a story about the official that "he is not a general, but will not yield to the general", about his menacingness at the beginning and softening afterwards. Anna Andreevna reads a note where the enumeration of pickles and caviar is interspersed with a request to prepare a room for the guest and take wine from the merchant Abdulin. Both ladies, quarreling, decide which dress to wear to whom. The mayor and Khlestakov return, accompanied by Strawberry (whose labardan had just been eaten in the hospital), Khlopov and the indispensable Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky. The conversation concerns the successes of Artemy Filippovich: from the time he took office, all the sick "recover like flies." The mayor makes a speech about his disinterested zeal. The exasperated Khlestakov is interested in whether it is possible to play cards somewhere in the city, and the mayor, understanding the trick in the question, strongly speaks out against the cards (not embarrassed in the least by his recent victory over Khlopov). Completely unleashed by the appearance of the ladies, Khlestakov tells how in St. Petersburg they took him for the commander-in-chief, that he and Pushkin were on friendly terms, how he once managed the department, which was preceded by persuasion and sending thirty-five thousand one couriers to him; he paints his unparalleled severity, predicts his imminent work as a field marshal, which inspires panic fear in the mayor and his entourage, in which fear everyone disperses when Khlestakov retires to sleep. Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna, arguing over who the newcomer looked at more, together with the mayor, vying with each other, ask Osip about the owner. He answers so ambiguously and evasively that, assuming an important person in Khlestakov, they only affirm themselves in that. The mayor orders police officers to stand on the porch in order to keep out merchants, petitioners and anyone who could complain.

Officials in the mayor’s house confer on what to do, decide to give the visitor a bribe and persuade Lyapkin-Tyapkin, famous for his eloquence (“every word, Cicero flew off the tongue”), to be the first. Khlestakov wakes up and scares them off. Completely cowardly, Lyapkin-Tyapkin entered with the intention of giving money, cannot even answer coherently how long he has been serving and what he has done; he drops the money and considers himself almost arrested already. Khlestakov, who raised the money, asks for a loan, for "he spent on the road." Talking with the postmaster about the pleasures of life in a county town, offering the superintendent of schools a cigar and the question of who, to his taste, is preferable - brunettes or blondes, embarrassing Strawberry with the remark that yesterday he was shorter, he takes from everyone in turn " loan" under the same pretext. Strawberries diversify the situation by denouncing everyone and offering to state their thoughts in writing. From Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, Khlestakov immediately asks for a thousand rubles, or at least a hundred (however, he is content with sixty-five). Dobchinsky is fussing about his first child, born before marriage, wanting to make him a legitimate son - and he is hopeful. Bobchinsky asks, on occasion, to tell all the nobles in St. Petersburg: senators, admirals (“yes, if the sovereign has to, tell the sovereign too”) that “Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives in such and such a city.”

Having sent the landlords away, Khlestakov sat down to write a letter to his friend Tryapichkin in St. Petersburg in order to describe a funny incident, how they took him for a "statesman." While the owner is writing, Osip persuades him to leave as soon as possible and succeeds in his arguments. Having sent Osip away with a letter and for horses, Khlestakov receives the merchants, who are loudly prevented by the quarterly Derzhimorda. They complain about the “insults” of the mayor, lend the requested five hundred rubles (Osip takes the sugar loaf, and much more: “the rope will come in handy on the road”). The hopeful merchants are replaced by a locksmith and a non-commissioned officer's wife with complaints about the same mayor. Osip sticks out the rest of the petitioners. The meeting with Marya Antonovna, who, really, did not go anywhere, but only thought if her mother was here, ends with a declaration of love, a kiss from the lying Khlestakov and his repentance on his knees. Anna Andreevna, who suddenly appeared in anger, exposes her daughter, and Khlestakov, finding her still very “appetizing”, falls to her knees and asks for her hand. He is not embarrassed by Anna Andreevna's bewildered confession that she is "married in some way", he suggests "retiring under the canopy of the jets", for "for love there is no difference." Marya Antonovna, unexpectedly running in, receives a scolding from her mother and a marriage proposal from Khlestakov, who is still on his knees. The mayor enters, frightened by the complaints of the merchants who broke through to Khlestakov, and begs not to believe the scammers. He does not understand his wife's words about matchmaking until Khlestakov threatens to shoot himself. Not really understanding what is happening, the mayor blesses the young. Osip reports that the horses are ready, and Khlestakov announces to the completely lost family of the mayor that he is going to his rich uncle for only one day, borrows money again, sits in a carriage, accompanied by the mayor and his household. Osip carefully takes the Persian carpet on the mat.

After seeing off Khlestakov, Anna Andreevna and the mayor indulge in dreams of Petersburg life. The called merchants appear, and the triumphant mayor, having overtaken them with great fear, joyfully releases everyone with God. One after another, "retired officials, honorary persons in the city" come, surrounded by their families, in order to congratulate the family of the mayor. In the midst of congratulations, when the mayor with Anna Andreevna, among the guests languishing with envy, consider themselves a general's couple, the postmaster runs in with the message that "the official whom we took for the auditor was not the auditor." Khlestakov's printed letter to Tryapichkin is read aloud and in turn, since every new reader, having reached the characteristics of his own person, goes blind, slips and is removed. The crushed mayor delivers a diatribe not so much to the helipad Khlestakov, as to the “clicker, paper marak”, which he will certainly insert into a comedy. General anger is directed at Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, who started a false rumor when the sudden appearance of a gendarme announcing that “an official who arrived by personal order from St. The silent scene lasts more than a minute, during which time no one changes his position. "The curtain falls."

Genre: comedy Year of writing: 1836

Main characters: small landowner Khlestakov, mayor, his wife and daughter, officials of the county town.

1835 Russia. Gogol writes his play The Inspector General. The essence of the plot of the "Inspector" is that in a certain settlement N a certain gentleman appears in transit. His local residents take him for an auditor, who is expected from the capital itself from day to day.

the main idea immortal "Inspector" that Nikolai Vasilievich grotesquely exposed the vices of society, such as: cunning, flattery, stupidity, toadying, bribery, etc. In other words, he parodied showed the current order in the life of people in general.

Read a summary of the play Gogol's Inspector for Actions and Phenomena.

Auditor 1 action

D1 Event 1

Everything happens at the mayor. The main character of the said scene informs the officials that "an auditor is coming to their town". He himself is in a state close to frustration, from such news. Bureaucrats rack their brains on what kind of issue a high-ranking guest is coming to them. In a medical institution, they are hastily trying to “put things in order”, and even so that patients do not abuse smoking, and it may turn out that there are as few of them as possible. It was recommended to the judge to drive the geese out of the front door, eat onions in order to get rid of the unpleasant smell and start attending church. At school, teachers do not teach science, but pantomime or, in simple terms, make faces.

D1 Event 2

In addition to the above characters, the head of the post office also appears. He assumes that the auditor is the news of an imminent war with the Turkish army. The mayor in a private atmosphere asks the head of the post office to read other people's letters in order to identify negative information. The head of the post office agrees to such a scam; according to the nature of his soul, he likes to poke "his nose into other people's affairs."

D1 Event 3

More heroes appeared on the stage - these are Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky. They vied with each other, confused in thoughts and words, declaring that the inspector is Mr. Khlestakov Ivan Alexandrovich, who is passing through their city, but has been living in it for fourteen days almost and does not pay for accommodation. The mayor was interested in this event, because it was during this period of time that a large number of "unpleasant events" occurred in the town. All officials disperse to their jobs.

D1 Event 4

satirical scene. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky want to "prove themselves." The street to the tavern is swept to the shine of the stones paved with it.

E1 Phenomenon 5.

The mayor continues to "put things in order" in the town. He sees the worthlessness of the bailiff, whose subordinates are completely drunk. He decides to "reconstruct" the bridge and put on it for the appearance of tall Buttons. We also urgently need to remove the seal from the shoemaker's house. He begins to puzzle over what to do with the huge piles of rubbish on the streets. The thought also dawns on him that the soldiers do not have a decent dress, and then it was decided to keep them locked up.

D1 Event 6

Next to the mayor, his wife and daughter appear - a girl of marriageable age. They are not interested in the problems of their father and spouse, but they are very curious to know what the auditor looks like. They order the maid to find out everything and report to them.

D2 Event 1

Events take place in the county hotel. Osip, a servant, lies on the bed of his master and complains that there is nothing to eat. He says that his owner squandered all the savings and, most importantly, that they are not being loaned anything under any pretext.

D2 Event 2

In addition to Osip, Khlestakov is also visible. He orders the servant to go to the buffet and demand dinner. Osip advises calling the owner-master to this place.

D2 Event 3

Khlestakov in a hotel room alone. He leads a monologue that he lost money, that he is brutally hungry ...

D2 Event 4

Osip returns to the room, but not alone, but with a sexual partner. The floor says that the owner does not intend to feed the guests until they cover their previous debts.

D2 Event 5

Khlestakov indulges in dreams about how he will return to St. Petersburg on a rich carriage, but dreams are collapsing into reality - hunger ...

E2 Event 6

The sex enters the hotel room and brings in plates of food. He says that the owner took pity and fed his unfortunate guests for the last time. Everything is eaten.

E2 Event 7

Osip returns to the room and gives Khlestakov the mayor's request that he immediately come to the office. Khlestakov assumes that they are thinking of arresting him and he is seized by horror from everything that is happening.

D2 Event 8

Gorodnichiy came to the room, and Dobchinsky stood outside the room door to keep abreast of everything that was happening. Khlestakov begins to complain about his bleak life, and the Governor is confused and agitated and therefore decides to move Khlestakov to a new place. Khlestakov assumes that he will be put in jail, so he breaks into a scream ... Then the Governor was scared to death and confessed to bribery, slander about someone else's wife, and in the end slips Khlestakov a certain amount of money. The following is a friendly conversation. The mayor absorbs every word of Khlestakov. At the end of the conversation, Khlestakov, as a guest, was invited to the chambers of the Governor.

E2 Event 9

A dispute with a sexual partner about paying for a hotel stay.

D2 Event 10

The mayor is taking Khlestakov on a tour of the town, to its institutions. It is worth noting that Khlestakov does not want to inspect the prison. While the tour is going on, Dobchinsky is instructed to secretly convey two certain messages to Strawberry and Gorodnichy's wife.

D3 Event 1

Events take place in the Gorodnichiy's mansion. The household members of the Governor are exhausted from the agonizing expectation. Finally, they see Dobchinsky.

D3 Event 2

The message was sent to the wife. Getting confused and rearranging the words in places, Dobchinsky tells the Gorodnichy's wife about the auditor. She orders to prepare chambers for a high-ranking guest.

D3 Event 3

The women of the Gorodnichiy almost got into a fight, arguing about who would wear what for the arrival of the inspector.

E3 Event 4

Osip brings his master's belongings to a new house and learns the news that Khlestakov is a self-made general. On this occasion, he begs for something to eat.

E3 Event 5

Khlestakov and Gordnichiy ate for free in a medical institution. Khlestakov begins to like this life. Strawberries crucify before him that the sick, like flies, are recovering. Khlestakov wants to spread the cards, but the Governor in every possible way refuses such a pastime.

E3 Event 6

In the house of the mayor, there is a ceremony of acquaintance of Khlestakov with his wife and daughter of the Governor. Khlestakov inflates his worth by all means, in other words, lies and lies. He is both a writer, and a commander-in-chief, and a department manager, and the owner of the best house in St. Petersburg. And what is served at his table is generally the very best, one watermelon costs only 700 rubles. He lies to such an extent that he falls asleep in mid-sentence.

E3 Event 7

In the living room at the Gorodnichiy, there is a dispute about Khlestakov's current position: is he a general or a generalissimo? Everyone was seized with an incomprehensible anxiety and fear.

D3 Event 8

The wife and daughter of the Governor discuss Khlestakov's masculine qualities to the point of hoarseness, they even quarrel a little about this.

E3 Event 9

The mayor is pounding in horror, and his wife revels in her charm.

E3 Event 10

Osip leaves the chambers of his master. The members of the Gorodnichiy's household are questioning him. Osip takes advantage of the situation and turns the situation in his favor.

D3 Phenomenon11

The mayor orders Derzhimorda and Svistunov, patrolmen, to keep watch on the porch of their own house in order to protect Khlestakov's peace.

D4 Phenomenon1

The action is still the same as in the previous scenes. All the officials of the given city come in full dress. Lyapkin-Tyapkin builds everyone as if at a parade, and a decision is made to introduce himself to each person personally and to give Vyatka personally. From this decision, everyone is a little confused. The head of the post office offers to say that this money is a postal order to the auditor. While they bicker, Khlestakov comes out of his chambers.

D4 Event 2

Khlestakov is great. He even likes the daughter of the Governor, and he does not mind flirting with her mother.

E4 Event 3

The judge introduces himself to Khlestakov. By chance, he dropped the amount of money, and Khlestakov asks for a loan from him. The problem is solved, and the judge goes into the living room.

E4 Event 4

Shpekin enters the auditor and gives him a bribe.

E4 Event 5

A judge was shoved into Khlestakov, they had a meaningless conversation for some time, and at the end Khlestakov again borrowed money in the amount of 300 rubles.

E4 Event 6

Strawberries "knock" on their colleagues. This information is not important for Khlestakov, but he still borrows money.

E4 Event 7

Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky tumble into Khlestakov. He sees their stupidity and demands 1000 rubles from them. But, unfortunately, they have only 65 for two. These twins also manage to express their requests to Khlestakov and leave the chambers of the auditor on that.

E4 Event 8

It dawns on Khlestakov that he has been mistaken for an important statesman. He decides to inform his old friend Tryapichkin about this event. The most important thing that impresses Khlestakov is that, in his opinion, he is rich.

E4 Event 9

Osip realizes the precariousness of his master's position and advises him to leave the town. While they are bickering, visitors come to Khlestakov again - merchants.

E4 Event 10

Merchants talk about their hard life. They offer goods to the auditor, but they are not interesting to him, but the money of merchants is very out of place. He promises to take care of the situation.

E4 Event 11

The widow of a non-commissioned officer came. It requires payment of moral damages. The locksmith complains that her husband was taken into the army against the rules. Khlestakov agrees to do everything in his power.

E4 Event 12

Khlestakov renders signs of attention to the daughter of the Governor. She fears that he, as they say, will give up and leave, but Khlestakov speaks of the seriousness of his intentions and even kisses her on the shoulder. Falls down before her.

E4 Event 13

The Gorodnichiy's wife sees the scene of a love date. To prevent a scandal, Khlestakov hit on her and even asks for her hand, despite the fact that she is a married lady.

E4 Event 14

The daughter of the Governor appears, then Khlestakov takes the position of a young man who is carried away by her. The wife of the Governor is at a loss, even trying to guard her daughter.

D4. Event 15

The mayor appears. He wants Khlestakov not to punish him for his mistakes, because there are no honest people in this town, but only liars, slanderers and bribe-takers. He is told that Khlestakov is wooing their daughter. The mayor plays into the hands of such an outcome. The young are blessed.

E4 Event 16

Khlestakov wants to visit his uncle. Goes to him.

E5 Event 1

Events in the Gorodnichiy's house. He and his wife dream of living in St. Petersburg.

E5 Phenomenon 2.

Merchants come to obey the Governor.

E5 Apparitions 3-6

The mayor is congratulated on his daughter's wedding. The whole color of the society gathers.

E5 Event 7

The mayor and his wife describe the events connected with the matchmaking of their daughter.

E5 Event 8

The postmaster comes running with a letter. This is Khlestakov's letter to his friend. It turns out that Khlestakov is not an auditor. Society is in turmoil.

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  • Brief retelling

    "Inspector" Gogol N.V. (very briefly)

    As an epigraph to the play "The Inspector General", the genre of which the author defined as a comedy in 5 acts, Gogol used the proverb "There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked." That is, the author emphasized the typicality of the characters depicted, the authenticity. There is no dramatic conflict as such in the play; the writer occupies the genre of morality. The Inspector General is considered to be a social and political comedy.

    Comedy characters:

    Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, mayor.
    Anna Andreevna, his wife.
    Marya Antonovna, his daughter.
    Luka Lukich Khlopov, superintendent of schools.
    His wife.
    Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge.
    Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of charitable institutions.
    Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster.
    Pyotr Ivanovich Dobchinsky, Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky, city landowners.
    Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, an official from St. Petersburg.
    Osip, his servant.
    Christian Ivanovich Gibner, district physician.
    Fedor Andreevich Lyulyukov, Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovskiy, Stepan Ivanovich Korobkin, retired officials, honorary persons in the city.
    Stepan Ilyich Ukhovertov, private bailiff.
    Svistunov, Buttons, Derzhimorda, policemen.
    Abdulin, merchant.
    Fevronya Petrovna Poshlepkina, locksmith, non-commissioned officer's wife.
    Mishka, servant of the mayor.
    Servant of the tavern.
    Guests and guests, merchants, petty bourgeois, petitioners.

    The mayor informs the "most unpleasant news" to the officials gathered in his house - an auditor arrives incognito in the city. Officials are horrified - riots are everywhere in the city. It is suggested that there may soon be a war, and the auditor is sent to find out if there is treason in the city. The mayor objects to this: “Where does treason come from in the county town? Yes, if you jump from here for three years, you won’t reach any state. ” The mayor insists that each of the officials put things in order in his subordinate area. That is, in the hospital, you need to write illnesses in Latin, give the patients clean caps, in court - remove the geese from the waiting room, etc. He reprimands his subordinates that they are mired in bribery. So, for example, judge Lyap-kin-Tyapkin takes bribes with greyhound puppies.

    The postmaster is still afraid that the arrival of the auditor may mark the imminent start of the war with the Turks. To this, the mayor asks him for a favor - to print and read every letter that comes to the post office. The postmaster gladly agrees, especially since this occupation - printing and reading other people's letters - has long been familiar to him and dearly loved.

    Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky appear, who report that, apparently, the auditor has settled in a hotel. This man, Khlestakov Ivan Alexandrovich, has been living in a hotel for a week and does not pay money for accommodation. The mayor decides that he should visit this man.

    The mayor orders the quarterly to sweep all the streets clean, then gives the following orders: to place the quarterly around the City, to remove the old fence, in case of questions from the auditor, to answer that the church under construction burned down (in fact, it was stolen).

    The mayor's wife and daughter appear, burning with curiosity. Anna Andreevna sends a maid for her husband's droshky. She wants to find out everything about the auditor herself.

    Khlestakov's servant Osip lies hungry on the master's bed and talks about how he and the master traveled from St. Petersburg two months ago, how the master lost all the money in cards, how he lives beyond his means, how he leads a useless life, because he does not do anything .

    Khlestakov arrives and sends Osip to the innkeeper for dinner. The servant does not want to go, reminds the master that the accommodation has not been paid for three weeks and that the owner threatened to complain about him.

    Khlestakov is very hungry and instructs the tavern servant to ask the owner for lunch on credit. Khlestakov dreams that he, in a luxurious St. Petersburg suit, rolls up to the gates of his parents' house, that he pays visits to his neighbors.

    The tavern servant brings a very modest dinner, with which Khlestakov is very unhappy. Nevertheless, he eats everything brought.

    Osip informs Khlestakov that a mayor has arrived who wants to see him. The mayor and Dobchinsky appear. Bobchinsky eavesdrops at the door throughout the entire phenomenon. Khlestakov and the mayor justify themselves to each other. The first promises that he will pay for the stay, the second that the proper order will be restored in the city. Khlestakov asks for a loan of money from the mayor, and he gives it to him, while giving twice as much as the requested amount. The mayor swears that he just came to check on the passers-by, since this is a common activity for him.

    The mayor advises Khlestakov to postpone indefinitely the settlements with the tavern servant, which he does. The mayor invites Khlestakov to inspect the city's institutions in order to assess the order maintained in them. He himself sends his wife a note with Dobchinsky, in which he writes that she should prepare the room. Sends a note to Strawberry.

    In the mayor's house, Anna Andreevna and her daughter Marya Antonovna are sitting at the window, waiting for some news. Dobchinsky, who appeared, retells to the ladies what he saw in the hotel, passes the note to Anna Andreevna. She gives orders to servants. The mayor's wife and daughter are discussing the clothes they are going to put on for the arrival of an important guest.

    Osip brings Khlestakov's things and graciously "agrees" to taste simple dishes - porridge, cabbage soup, pies.

    The mayor, Khlestakov and officials appear. Khlestakov had breakfast in the hospital, he liked everything very much, despite the fact that the patients all unexpectedly recovered, although they usually "recover like flies."

    Khlestakov is interested in card establishments. The mayor swears that he has never played in his life, there are no such institutions in their city, that he uses all his time to serve the state.

    The mayor introduces Khlestakov to his wife and daughter. The guest shows off in front of the ladies, especially in front of Anna Andreevna, assures her that he cannot stand ceremonies and that he is on friendly terms with all St. Petersburg officials. He easily communicates with Pushkin, and once even composed "Yuri Miloslavsky". Khlestakov boasts of his best house in Petersburg, where he gives dinners and balls. For lunch, they deliver him "a watermelon worth seven hundred rubles" and soup "in a saucepan from Paris." Khlestakov goes so far as to say that the minister himself comes to his house and once he managed an entire department at the request of 35,000 couriers. That is, Khlestakov lies completely. The mayor invites him to rest.

    The officials gathered at the mayor’s house discuss Khlestakov and come to the conclusion that if at least half of what he said is true, then their situation is very deplorable.

    Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna are discussing Khlestakov, and each of them is sure that the guest paid attention to her.

    The mayor is frightened in earnest. His wife, on the contrary, is confident that her irresistibility will have the proper effect on Khlestakov.

    Those present ask Osip about what his master is like. The mayor gives Khlestakov's servant not only "for tea", but also "for donuts". Osip says that his master loves order.

    The mayor, so that petitioners would not go to Khlestakov, puts two quartermen on the porch - Svistunov and Derzhimorda.

    Strawberry, Lyap-kin-Tyapkin, Luka Lukich, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the postmaster, enter on tiptoe into the room in the mayor's house. Lyap-kin-Tyapkin builds everyone in a military way, decides that Khlestakov should introduce himself one by one and give bribes. They argue among themselves who should go first.

    Lyapkin-Tyapkin comes to Khlestakov first, money is squeezed in his fist, which he accidentally drops on the floor. He thinks that he has disappeared, but Khlestakov takes this money “on loan”. Lyapkin-Tyapkin is happy, he leaves.

    The postmaster Shpekin comes next, who only does what he agrees with Khlestakov, who talks about a pleasant city. The guest also takes a "loan" from the postmaster, who leaves with a sense of accomplishment.

    Luka Lukich, who has come to introduce himself, is trembling like an aspen leaf, his tongue is tangled, he is very frightened. Still, he manages to hand over the money to Khlestakov, and leaves.

    Strawberries, when presented to the "auditor", recalls yesterday's breakfast, for which Khlestakov thanks him. Strawberry is sure that the "auditor" favors him, denounces other officials, and gives a bribe. Khlestakov promises that he will figure everything out.

    When Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky Khlestakov come to introduce themselves, he directly demands money from them. Dobchinsky asks Khlestakov to drive his son legal, and Bobchinsky asks the "auditor" to inform the sovereign at an opportunity, "that Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives in such and such a city."

    Khlestakov finally realizes that he was mistakenly mistaken for an important official. This seems to him very funny, which he writes about in a letter to his friend Tryapichkin.

    Osip advises his master to get out of the city as soon as possible. Noise is heard in the street - petitioners have come. Merchants complain about the mayor, who demands gifts for his name day twice a year, who selects the best goods. They bring food to Khlestakov, which he refuses. They give money, Khlestakov takes it.

    A non-commissioned officer's widow appears, who demands justice,

    - She was flogged for no reason. Then comes the locksmith, complaining that her husband was taken to the soldiers out of turn. Khlestakov promises to look into it.

    Taking advantage of the moment, he confesses his love to Marya Antonovna. At first she is afraid that the guest is mocking her; provincial, but Khlestakov kneels, kisses his shoulder, swears his love.

    Anna Andreevna appears, who drives her daughter away. Khlestakov kneels in front of her, says that he really loves her, but since she is married, he is forced to propose to her daughter.

    The mayor enters, begs Khlestakov not to listen to what the merchants say about him, and the non-commissioned officer's widow flogged herself. Khlestakov asks for the hand of his daughter. Parents call Marya Antonovna and bless the young.

    Khlestakov takes more money from his future father-in-law and leaves the city under the pretext of having to discuss the wedding with his father. Promises to return soon.

    The mayor and his wife make plans for the future. They dream about how, after the wedding, their daughters will move to St. Petersburg. The mayor tells the merchants about the forthcoming wedding of his daughter with the "auditor" and threatens them with reprisals because they decided to complain. Merchants ask them to forgive. The mayor accepts the congratulations of the officials.

    Dinner party at the mayor's house. He and his wife are arrogant, telling the guests that they are soon going to move to St. Petersburg, where the mayor will certainly receive the title of general. Officials ask not to forget about them, to which the mayor condescendingly agrees.

    The postmaster appears with an open letter from Khlestakov to Tryapichka-well. It turns out that Khlestakov is not an auditor at all. In a letter, he gives caustic characteristics to city officials: "The mayor is stupid, like a gray gelding ... The postmaster ... drinks bitter ... Strawberries are a perfect pig in a yarmulke." The mayor is overwhelmed by the news. He understands that it is impossible to return Khlestakov, since the mayor himself ordered to give him the top three horses. “What are you laughing at? “You’re laughing at yourself!.. Oh, you!.. I still can’t come to my senses. Here, truly, if God wants to punish, then he will first take away the mind. Well, what was in this heliport that looked like an auditor? There was nothing! It's just that there was nothing like half a little finger

    - and suddenly everything: the auditor! auditor! They are looking for the culprit who spread the rumor that Khlestakov is the auditor. They decide that it is Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

    A gendarme appears and announces the arrival of a real auditor. Silent Scene: Everyone freezes in shock.

    N. V. Gogol reflected almost all aspects of contemporary Russian reality. Masterfully, the author reveals, using the example of the image of the mayor, the contradiction between external importance and internal insignificance. The main goal of the writer is to depict the imperfections of society - abuses, arbitrariness of officials, the idle life of urban landowners, the hard life of the townspeople, and so on. The author does not limit himself to a satirical depiction of one county town, he considers the problems as all-Russian.

    The name of this writer has gone down in history forever. And not in vain. He, Nikolaev Vasilievich created many works.

    All of them are saturated with his sparkling humor and filled with a variety of characters. His works are studied in schools and universities. Based on their motives, films are made both here and abroad. It is difficult to say offhand how many works this great writer created. And all his works went down in history as masterpieces of world literature. We will now consider one of the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. It's called "Inspector". The first time I saw him was in a movie, I mean in a TV show. I remember. that Andrey Mironov was in the title role and the play struck me, but then, when I read the book itself, I realized that it simply could not be otherwise. The director of the film simply had no right to shoot badly. But back to the great writer.

    2) Summary of the play "The Inspector General".

    First, I would like to explain why a summary is required. I remember my studies at school, especially in the spring, there was no time for lessons at all, because you run around all day on the street. But the study still went on. And the lesson has not been learned. In high school, I remember that textbooks wrote a summary of this or that work, and right in the lesson you quickly read it and look, you will reach the "C grade". There were of course incidents, but mostly got away with it. Okay, let's get down to business.

    Action one.

    A small provincial town in which there is a Mayor and other officials. - "- The mayor informs his officials that an auditor is going to the city to them. He goes secretly. Based on this, the mayor sets tasks: for the postmaster, to open letters and read them in order to to have information. The rest is to put all your affairs in order. Two officials with the surnames Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky report that a certain Khlestakov has settled in the hotel, who may well be this auditor. This Khlestakov arrived in the city about eight days ago, he does not pay for a room and food , buys everything on credit. The mayor goes to the hotel to pretend that he is a kind of guardian of the travelers. At the same time, the wife and daughter of the mayor send the maid for reconnaissance, to the hotel, to find out who this Khlestakov is. Before leaving, the mayor sets the task to their quarterly, to sweep the main street, and put some kind of poles, even if made of straw, in place of the demolished old fence. andarma.

    Action two.

    Unfolds in a hotel room. There Osip, the servant of Khlestakov, and himself. Osip grumbles under the breath of the accusation against Khlestakov, who lost all his money in cards. Khlestakov argues aloud that he would sell clothes, but he is going to his father's estate and must arrive in proper form. At this time, the mayor appears with a question whether the residents have any complaints. (Such a trick with his sides). Khlestakov recalls how some infantry captain robbed him in Penza, which is why he is dissatisfied with the city and people. Khlestakov is outraged that in this city he is not given a loan. And he receives this loan from the Governor, and not the 200 requested rubles, but twice as much. And although the "auditor" now has money, he decides not to pay the hotel debt yet, he will pay, they say, later. The mayor sends a note to his wife. And one more note to the chairman of charitable institutions, Strawberry.

    Action three.

    The wife and daughter of the Governor receive a note from him in which he informs them that a high-ranking official will be visiting the city. Osip appears, who brought Khlestakov's suitcase. Khlestakov, having inspected the city and having a hearty lunch, having consumed a fair amount of alcohol, begins to paint to the ladies and everyone else what an influential person he is. What is there, in St. Petersburg, he and Pushkin on a short leg, and in general, a grip. And the emperor knows him personally and consults with him. In general, the man broke up in earnest. With his story, he frightens the owners of the house even more, he doesn’t even scare him, but makes him panic. - The mayor says into his nose.,_But if at least half of this is true, then what?

    Action four.

    Lyapkin-Tyapkin enters the case. He lines up the officials in order to file complaints and petitions with the auditor. At the same time, the nobility is trying to bribe the auditor. But the auditor is very "honest" and takes money traditionally "on loan". At the same time, each of the nobles asks Khlestakov to put in a good word for them before the sovereign. Here only the main character realizes that he is clearly being confused with someone. And without putting it off, he writes about these events to his friend Tryapichkin, the St. Petersburg correspondent, so that he writes about everything in the newspaper. Servant Osip hints to Khlestakov that it would not hurt them to leave, otherwise a real auditor will arrive "then you won't be in trouble. They leave, but not immediately, before that, the so-called auditor flirts with might and main with the mother and daughter of the Governor, who accept his courtship, up to rivalry. And continues to receive visitors with a petition, including a delegation of merchants from complaining about the Mayor, who does not allow them to work normally .. Then, nevertheless, he leaves the city.

    Action five.

    The mayor's wife and daughter dream that they will move to live in St. Petersburg when the mayor is given a promotion, because now they have such connections. The mayor wants to deal with the merchants, who complained about him to the auditor. Mentally, he is set to move to the city and accepts congratulations from his subordinates on this occasion. The complete triumph of the mayor, but then the postmaster appears, with a letter from Khlestakov to Tryapichkin. The letter is read aloud, and it contains such caustic descriptions of all those present that even burn with shame. It was only after reading the letter that it dawned on all those present that no Khlestakov was an auditor, neither outwardly nor in age, he was not up to the auditor. It begins to find out who was the first to start a rumor that Khlestakov was an auditor. These are the same notorious Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. And at this moment, a gendarme enters the room and announces the arrival of a real auditor, who demands a mayor. Even according to the report, it is felt that a real auditor will not even take bribes on loan, as well as flirt with the wife and daughter of the Governor. A colorful silent scene follows.

    Our mother Russia is unchanging. That's how many years have passed since the writing of the play "The Government Inspector", and yet nothing has changed. Also, officials take bribes, and such auditors often appear in society. I can cite as an example a case that happened recently in my city. Also, like Gogol's auditor, one day a certain man appeared, sort of like from Moscow.

    But he did not roam around the mayors, he beat on less high-ranking people. I used the sauna for a week without paying a penny, borrowed money from taxi drivers, dined in expensive restaurants without paying once. And then he disappeared into the vastness of his native country. And the rest of the people could only guess what it was.

    The action takes place in a county town.

    The main character is a petty official from St. Petersburg, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov. He is twenty three years old. Khlestakov is stupid and boastful, distracted and frivolous, loves to walk, play cards, a dandy.

    His elderly servant Osip is much more serious and smarter than his master. Alone with himself, he constantly criticizes the master.

    The mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is a middle-aged man, quite smart and respectable, but an incorrigible bribe-taker. His wife Anna Andreevna is vain, coquettish and very curious.

    Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, "having read six or five books," is known in the county town as a freethinker. He constantly expresses the most ridiculous guesses with a significant mine on his face.

    The trustee of charitable establishments Strawberry is a dodger and a sly one. Postmaster Shpekin is naive and simple. Landowners Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky are the first gossipers in the city. They are very similar to each other, chatty and curious.

    Also participating in the play are: Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskiy's daughter Maria, school superintendent Khlopov, doctor Christian Gibner, who does not understand Russian, as well as Derzhimorda's policemen, Svistunov and Buttons, led by bailiff Ukhovertov, townspeople and servants.

    Act one

    Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky gathered a judge, a bailiff with policemen, a trustee of charitable institutions, Strawberry, and an overseer of schools Khlopov. The mayor reports "unpleasant news": one acquaintance from the capital wrote to him that an auditor had been sent to their city. Who it is and what it looks like is unknown. City officials in a panic begin to recall their sins.

    The judge takes bribes with greyhound puppies, there is rubbish and dirt on the streets, food is not given out in prison. Patients in the hospital are fed sauerkraut and receive little or no treatment. “A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover anyway, ”reasons the trustee of charitable institutions Strawberry. In the waiting room of the court, the watchman spread the geese, and the clerk smelled like a distillery. At the hospital they planned to build a temple. Anton Antonovich reported that it was almost built, but there was a fire. In fact, no one was going to build.

    The mayor asks the postmaster to secretly study the correspondence in order to find out if they are informing him? But Shpekin, it turns out, is constantly reading all the letters out of curiosity.

    Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky are in a hurry to tell that they have found an inspector. While having lunch in a tavern at the hotel, they noticed a traveler who had been living there for two weeks and was not paying any money.

    The panic intensifies. The mayor gives out orders: sweep the streets, teachers at the school do not make faces and do not break furniture, give clean caps to patients in the hospital, Derzhimorda not to dissolve his hands, and lock the soldiers in the barracks.

    In the company of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the mayor goes to get acquainted with the "auditor". As soon as they leave, Anton Antonovich's wife and his daughter Maria appear. Anna Andreevna scolds her daughter for her slowness and coquetry. While Masha was pinning her scarf, everyone dispersed and now it is not clear who arrived. In desperation, she tells the maid to find out everything as soon as possible.

    Action two

    Khlestakov's hungry servant Osip complains to himself about his master. He likes life in St. Petersburg, but the master squanders money too quickly, he has to go hungry. Khlestakov returns from a walk. He is also hungry and sends Osip to ask the innkeeper for dinner.

    The tavern servant explains that the owner does not order food to be served until Khlestakov pays off his debts. He threatens to complain to the mayor, and then Ivan Alexandrovich will be sent to prison. After much persuasion, the servant still brings dinner, however, tasteless. Khlestakov is indignant, but eats everything.

    Here Anton Antonovich and Dobchinsky enter the room, and Bobchinsky remains to eavesdrop outside the door. Khlestakov, frightened, decided that they had come to arrest him. But the mayor assures the young man that he came from good intentions. He checks how the passers-by live. Khlestakov, somewhat encouraged by this situation, scolds the owner of the inn for a bad dinner. The frightened mayor immediately repents of all sins and offers Khlestakov to change the apartment.

    The imaginary auditor thinks that "another apartment" is a prison. Out of fear, he threatens to complain to the minister. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is even more frightened and offers money. Khlestakov agrees to borrow 200 rubles from him. Anton Antonovich, breathing a sigh of relief, slips 400 rubles. He believes that such an important person should not live in a bad hotel. The “inspector” agrees to move in with the mayor.

    Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky invites the guest to inspect the school, prison and hospital. Khlestakov is surprised that he is offered such a program, but agrees. Anton Antonovich sends Dobchinsky with notes to his wife and Strawberry, and he himself takes away the "auditor".

    Act Three

    The mayor's wife and daughter are waiting for news. Dobchinsky brings a note. From it, the ladies learn that the "auditor" will live in their house. The fuss begins. Urgently preparing a room for a guest. Anna Andreevna quarrels with her daughter over clothes. Both leave to change.

    Osip appears with things. He is met by a servant in the house of the mayor Mishka. He wonders if the general is his master? “Higher,” replies Osip knowingly.

    Khlestakov enters with Anton Antonovich, accompanied by officials, landowners and policemen. The young man is in a great mood, slightly tipsy. He liked the lunch at the hospital, only wondered why there were so few patients. “Everyone is recovering like flies,” explains Strawberry.

    The mayor introduces his wife and daughter to an important guest. Showing off in front of the ladies, Khlestakov boasts of his life in St. Petersburg: he has a rich house, high ranks await an audience in the hallway. He gives luxurious balls, is friends with Pushkin and ministers, plays cards with ambassadors. He is also a well-known writer, who wrote The Marriage of Figaro, Norma and Yuri Miloslavsky. The young man claims that he goes to the palace every day. Anton Antonovich and the officials are terribly frightened. The exasperated "auditor" is taken to the room to rest.

    Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky run off to tell everyone the latest news. What a great man honored their city with his visit! Maria Antonovna and Anna Andreevna quarrel again over who Khlestakov looked at more often.

    In the house they talk quietly and walk on tiptoe so as not to disturb an important guest. Osip is attacked with questions. The cunning servant puts on airs and confirms that the master in St. Petersburg is a very influential person. He is strict, loves to be well received and treated. Writing all this, Osip thinks about his own benefit. He expects that he, too, will be deliciously fed. The mayor tells the policemen to constantly stand on the porch, so that all complainers and petitioners can be driven away.

    act four

    Officials again gather in the mayor's house. They are discussing how to bribe the "auditor". Nobody wants to go first. A cough is heard from Khlestakov's room. Pushing and stepping on each other's feet, everyone runs out. A sleepy Khlestakov comes out. He is extremely pleased with the reception and talks about how to hit on his daughter and mother at the same time?

    A very agitated Lyapkin-Tyapkin enters. He tries to give money, but from excitement he drops it. Khlestakov raises a bill and offers to borrow it. The happy judge hurries to leave.

    Behind him enters the postmaster. Emboldened Khlestakov will forgive him for a loan of 300 rubles. Delighted official gives money. Next, an agitated superintendent of schools squeezes through the door. The insolent "auditor" takes 300 rubles from him too.

    In addition to the desire to give a bribe, officials are trying to inform Khlestakov on each other. Strawberry was especially successful in this. He informs everyone. Shpekin, in his opinion, is a slacker, so postal items are constantly delayed. The judge visits Dobchinsky's wife, and the superintendent of schools confuses young minds with "ill-intentioned rules."

    Strawberry proposes to submit denunciations in writing. Khlestakov graciously agrees and asks him for a loan of 400 rubles. From Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the “auditor” asks for another 65 rubles.

    When everyone leaves, Khlestakov writes to a familiar newspaperman in St. Petersburg about his adventures. Osip asks the owner to leave the city as soon as possible before the master is exposed. Khlestakov agrees, but still wants to send a letter.

    Suddenly, merchants with an offering look in the window. They complain about the mayor, who robs them and pulls them by the beards. Khlestakov also asks for a loan of 500 rubles from them. Then came the non-commissioned officer's widow, who had been flogged by mistake. Khlestakov promises to sort everything out. Petitioners persistently climb into the doors and windows, but Osip kicks everyone out.

    When Khlestakov is left alone, Maria Antonovna enters the room. The young man showers the girl with compliments and even kneels in front of her. But then Anna Andreevna appears. She does not like that the guest preferred the daughter. The mayor's wife sends the girl away under a far-fetched pretext. Khlestakov immediately tries to seduce the lady. He kneels down again, begging for love, but then Maria again runs into the room. She is horrified by what she sees. Khlestakov is not lost, grabs the girl by the hand and turns to her mother with a request not to oppose their happiness.

    Enter Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, who is very disturbed by the complaints. The mayor accuses the merchants of lying and fraud, and also assures that the non-commissioned officer's widow flogged herself. He does not believe for a long time that such an important person proposed to his daughter, and then jumps with happiness.

    Osip appears with the news that the horses are ready. Khlestakov explains: he is leaving for one or two days to visit his rich uncle. Anton Antonovich gives him another 400 rubles for the journey, and the three servants are covered with the best carpet. After saying goodbye to everyone cordially, Khlestakov leaves.

    Act Five

    Happy Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky demands to call the merchants who dared to complain about him. In anticipation of them, the family dreams of a new luxurious life in the capital and the rank of general. The mayor scolds the complainers and announces the upcoming wedding of his daughter with the important official to whom they informed. The merchants beg to be forgiven.

    Guests come to the house of Anton Antonovich. Everyone, having heard about the unprecedented success of the mayor, is in a hurry with congratulations. Officials, landlords and merchants do their best to flatter the future father-in-law of "His Excellency" and are very jealous of the mayor.

    Suddenly, Shpekin appears with a printed letter sent by Khlestakov. It is read aloud. It follows from the letter that the imaginary auditor lost his cards on the road and was left without a penny. But then an amazing incident happened to him: he was mistaken for the governor-general, they lent him a lot of money, and he also hit on the mayor's wife and daughter.

    Khlestakov caustically describes the local society. He calls Anton Antonovich "a gray gelding", and Strawberry "a pig in a yarmulke". He writes that Shpekin is a bitter drunkard, while Khlopov stinks of onions. Society is outraged. Khlestakov deceived everyone, borrowed money from everyone.

    The mayor is terribly angry: how could he be fooled so easily? Most of all, Anton Antonovich is afraid that he will be "inserted into a comedy."

    Everyone is trying to remember who invented that this boy is an auditor. They agree that Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky are to blame. They are showered with abuse, but then suddenly a gendarme appears. He announces that the official, who arrived at the nominal order from St. Petersburg, demands everyone to his hotel.