Presentation on the topic of what speech is. Presentation on the Russian language on the topic "types and forms of speech"

Speech is the activity of communication - expression, influence, message - through language, speech is language in action. Speech, both one with language and different from it, is the unity of a certain activity - communication - and a certain content, which designates and, designating, reflects being. More precisely, speech is a form of existence of consciousness (thoughts, feelings, experiences) for another, serving as a means of communication with him, and a form of generalized reflection of reality, or a form of existence of thinking. Rubinshtein S.L. Speech is a form of communication mediated by language that has developed historically in the process of practical activity of people.

External speech is addressed to other people. Through it, a person transmits and perceives thoughts. Verbal communication using written texts. It can be either delayed (letter) or immediate (exchange of notes during a meeting). Written speech differs from oral speech not only in that it uses graphics, but also in grammatical (primarily syntactic) and stylistic respects. Speech directly addressed to someone. It is expressed in sounds and is perceived by other people through hearing. Oral speech is the most ancient in origin. Children also learn speech first orally, later written. Oral speech manifests itself in monologue and dialogic forms.

Dialogue is speech that is actively supported by the interlocutor and it is “collapsed”, since much is implied in it due to the knowledge and understanding of the situation by the partner. Monologue speech is the speech of one person. He speaks and others listen. This type of speech includes various speeches by one person before an audience: a lecture, a report, a message, a deputy’s speech, an actor’s monologue, etc. A monologue is speech that is continuous and unsupported by listeners.

Inner speech arises from external speech and is formed on its basis. Like external speech, it is reflexive in its method of origin. The difference is that the efferent part of the internal speech reflexes is inhibited. Inner speech reflexes are functionally modified ordinary speech reflexes (I.M. Sechenov). Inner speech: silent speech about oneself and for oneself, arising in the process of thinking. Inner speech comes from external speech, with its help the processing of images of perception, their awareness and classification in a certain system of concepts occurs. Inner speech encodes images of the real world with signs symbolizing them and acts as a means of thinking. It acts as a planning phase in practical and theoretical activities.

Egocentric speech is a special form of speech, intermediate between internal and external speech, performing mainly an intellectual rather than a communicative function. It becomes active in children aged 3 to 5 years, and disappears by 6-7 years. Egocentric speech, like internal speech, is characterized by an intellectual function, incomplete awareness, predicativeness and agglutination. Speech addressed to oneself, regulating and controlling practical activity. As L. S. Vygotsky showed, egocentric speech genetically goes back to external (communicative) speech and is a product of its partial interiorization. Thus, egocentric speech is like a transitional stage from external to internal speech.

Used literature 1. Sidorov P.I., Parnyakov A.V. Clinical psychology: textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media, p.: 2. Psychology. Dictionary / General ed. A.V.Petrovsky, M.G.Yaroshevsky. - M., 1990.

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What are types of speech? In psychology, there are two main types of speech: external and internal. The type characteristic is associated with the way mental activity is realized in speech: the formation and formulation of thoughts to oneself using a figurative code - inner speech; external realization of thought using the speech motor code - external speech.

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External and internal speech Approximately 2/3 of human speech activity is external speech, which ensures direct communication between people. However, a feature of human thinking is the ability to continue to think about topics raised during direct communication after its completion. This is internal speech. We are able to stage future utterances in our minds: mentally imagine how an argument with a friend will go; prepare an answer to a possible question; talk to yourself about possible solutions to the problem.

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External and internal speech Zhinkin N.I. About code transitions in internal speech “The mechanism of human thinking is realized in two opposing dynamic links - an object-pictorial code (inner speech) and a speech-motor code (expressive, external speech). In the first link the thought is given, in the second it is transmitted and again given for the first link.” “Comprehension is a translation from a natural language into an internal one. The reverse translation is a statement.”

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The role of inner speech in a person’s life Inner speech is presented in the following situations: when solving problems in the mind, when listening attentively to the interlocutor (we not only repeat the speech we are listening to ourselves, but analyze and even evaluate it), the same - when reading to ourselves; during mental planning of one’s activities, during purposeful memorization and recollection. Through internal speech, the process of cognition is carried out: internal conscious construction of generalizations, verbalization of emerging concepts, definitions are constructed, logical operations are performed. At the mental level, self-regulation, self-control, and self-esteem are carried out.

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Features of inner speech Inner speech is a bridge between types of speech activity: heard - thought - said; read – comprehended – interpreted. It is formed on the basis of external speech. Inner speech is extremely situational and in this way is close to dialogical. Inner speech is predicative, incoherent, and reflects “clumps of meaning.” In literary texts, inner speech is presented in descriptions of the characters’ thoughts (F.M.D.)

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Forms of external speech External speech is presented in two main forms, characterizing it by the method of transmitting thoughts: oral and written.

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Oral speech Genuine oral speech is created at the moment of speaking. According to V.G. Kostomarov’s definition, oral speech is spoken speech, which presupposes the presence of verbal improvisation. In our time, oral speech, according to V.G. Kostomarov, “has not only surpassed written speech in terms of the possibilities of actual dissemination, but has also acquired an important advantage over it - immediacy, immediacy of information transmission. Oral speech is designed for the semantic perception of the spoken speech created at the moment of speaking. Thus, one process - speech production - is closely related to another process - listening, perception, understanding of the generated speech.

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The creation of an oral statement by N.I. Zhinkin. Psychological foundations of speech development Firstly, during the oral (so to speak, on the go) composing of a sentence, it is necessary to retain the words already spoken and, secondly, to anticipate the words that are about to be spoken. Retention and anticipation of words ensure their consistency in the high-level syntactic scheme. The selection of words from long-term memory and the construction of sentences in working memory are subject to the intent of the utterance. It is necessary that the speaker has a plan and a taste for the story itself. The idea is also formed in the mechanism of retention and anticipation, but relating not to one sentence, but to the entire story as a whole. This is planning the composition of the story.

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Features of the oral form of speech The features of unprepared oral speech include: slips of the tongue, omissions of words, which indicates an adjustment of the statement in the process of its creation; various kinds of interruptions, disruptions of a started structure, replacing it with another; the presence of pauses that perform various functions. The shortcomings of oral speech are compensated by extra-linguistic means: facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

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Written speech Writing is the act of recoding the content of a thought from a mental code through the sound stage (this stage can appear either in the oral pronunciation of a statement before recording it, or in the form of internal pronunciation in a speech code) to a graphic, letter code. The concept of “writing” includes: - preparation and formation of a statement at the internal level with anticipation of its synthesis (as in oral speech); - code transitions; - recording technique - drawing the necessary graphic characters according to the rules of calligraphy, compliance with the requirements of graphic rules and spelling norms. From the point of view of speech theory, the first and second stages are the most important, but in life the writer thinks less about them than about the third - writing technique.

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Features of a written statement The impetus for creating a written statement can be a heard or read statement of another author. Written speech is one of the ways of indirect communication, communication at a distance, when those communicating not only do not see or hear each other, but may even be complete strangers. However, the writer still focuses on the intended addressee: his age characteristics, social status, life experience. A distinctive property of written speech is preparedness, the possibility of repeated and comprehensive thinking and editing.

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“Ontogenesis of speech activity” Language, speech, types of speech and its functions. Smirkina Elena Alexandrovna

Language is a system of signs used for human communication and thinking. For each type of speech (oral, written, etc.) there is its own system of signs, that is, its own language. [Ontogenesis of children's speech. introductory lecture]

Speech is language in action, a unique form of human cognition of objects and phenomena of reality and a means of communication between people [Human speech] a historically established form of human communication mediated by language

Speech is a mental process. The physiological basis of speech is the activity of the second signaling system (word). Speech, like any other mental process, is impossible without the active participation of the first signaling system (analyzers). The driving force for speech development is the need for COMMUNICATION, which usually arises in activity.

Types of speech: External speech: - oral (dialogue and monologue); - written. Egocentric Internal Gestural Factile (fingers)

Oral speech Oral speech differs not only in that it is expressed in sounds, but mainly in that it serves the purpose of direct communication with other people. This is always a speech addressed to the interlocutor. The semantic content of oral speech is partially revealed with the help of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

Types of oral speech: Monologue speech - when the speaker expresses his thoughts for a relatively long time without being interrupted by other people (lectures, reports, oral reports, reading aloud poems, prose, etc.) Dialogue speech - a conversation in which at least two interlocutors participate (a conversation always involves the need to answer questions or remarks from the interlocutors).

Written speech This is speech, which in its structure is the most detailed and syntactically correct. It is addressed not to listeners, but to readers who do not directly perceive the author’s living speech and therefore do not have the opportunity to grasp its meaning by intonation. Written speech becomes understandable only if the grammatical rules of the given language are strictly observed.

Inner speech This is speech to ourselves; we do not use it to address other people. Not a means of communication. It has a very significant meaning in a person’s life, being connected with his thinking. She organically participates in all thought processes.

egocentric speech This is speech addressed to oneself, which is the transition of external spoken speech into internal. This peculiar type of speech is observed in preschool children. This transition occurs in the context of problematic activity, when there is a need to comprehend the action being performed and direct it towards achieving a practical goal. Elements of this speech can also be found in an adult (thinks out loud)

Sign speech is a unique, rather complex communication system that uses sign language.

Factile speech (with fingers) is a unique form of speech that reproduces words with the fingers. Dactylos – translated from Greek as “finger”. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a special finger position.

Functions of speech Communication is the main function of speech; it manifests itself in the fact that speech serves as a means of transmitting information from person to person.

Functions of speech Nominative (nominative, significative) – giving a name to an object. With the help of language, a person names all objects and phenomena of reality.

Functions of speech Indicative (indicating an object) use of speech to convey to other people a certain message with the purpose of explicitly or implicitly indicating a certain object.

Functions of speech Intellectual – carrier of generalization, service of thinking (V.I. Yashina). It makes it possible to carry out the most important function - to be an instrument of thinking, to subjugate all types and forms of thinking, to move from subconscious non-verbalized processes to conscious, logically proportionate and correlated ones.

Functions of speech Function of socialization - familiarization with cultural and historical values ​​(I.A. Zimnyaya) Having mastered his native language, a person begins to communicate with the social environment, gains access to cultural heritage and is formed as a typical member of a given society.

Functions of speech Regulatory - a function of external control of behavior. V. Shefner wrote: With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, With a word you can lead regiments.

Functions of speech Reflexive – self-control. (I.A. Zimnyaya) A person’s reflection aimed at analyzing himself (self-analysis) - his own states, his actions and past events

Functions of speech Expressive – a reflection of a person’s emotional states and his attitude to various phenomena of reality. (A.A. Krylov). Expressed primarily through voice and tempo of speech.

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The presentation on the topic “Speech” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Russian language. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 23 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Summarizing the material studied in the “Speech” section. Speech styles.

Russian language lesson in 8th grade according to M.M. Razumovskaya’s program No. 2

The presentation was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the Municipal Educational Institution Kozelskaya Secondary School No. 3 of the Municipal District "Kozelsky District" Municipal District of the Kaluga Region Tatyana Valerievna Minakova 2011

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Lesson objectives:

Educational: repeat, systematize and generalize what students know on a given topic, train the practical ability to determine the type and style of speech, formulate the topic and idea of ​​the text; to develop the ability to read and understand the text, to determine the author's intention, to explain those artistic techniques and means by which the author achieves the realization of his idea. Developmental: develop the ability to construct a statement taking into account the existing norms of the Russian language, promote the development of students’ speech, develop students’ logical thinking and speech, broaden their horizons. Educational: nurturing interest in the Russian language, developing a civic position, moral education of students through comprehension of texts proposed in class for analysis.

Lesson objectives:

check not only the volume and quality of material assimilation, but also the depth of awareness, the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice; repeat and deepen students’ knowledge on the topic by organizing individual work and face-to-face conversation; using practical assignments to correct gaps in students’ knowledge of learning, using assignments to identify typical errors; using COR, increase motivation for studying this topic and the subject as a whole.

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Every person should write well as well as speak well. Speech, written or oral, characterizes him to a greater extent than even his appearance or ability to behave. Language reflects a person’s intelligence, his ability to think accurately and correctly, his respect for others, his “neatness” in the broad sense of the word. D.S. Likhachev

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Style: Conversational Scientific Official business Journalistic Artistic What style is this? (practical robot)

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Conversational style of speech

Form and type of speech - oral (written - private correspondence is possible) Sphere of communication - informal direct spontaneous communication in everyday life, at home, in a store, in transport Function - communication - exchange of information, thoughts, impressions Genres - everyday conversation, memories, etc. Features style - ease, informality, unpreparedness of communication; widespread use of non-linguistic means of communication (gestures, facial expressions); the special role of intonation means; situational attachment; emotionality and evaluativeness Language means - everyday vocabulary and phraseology; emotionally expressive vocabulary; widespread use of particles, interjections, introductory words; short and incomplete sentences, word-sentences; repetitions; weakening and disruption of connections between parts of sentences; non-union connection and connecting structures; inversion

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Scientific style of speech

Form and type of speech – written (oral is also possible); monologue Sphere of communication - scientific activity Function - communication, explanation of scientific information, promotion of scientific information and achievements Genres - dissertation, monograph, scientific article, abstract, report, textbook and educational literature, popular science literature Features of style - strict logic of presentation; semantic accuracy, abstraction and high degree of generalization; objectivity Linguistic means - the use of words in their literal meaning; terminology, abstract vocabulary; use of participles and gerunds; introductory words; complex syntactic structures; clear paragraph construction

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Official - business

Form and type of speech – written; monologue Sphere of communication - communication between government bodies and citizens, communication between institutions, communication between citizens and institutions Function - message Genres - legislative documents (law, code, constitution, charter), diplomatic acts, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, business papers ( order, order, resolution, certificate, description, statement, memorandum, receipt, announcement, etc.) Features of style - accuracy; standardization, stereotyping; stability and isolation; low degree of individualization of style; widespread use of cliches and cliches; almost complete absence of expressive speech means Language means - special official and clerical vocabulary and phraseology; the use of words and nomenclature names in their literal meaning; widespread use of conditional abbreviations, complex conjunctions, derived prepositions, constructions with verbal nouns, common sentences with extensive syntactic connections

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Form and type of speech – written (oral is also possible); monologue dialogue polylogue Sphere of communication – mass propaganda activity Function – influence for the purpose of agitation and propaganda, i.e. formation of public opinion; message (informing citizens about events in the country and the world) Genres - essays, articles in the media (newspapers, magazines, on the Internet), discussions, political debates, etc. Features of style - consistency; imagery; emotionality; evaluativeness; genre diversity Linguistic means – socio-political vocabulary and phraseology; borrowed words are frequent (especially Anglicisms); emotionally expressive vocabulary; variety of stylistic use of linguistic means: polysemy; epithets, comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and exclamations, lexical repetitions, inversion, syntactic parallelism, parcellation

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Artistic style of speech

Form and type of speech – written; monologue, dialogue. polylogue Sphere of communication - verbal and artistic creativity Function - influence, unity of communicative and aesthetic functions Genres - novel, story, short story, drama, tragedy, fairy tale, etc. Features of style - widespread use of means of other styles and non-literary means (colloquial speech, dialects, jargons ); widespread use of expressive and figurative means of language; poetic syntax; individualization of style (writer's style) Language means - emotionally expressive and colloquial vocabulary, colloquial, slang; widespread use of tropes and stylistic figures: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, anaphors, antitheses, rhetorical questions, inversions, etc.

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What style is this?

Standard phrases (clichés) Stable phrases Absence of emotional vocabulary, tropes Abundance of nouns denoting action as an object (in connection with the trip, in order to avoid..., at the end of...) Use of derivative prepositions.

Official business

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In the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and in accordance with this Constitution. A person must be intelligent! What if his profession does not require intelligence? What if he couldn't get an education? And if his intelligence makes him a “black sheep” and interferes with his rapprochement with other people? “That man over there, what do you say about him?” The friend answered, shrugging his shoulders: “I don’t know this person, what good do I know about him?” No no no! Intelligence is needed under all circumstances. Intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long - not only physically, but also mentally. One old book says: “Honor your father and your mother, and you will live long on earth.” Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth. Intelligence is manifested not only in knowledge, but in the ability to understand others. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, to behave modestly at the table, in the ability to quietly (precisely imperceptibly) help another, to take care of nature, not to litter around oneself - do not litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas (this is also garbage, and what else!). “That man over there, what do you say about him?” - I asked another friend. “I don’t know this person, what can I say bad about him?” The exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of others. Intelligence is the ability to understand, to perceive, it is a tolerant attitude towards the world and towards people. You need to develop intelligence in yourself, train it – train your mental strength, just as you train your physical strength. A person's social duty is to be intelligent.

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Article 17 In the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and in accordance with this Constitution. 2. Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth. 3. The exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms should not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons. (Constitution of the Russian Federation)

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A person must be intelligent! What if his profession does not require intelligence? What if he couldn't get an education? And if his intelligence makes him a “black sheep” and interferes with his rapprochement with other people? No no no! Intelligence is needed under all circumstances. Intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long - not only physically, but also mentally. One old book says: “Honor your father and your mother, and you will live long on earth.” Intelligence is manifested not only in knowledge, but in the ability to understand others. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, to behave modestly at the table, in the ability to quietly (precisely imperceptibly) help another, to take care of nature, not to litter around oneself - do not litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas (this is also garbage, and what else!). Intelligence is the ability to understand, to perceive, it is a tolerant attitude towards the world and towards people. You need to develop intelligence in yourself, train it – train your mental strength, just as you train your physical strength. A person's social duty is to be intelligent. (D.S. Likhachev)

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Imagery Emotionality Lyricism Historicisms, archaisms Dialectisms Colloquial (including rude) vocabulary Paths Violation of grammatical norms


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Special vocabulary Terms Accuracy in conveying thoughts Lack of emotionality, expression Abundance of complex/complex sentences, participial and adverbial phrases, introductory words

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Water is a good solvent. This is due to the molecular structure of water and the resulting pronounced electrical properties of the molecules. A body that finds itself in water greatly feels these properties. On the surface of the body, molecular attraction is extremely weakened. So much so that this attraction can no longer resist the collision of molecules against each other during their thermal motion. Atoms or molecules begin to gradually break away from the surface of the body and move into water. And this is the process of dissolution. (According to V. Keller)

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Used materials:

1.A.G. Narushevich. Methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language: lesson planning, lesson organization, exercise system. – M.: Pedagogical University “First of September”, 2007. 2. Unified State Examination-2008: Russian language. Tutor / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvov. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. 3. N.A. Senina. Russian language. Unified State Examination - 2007. Entrance exams. - R/D: Legion, 2006. 4. I.B. Blue Stylistics of the Russian language. – M.: Rolf, 2001. 5. N.S. Valgina. Text theory. – M.: Logos, 2004. 6. A.Ya. Kuzma, O.V. Neupokoeva, K.V. Prokhorova. Russian language. Comprehensive preparation for the Unified State Exam. – M.: Iris-press, 2007. 7. V.I. Kapinos et al. speech development: theory and practice of teaching: grades 5-7: book. For the teacher. – M.: Education, 1991. 8. E.I. Nikitina. Russian speech: textbook. A guide to the development of coherent speech for grades 5-7. school average – M.: Education, 1992.

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

Artists usually pay special attention to this component – ​​this is their bread. Large managers, on the contrary, often underestimate this element and ignore it during preparation. For new speakers, presentation is often a stumbling block.

There are several components in this block:

1. Role position of the speaker, his image, status, fame.

2. Speech technique.

3. Nonverbal means of influencing the audience: distance from listeners, posture, gestures, facial expressions, appearance, eye contact.

4. The psychological state of the speaker, his confidence, level of readiness to speak.

5. Psychological readiness of the audience to perceive speech.

Let's look at these elements in more detail.

1. The speaker's role position, his image, status, fame. N It is necessary to coordinate your speech with some position, psychological role, widespread in the public consciousness, for example, with a concept that has supporters in the scientific community. In this case, positioning will be more effective.

There are several modalities that influence the success of public speaking: ideological, political, scientific, volitional, role.

The ideological position shows the closeness of the speaker to the audience in terms of basic life values, therefore it is necessary to emphasize this unity in speech and with all one’s appearance. The speaker should clearly emphasize who he is speaking “for” or “against.” In order to resonate with the audience, know who the listeners are in order to adjust the performance in advance.

The role position of the speaker is of great importance for the success of the speech. “Teacher”, “Preacher”, “Martyr”, “Hero”, “Anti-hero”, “Same as everyone else” , « Famous scientist", "Eccentric" - these standard role positions can be effective in a variety of situations. At the same time, the role position and image should not be created anew for each speech - they should maintain continuity and be based on the speaker’s previous activities and biography.

The strong-willed position of the speaker is very important. The speaker must solve the main problem during the speech - to ensure that the audience believes that it is he, the team he represents, who is able to overcome difficulties and solve problems.

2.Speech technique. An important component of a successful speech is its reproduction. Success depends not so much on the ability to improvise, but on carefully preparing the text of the speech and voicing it. All these skills are revealed in speech technique. Speech techniques usually include:

a) Verbal and phonetic means of influencing the audience: clarity of speech construction, clarity and unambiguity of words and terms, connection of speech with previous experience and pressing problems of listeners, timbre and volume of voice, rhythm of speech, pauses, richness of emotional elements, etc.

The pace of speech, the length and complexity of the sentences included in it, pauses, interjections, and logical stresses significantly affect the understanding of the speaker’s speech.

Psychological research suggests that most listeners, for example, do not grasp the meaning of a phrase if it contains more than fourteen words.

In addition, if the phrase lasts without pauses more than five and a half seconds, the thread of understanding is broken.

To achieve understanding it is necessary to actively take advantage of pauses, which break the speech into logical blocks, focus the audience’s attention on the most important points of the speech.

Speaking slowly, in short and simple sentences is a universal recommendation for a speaker who wants to be heard and understood.

The speech is constructed in accordance with several basic principles that must be adhered to:

· select three or four main issues to which you need to draw the attention of listeners, emphasize these issues, and constantly return to them;

· remember who the audience is and for whom the speech is intended, use arguments that seem convincing to the audience and not to the speaker;

· use vivid examples to illustrate premises and conclusions. We must talk about people, not concepts;

· be easily quotable, know in advance which parts of the speech should appear on the screen or in newspapers.

3.Nonverbal behavior of the speaker. A speech message consists not only of a verbal component (speech itself). The non-verbal component is no less important: facial expressions, pantomime (posture, gestures), eye contact, pace, intonation of speech, as well as the spatial location of the speaker.

We should not forget about harmful gestures: scratching, twitching, fiddling with buttons, etc.

The most informative in situations of direct communication or in front of a television camera is facial expressions, when speaking in front of a large audience, is mostly noticeable gesticulation person.